Chapter 44
^ That girl is amazing and he's helped me today more then she knows.... She also knows a few secrets about CTF which no one does....
44. Thank God it's Friday
The first thought that popped into my head upon awakening was, 'I am going to a sleepover tonight at Edward's house. I'm spending the night in Edward's room tonight!'
I opened my eyes to see Edward's crooked smile inches from my lips. My tongue darted out nervously to moisten my own lips, and he groaned, reaching over to squeeze my hip gently. I parted my lips and closed the distance between us, eager to feel his cold marble mouth meet mine. He exhaled softly, blowing his scent directly into my face. I inhaled deeply, my brain buzzing with a natural high, stimulated by his particular aroma. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip, tasting him, and moaned. He tasted sweeter than honey, and I couldn't get enough. Hesitantly, he allowed his own tongue to slip between his lips, tasting my mouth and my tongue. Our tongues danced together, learning one another's contours, teasing, lightly touching, like a sensuous ballet. I threw my leg over his and pressed my body to his, clutching him, pulling him closer to me. One of my hands was entwined in his silky soft hair, the other was rubbing his back, urging him continually closer with a light, but consistent pressure.
Edward rolled on top of me, pushing my body into the mattress. I could feel every hard inch of his body pressing into mine. We both moaned at the full body contact, even though we were both dressed. The pressure alone was enough to increase my arousal but, when combined with his smell and taste, it sent me over the edge into a frenzy of eager passion. His hips bucked, and I moaned again into his mouth, sliding my hand from his back further down. I whimpered when he pulled away, both of us gasping for breath. He flung himself onto his back on the far side of the bed, his arm folded over his eyes. I rolled toward him, but he jumped up before I could reach him. I stared at him in lustful confusion.
"Edward? Did I do something wrong?" I watched him, searching for answers, but his back was to me, hiding his facial expression. He shuddered and clenched his fists, obviously fighting for control.
"No, Bella, don't be silly. It was absolutely wonderful," he commented, still refusing to face me.
"Well, if it was so wonderful, why won't you even look at me now?" I was feeling bitter and rejected. I knew he had his boundaries and had agreed to work at this with him. If we were moving too quickly, he simply needed to tell me, not start sulking and pout. "Remember, Edward: Communication is one of the biggest factors in a successful relationship. Whatever is bothering you, I need for you to tell me. Frankly, I feel rejected and hurt by your current attitude and position."
He turned to look at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, are we discussing favorite positions now? I hadn't realized we had progressed to quite that point yet."
"Edward! Don't try to weasel your way out of this one. Now tell me what is bothering you."
He moved closer to me, his voice turning husky. "But I haven't told you all about my favorite positions yet." I felt my eyes widen as his words sank into my fevered brain.
"Bella!" Charlie yelled from downstairs. "You're going to be late for school if you don't drag yourself out of bed right now, young lady!"
I groaned, throwing back my covers and moving to the edge of the bed.
"Now you know what was bothering me," Edward whispered directly into my ear. "I heard him muttering dire imprecations. He was actually thinking of coming up here with a glass full of ice water to help you awaken. I didn't think it would be good for his mental or cardiac health to find us in that position on your bed."
"Thanks," I muttered unhappily. I brightened with a sudden thought. "We'll just have to start over again tonight!" He grinned wickedly at me.
"Assuming I can get you out of Alice's clutches long enough. She has everything planned out, down to the minute, and the list is quite long, I assure you. I think she did a Google search on how to throw a successful slumber party and tried to include every single suggestion."
I looked at him in horror. That sounded exactly like something Alice would do. She was quite the party animal. At least I wasn't the only one she had her claws in this time. I would work something out with the other girls to distract her long enough for me to get my Edward time. As far as I was concerned, my Edward time was as necessary to me as breathing. Alice would just have to learn to deal with it.
