Emotions and the Second Curse
At a little distance from the Ashram of Bhagwan Parshuram, there stood a man near the banks of river ganga, offering his prayers to the sun lord. But unlike every day, the serene and content smile which his face usually adorns during his prayers was missing today. Instead, the emotions that had looked so strange on the man before, were now essentially mirroring his current conflict and hesitancy.
His gaze, which always used to look for anyone in need of alms after his prayers, was today fixed on the sun lord, as if he was pleading the lord to provide him with some sort of relief from the distress he was in, from the turmoil his heart was going through, and more importantly for showing him the path to get out from the situation that he was stuck in.
But knowing that even the sun lord cannot help him with the situation that he was in, he sighed. He, who never let anyone leave empty handed or with dejection after his Suryapooja, and who basked in the happiness of those he gave alms too, was today himself forced to return with the feeling of emptiness and dejection.
But having no other option, he turned around and looked at the path which he had to follow. A path which will take him to his guru, a path which will take him to his destiny, and a path which will take him to the battle which will not only be the hardest he had ever fought, but also the one which he wishes he would never have to fight.
Giving himself some assurance about this being an order from his guru, he willed himself to move forward, and not give into the feelings that were raging inside.
As he slightly increased his pace, sounds of chirping of birds drew his attention. He looked up, and saw a flock of birds flying high in the sky. Seeing them flying so freely and with no care in the world, he was drawn into the memories of his childhood.
With closed eyes, Karna was laying down on the banks of river Ganga, and resting after he had completed all the chores, which his radha ma had assigned him.
Enjoying the peace and calmness of the surrounding, Karna was about to fall into a deep state of slumber, when he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder.
Groggily opening his eyes, he looked at the one who intruded in his peace. Seeing his younger brother staring at him, he sighed. He knew why his brother was here, and so he simply turned at the other side, and said, "Shon, not now. It's so peaceful here, and so let me enjoy this peace. You may lay down as well and enjoy it, otherwise do whatever you want to, but without disturbing my peace."
Shon sighed.
He knew that his older brother was trying to avoid the topic, but he was not the younger brother of Vasuseina for nothing. He settled down on the ground beside him, and after a moment of silence, he spoke, "Jyesth, have you ever wondered how it would feel to be like a bird?"
Hearing the question Karna opened one of his eye, and looked at his younger brother sitting beside him. He noticing his brother keenly looking in one direction, too turned to see, what exactly had captivated the attention of Shon.
Noticing some birds flying in the skies above them, he turned his gaze back towards his brother. Seeing that his brother's attention was transfixed at those birds, he closed back his eyes, and after a moment said, "Not really, but what brought this up, Shon?"
Hearing the question Shon diverted his attention from the birds he was gazing at to his brother, and after a moment of contemplation said, "Sometimes, when I look at those birds flying in the sky, I wish I too could fly like them, thinking and caring for nothing in this world. I wish I too could be free like them, free from all the restrictions this society imposes on us. But more importantly what I wish for is to live my life where I can make my own decisions, do whatever I want to, learn whatever I wish to, and be whomever I want to be."
Listening to his brother, Karna opened his eyes, and sat up. With sadness in his eyes, he spoke, "Yes Shon, those birds are free, but also know this that they do pay a price for their freedom."
Turning his gaze back to those birds, he said, "In the nature where they live, their exist predators and prey, and so those birds which you can see flying are more often then not fighting for their life and avoiding the larger animals who are looking to prey upon them. For them it is a constant battle of life and death, and which they fight everyday, in order to see the next day."
Listening to which Shon, who had also turned back to look at those birds, gazed at Karna and spoke, "I know jyesth, but at least they make their own choices and decisions, whatever the outcomes and repercussions they may lead to. And in my views, I would rather like to do something which I like and face it's repercussions, then to bind myself to the restrictions this society imposes on us."
Karna too hummed in agreement, after which he looked at the sun, and realised that it's time for them to leave for their home.
And so he stood up, and said, "Shon, it's time to head back. Let's go, unless you want the repeat of last time."
Hearing Karna's words Shon shivered a bit, and said, "No, Ma would kill us if we turned up late for the dinner."
Saying which he got up, and started to run, which elicited a laugh from Karna, who started to follow him, while shaking his head with amusement.
Flashback end
Remembering his brother and the memory they shared, Karna smiled. This made him feel a little at peace, along with reducing the intensity of storm that was raging in his heart.
