Chapter 35
35. Sunny Day
Wednesday morning dawned bright and early. I forced my eyes open to see Edward hovering over me, looking at me excitedly.
"I had a great idea for today, love! If you're feeling better, that is."
I smiled sleepily up at him. I loved to see the sparkle in his eyes when he was happy. "Keep smiling like that or, better yet, kiss me, and I'll be feeling much better," I teased. It felt good to wake up in his arms like this.
He grinned, leaning down to capture my lips with his own. After a minute or two, when I was fully awake and aroused, he pulled away. I groaned in frustration. I continued to cling to his neck as he stood, which pulled me up out of the bed with him. He chuckled, which sent electric shocks shivering through my system.
"Now, Bella, your father has already left for work, and I have someplace special I would like to go and something special I would like to show you. So please get up and get ready, so we can be on our way."
I studied his eyes and his expression for a few moments, while I taxed my brain to read into his statement. He wants to go somewhere, but it's sunny outside, so our options were rather limited. In the books, he usually took me to the meadow when it was sunny. Oh! Comprehension dawned. Of course! He must be taking me to the meadow to show me what he looks like when he is all sparkly! I grinned up at him, enthusiastic about his plans now. No doubt my own eyes were twinkling as well.
I rushed to get ready, taking a quick shower, and putting on comfortable jeans and long sleeves to protect myself from the leaves and branches that would surely scrape me on our way there. Edward was waiting for me downstairs in the kitchen, where he had prepared a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey sausage. I had never tasted turkey sausage that actually tasted good, so I was rather pleased with the result.
"Hey, Edward, how did you learn to cook the turkey sausage, because I obviously haven't been doing it the right way," I wondered. He smiled at the praise and was eager to share his secrets.
"Well, the problem with the turkey sausage and turkey bacon is that they don't have enough fat in them for them to cook properly. Having less fat is of course one of the main reasons they are better options than the pork versions, so one has to overcome the lack without compromising the healthiness. Since olive oil has been proven to help lower cholesterol, thus being good for you, you simply pan fry the turkey meats in olive oil. That way the turkey bacon can get crunchy and the turkey sausage can brown without getting dry. Voila!" he lectured carefully, clearly proud of himself.
"Huh. Well, it certainly tastes good. It's not the same, but it is still good. Besides, now I don't have to feel guilty about having another one!" He grinned and brought out a small bowl of a fresh fruit salad, which I devoured wholeheartedly. I felt the blood rushing from my head to my stomach once I finished eating. This made me feel sleepy, as my body wanted me to stay still and concentrate on digesting. Too bad for it. I already had other plans. I got up from the table and started moving around, forcing my blood to circulate throughout my body.
Edward kindly put away the leftovers, cleared the table, and washed the dishes. How nice to have a domesticated man. Now all he needed was an apron and a wooden spoon. I chose not to share my amusement with him, especially as I didn't care for those particular chores. I decided to up the ante. Renée had taught me a few tricks about how to handle men when I was living with her.
"Mmmm, you have no idea how sexy it is to see a man doing dishes and cleaning the house," I drawled seductively. He looked over his shoulder and saw me watching him through hooded lids. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a sexy smile in return.
"My pleasure," he murmured, his velvet voice caressing my ears. Excellent! He was caught, hook, line, and sinker. I just needed to reel him in gently, and he wouldn't even realize what was happening until it was too late.
"I need to grab a few things before we go," I announced cheerfully. Then I made my voice husky and smiled slowly at him, deliberately licking my lips. "I can't wait until we get to the meadow, sweetheart, and then you're all mine."
He swallowed hard, and his eyes glazed over. I turned on my heel and fled into the hallway out of sight. I think I just dazzled him again. A taste of his own medicine could do him good sometimes...
I pulled an old backpack out of the hall closet and started packing it with supplies. I found an old thick blanket and slipped that in first. Then I added a couple of water bottles and some snack food. I guessed we would likely be there all day, so I wanted to be prepared. As a last minute thought, I grabbed a small first aid kit, sincerely hoping I wouldn't need to use it. I tucked that in too and tossed the pack over one shoulder, knowing I would just be putting it in the car in a few minutes.
