Punishment - 2
During the conversation between Draupadi and Duryodhan, Dushshaasan was looking at his brother confused. He was not sure as to how his brother changed this much in a single day.
You see there is a misconception about Kauravas being evil. The thing is they are not evil, but a shadow of their eldest brother. They would follow him to hell and back, if he so wishes without any questions.
Yesterday was one of such days. Dushshaasan though hated Pandavas, as he thought they were here to just steal the rights of his brother. But he never felt this anonymity towards any of their wives, not even Draupadi.
Yesterday when Mama Shakuni asked him to drag Draupadi from her chamber to the court, he was hesitant and honestly speaking did not want to do it. But when Duryodhan nodded his head in approval, he closed his heart. He followed the order without any question. How could he object the order of a person who was the only source of love and affection in his life. Although they have loving parents, but did that love matter when the same parents had no time to express it.
He was thinking of what all happened yesterday when he heard his name being called.
He looked towards the source of the voice, and saw Draupadi staring at him.
Draupadi turned to Dushshaasan and saw him lost in his own thoughts.
Although she was angry with Dushshaasan but she also felt bad for him.
Yesterday when he came to her chamber, he first urged her to willingly come to the court. After she denied, she saw various emotions playing on his face, sadness, guilt and frustration were the ones she was easily able to recognize.
She also saw him hesitating initially, after which he locked away his emotions and followed the orders given to him.
She sighed deeply and thought, "what is wrong with all of these princes. Are they not able to judge what is right or wrong. First her four husbands (Arjuna, Bhima, Nakula and Sehdeva) did not object Yudhishthir staking them and then her in a game of dice, and then Dushshaasan following such outrageous orders without questioning his brothers."
She then turned towards the four younger Pandavas and saw them looking at her.
A feeling of anger coursed through her veins. She felt betrayed and hurt. Where Dushshaasan was just her brother in law, Pandavas were her husbands.
It was their duty to ensure her physical and emotional safety. But yesterday they broke her trust. And she shuttered what could have happened if her Bharata did not interfere.
She composed herself and spoke all their names. Dushshaasan and the four younger Pandavas faced her expectantly .
Stealing her resolve, she spoke, "For a week you all have to live the life of lower cast people. This will not only help you understand the discrimination they face, but also their struggles. During this period you can neither use your weapons, nor any other skills which you acquired because of being a prince.
You would have to live their life, and experience their pain. But there is a small twist here, you would also have to take the disguise of a woman.
The reason for this punishment is so that you not only understand the pain and sufferings of people pertaining to so called lower cast, but also how this society treats women.
and it should be already understood that your identities should not be revealed within this time period."
Hearing this Bhima shouted, "I will not accompany Dushshaasan anywhere, instead I will kill him for dragging you in the court yesterday. And also Why should we brothers live the life of lower born people and that too as a woman, we are the sons of Devas, and we are born to lead lives of luxury and peace. This would be so humiliating."
Draupadi was furious, she always thought that Bhima was just a simple person by heart, but she now realized that he was very arrogant and self-centered.
She angrily spoke, "Oh, so you want to kill Dushshaasan for dragging me to the court. Then tell me oh Bhima the son of vaayudev, did you protest when your elder brother placed me on a bet as a piece of property in yesterday's game of dice. Did you protest when I was shouting for help.
And as far as you four being the sons of devas, don't forget that each and every living being is the child of the almighty lord himself. So do not disrespect anyone.
The reason for this punishment is to ensure you learn from your experience, and abandon your arrogance, especially you Aryaputra Bhima."
Dushshaasan after listening about his punishment was a little happy.
Now you might ask why, how can some one be happy on being punished.
You see, for him the environment of this palace was toxic and suffocating. And this punishment would not only help him to get away from all this mess, but also introspect a bit about every thing that have been happening.
He was again brought out from his thoughts, when Bhima was rambling about being son of Devas and killing him.
But he was also surprised at what Draupadi said after that.
He went forward, folded his hands and spoke, " I don't know if I deserve to call you Bhabhi ma or not, but I do not know what otherwise should I call you. But Bhabhi ma I am really sorry for my actions yesterday. I followed the orders of my elder brother, but forgot that in relation you are also my elder. Also, you are the second person who ever spoke in my defense. And I have no words to describe my gratitude for that. Today I pledge here in front of everyone, I would give you all the respect that I give to my own mother, and would accept every scolding and punishment you give me as a boon from you. Saying all this bowed his head in respect while still folding his hands."
Draupadi was tongue tied, she never imagined that such a small action, whose motive was to make Bhima realize his fault, could generate such emotions in Dushshaasan. She started realizing, the amount of neglect that the Kauravas had to go through in their lives. She now understood why they hated Pandavas to such a degree, and why it was so easy for Shakuni to manipulate them.
She also got a little emotional on hearing his words, and thought how much the relations could have been better, if the elders treated both Pandavas and Kauravas equally.
In her mind she decided, that she won't let this continue and would try to unite these brothers.
She then looked at Dushshaasan, smiled and gently spoke, " you can address me as Bhabhi ma, I don't mind. And I also promise you that whenever you need to let out all your worries and pain, I would be there for you."
Dushshaasan smiled a teary smile, nodded his head and went back,
Slowly Pandavas also started realizing the things which they have ignored for majority of their lives, which has negatively impacted their relations with their cousins.
Thinking about another chance to improve their relations with not only Draupadi but also with Kauravas, Arjuna spoke, " I agree with Panchali. And we all would except her punishment whole heartedly."
Saying that he looked at Bhima, who was still not happy with whatever was going on.
Arjun noticing the look spoke, " Bharatashri this is the right thing to do. Do you want our children to also live the life of anonymity and hatred that we all had to endure?"
Listening to this Bhima sighed and nodded his head.
Author's note-
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