Chapter 60
^ Cuz she's AWESOME! Need i say more? Those who dont know her, go check her out!!! :)
60. Mad Nomads
The wolves and vampires had a great time playing baseball together. Though the wolves mainly played in human form, they would sometimes change into wolves to run around the bases after batting, or to chase a ball. Jacob was exceptionally quick at changing, so he tended to do that a lot. It was fascinating to watch him change back to human form just in time to catch the ball. The teams were fairly well matched and were tied 5 to 5 when Alice registered the nomads' decision to seek out the players. The wolves went to make themselves scarce, hiding downwind as they had been told. The bat they had used was carried downwind as well. Before Jacob and Sam left, they ran over to give Bella big sweaty hugs, one from the front and the other from the back. Jacob wiped his arm on Bella's hair.
"Eww, Jacob! Ugh, you two are all sweaty! Yuck. Now I'm covered in wolf sweat," she complained holding her arms out from her body. I couldn't help chuckling as she looked so disgusted. She glared at me. "Why don't you let them hug you, Edward? I'm sure you'd like to be drenched in werewolf sweat too."
I laughed along with Jacob and Sam as they quickly disappeared into the forest. "Darling Bella, what you don't realize is they deliberately drenched you in their sweat. We are hiding your human scent, since we know that didn't go over well last time. Now you don't smell edible anymore." I wrinkled my nose. "You definitely don't smell edible anymore. I don't think they are going to want to get too close to you."
My family all looked at me as if I was a genius, which of course I was. I soon picked up on the nomads' thoughts.
Do you smell that? There are werewolves here! The authority in the voice identified this vampire as James.
How many? questioned another male vampire who must be Laurent.
At least two, maybe more. James replied. The trail is a few hours old. There are vampire scents mixed with them.
What do you want to do? asked a female vampire, so she must be Victoria.
There are definitely vampires up ahead. James stated. We can hear them. We should talk to them and find out what's going on here. There may be an infestation of werewolves around here.
Is it dangerous? Victoria asked worriedly. Maybe we should go? Remember the one you fought in Siberia. Is it worth it?
Think, Victoria! It is daytime! James said scornfully. Children of the Moon can only change at nighttime around a full moon. Right now, they are in their weaker human form. We can easily exterminate them while they are stuck, unable to transform and defend themselves.
I agree! Laurent exclaimed. We will have the other vampires to help us too. I do not want a bunch of werewolves following our scent when we leave here. You know they love to hunt down vampires and kill them for sport.
Of course, you're right, James. Victoria agreed reluctantly. I'm with you whatever you decide.
Laurent, when we approach these vampires, I want you to take the leadership position. James instructed. While they are focusing on you, I'll be assessing them to determine how much of a threat they present. Besides, you have more patience for the whole diplomatic thing.
As you wish, James. Laurent conceded. Though if they are playing games as we suspected, I am guessing they must be mostly friendly.
I relayed their thoughts to the rest of the family and the wolves until they came within hearing range. They popped out of the forest, with Laurent taking the forward position. They approached us carefully in defensive crouches. As their eyes took in our clean and civilized appearance, they relaxed a bit in surprise.
Look at their clothes, their shoes! How do they keep them so clean? Victoria thought enviously.
Look at their hair, their skin! How do they keep themselves so clean and comfortable? Laurent echoed curiously.
Look at their jewelry, their watches. These vampires have some serious money! James considered.
"Hello," Carlisle spoke softly, waiting for them to state their intentions.
"Hello, we heard you playing and wanted to ask to join you. We noticed you have a werewolf problem in the area. Is that why there are so many of you in one place?" Laurent inquired politely.
"No, we maintain a permanent residence in the area. This is my family," Carlisle announced, sweeping his arm in our direction to indicate all of us.
"A permanent residence? How do you do that? There are not enough humans in the area to feed so many of you without someone taking notice!" Laurent was shocked.
"We do not feed on humans. We feed on animals. This allows us to blend in better with the humans, thus allowing us a more permanent lifestyle. We can stay in one place for five or six years before the humans start to notice we aren't aging. We find it to be a much more comfortable way of life," Carlisle explained.
Laurent looked intrigued. Animal blood? I never would have thought of that. I thought we had to drink human blood to survive.
Animal blood. That's disgusting. Why bother? Victoria thought condescendingly.
I hear a human heartbeat. Did they bring a snack or a pet? James wondered gleefully. I can have some fun with this. Even if we are outnumbered, animal drinkers are pansies.
"How long have you lived this way, drinking from animals?" Laurent asked in fascination.
"I have never drunk human blood. The only time I have ever tasted it was when changing my various family members. I have lived this way for over 360 years with no difficulty. I lived amongst the Volturi for several decades and still maintained my diet of strictly animal blood," Carlisle admitted.
Laurent's eyebrows rose. "Impressive. You're really serious about this then. It really does work."
"It does work, yes. The animal blood does not taste as good, nor is it as satisfying, but we find the benefits outweigh the detriments," Carlisle responded. "It is not easy to stick to this diet faithfully, but we believe it to be worth it."
