Chapter 50
A/N- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Learning to Dance
Carlisle and Esme met us on the porch as we pulled up in front of the house. They admired the new vehicle, teasing both of us over our small victories.
"Bella, would it be possible to get another blood sample from you? I have continued working with the boys each night while you are sleeping, helping to condition them, and the rest of the family too, to be unresponsive to the scent of your blood. I have used up all that I took during our previous session, however, and I feel there is more work to be done."
"Certainly, Carlisle. Whatever I can do to help, I'm willing," I volunteered.
He smiled, giving me a paternal hug, and led me up to his study. Edward came to hold my hand again while Carlisle inserted the needle. Edward started playing with my hand, planting kisses in sensitive spots, and I nearly jumped when Carlisle announced we were finished. I had been completely distracted by my sexy boyfriend. Carlisle chuckled and Edward smirked.
"Perhaps I should use your services more often, Edward, when I have a nervous patient I need to hold still. I think your methods would work well on all the female patients," Carlisle teased.
"No way!" I protested, throwing my arms around Edward. "He's mine, and I don't share. They'll have to find their own special someone to dazzle them. Edward's taken."
They both laughed at me, at my words and the way I was clinging to him like a vine.
"I love it when you get possessive, honey," Edward drawled, hugging me tightly to his body. "You're sexy when you're jealous, but you know, Bella, you're the only one for me. I'm all yours and I always will be."
I momentarily forgot about Carlisle as I started to show Edward how his words made me feel, but Carlisle reminded us of his presence with a firm throat clearing. I blushed bright red, caught French kissing and rubbing against my boyfriend by his father. What a disgrace. Carlisle chuckled as I tucked my face into Edward's chest, trying to hide from his dad.
"I've got all I need for now, so if you two would prefer to be alone, you are more than welcome to relocate up to your bedroom to finish your previous discussion," Carlisle suggested in an amused tone of voice.
"Excellent idea, Dad," Edward remarked, holding me closer. "We could use a bit of privacy right now."
He carried me up to his room—gotta love that vampire speed. We melted into one another and it literally felt like I was burning, though in a good kind of way. I could feel the warmth flowing through my body, at complete odds to the knowledge that his touches should be making me chilly. Instead, my passion was raging through me, threatening to consume me.
We fell onto the bed together, clutching one another, kissing desperately. Our hands fell to greedily exploring one another's contours as I lost all concepts of time and space. It felt like we were in our own little bubble of space, cut off from everyone else. His hands began to slip up under my shirt, massaging my lower back, as his lips and tongue began exploring my face and neck. I was lost to all but the sensations themselves when a small perky voice loudly interrupted, "Enough sucking face, people, we've got work to do."
We both froze, breathing hard, and I felt like doing something violent. I briefly entertained myself with the idea of pouring gasoline on the clothes inside Alice's closet and burning the entire thing to the ground.
She gasped, and whimpered in a hurt voice, "You wouldn't, would you? Isabella Marie Swan! If you so much as lay a finger on my clothes in a harmful way, I'll make you go shopping with me every day for the rest of eternity!"
I shuddered. Talk about a living hell! "Why didn't you lock the door?" I asked Edward in an accusatory tone.
He groaned in response, "I'm sorry. I thought I did."
I forced my eyes open, my gaze falling upon my evil best friend. Edward and I were still frozen in the same position we were in when she first interrupted. Maybe if I could convince her to leave, Edward and I can take right back up where we left off in our demonstration of love and affection.
She grinned, seeing my ploy. "Ain't gonna happen, sister. You two need to snap out of it and come join the rest of us."
Edward read her mind to see what she had planned. He pulled back to look at me speculatively and then turned on a charming grin. That reminded me about something that had been bugging me in the back of my mind.
"Hey, you hypnotized me, you jerk!" I griped. Now that the kissing seemed to be temporarily on hiatus, I might as well air my grievances.
He had the courtesy to appear ashamed, but then defended with an attack of his own. "Well, you seduced the keys out of me in the first place."
I grinned. "I've always wanted to drive one of those. It was awesome! The roar of power, feeling like you are in control of a monstrous beast."
He lowered his lids seductively. "Hmmm. You do seem to have an addiction to controlling monstrous beasts. Shall I take you for a ride, baby, and let you feel me roar beneath you?"