I rushed through my morning routine, shaving off corners whenever possible. I grabbed a banana and a Pop Tart on my way out the door. I didn't have time for cereal at the moment, so this would have to do. I raced over to the Vanquish, managing to trip just before I reached the passenger side. My knight in sparkling armor dashed to the rescue of the clumsy damsel in distress, saving me from certain injury. I gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, nuzzling against him like a cat.
"Thank you, Sir Edward," I trilled, trying to imitate my idea of a royal princess. I wished I had a handkerchief I could give him as a favor. He smirked and pulled off an elegant courtly bow.
"My pleasure, Lady Swan," he murmured, raising my hand to his mouth.
"Where did you learn to bow like that?" I giggled. He grinned.
"Ask Carlisle about the time he spent at court in England many years ago. You should see his bowing skills. He's the one who taught me, but alas, he didn't teach me everything he knows yet."
I couldn't wait to ask Carlisle about his experiences. Did he meet the Queen? Or maybe the Prince Regent? Did he wear knee breeches and hose? Did he still have any of the fancy clothes he wore centuries ago? Had he taught Esme any of the dances? Did he remember when the waltz was still considered scandalous? Now it was considered ultra-tame, though I suppose the matrons of society were right to be concerned it may lead the way for future generations to become even more touchy feely while dancing. They would likely all have heart attacks if they saw the behavior of kids even at middle school dances these days, much less the high school ones.
I wondered what Carlisle really thought about modern society. Has the progression been gradual enough for him to adjust naturally, or was he merely playing a part while internally squirming. I thought about how fashions had changed over the past three hundred years. Someone from his era would likely think all the girls at our high school were little more than prostitutes with the amount of bare skin exposed. If vampires didn't change without some major life event, like finding one's mate, how was Carlisle coping? What did he think about women's lib and social equality, about women voting and the downfall of slavery? What ran through his mind when working with female doctors and single mothers? All of these things would have been unheard of in his time period. How had he coped with all the changes around him?
Maybe I could work in a discussion with Carlisle tonight too. Man, I needed to be a vampire. How on earth was I supposed to accomplish all the things I wanted to do in a day if I had to waste all those hours sleeping? It was so unfair really. It reminded me of a saying I heard once. 'God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things, and right now I am so far behind I may never die.' I needed eternity, just to get my stuff done, and if I felt that way now as a mere high school student, how would I survive once I became a wife and mother? Renée was always telling me a mother's work is never done, not that she was the one doing the work, but even so, I understood the sentiment. There simply weren't enough hours in a day, unless you happened to be a vampire. Then all of life was a single day. One long continuous Monday. How depressing is that thought—a never ending Monday?
I saw Alice waiting for us on the sidewalk at the high school. She shouted to us as soon as we came within hearing range. I could tell she would be bouncing off the walls today. I began contemplating ways to focus her energy before she became nuclear. She practically ripped the car off its hinges in an effort to get to me.
"Bella, Bella, Bella," she sang excitedly. "Tonight's the night. I've got so much planned! We're going to have so much fun!"
I started desperately racking my brains. How could I distract her?
"That sound's great, Alice," I responded, less enthusiastically. "Hey, I heard you made up a schedule of events. Did you make a copy for each of us?"
She appeared confused. "No, should I have?"
"Well, I would like to have one, and I'm sure the others would too. You know I'm not big on surprises." She nodded thoughtfully.
"Okay, bye! I'd better get to class so I can get started on the schedules." With a brief wave of her hand, she bounced down the hallway, slightly more under control than she was before.
By lunch time, my little pixie had fully lost it. I was ready to call the men in white coats to bring the straitjackets and arrange for the padded cell. Then I mentally kicked myself for even joking about it in my head. Poor Alice was abandoned in an asylum for real, so I knew I could never afford to make snide comments about her sanity or lack thereof without risking hurting her feelings. Fine. The men in white coats can come for me instead then, with their tranquilizer darts and padded handcuffs. Who knows? I might even enjoy it. I'd finally have time to work on my writing. I'd be safe from psychotic nomadic vampires, and I'd have a hard time hurting myself with all the padding around. Okay, so now
I was the one losing it instead.
