Chapter 41
41. Surprising Alice
I still had some pangs of jealousy and insecurity in my heart, but I was trying to squash them. It was hard to give up on the dreams I had carried for so long. My talk with Rosalie had let me see that it was the death of the dreams that hurt the most. Royce had raped her, betrayed her, and essentially murdered her. She had her revenge on him, yet she still hung on to her girlhood dreams of being a wife and mother. It was obvious to me as a human third party that Rose was missing the big picture. Carlisle didn't steal her chance at a happy human life and motherhood, nor did the change take it from her. I knew Carlisle and had no doubt that she would have died if he hadn't initiated the transformation. I decided to discuss my revelations with her after the surgery. I had benefited so much from her wisdom that I desperately wanted to bring her some of the same peace she had offered me.
I watched carefully as Carlisle began the procedure. I knew I wouldn't be able to help, but I wanted to record his actions in my memory, so I could share it with Sam at some point. Jacob was with me in the room, likely for the same reason. He seemed utterly fascinated by the whole process though. I wasn't particularly enjoying watching Carlisle cut her open, cut away the scar tissue, and then sew her up again with teeny, tiny stitches, though Jacob seemed to be taking lessons. Maybe he'd become a doctor one day. Or maybe, since he was a werewolf, perhaps he should become a veterinarian instead. I smiled to myself at the humor. He and Carlisle could start a practice together and call it Mythical Medicine.
What I found the most fascinating was seeing how close Carlisle was to all that fresh blood, yet he never once lost focus, or trembled, or appeared the least bit thirsty. I watched his eyes, knowing the vampires well enough now to recognize the way their eyes changed to indicate their thirst. His eyes never changed, even minutely, from his honey gold, even though he was only inches from her bleeding wound and was breathing normally. Rosalie was assisting in the procedure, and I noticed she was holding her breath. Her eyes had darkened a bit, but were still yellow around the edges. She was under control, though it was clearly not as easy for her as it was for Carlisle. Now I fully understood what the other Cullens meant when they said Carlisle was immune to human blood. I was seeing it in action.
I had a lot of respect for Rosalie too. I had seen Alice ignore the freely flowing blood of the men who attacked Kim, but it was possible it had been in the heat of the moment when her protective instincts were in full force. Seeing Rosalie calmly assisting Carlisle, regularly cleaning the blood away from the wound so it wouldn't impede his vision, I was in awe of the restraint she was able to muster. I was now convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Cullens were trustworthy.
Jasper knew he would be affected by everyone else's thirst, so he and Alice had chosen to go hunting during the surgery. That too reinforced my trust, because he had recognized his own limitations and willingly chose to remove himself from a potentially dangerous situation. So many accidents happen on a daily basis around the world because people allow themselves to be placed into situations they know they can't handle.
Edward and Bella were helping Esme out in her garden. I could see them pulling weeds and chit chatting peacefully. I thought it amusing beyond belief that Bella couldn't stand the smell of blood and would actually faint from it, yet she intended to marry a vampire and become one herself. I wondered what would happen when she needed to drink it to survive. Would the smell still make her faint? Could vampires faint? I'd have to ask Carlisle later. Would the smell make her nauseous? Would she throw it up as fast as she drank it? I was really glad I had met Bella. She really was one strange human. She kept life from getting too boring.
Emmett was downstairs in the living room playing video games with Quil, Embry, and Seth, while Jared and Kim snuggled on the couch and pretended to watch. Really, they only had eyes for each other. Bella had assured me Kim was Jared's imprint, or else I would be really nervous for her right now. I had talked things over with the others, and we agreed to help keep each other in check to prevent breaking anybody else's heart the way Sam broke mine. None of us would enter into a serious relationship with anyone other than our imprints.
I heard Emmett cursing as he broke another controller. They paused the game to allow him to get another from the supply closet. While in there, he saw Bella and Edward outside. I had seen they were having a 'love moment' where they were lost in each other's eyes. Ugh, yuck. Okay, I'm just jealous. I want someone to make me feel that way, but I have to be patient. Ugh, no fair. Esme was pretending to ignore them, but I could see she was watching them out of the corner of her eye, with a smug grin plastered on her face. She was so happy about their relationship, about the joy Bella brought to Edward and all the rest of us.
Emmett couldn't resist trying to ruin their Kodak moment. He opened the back door and yelled out to them, "Dang! Somebody's bleeding like a stuck pig! Beeellllllaaa, did you fall down AGAIN? What's with you crazy humans spilling blood in a house full of vampires, for crying out loud? Don't you guys have any sense of self-preservation?"
He slammed the door shut on her disgruntled glare, laughing to himself, and stomped back to the living room while opening the new controller. He froze as his eyes took in the scene before him.
I knew Emmett was joking. I knew that. I also knew he could smell Emily's blood, because I knew I could. He had been smelling it for a while now and hadn't reacted to it at all, as far as I knew. Yet, despite that, one portion of his statement jumped out in my mind, echoing over and over again. Humans spilling blood in a house full of vampires… Humans spilling blood in a house full of vampires… Something snapped inside. Something deep and primal welled forth. Some portion of my brain recognized that Emmett was laughing, that he was still in control. But that part of my brain was not in charge. Something else was. My vision started going black.