But remembering what awaits him, he continued forward. No matter what happens, he cannot reject an order which was given to him by his Guru, no matter how difficult it might be for him. And with that, he soon disappeared in the woods of the forest surrounding Mahindragiri, moving towards the destination his guru asked him to come.
Back in the court of Hastinapur
While Devarshi was waiting for everyone to ponder over the first story and formulate their views about the situation of the Bhargava Shishya at the time he was cursed.
There sat a woman, whose conscience was crying for the fate she had bestowed upon her first born. She was none other than the royal mother of Indraprastha, correction, the former royal mother of Indraprastha, Kunti. She, who was known as one of the kindest royal mothers in whole of Aryavrat was sitting still, listening to the words of Devarshi and only reacting to them as to how a stranger would have reacted to them.
From the day Karna showed up at the Kala Pradarshan, she knew the identity of that young man, who was mocked by everyone as a Sut Putra, except by the Kauravas. Her sons too mocked him, and tried to ridicule him at every opportunity they got. And she despite knowing that it was wrong on even moral and ethical grounds, did not say anything. She felt that if she would try to stop the insults, this would raise a question against her, especially as to the relation that she has with that young man.
She always thought that accepting him would cause many more problems for her and her five sons, then the good it would do for them. The truth if made public might lead to people starting to question her and her character. And which could have been used by the Kauravas and Gandharaj to snatch the rights, which she felt belonged to Yudhishthir. And so, crushing the voice of her conscience every time, she stayed silent.
She explained herself that it was good for her other sons, and Karna already had a mother to think for him, while her sons need her to think for their welfare. And so she focused on that, she became a good mother for her five sons, and ignored Karna as much as possible.
Justifying her silence to herself, she stayed silent and calm yet again, where any other mother would have cried for her son.
Devarshi, who was able to read Kunti's expressions sighed, and after a moment spoke, "The second story begins where the first one had ended.
As Karna was leaving from Mahindragiri after being cursed by his guru, he was deeply upset about how the events had played out. He wished he had an opportunity to explain everything to his guru including the reason why he lied. But time had already passed, and now he could do nothing to change what has already transpired, and so he sighed.
Being in a grave mood, he simply did what always made him happy. He started to practice with his bow and arrows."
Duryodhan at this murmered, "I wished that idiot would not have been this obsessed with Archery, and would have focused on acquiring other hobbies for helping him to feel better in the times of distress."
Devarshi only smiled at that, and continued, "While walking in the forest surrounding Mahindragiri, he thought to practice the Shabd Bhedi Baand. And so, when he was trying to listen for any sounds at which he could aim without harming any creatures inhabiting those forest, he heard sudden rustle of bushes behind him. Being immediately alerted, and perceiving it to be some dangerous wild predator, he released his arrow."
Listening these words where Duryodhan closed his eyes knowing what was to come, others were looking keenly at the sage, and indicating him to continue with the story.
And that's what the sage did.
He continued with the story, "After releasing the arrow, Karna rushed to see what the sound was, which creature had made it and more importantly to make sure the creature had died painlessly.
But as he reached their, he saw that He had mistook a cow for a wild animal, and the arrow he had released had killed it. Seeing the dead cow, he felt sorrow and regret bubbling inside him, but what could he do now.
But while he was standing there and mourning over the accident, a brahman came there and seeing his cow, which was now dead he broke down into tears.
Karna seeing this, went there and tried to console the brahman."
Saying this Devarshi stopped for a moment, at which Bhanumati spoke with a shaky tone, "What happened after that, Devarshi?"
Listening to the question, Narad Muni with a dejected look spoke, "Putri, in this world, when people face something unfortunate, they mostly react to the situation, rather then responding to it. And that's what exactly happened here as well.
That Brahman, seeing a bow in the hands of the young man who was trying to console him got so infuriated, that he without even listening to the young man and what exactly happened there cursed him.
He in his rage cursed Karna that he would also die by an arrow, and at a time when he would be the most helpless, like how his cow was helpless in defending itself from the arrow he shot."
Listening to this, everyone remained silent, although a storm was brewing in the hearts of those who cared for that generous soul, who had been cursed multiple times because of his cruel fate.
Author's note –
Hey my dear readers
Hope all of you are doing well
Here is the next chapter. Enjoy reading it, and also don't forget to vote and comment.
And I will see you soon with the next chapter
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