The reason I was having this completely pointless internal dialogue about insanity was because the moment I stepped into the cafeteria, Alice shouted my name as if she hadn't seen me in a hundred years. She ran up to me just slightly faster than she should have and began dancing around me in a little circle, bouncing and wriggling like an excited puppy. I expected to see a tail wagging, for heaven's sake. In fact, she was reminding me a bit of a cross between (A) Mike Newton refusing to keep a respectable personal distance from me, expecting excitement where none was forthcoming and (B) Jacob Black feeling frisky in his wolf form, trying to provoke Emmett into a wrestling match just for the hell of it.
Alice grabbed my hands and began forcing me to dance around in a circle with her as if we were playing 'Ring around the Rosy'. I tried to protest, but she is so much stronger than I am that it did no good at all. I felt so stupid behaving like little kids in the middle of the cafeteria in front of the entire student population. Angela chose that minute to enter the lunch room, and I desperately called out to her, hoping the diversion would be enough to help Alice develop some self-control. Unfortunately, my plan backfired, and Alice simply grabbed her and added her to our little dancing circle. I saw Jasper start smirking, just before Emmett grabbed Ben and Edward and started dancing in a circle with them. Rose tried to stop Emmett, but he simply pulled her into the center of their circle. The three of them danced around her while Emmett belted out 'Ring around the Rosy' at the top of his lungs. Rose knew the real culprit, and as soon as Emmett pulled Edward and Ben to the floor on the last line, she pounced on Jasper, tackling him to the ground.
In the chaos, Jasper sent Alice's own excitement back to her, doubling it, and then fed the higher level of excitement to our entire group. Before Angela, Ben, and I even knew what was happening, all eight of us were in a circle doing the Hokey Pokey. I couldn't believe I was making a fool of myself like this in front of the entire student body, but my special chosen family was having such a good time that I refused to let it bother me.
"That's your left foot, Emmett! You're supposed to put in your right!" Rosalie shrieked. Emmett gave her a goofy grin.
"Strip Hokey Pokey!" Emmett yelled, tearing off his shirt and tossing it into the center of the circle. All the girls in the cafeteria immediately began applauding and whistling. They were standing on tables to get a good look and pushing the human boys around them out of the way. We heard numerous catcalls, suggesting Emmett take off everything. The principal was fighting his way through the crowd with Ms. Cope right behind him. Rosalie was busy draping herself over Emmett and glaring at all the human girls who dared to stare at his naked torso.
Edward was frozen in place, staring at the scene in shock and horror, muttering, "We're supposed to blend in, be inconspicuous, inconspicuous!"
Alice was staring at the mayhem with wide eyes, whispering, "I totally didn't see this!"
Jasper's military background allowed him to formulate a strategy in the face of impending disaster. He swooped in and grabbed Emmett's shirt at vampire speed, helping him put it on faster than the human eye could track. Since he hadn't moved from his spot, it appeared to the human audience that one second he was topless and the next second he was fully clothed again, like the shirt simply appeared on his body out of thin air, causing them to question whether or not it had ever been off in the first place. In the next second, Jasper had made his way halfway across the room and projected his voice to announce, "Free condoms in the nurse's station to the first fifty students. No questions asked."
At that point, a riot ensued, with all the girls converging on Emmett and all the boys fighting and shoving to get to the office. The principal and Ms. Cope were caught in the middle. In the midst of the chaos, the Cullens, including Angie, Ben, and me were all safely whisked away outside, away from the avenging fury of the principal, intent on making somebody pay for disturbing the peace.
"Jasper, what the heck were you thinking?" I demanded, turning on him. "I ought to string you up by your toenails for that little stunt!" I had my hands on my hips and was raising my voice, while glaring menacingly. He tried to look sheepish, but couldn't help chuckling at me. I raised my eyebrow, daring him to continue being amused while I verbally put him through the wringer.
