Chapter 6
4. Shocking the Students
I woke up the next morning in Edward's embrace. As I began to stir, he released me. I opened my eyes to find myself staring directly into his gold ones. He smiled and my heart flipped.
"You stayed! You're real! You're wonderful!" I was beyond ecstatic. I was positively euphoric. His eyes flicked to my lips. I stopped breathing. Would he kiss me? He gently lowered his lips to mine. I threw my arm around him, trying to hold him there, though I knew it was futile. He didn't pull away. Our lips moved against each other, the sensation incredibly pleasant. He pulled away as I started to feel lightheaded.
"Breathe, Bella," he reminded me with a chuckle. I quickly relieved my screaming lungs. "Time to get up and get ready for school."
"Are you sure we can't just stay here and practice kissing all day?" I begged.
"I guess the book was right about you," he teased, running his fingers down my cheek. I groaned. "I've decided not to be such a prude. Obviously, it ispossible to be intimate with one another while you're still human. I'll have to work into it slowly, but not as slowly as I did in the book."
I felt relieved and amazed at this incredible man who wanted me, needed me, loved me. And he was all mine. Forever. And he wanted to be intimate with me. I was willing to work into it. We could take it slowly. As long as we were making progress, I wouldn't ask for more.
"Okay, time for my human moment. I'll see you at school?"
"Count on it!" he exclaimed as he jumped out the window.
Today was going to be an incredible day.
Jasper kept giving me funny looks on the way to school, but none of the others paid attention to me. After we went our separate ways, I returned to the parking lot to wait for Bella. I heard her truck long before I saw it. I was going to have to do something about that old thing, as soon as she would let me. Maybe for Valentine's Day?
Her eyes lit up when she saw me, and she headed straight for me after she parked. We walked side by side into the school.
"First test," I whispered, as I held the office door open for her. Her eyes widened as she remembered the first day's office scene from Twilight. She entered confidently anyway and went right up to Ms. Cope's desk. I followed her in, allowing the door to close behind me.
"Hello, I'm Bella Swan. Today's my first day, and I need to pick up my schedule," she greeted Ms.
Cope with a smile.
"Ah, yes, Charlie's daughter, right? I'll just print it out for you. So what do you think of Forks so far?"
"I'm optimistic that I'm really going to like it here," Bella stated with a grin.
What a nice girl. So pretty too…
"Here you go, dear. I hope you have a great day!" she enthused, handing Bella her paperwork. Bella thanked her, subtly holding up her schedule so I could read it.
"Wait in the hall for me," I whispered as she brushed past. Her scent had permeated the small room, but I was still under control, thanks to all the time I had already spent with her.
Mrs. Cope saw me waiting and beckoned me forward. "What can I do for you, Edward?" Anything and I mean anything. No, no. Too young. But so hot!
I deliberately dazzled her, summoning up all my charm. "I really need to change my schedule, Mrs.
I heard the door open and looked behind me to see Alice come waltzing into the room. She quickly joined me at the desk. "Me too!"
I groaned too quietly for Mrs. Cope to hear, before ramping up the charm. Alice added her own dazzling charm and Mrs. Cope didn't stand a chance. We soon both had a schedule almost identical to Bella's.
Why are you doing this, Edward? I only saw that you were, not why.
"Bella," I breathed.
Bella Swan? The new girl?
I nodded briefly on our way out the door.
I knew she was watching me, but I only had eyes for the girl waiting in the hallway. She smiled at me, and I grinned back. I heard Alice gasp.
What on earth? You're lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Both our schedules match yours now, love," I assured my mate. "We'd better head to class."
Love? Alice thought in shock, turning to look at Bella.
"Alice!" Bella squealed, throwing her arms around my sister. The look on Alice's face at being greeted so enthusiastically by a human was priceless. "We're going to be best friends, even though you do force me to go shopping with you and torture me with makeover sessions!"
Alice froze for a second at the unexpected embrace, then returned the hug. She quickly checked the future and saw the truth of Bella's words. She squealed and squeezed her tighter.
"Can't…breathe…" Bella gasped.
"Oops! Sorry!" Alice apologized, immediately letting go and stepping back. Bella stumbled, but I was already prepared to catch her.
"That's okay," Bella laughed. "I have a feeling I'll soon get used to it."
She's your mate? Alice screamed in her head as we walked to class. I nodded happily.
Wow! Does she know about us? I nodded again.
You told her? I shook my head.
Then, how?
"I'll tell you later," I promised, speaking so softly only she could hear me.
We all handed our paperwork to the teacher. She eyed us curiously.
"Do you guys already know each other?"
"Bella is a friend of the family," I answered smoothly. Bella blushed and nodded at the same time Alice did. Mrs. Taylor arranged for the three of us to sit together to help Bella get settled. I thanked her and the students who moved to accommodate us.
When the bell rang, we hurried off to our next class, ignoring the other students in our haste to secure three seats together. Once we settled into our seats, some of the other students approached Bella. I didn't like their thoughts. I was sitting directly behind Bella, so I started playing with her hair, wanting all the children to know she was mine. Alice was sitting to Bella's left. She smirked when she saw what I was doing, knowing exactly why I was doing it. I was marking my territory.
"Hey, you must be Isabella Swan. I'm Jessica Stanley."
"Call me Bella, Jessica."
"So, um, I guess you already know the Cullens?"
Bella simply nodded.
"She's my best friend," Alice offered, knowing it would be all over school before the end of the day. "I'm so happy she was able to move here to be with us."