Laurent considered the benefits that Carlisle described. I think I'd like to try it. I would like to be able to stay in one place for a while and be clean and comfortable. I wonder how I'd look with yellow eyes instead of red. I'd like to see how the 'other half' live.
Whatever. Victoria snorted silently.
James ignored the discussion and remained focused on the human heartbeat he heard. I think it must be the brown haired girl. I've seen everybody else's eyes, and they're all yellow, so it must be her.
Suddenly, the wind shifted, blowing Bella's scent forward. The nomads inhaled deeply, then froze in surprise.
"You have a werewolf with you?" Laurent wondered. Why?
Bella's heart began to pound furiously as all three nomads focused their intense glares on her.
"We'd be happy to exterminate her for you," James offered with a smirk. Instinctively, I growled in response.
"No thank you," Carlisle politely declined. "She's with us."
"You have a werewolf for a pet?" Laurent demanded, shocked once again. "Are you crazy?"
"She is not a pet. We have adopted her as one of our own and consider her our daughter," Carlisle declared matter-of-factly.
That's freaking hilarious! Vampires with a werewolf daughter! Ha! James thought derisively. Obviously, drinking animal blood is hazardous to your sanity! This is even better than a pet! I'm going to hunt her down and tear her apart right in front of them. They can't even change her to protect her from me as our venom is poisonous to werewolves! I see the one prey that got away from me is here. I killed the old vampire who changed her before I could eat her. I see she gravitated to other human lovers, yellow eyes, like her sire. Killing their wolf will be adequate punishment for the short girl changing before I could taste her delicious blood.
"But isn't that dangerous?" Laurent asked, confused.
"Not for us," Carlisle confessed. "She loves us and we love her. She won't hurt us, nor will we hurt her."
These creatures are disgusting. Victoria sneered. They don't deserve to be called vampires. Not only are they weak animal drinkers and human wannabes, but they are also werewolf lovers. We should put them out of their misery.
These vampires are beyond strange, but they seem so happy. Laurent thought longingly. I want to know more.
I'm going to pick this group off one by one and enjoy every minute of it. James plotted silently. I'll wait until the very end to burn their body parts so they can watch each other be tortured and die. This is going to be so much fun! I could use a little challenge to while away a small piece of my eternity.
"No, James, we are not going to give you the chance to hunt us, much less torture and kill us. As of now, it's game over," I snarled. I knew the wolves would hear me. James smirked at me in contempt. "You think you can take me, wolf lover? Come and get me!" He laughed at me, full of confidence. Victoria started edging backwards away from us. Laurent held up his hands to indicate peaceful surrender.
"We don't want to fight!" he protested.
"Yes, I do!" James growled.
Laurent frowned at him. "Are you insane, James? We are vastly outnumbered. Are you feeling suicidal?"
James laughed derisively. "I'm not afraid of a bunch of animal drinkers. Everyone knows that animal blood weakens you. And I'm not afraid of their little pet werewolf either. She's practically defenseless, since she can't transform in the daytime. Everyone knows werewolves can only transform during the time of the full moon."
Just then growls filled the clearing as five giant wolves burst from the forest, effectively surrounding the group.
"Oh, shit!" James muttered. "How the hell can they be out in the daytime?"
"They're shape shifters, not really werewolves, though their ability to kill a vampire is just as prevalent as it is for real Children of the Moon," I explained, thoroughly amused by his terror.
"Get us out of here!" he commanded Victoria as the wolves tightened their circle, drawing closer and closer. Victoria had frozen at first glance of the five wolves, but was now frantically looking around them, trying to find an escape route.
"The girl!" she shrieked, her voice painfully high. "Grab the girl!"
Laurent was shaking with terror. We're dead! We're going to die! Wait—why aren't the other vampires scared? Instead, they're…amused? Because they're werewolf lovers! They're friends! Somehow they've made friends with the werewolves! They're not scared because they know the werewolves won't hurt them!
Laurent hit his knees and began begging. "I surrender! I surrender! I don't want to fight! Please don't let them eat me! I don't want to die!"
Carlisle offered him a hand, indicating he was welcome to join us. He eagerly and gratefully accepted.
Meanwhile, James and Victoria both leapt into action, trying to jump over our heads to get to Bella in the midst of us. Jasper and I caught James and threw him to the wolves, while Emmett and Rose did the same for Victoria. James hit the ground and bounced, landing on his back a few feet away from Jacob and Embry. Jacob and Embry immediately pounced, gleefully tearing off his arms and tossing them to the side. Victoria hit the ground and rolled right up to Sam. He instantly went for the neck, ripping her head clean off her body. Quil and Leah grabbed hold of her legs and started pulling. I ran over to help Jacob and Embry with James. I had the distinct pleasure of ripping off his head, holding his jaw shut so he couldn't bite anything in the process. Rose and Emmett ran over to rip off Victoria's arms, as Quil and Leah pulled on her legs. A sound like ripping metal filled the clearing, bouncing off the mountains in the distance.