"I'm sorry, sis, but you look like a cute little kitten, hissing and spitting and fluffing up your fur, pretending your tiny little claws could actually do some damage. You just look so adorable, it's hard to keep a straight face, when all I really want to do is take pictures and tickle you under your chin," Jasper admitted. My jaw dropped. Stupid super-strong vampire big brother. I heard snickers from our siblings. Even Alice and Edward couldn't hide their smiles. I growled. They started laughing. I roared, curling my fingers into claws. They laughed harder. Emmett patted me gently on the head. I snapped at his hand. They hit the ground, shaking with laughter. I rolled my eyes at Angela and Ben, who were watching the scene in utter confusion, bemused smiles plastered in place.
"Losers," I muttered, stomping away. Edward quickly jumped up and ran after me. He pulled me into his arms. I let him, but I refused to relax against him. I stayed stiff and unyielding, radiating displeasure. Humph. It would serve them right if I decided not to attend the slumber party tonight. I was sure Mike would be willing to take me out on a date. I heard both Alice and Edward gasp simultaneously as they saw the vision of my decision. Edward clutched me tightly, mumbling about never letting go. Alice jumped up and wailed, "Noooo!"
She raced over to me and fell to her knees in front of me, clasping her hands together in full begging fashion. "Please, Bella! You have to come! You're my best friend! Please, please, please!"
I pretended to deliberate, just to get a small measure of revenge. Rosalie smirked at me, knowing exactly what I was doing. "C'mon, there's no way you're going to leave me to the mercy of Wolfgirl and the wolfettes, considering it was your idea to invite them over in the first place. Thanks to you and your bright ideas, Emmett and I have invested our life savings in the air freshener industry."
I chuckled. I couldn't help it. That was funny. "Okay, Rose, you've been a great sport, so I will be too,"
I conceded graciously.
"Yippee!" Alice cried, jumping gracefully to her feet. "We are going to have the Best Slumber Party Ever!"
"Slumber party?" Jessica asked. She had crept over when I wasn't looking. "Who's having a slumber party?" I looked at her skeptically. Did she really think we would answer her?
"Alice is," Angela replied. Poor girl is too nice for her own good. Rosalie snorted. I could tell she was thinking along the same lines. "Bella and I, plus a few girls from La Push are spending the night at the Cullens' house. We're going to do all kinds of fun stuff, including torturing the boys." She clapped her hand over her mouth, though her eyes sparkled mischievously. "Oops. I wasn't supposed to mention that part. Sorry, Rose."
Rose smirked. "That's okay. Even if they have advanced notice now, they can run, but they can't hide."
Emmett and Jasper bumped fists. "Bring it on, Baby, we can take it," Emmett challenged.
Rose raised an eyebrow, then smiled evilly. "Good, then you won't mind modeling the new swimsuits Alice bought for you guys? I always did think you looked good in a Speedo."
Jessica choked, gasping for breath, while raking her eyes up and down the three Cullen boys. Edward and Jasper were both wincing, so I was certain her lust was out of control with her inappropriate fantasizing. Emmett only made it worse by interlacing his fingers behind his head and performing a hula dance. There was something about the way he smoothly and sensuously rotated his hips that made even my stomach tighten. I tore my gaze away and focused on Edward, picturing him moving that way while holding me close. Edward caught me staring at him with lust filled eyes and smirked.
"Do you know how to dance like that?" I whispered in Edward's ear. Rosalie gave me a knowing glance. Edward actually leered at me.
"I'll show you later, hmm," he whispered back. I felt my heart rate increase rapidly, and he chuckled, his chest rumbling against my back.
Jessica's and Lauren's eyes were glazed over, and they were panting heavily. Their own hips were rotating, though it looked jerky and uncoordinated when they did it. Rosalie smacked Emmett on the arm, and he stopped dancing, flashing her a boyish grin.
"I'll save the rest of the dance for when I'm wearing my new swimsuit, gorgeous," he teased Rose. She simply smiled back and raised both eyebrows.