The heat curled in my belly as my arousal sharply increased. It was so strong even I could smell it, so I knew it was no secret to either Edward or Alice. I blushed heavily, and Alice giggled. Edward flashed a smug, satisfied smile, clearly pleased at my response to his verbal teasing. I rolled my eyes and growled, which only made them both laugh a little at my antics. He sat up, pulling me up along with him.
"We'll be down in a minute," he assured Alice, who eyed him skeptically. "Relax, I mean it." Her eyes glazed over briefly, indicating a vision, and she snapped back to the present. She smiled and nodded, clearly pleased with her vision.
She shook her finger at me, like a mother scolding her child, and warned, "If you take longer than a minute, I'll come get you and drag you downstairs myself."
I frowned and huffed, breaking away from Edward. "Fine!" I growled, crossing my arms across my chest in a display of unwilling compliance. They could make me go, but they couldn't make me like it.
I soon found that statement to be false as well. Not only could they make me go, but Jasper was perfectly capable of making me like it. Darn empath. Remind me again why I put up with all these meddlesome, gifted, stubborn vampires. Oh, yeah, because I love them. Dang, caught in my own trap.
"So what was so all fired important that you had to interrupt my 'alone' time with my significant other?" I grouched. The rest of the family chuckled, and Jasper sent me waves of excitement and joy. I did my best to resist. I didn't want to enjoy this, whatever it was. I wanted to be grouchy and miserable so they wouldn't do it again. Enjoying myself would only encourage them next time. They would simply remind me that I'd enjoyed it last time, as they dragged me away once again against my will. I really needed to set some limits about not taking advantage of the weak human just because they were a thousand times stronger than me.
Alice flipped on the stereo, allowing the music to fill the room, but not so loudly as to be uncomfortable having a conversation over it. "The girls' choice dance is coming up in three weeks, and we decided we should prepare for it."
I started to panic—I could feel my heart pounding and knew they could all hear it. "I, uh, have to be in Seattle that day," I insisted. Then I remembered the story from Meyer's books. It was going to be sunny that day. "I mean, Edward and I are going to the meadow and then spending some quality bonding time with my dad. I couldn't possibly reschedule that for some silly dance."
Rosalie snorted, and Emmett coughed 'bullshit' into his hand. Esme gave him a 'look' and he murmured a quick apology.
Carlisle appeared vastly amused. "Has anyone ever told you you're a terrible liar, Bella? I mean completely unbelievable, utterly hopeless, couldn't fool a two year old, terrible liar."
I gave him a disgusted look. "It's been mentioned before." He grinned at me, appearing younger than usual.
"What are you so afraid of, Bella? You literally start panicking when someone mentions dancing," Jasper inquired.
I sighed. "You've all noticed how clumsy I am. Have you ever played with dominoes, where you set them up on end and then push the first one so it knocks all the others down in a chain reaction? Or maybe you'd rather think about bowling pins. That's what dancing is like for me. I know I'll trip and crash into somebody, who will crash into somebody else, and start a chain reaction to take down the entire crowd. I don't dance," I replied firmly. I expected them to see reason. My expectations were unmet.
"Well, it's just like us and the bloodlust," Alice explained. I was confused. What did that have to do with dancing? Other than the fact that someone would likely get injured and require medical assistance if I went within ten feet of a dance floor. "Practice makes perfect. It's like you told Jasper. It gets easier over time the more you do it. So we're going to help you practice until you feel confident in your ability to dance gracefully."
"Good thing you have eternity then," I grumbled. The whole family burst out laughing. I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't joking.
Alice tried to pull me up out of my seat beside Edward, but I resisted. She didn't want to risk pulling hard enough to hurt me.
"Just think of it as a socially sanctioned way to spend time in my embrace in a public place," Edward murmured softly into my ear. I paused to ponder his remark. He did have a point there. Hmmm. Maybe I should give it a chance, here in the privacy of their house.
"Okay, let's do this. I guess worst case scenario is entertaining Emmett while I collect a few new bruises."
Emmett guffawed at my statement, but Edward sent him a dirty look.
"Okay, Bella, Esme and I will be your instructors. We'll talk you through the dance steps and demonstrate accordingly. You'll also be able to watch the others to see the steps in action. Now, you need to pay attention to your partner's signals, when he leads you. He will indicate which way you need to move with subtle, but unmistakable hand pressure. Now, when you feel Edward pushing lightly against you like this, what does your body want to do in response?"