Jasper and Carlisle were guarding Laurent to make sure he didn't try anything, keeping a close eye out for unexpected danger. Sam had phased back to human form, and he and Alice were gathering piles of kindling. They stacked the kindling near the side, so it wouldn't mar the baseball field. Rose, Emmett, and Sam started piling Victoria's body parts on top of the kindling. Alice dragged Victoria's head over to the woodpile by her flaming red hair, face down so her mouth, nose, and eyes would get filled with dirt along the way. Jasper was grinning with relief that the evil murderers had been quickly dispatched without any injury on our side, and Laurent just sat there frozen and numb. His most recent companions had just been neatly disposed of in mere seconds. If he hadn't chosen wisely to surrender, he knew for certain his body parts would be littering the field as well.
Jacob phased to human form and started kicking James' head toward the pyre, while I finished dismembering his body. I began dragging body parts over to the wood pile, with the help of Sam and Embry.
"Watch out for the teeth!" Carlisle shouted in warning to Jacob. "The venom can still poison you!"
"Sure thing, Dad!" Jacob yelled back.
"I'm open!" Emmett screamed, waving his arms over his head. Jacob laughed and skillfully sent the head rolling his way. Emmett kicked it high up into the air and it smashed down right in the center of the pile of body parts, landing on top of James's arms, which had been busy wrestling each other.
Jacob made a victory sign with his arms. "He shoots, he scores!"
"C'mon, baby, light my fire," Emmett started singing. "C'mon set the night on FI-RE!"
A bunch of us whipped out lighters.
"Wait!" Bella cried, blushing as all eyes turned to her.
"What?" I asked in horror, silently praying she wouldn't want to just forgive them and let them go. There was no way I would agree to that, but I knew Bella was foolishly forgiving enough to pull some crazy stunt like that.
"I'd like to help light the fire," she admitted bashfully.
"Hell, yeah!" several people chorused. I wasn't the only one who had feared Bella might be feeling sorry for the bad guys.
"Good for you, girl!" Leah cheered, handing Bella her own lighter. We gathered around the pile and at the count of three, set the thing ablaze. We relaxed as we watched the flames lick toward the sky, relieved and happy to have those evil vampires out of the picture without any damage to Bella.
Of course, I spoke too soon, even in my own head, as Bella's danger magnet kicked into effect. I heard a loud pop and a glowing ember shot out of the fire and landed on Bella's jacket.
"Stop, drop, and roll! Stop, drop, and roll!" Emmett screamed. I tore my shirt off, pushed Bella to the ground, and began beating the flames with it. Rose grabbed a bottled water we had brought for Bella's comfort and raced over to pour it on her.
"Now, roll! Roll! Roll!" Emmett chanted at the top of his lungs. Rose dumped all the water out, successfully dousing the flames. Alice, wanting desperately to help her best friend, began rolling her over and over.
My shirt was slightly charred, but still usable, so I slipped it back on and went to help my love.
"Stop! Stop!" Bella was yelling. I grabbed Alice so she couldn't roll Bella anymore.
"Way to go, Alice!" Emmett cheered encouragingly.
Rose rolled her eyes. "Yeah, way to go, Alice," she muttered, looking at Bella's filthy, muddy shirt. She looks like a drowned rat.
I thought she looked more like a muddy, wet kitten—messy but still adorable.
Alice was surprised to see the mess she'd made of Bella's shirt. She bit her lip, a habit she had picked up from Bella. "I guess rolling her around in the dirt when her shirt was wet wasn't the most brilliant idea, huh?"
I nodded.
Sorry! Alice apologized. Just trying to help.
I nodded and smiled a bit. "Thank you, Rose, for your timely intervention. It was highly effective at dousing the flames."
She beamed, happy to have been so instrumental in saving Bella this time. I checked Bella's skin underneath the charred shirt, but she was lucky enough to have come out unscathed. Her skin was warm and red, but she didn't have any blisters or anything.
Jacob shook his head in resigned amusement, staring into the dying flames emitting purple smoke into the air. "Only Bella."
We all nodded in agreement. That was all he had to say. We all understood exactly what he meant.
Sam had called Jared, and Carlisle had called Esme, to relay the information that all was well. We made sure the body parts had been completely burned to ash, with no hope of resurrection, then gathered up our equipment and made our way back to the house, ready for an impromptu celebration.
I hope y'all like the way i portrayed it... Im super sorry for the delay... So with this, we say good-bye to James and Victoria... :)
PLEASE---- Tell me what you liked and what you didnt like. I'd really like to know. More action? or what?
I saw Breaking Dawn yesterday and i absolutely fell in LOVE with it! It was the best Twilight movie according to me. Did Y'all see? What'dya think? :D
oh and, I LOVE YALL FOR THE 97 VOTES ON THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill try and upload asap! Vote all you want and COMMENT to ur heart's content!
Love yall!
<3 Vi or Y ;) Both will work
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