Chapter 21
21. Rose's Big Night
I was ready to kick some ass. All dressed up with somewhere to go. We were all headed to Port Angeles to give a lesson in manners to some evil rapist scum. I was both the bait and the trap. When Bella explained about what almost happened to her in Port Angeles, it brought back the memories of the night my fiancé and his friends brutally raped me and left me for dead. I had my revenge on them after my change and had then tried to put the past behind me. I didn't want to be a murderer. Esme and I always helped the battered women's shelters in each town we called home. I had even spent time as a rape victim counselor via telephone. I was always trying to come to terms with the past, with the violent stripping away of my hopes, my dreams, my future, by the man who had professed he would protect me and adore me until death would part us. I guess when he left me dying he figured his broken promises no longer applied. Little did he know that my death wouldn't part us at all, but his sure did. Surprise, surprise. I was glad I had been able to get my revenge after I was changed. My perfect memory could instantly recall the expressions on his face the entire time I tortured him up until I finally allowed him to die. I sincerely hoped he was burning in hell. I had burned with the flames of hell for three days during my change, and I hoped those same flames burned him for eternity. I hoped the pain was just as intense, the never-ending burn, the consciousness of pain, the begging for the mercy of oblivion, all roasting his body and soul for all eternity.
I thought about Bella, a seventeen year old innocent girl, younger even than I was at the time of my rape. So trusting, so naïve, so blind to the dangers she faced. Just wanting her own happy ending, like all the rest of us raised on fairytales of Prince Charming. I had my Prince Charming, at least, even if I didn't end up with my happy ever after. Granted, my Prince Charming still liked to act like a child, even after all these decades. Maybe that was part of his charm for me. He was like a big kid so much of the time, yet always a man when I needed him to be. Sort of like having my cake and eating it too. Unfortunately, cake really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. In fact, it smelled and tasted disgusting. I would know. I still insisted on the 'feeding each other cake' ritual every time Emmett and I got married. The cake was always beautiful but, once sampled, could never live up to its aesthetic appeal.
The idea that my newest little sister could suffer at the hands of four evil men, just like I did, infuriated me. I almost lost it there in her room when she described the ordeal she was trying to avoid. I was glad Edward had rescued her in her original future, but this time she didn't need him. She needed me. I was proud of her for looking past simply saving herself to recognize the danger these men posed to all other females in the vicinity. She needed me to provide justice. The justice these men deserved but would never get under the law. I, Rosalie Hale, will bring down the mighty arm of justice to smite these men tonight. They will never rape and kill another woman. Not on my watch. I would be protecting not only my little sister, but also any other woman that would have fallen into their clutches.
Emmett was eager to knock some heads together, but he recognized my need to do this myself. He knew exactly what had happened to me and what the memories that had been stirred by the current situation were doing to my sense of self-worth and well-being. Because he loved me, he would do his best not to interfere, to allow me the victory that would give me healing. He would take pleasure in my victory, counting it as a mutual victory for both of us. I was truly blessed to have him as my mate.
Alice was so excited, she was shaking the whole car as she bounced in her seat. I took that as a good sign. We would find our quarry tonight and everything would go well. I wouldn't kill them and after I taught them their lessons, we would have some fun with them, courtesy of Jasper. Alice had the video camera ready to capture the entertainment so we could share our laughs with the rest of our family. Well, maybe not Carlisle. I wasn't sure how he would react, considering how much he abhors violence. He allowed me to get my revenge on the slime who'd violated and killed me, but he didn't help, nor did he want any details. He simply turned a blind eye to my actions. So we would probably be watching the video without him. He's at the hospital so often that it won't be hard to find time when he's not home. Also, since Alice is so happy, it must be safe to assume Jasper won't be a problem tonight. I surreptitiously checked his eyes in the rear view mirror. Sure enough, they were a light goldenrod, indicating he had recently fed.
I parked the car in the populated section of town, directly under a streetlight, in front of a restaurant. I didn't plan on taking any chances with my baby getting stolen while we were busy wreaking havoc on unsuspecting rapist bastards. We got out and strolled past the shops toward the edge of town. I felt eyes watching us walk away. I was used to being watched and lusted after whenever I was around humans, but I was hoping our intended victims were watching as well. Once we reached the outskirts of the industrial area, I started issuing instructions to my companions in a voice too quiet for human ears.