"Take a step back?"
"Yes, you step backwards with your left foot, making space for his right. Now how about when you feel him pulling you lightly toward him?"
"Step forward."
"Exactly, right into the space he has just vacated. Don't think about what your feet are doing. Don't even worry about the music right now. I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on Edward's body talking to yours, leading you, guiding you, telling what to do and where to go."
Wow, dancing was rather sensual when I thought about it that way. I shot Edward a lustful look before closing my eyes in compliance. I soon felt us gliding around the room as I concentrated solely on his hands and the signals they sent me. It was ridiculously easy for me to follow his lead. After a few minutes, when I was starting to forget anyone else existed other than us, Carlisle instructed me to open my eyes.
My eyes immediately drifted down to my feet, but Carlisle chided me.
"Keep your eyes on Edward's face. You will find he will send signals through his expressions as well, helping you to clarify and predict his actions once you become familiar with them."
I got lost in his sparkling topaz depths, and he pulled me closer. I felt as if we were talking without words, communicating on the same basic plane. I felt the desire pulse back and forth between us, neither increasing nor decreasing, but simply there. I decided I may come to like dancing after all. Edward kept a firm grip on me, and I never once stumbled, much to Emmett's disappointment. Carlisle was an excellent teacher, both patient and encouraging, willing to repeat a move over and over again until I got it right. I thanked my family for the lesson, hugging each and every one.
"Don't think that was it, Bella. We'll have lessons every day for the next three weeks until you're eager to attend the dance and show off your new skills."
I groaned at first, but the more I thought about the past hour spent in Edward's arms, the more I looked forward to more lessons. Even if I didn't attend the silly school function, I'd surely wish to dance at my own wedding, so the lessons certainly wouldn't go to waste. "Thanks, Alice. I'm looking forward to it."
Rosalie grinned at me. "Ha! I knew you would, but I wasn't sure how long it would take you to admit it." I chuckled. She had me pegged.
Edward started leading me back up the stairs, when Alice had another vision. She started giggling and then Edward started laughing. The rest of us waited for them to finish. As soon as Alice snapped out of her trance, she raced over to the computer, pulling up YouTube. We all clustered around her, eager to see what had caused such merriment.
"Apparently, Michelle Newton is quite entertaining!" she squealed as pulled up a new video. My jaw dropped, and I watched in shock from beginning to end. Poor Mike. He was never going to live this down. I really hoped he had plans to attend college out of state.
"Wow, I never realized Jessica and Lauren were so creative," Edward mused. "I must admit I am impressed with their ingenuity."
Jasper and Emmett were rolling on the floor laughing, while Rosalie and Alice looked extremely smug. Carlisle and Esme tried very hard to appear disapproving, but they couldn't quite hide their amusement, so they left the room without saying anything. I heard Carlisle's laughter once they were in their room. Edward was smiling like the cat who ate the cream. I gave him a stern look.
"Edward, did you take Mike straight home last night, like I asked?" Obviously, he hadn't. He gave me his best 'innocent' look, the one that said he should be nominated for sainthood and given a halo as he had not ever done, said, or thought anything wrong. Wow, that was some look. If I didn't know him so well, I would probably totally fall for it. I was certain it came in handy when it came time to get out of trouble with human authorities. He could see that I wasn't falling for his charm this time. His lips twitched then he spun around and dashed up the stairs to his room, with me hot on his heels.
I entered the room after him, slowly and deliberately closing and locking the door. I turned around and started stalking him.
"You've been a naughty boy, haven't you, Edward?" I murmured in a low husky voice. I saw his eyes go black with lust. He swallowed and nodded his head. "First, I'm going to interrogate you, then you may need to be punished." He gulped and nodded again, his fingers trembling. I loved the feeling of power that coursed through me at the knowledge of how I affected him. This boy was going down, and I was going to enjoy every minute of it.
Enjoyed? :) Sorry i couldnt upload... I thought i sent y'all a message that i had mid-terms this week... :\ Well, now they're over! Thanks for the 53 votes on the last chapter!
Ok, im thinking of pulling out of the Watty Awards... There's no way CTF will bw completed by november! I still have New Moon left and i have some big plans for that.... So.... PULL OUT??? Or get disqualified anyways? The Q/A thing will be up in like 2 hours so be ready!
Im horribly tired!!!
and have a great weekend!
MUCH <3 Y!
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