"Okay, I'm ready now," I called as I made my way back to the kitchen. When I found myself at the doorway, my mouth opened in shock. I kept blinking my eyes, as if I didn't trust them to be functioning properly. The whole kitchen gleamed and sparkled. Holy moly! I'd been gone for less than ten minutes. How did he do that? Well, vampire speed, obviously, but still!
Edward was beaming at my reaction, reading my facial expressions, while dumping dirty water out of the mop bucket. If it weren't for the obvious indentations, scratches, styles, and color of Charlie's kitchen, it could have passed as brand new. Shucks, I doubted it even looked this good when it was brand new.
"Wow!" I exclaimed, at a loss for words. "Just wow! I am amazed, awestruck, and ecstatically happy to see what you've accomplished! You deserve a reward, Edward Cullen, and I'm just the gal to give it to you!" I tried to walk carefully across the kitchen floor to Edward, but the floor was now 'slippery when wet.' Being me, Bella the extrordinare, I started slipping and sliding almost immediately. I quickly lost my balance and would have fallen if Edward hadn't grabbed me. I was now excited and panting from my near accident, which immediately led to thoughts of other things that made me excited and panting. I pulled Edward's face down to mine and poured my love and passion into my kiss. He groaned into my mouth and reluctantly pulled away again.
"If we don't leave now, we aren't going to make it out of the house at all today," he protested. I smiled like the cat who ate the canary.
"Quite alright with me," I offered. He shook his head and carried me out of the kitchen, not wanting to risk any more accidents. Once by the door, he slipped on an oversized hoodie and gloves, effectively hiding all his skin under fabric or in shadows. I complimented him on his ingenuity. He led me to his Vanquish, his special occasion car.
"Is this a special occasion, or are you merely driving this because the Volvo was demolished?" I asked pertly.
He grinned. "Both."
On the way there, I talked to him about what kind of car he wanted to get to replace the Volvo. He mentioned several options, but since I'm not into cars, I had no idea what any of them looked like. I just pretended to listen as he compared and contrasted their various qualities.
"What about you, Bella? What's your dream car?"
"A Corvette," I promptly replied. I didn't even have to think about this one. My dream car. "I've always had a thing for the Stingray, though the latest model is really nice looking too. If you got an old Stingray and had Rosalie work her magic on it, that would make me drool. Any other car is just a car."
"Really?" he asked, clearly not pleased with my answer. After all, I'd just suggested an option even I could possibly afford. I didn't need a five-hundred-thousand dollar car to be happy. Especially not with my luck. The car would likely end up dented, nicked, and scratched by the end of the first day. Or maybe stolen. Or a meteor could fall from the sky and make a hole right through the engine. Okay, I'd better stop there.
"Bella, baby, the Corvette only seats two people," he grumbled.
I shrugged. "Works for me! I don't mind having you all to myself."
He grinned at that, back in a good humor again. "I can see I need to educate you about cars, my dear."
"Ugh!" I grouched, putting my hands over my ears. "Only if you want to put me to sleep or drive me insane. Sorry, babe, but the 'Vette is the only car that does it for me."
I smirked as he groaned in defeat. He gave a resigned sigh and mumbled something under his breath. I had a feeling it was a good thing I didn't hear whatever he had just said. But I had won the debate, so I was magnanimous in my victory.
When we got to the end of the road, I seriously expected to have to hike there, like the Twilight book had mentioned. Edward just grinned. "You already know all about me, Bella. Why don't you just hop on my back and we'll be there lickety-split."
Hey, I wasn't going to complain about not having to do a five hour hike through the woods where I would trip every five minutes, even if he was there to catch me. So I eagerly hopped onto his back, pressing my face into his neck. I was sure not to look up and risk the nausea of flying through the forest.
We were at our destination in less than five minutes. Edward set me down gently and held onto me until I was steady on my feet. I eagerly stepped into the meadow, taking in the beauty and serenity of my surroundings. After I had finished soaking in the scenery, I turned to watch him expectantly. He removed the hoodie and gloves, hanging them on a tree branch, then checked my expression before removing his t-shirt as well. My breath caught in my throat as I beheld his splendid form. I couldn't wait to run my hands over his muscled contours. I crooked my finger at him, encouraging him to walk out into the center of the meadow with me. He smiled, watching my eyes drinking in his figure.