I felt something run into me hard, and then I was picked up, thrown over someone's shoulder, and rushed down the steps to the front yard. It all happened in slow motion for me. I could sense the urgency in the one who carried me. He set me down none too gently, and I just stared blankly at him. His name popped into my head. "Jacob?" I whispered. He was watching me intently. I realized we weren't actually experiencing an earthquake. The tremors that shook my body were coming from me.
"Relax, Leah. You're just changing into a wolf now. I'm right here to help you if you need me," he murmured soothingly. I did relax, because, for me, the scariest part had been not knowing what was happening to me. Now that I knew, I could focus on the strange sensations in my body. I felt my body moving, folding, shifting, strengthening, growing, stretching, expanding. I felt my bones rearranging themselves underneath my skin. I could actually feel my hair growing all over my body and feel my teeth growing and sharpening. I could feel a tail extruding out behind me, my tailbone elongating and actually becoming a real tail! Secretly, I've always wanted a tail. How cool is that? Finally, it was over, and I was a new wolf, lying on the ground panting, my clothes in tatters all around me. I could see and hear and smell absolutely everything!
It was utterly fascinating to watch Carlisle work. My eyesight was just as good as his, and I could see all the tiny repairs he was making that a human surgeon would never be able to do. I was amazed at the sight of the different layers making up the human body. Originally, I had merely wanted to commit the sight to memory so I could show it to Sam later through the mind link, so he could learn to trust the Cullens like I do. Once there though, I was drawn to it. My attention was almost completely absorbed by it. For the first time ever, I considered looking into medicine as a career choice. I didn't want to become a doctor like Carlisle, but maybe I should be a physician's assistant or something. I wanted to do cool things like this, but I really didn't want to be in school that long. It took too many years to become a doctor for my taste.
Suddenly, I heard Emmett shouting. I could tell he was trying to needle Bella and Edward. Leah was looking out the window, watching them in the garden below. One phrase he used set off shocks in my system. Humans spilling blood in a house full of vampires. I felt my inner wolf well up, wanting to force a change, as my protective nature was triggered, but I was able to push him back down. I took my role as a Protector for my people seriously, especially as the Alpha, but I knew there was no threat here. Emmett's laughter drifted up the stairs to us as he got his controller and started coming out of the kitchen.
That was when I felt it. A charge in the atmosphere. I looked to the source and saw Leah trembling all over. I immediately recognized what was happening, having just gone through the change myself, so I ran to her, threw her over my shoulder, and rushed down the stairs to the front yard. I set her down and backed away to give her some space. I told her what was happening, and I could see the tension slowly drain out of her. I knew she was fine and just needed time to finish phasing and come to terms with her new self. Now that she was settled and safe, I needed to help Embry with Jared.
On my mad dash down the stairs, I had noticed Jared was trembling just as badly as Leah was. I was quite thankful Embry had managed to keep a handle on his control like me. He was busy moving Kim away from Jared to a safe place. Our eyes met briefly before I sailed out the door. I rushed back toward the house in time to see Embry hauling a struggling Jared outside. I quickly grabbed onto him and helped Embry get him out onto the lawn.
"Kim!" Jared howled in his human voice, staring at the open door where she was standing watching him. He reached his shaking hand toward her. I grabbed his face between my hands and forced him to look at me.
"Kim is fine, but you are phasing into a wolf. If you change too close to Kim, she will end up looking like Emily," I explained firmly. I saw his eyes widen as comprehension dawned. He stopped struggling and relaxed, nodding his head. He smiled tremulously at Kim and began shifting. I turned back to Leah, who was now fully in wolf form. She was looking all around her like a puppy with a whole new world to explore. She started wagging her tail, then looked back at it in wonder, wagging it harder. I chuckled and her eyes met mine.
"I know. It feels great to wag your tail, doesn't it?" I asked her. She nodded, snickering. "It's something you really can't explain to someone who doesn't have one. We'll go for a run as soon as Jared is ready. Don't worry, Kim, we'll be back soon enough."
I turned back to Jared and saw him up on all four paws, testing out his own tail. He looked longingly at Kim, though he didn't step in her direction. She blew him a kiss.
"Wow, Jared, you're as big as a horse! I expect you to let me ride you some day," she hollered. He started nodding enthusiastically as laughter poured out from all directions. Kim stopped to think about how that sounded and blushed almost as pink as Bella does. Leah's laughter sounding like barking coughs, since she was in her wolf form.
I knew Bella felt bad for Kim and decided to draw some of the attention to herself to save her friend's feelings. That was quite a sacrifice, considering how much she hated to be the focus of attention.
"Hey, Jake!" Bella teased. "You're not superheroes, you're Transformers. More than meets the eye!" She giggled at her little reference. Honestly, her little giggle was funnier than her joke, but we all chuckled anyway, out of respect for the selflessness of her attempt. Embry and I quickly shed our shirts, pants, shoes, and socks, leaving us both clad in just our boxers for a few seconds.