"My spidey senses are tingling. Alice, are the men following us from town?"
"Not yet, they're watching us from the bar though," Alice replied, somewhat disappointed.
"Of course they're not following us, silly. Have you looked at Emmett lately? Right now it would be four on four. They can't possibly like those odds," Jasper reminded us. Right. Why didn't I think of that?
"Okay, so you two decide you're going to head back and get some dinner. You can circle around and catch up without them noticing. Stay out of sight and start taping as soon as they start moving. Emmett and I will continue walking. Once they start following, let us know. Emmett and I will have an argument, causing him to storm off, leaving me alone and unprotected."
"Actually, guys, I'm really hungry," Alice claimed, speaking loud enough for the humans to hear. "I think Jasper and I will go get some dinner now. Why don't you two come join us when you're finished exploring?" We all nodded amiably and those two meandered back to town. Emmett and I continued walking towards the warehouse district. Jasper texted us on my cell phone to let us know the men were heading in our direction. We strolled along, hand in hand, trying to let them catch up to us. Once I heard their footsteps behind us, I knew they were close enough for us to stage our fight scene. I squeezed Emmett's hand and we stopped. I heard their feet scramble to find hiding places nearby, trying to get close enough to listen to us.
Emmett held both of my hands in his as he turned towards me. He smirked quickly at me before schooling his face into a frown.
"Rose, be honest with me. Do you have feelings for Jasper?" he asked grimly.
"Feelings? For Jasper?" I choked, trying to hide my amusement. "Well, I promise to tell you the truth, Emmett. Jasper always seems to know what I'm feeling, unlike you, who doesn't have a clue sometimes."
"I can usually gauge your feelings too, Rose," he replied, feigning hurt.
"Maybe so, but Jasper shares my feelings. He's so responsive to my moods. When I'm happy, he's happy. When I'm upset, he's upset. He shares my joy and my pain. Better yet, he's able to calm me down when I get angry. Even when I'm furious, all he has to do is lay his hand on my shoulder, and I feel waves of calm wash through me. Nobody else I know has that effect on me."
"Okay, so he's the sensitive type. I get it. But you two are just friends, right?"
"No, I've loved Jasper like a brother for years. My parents look on him as a son. He's part of my family now."
"I love your parents and I thought they liked me too. I wanted to be part of your family ever since the day you brought me to your house. I wanted a future with you forever."
"My parents do love you like a son too. You know how loving they are. It's just that whenever I feel overwhelmed with lust and desire, I can tell by the look in Jasper's eye that he is experiencing that same overwhelming lust. He never acts on it with me though. Instead, he hunts down Alice and shares that lust with her. That's when I hunt you down and take you whichever way I want you."
"What? You're sharing your lust with Jasper? Even if you two never act on those feelings with each other, I'm outta here," Emmett growled, stomping away from me, back towards town.
"Emmett!" I shouted after him. He turned his head towards me, but kept going.
"I'm going to go talk to Jasper now. I'm sure he'll know exactly how you're feeling," he sneered. I watched him stomp away and pretended to sob into my hands. I heard the men whispering to each other.
"Man, that guy is stupid. How could he just leave her out here alone and crying like this?" one of them asked in surprise.
"Well, I for one am glad he did. Even with the four of us, it wouldn't have been a pretty fight. Did you see the size of his muscles?"
"I can't wait to 'comfort' the little lady and show her how a real man handles her overwhelming lust."
"The little bitch is going to get what she deserves tonight, and we're going to give it to her. Let's get started before Jasper shows up, though I'm certain we can help him feel some of her pain if he arrives before we're done."
"Man, Lenny. That's cold. You scare me sometimes."
"Why, Joey? Are you developing a conscience? You didn't mind taking your turn with the last girl, but if you want out, you're welcome to leave."
"Oh, come on, Lenny. I don't want out. I want in. In her," they all started laughing at his little joke.
I pretended to be startled by their laughter, cowering and appearing frightened. I clutched my purse to my chest, stepping further into the shadows.