"She's my fiancé," I growled. Everyone but Bella stared at me in shock. Even Alice.
They're too young to be engaged!
Is she pregnant?
Is he serious?
Do their parents know?
Bella didn't have to be a mind reader to know what they were thinking. She laughed.
"Yes, he's perfectly serious. No, he hasn't asked me formally, so he hasn't given me the ring, but he already has it."
You do? Alice wondered. I nodded. Wow!
"No, we're not getting married anytime soon. No, my parents don't know. No, I'm not pregnant. Both of us are still virgins, for crying out loud, and we plan to wait for our wedding night. Satisfied?"
"Settle down, class. Get in your seats," Mrs. Clark commanded. Even she was shocked at our conversation.
Bella smiled at me and I smirked back, giving her the thumbs up sign. Alice beamed at both of us. You have so much to tell me, brother!
Once again, we raced to our next class when the bell rang. The other kids whispered, but they kept their distance. The same was true for fourth period. Finally, the lunch bell rang. The three of us went through the line together. Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper were already at our usual table. Alice sat on one side of Jasper and Bella sat on the other.
Jasper stiffened slightly when he caught her scent. She smells so good, I don't know if I can handle it.
I sat between Bella and Emmett.
"Don't worry, Jasper," Bella whispered under her breath, reaching over to pat his arm. "I know you won't hurt me. I know I smell delicious, but you'll get used to it, and you just hunted yesterday, so you're not really thirsty. I do apologize for the burn in your throat though. I hate that you have to suffer when you're near me." She casually picked up her pizza and took a bite. Emmett, Rose, and Jasper all stared at her in shock.
"What the hell?" Rose shrieked too quickly for human ears to process.
"Remember your forfeit, Rose," I reminded her.
She glared at me. Did you know this would happen?
I shrugged noncommittally.
"She's calm. She trusts me! What's wrong with her?" Jasper asked, completely confused. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek. Her heartbeat sped up and she smiled at me.
"You two love each other!" Jasper accused in shock.
"She's my mate," I announced happily.
"I can tell," Jasper agreed thoughtfully.
"Edward!" Rosalie hissed. "You told her about us?"
I shook my head. Three sets of eyes stared at me in confusion.
"So, Bella," Alice drawled. "Time to spill the beans."
Bella nodded and smiled. "A few days ago, I received a package in the mail from a psychic by the name of Stephenie Meyer. The package contained a book which told me all about your family. The book said I would join your family because Edward and I are soul mates. At first, I thought the book was a joke, a work of fiction, even though it described me perfectly. It included details no one else should have known. Yet how could I believe in vampires and werewolves? As soon as I met Edward, though, I knew it was all true."
"She's telling the truth," Jasper confirmed.
"Alice?" Rosalie asked suspiciously.
Alice shook her head. "Wasn't me." It really wasn't, Edward.
I smiled at her. "It wasn't Alice," I agreed. "I too received a package from the psychic."
I saw recognition light in everyone's eyes. "My package contained books which explained about Bella and why I can't read her thoughts."
You can't read her thoughts? All four mentally shrieked.
"She's a very powerful shield. Her gift works even as a human. It's powerful enough that even Aro wouldn't be able to read her while she's human." Their eyes all widened.
"I was warned of multiple possible dangers to her, from a fatal car accident in the school parking lot to gang rape by four men in Port Angeles to attacks by nomadic vampires. All things that would happen if I don't prevent them."
Rosalie winced at the mention of rape, remembering the reason for her current existence.
"I was also blessed with knowledge of some of the good things that will happen, if I allow them. She is my soul mate, the only woman I will love like this for all eternity. I fully intend to marry her and keep her with me forever. She has already agreed."
What? You plan to kill her? To take away her human life and damn her to this empty existence? Rose was clearly angry. I squeezed Bella's hip, encouraging her to speak.
"Rosalie, I would very much like to be your friend and your sister. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but I know there is so much more to you than that. I wanted to assure you that I will never reveal your family's secrets. Also, I am not planning to throw away my human life. I will not agree to being changed until I am dying. I also intend to have a child of my own before I am changed, God willing. I don't know anything about raising children, and I never even thought about having one until I met Edward. I know it's premature to discuss this the day I meet you, so you have lots of time to think about it, but I'd really like your help raising our child. I'd like for you and Emmett to be our child's godparents." Bella paused and continued eating.
"Is she kidding?" Rose whispered too low for human ears. Her thoughts were frozen.
"She's completely sincere! She trusts you. She loves you like a sister! She trusts and loves all of us. She considers us her family! What a weird human!" Jasper exclaimed under his breath. "I've never come across anyone like her in all my years."
She really wants me to help raise her baby? She wants me to be a godmother?
"She and I have already discussed it. It was her idea, but I'd like that too."
Rose would have been crying if she had tears.
"Emmett, you're like the big brother I always wanted, only much, much scarier," Bella confessed. Emmett grinned. "I am extremely clumsy, even for a human, which will be a consistent source of entertainment for you. Just remember that once I am a newborn, I'll be stronger than you, at least for a little while."
Emmett laughed out loud at the suggestion Bella could ever be stronger than him.
"By the way, we're driving everybody crazy. They are very upset they can't hear our conversation, and they're mad we're hogging the new girl. If you haven't heard the word already, I introduced Bella as a friend of the family and my fiancé. Alice introduced her as her best friend. I'd appreciate it if you would support us in this."
They all nodded. It was time to head off to fifth period classes. Each one of them gave Bella a hug on the way out. Even Rosalie.
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