He strolled casually up to me, and I stared as the sun hit his skin, causing him to sparkle as if he was covered in body glitter. Hmmm. What an interesting idea. I think I'll get Alice to pick some of that stuff up at the body shop. Then I'll coat myself with it on the morning of the next sunny day. That way, when he comes out into the sunlight glittering like a million diamonds, I can too! We can be glitter twins. Yeah, because I was a little jealous of how beautiful his skin looked right about now.
I took off my backpack and began to set up camp. I shook out the blanket and laid it out flat on the grass. Then I took out my iPod and portable speakers and put on some soothing background music. I wasn't hungry or thirsty yet, so I left my food supplies in the bag. Then I sat down comfortably on the blanket and waited for Edward to join me. He was watching me with a quizzical smile. He peeked into the backpack to see what other supplies I had brought and nodded in approval.
"Good job, thinking of all this. I should have thought about it, but I didn't. I'll remember for next time." I simply nodded, choosing not to argue about whether or not he should be able to anticipate all of my human needs after a mere week and a half. He curled up on the blanket beside me, and I took the time to examine his skin more closely. I decided to have some fun, and began exploring. I started by simply using my eyes to trace his form and features until I could memorize the details of his unclothed torso.
Next, I began exploring with my hands, rubbing them gently over every exposed surface, trying to memorize the contours of his body, the texture of his smooth, silky skin, and the cool temperature against my warm hands. I could tell that he was deeply moved by my touches, as he had begun to make a sort of purring sound in his chest, like a cross between a growl and a roar. Finally, I daringly decided to explore with my mouth. At first, he didn't say anything as I began planting gentle kisses up his arm to his shoulder. As I began to make my way down his chest, he put a restraining hand on my shoulder.
"What do you think you're doing?" he demanded breathlessly. I smirked down at him.
"Exploring," I purred coyly, playing innocent. "Purely for educational purposes, of course. I was using my five senses to explore the nature of a vampire."
He raised his eyebrow. "Your five senses, huh?"
I grinned back. "Absolutely! Sight," I ran my eyes over his body, "sound," I rubbed his skin until he purred, "touch," I continued rubbing his skin, "smell," I murmured, leaning close to his facing and inhaling deeply, "and…taste," I finished, taking his earlobe into my mouth and gently scraping it with my teeth as I pulled back.
He shivered and moaned in reaction to my ministrations. He fell back onto the blanket with a groan as I continued to explore his exposed skin with my teeth, tongue, and lips.
"I'll…sacrifice…myself…on the…altar of…higher…education," he gasped out, moaning occasionally. By the time I was finally finished exploring him, he was in complete and utter bliss. I couldn't help but chuckle at his satisfied expression.
I realized I was hungry and took out my food and water. I enjoyed my lunch as Edward lay peacefully beside me, gently stroking my back while I ate. Once I had finished and packed up the trash, he pounced. I found myself on my back with my arms up above my head.
My shirt had ridden up a bit to expose my tummy. His eyes were black with hunger, and I felt a shiver of fear run through me. Then he leaned down and kissed me, and I understood he wasn't craving my blood. I felt his cool fingers slide across my exposed tummy and tensed in surprise.
"What are you doing?" I gasped breathlessly.
"Exploring," he snickered. I moaned at the thought of all that implied. Well, I was game if he was. I relaxed against the blanket, knowing I would enjoy the torture he would give me after the way I had just tortured him. Sure enough, he soon had me moaning, putty in his all too capable hands.
"We wouldn't…want to…neglect…your…education," I gasped in agreement. I moaned when I felt the vibrations of him chuckling against me. When he finally felt he had sufficiently explored me in return, we lay there together on the blanket, holding hands. We took some time to talk with one another and learn more about each other. After a few hours had passed, we decided it was time to return home. He helped me pack up the blanket and then ran with me back to his car. We rode all the rest of the home in silent, peaceful contentment, simply enjoying being in one another's presence.
Wow... I didn't believe i had it in me! You guys made me rush to write this chapter! :P We got into an accident today... But it was purely the opposing party's fault... YET they were saying of making it a police case... :\ When we dared them to, THEY RAN OFF! XD
Sorry if its short.... :\ But it HAS to be 2 pages!
And seriously... I LOOOOOOVE the stingray....
Come on guys! You can do it!
<3 Y!
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