"I'll look forward to it, monkey man," she purred. He gulped and pulled her closer.
Jessica grabbed Alice's arm. "Please!" Jessica gasped desperately. "Please, I've got to come to your party tonight!" Lauren nodded, grabbing Alice's other arm.
Alice gave them a scathing look. "Do you really think I'd let you within ten yards of any of my brothers? Sorry, but no sluts allowed." She ripped her arms out of their grasps, turning her back on them both. They stared after her in shock and anger.
Just then the principal strode outside and marched over to our group. He scowled at all of us.
"He's looking for a scapegoat," Edward whispered.
"So, we'll have to give him one," Jasper whispered back.
Jasper strode toward the principal. "Sir, I'd like to register a complaint, bordering on sexual harassment."
The principal gave him a stern look. "What seems to be the problem, Mr. Hale?"
"Jessica and Lauren have been making me and my brothers uncomfortable. They've been making sexual suggestions and lusting after us heavily, despite the fact that we have given them absolutely no encouragement. In fact, we have actively discouraged them from chasing after us, but they continually insist upon thrusting their unwanted company on us. Just now, they begged to be allowed to sleep with us tonight. This type of vulgar behavior disgusts me."
The principal looked from Jasper, who had never given him any trouble at all and was one of his best students, to Jessica and Lauren, whom he had personally witnessed engaging in slutty behavior. He was still suspicious though. He had heard something about Emmett and strip Hokey Pokey from some of the other students. He looked back at the Cullen children, along with Angela, Ben, and me—all good students and well behaved teenagers. As he looked at us, he felt his trust and goodwill increase. He looked back at Jessica and Lauren and felt his distrust, disgust, and distaste strengthen. He had never felt such negative emotions so strongly toward any of his students before. He looked back at our group again and we seemed to glow with innocence and purity.
Rosalie chose that moment to step forward, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Sir, those awful girls kept chanting for my Emmett to play strip Hokey Pokey. Who ever heard of such a thing? When he refused, rather loudly, they tried to tear his shirt off of him! We barely escaped with our dignities intact. I'm tired of these brazen hussies propositioning my future husband!" She pouted delightfully for the principal, playing the virtuous damsel in distress to the hilt. I was busy taking notes. I couldn't wait until I was a vampire and could dazzle everyone to get my way. Of course, the principal didn't stand a chance against the full brunt of Rosalie's charm. He was caught—hook, line and sinker.
"Miss Stanley, Miss Mallory, you have detention for a week for disturbing the peace. In addition, I expect a 10,000 word essay from each of you on the virtue of chastity," he ordered sternly. "The rest of you need to get to class before the bell rings.
"Yes, sir!" we answered, like good little children. Jessica and Lauren glared hatefully after us as we strolled casually away.
"We are going to get them if it's the last thing we do," Jessica muttered through clenched teeth.
"It appears we'll have plenty of time after school to plot our revenge," Lauren grumbled angrily. My siblings chuckled, completely unconcerned.
Angela had watched the entire exchange between the principal and the Hales with awed admiration. She was currently feeling ten feet tall and invincible, very thankful she had chosen her friends so wisely.
Hey guys! Sorry im late... :) But 38 votes when only 20 was needed? Whoa... THANKS!!!!!
So i wasnt really able to upload today cuz of family probs, but i was all 'FORK IT!' and uploaded... Hope you liked this chap! :)
I want to hold a small Q/A thing... ANYTHING you guys ask me will be answered. If you have any query like 'Am i going to send Edward away' or 'Whatwill you do in new moon?' or whatever. QUESTION ME BY COMMENTING, OR PM ME OR WRITE IT ON MY MESSAGE BOARD WHATEVER! Ill look them all up and answer! :)
DONT WORRY! I have BIIIIIG plans for this story... Just ask the dedication... ;)
SO VOTE!!!!!!!!!
<3 Y ;)
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