"All right, team Wolfman, time to move out," I announced. Embry and I phased into wolves, and we started running through the forest, testing our newfound abilities. Embry and I had already gotten used to each other's thoughts from the night before, but now there were two new voices dancing around in my head. At first, all that went through their minds was the need to explore—their bodies, their senses, their strengths and weaknesses, their limitations and boundaries, and their environment. We ran in relatively quiet comfort.
I can't believe we had to learn about ourselves from our supposed mortal enemy. Were Sam and Paul intending to just let us go through that transformation on our own, with no prior knowledge? Leah asked. I would have been absolutely terrified! Even after it was explained to me in my wolf body, I probably would have been freaking out for days.
Yeah, me too. I could have hurt Kim really badly if Jacob and Embry weren't there to help me. Even after they had me, I still fought to get to her. Once Jacob told me what was happening, I knew I had to let her go until I was back under control. If neither of us had known what to expect, it would have been a disaster. She would have run to me, and I would have fought to be with her. I can't believe Sam would be so irresponsible, especially after his own experience with Emily, Jared said disparagingly.
Well, we can't be too hard on him, Embry defended. He changed on his own and tried to deal with it on his own for a long time. It was at least a year from the time he disappeared for a few weeks to the time Paul disappeared and upon return began hanging out exclusively with Sam. Maybe he just thinks that's the way it's supposed to happen.
The tribal council definitely knows about them. I guess now I know why they cater to the two of them so much. I do think it's wrong not to tell us what to expect though. They can't say it's because we wouldn't believe them. If they had turned into giant wolves right in front of me, I certainly would have believed.
I suddenly realized I'd better learn to start guarding my thoughts or the pack would be privy to every last thought that slips through my head. Some of my thoughts are so strange and whimsical even I can't believe I thought them.
Leah yipped joyfully. I found Alice's and Jasper's scent. Why don't we practice hunting down bloodsuckers?
Jared shook his head. Nah, they're probably enjoying a little 'alone' time together.
Yeah, if I have to watch leeches making love I think I'll lose my lunch, Embry growled.
Hmmm. Should we stay or should we go? Well, it would be handy to have Jasper around in case Leah and Jared have a hard time phasing back into their human status, and Alice always seems to have clothes ready for us when we need them. Yeah, let's go ruin their moment.
You're so bad, Jake. I want to show Alice my new form though, Leah barked. She can't see us in her visions, so she won't know we phased already.
A light bulb went off in my head. A slow, mischievous grin started spreading across my wolfy face, baring my teeth. It probably would have scared the crap out of a human looking at it, but my companions all recognized it for what it was.
You do realize, my dear friends, that we werewolves are the only ones who can actually surprise Alice. Can you think of the pranks Emmett and Jasper would be able to pull if we work together? They've both been so busy whining about how they can never do it that none of us have even considered the implications of our involvement before. We could all play games and stuff together and she won't automatically know who's going to win or what cards her opponents have. We can help level the playing field for them, and then they're going to owe us.
Embry let out a barking laugh. You are so bad, Jake, but I like the way you think.
So let's go surprise them already. What are we waiting for? Leah asked.
Okay, but I don't want to be out too long. Jared agreed hesitantly. I want to get back to Kim.
We started running again, following the scent deep into the forest. I reminded them to keep calm, to try and minimize their emotions, so we wouldn't alert Jasper through his gift. We came to a hot spring with a waterfall. It was gorgeous. I wanted to come back sometime when I could be alone to truly enjoy it. The two vampires were naked and embracing in the water. They were so occupied that we were able to surround them with ease.
Okay, on my signal, we're all going to bark. Hearing it come unexpectedly from all four directions should scare the crap out of them, not that vampires have normal bodily functions or anything, but you know what I mean.
One, Two, Three, RAORWF! The simultaneous barks echoed off the trees. Their reaction was everything we could have hoped. Jasper sprang about fifteen feet straight up into the air, with Alice wrapped tightly around his body.
His eyes made a rapid assessment of the situation the moment he became airborne. I saw the recognition in his eyes before he even hit the height of his jump. The four of us fell to the ground laughing hysterically. How many people could say they sneaked up on and startled a vampire? How many could say the same about a psychic vampire? We were so cool.
We were all rolling on our backs, kicking our paws in excess merriment. I watched Jasper on his way back down into the water. I saw our waves of laughter pass over and through him. He struggled to hold back his own laughter in response to ours. But it was his eyes that scared me as his body started sinking back into the water. His mouth might be smiling, but his eyes promised revenge.
Hey guys!!!!!!!!! You got to 32 so fast it freaked me out! Whoa i really love ya guys.... So the highest on WH has been 416 Many thanks to ya'll....
Currently its at 417 and i would love if we could get into 300s....
I dont like asking votes from u guys, but most of u wont vote if i stopped with the conditions... You seem to have no problem in getting to them though....
GOALS!- 32 for me to write
and 35 for IMMEDIATE upload....
<3 Y
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