"Look, James, she's making our job easier for us."
"Yeah, keep backing into the shadows, baby. You ever seen such a beautiful girl, Stu?"
"Nope. I wonder if she feels as good as she looks."
"We'll soon find out."
Though they were back to whispering, I continued to move back behind the warehouse, out of view of the street. I saw Emmett, Alice, and Jasper sitting on a nearby rooftop, filming the whole thing. The men decided it was time to make their move. As soon as the men turned the corner of the warehouse, I stepped out into the center of the alleyway.
"What do you want?" I challenged, refusing to cower any longer.
"You know what we want, and we're going to take it."
I smiled, putting my hands on my hips. They were so stupid. "If you're smart, you'll turn and walk away right now. If you come any closer, I'm going to have to hurt you."
They all four laughed. The biggest one taunted, "I'd like to see you try. Violence turns me on, so your feeble attempts to escape will just get me in the mood."
They all fanned out and began advancing. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Emmett had disappeared. As soon as the men were within the boundaries of the alley, I chuckled.
"Don't say I didn't warn you, scum. It's time for a little good old-fashioned justice," I announced. I quickly spun around, allowing them to see the blur of me spinning. What they didn't see was me slipping off my dress and putting it in my purse. I grabbed the lasso and crown out of the purse, tossed the purse behind me, put on the crown, and prepared the lasso. Once I was ready, I stopped spinning, facing the men, legs spread shoulder width apart, arms on hips. I had taken Bella's advice and was dressed in my Wonder Woman outfit. I simply stood there for a few seconds while the men's slow brains processed what they were seeing. As I saw the comprehension of who I was pretending to be filter into their consciousness, I began spinning my golden lariat. Before their brains could provoke them to react to the situation, I had them lassoed. My rope was wrapped tightly around all four of them, forcing them to bunch together. I heard someone land, seemingly out of nowhere, right beside me. The men looked at the newcomer in shock. I could smell Emmett, so I turned to look at him. I couldn't help grinning when I saw him in his full Batman outfit.
"So, Miss Diana Prince, fancy meeting you here. Need any help cleaning up the trash of our fair town?" Emmett inquired in a smooth, deep voice.
"Why, if it isn't Bruce Wayne! So good to see you again. I've got everything under control though," I responded flirtatiously. He bent and gave me a kiss.
"Do you mind if I just watch, Diana? I love to see you work."
"Not at all, Bruce. I don't mind an audience."
He stepped to the side, crossing his arms across his chest, and glared at the men. The big one pulled out a knife and cut the lasso. As soon as the lariat dropped to the ground, they all tried to make a break for it.
"He cut my rope!" I roared angrily. "I can't believe the bastard actually had the nerve to cut my rope!" I was furious. How dare he mess up my prop? Emmett and I easily caught the men and stopped them before they could leave the alley. The one who cut the rope tried to stab Emmett with the knife. Of course, the knife simply bounced off of his skin.
"Gotta love body armor," Emmett chuckled, pretending the knife had bounced off the costume instead of his skin. I knew better. I was fuming. How dare that bastard put a hole in Emmett's costume? That was one of my favorite costumes! I decided to save that one for last. He was the one who had called me a bitch, and I was sure he was the ringleader of the little group.
"Hold those two scum until I'm ready for them, Bruce," I commanded.
"As you wish, Diana," he purred back.
I began inflicting violence upon their bodies, careful to hold myself back. I broke a select few of their bones, loving the satisfaction of the crack. I pinched certain nerves. I crushed their family jewels like eggs. Then I tossed them aside. I had left them able to walk and talk, but in immense pain. All movement would hurt, including breathing. They would need months for painful recovery, but they would recover. Other than the excruciating pain, they would all be perfectly able to walk back to town to receive medical help.
"Next!" I ordered, holding out my hand. Emmett, knowing the way I think, held the ringleader back and pushed the other guy into my waiting grasp. This guy was utterly terrified. He had urinated in his pants. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
"Please, have mercy," he begged. I raised an eyebrow, gazing at him impassively.
"Did you show mercy to the girls you raped?" I asked. The answer showed in his eyes. "I didn't think so. Well, this is their little gift to you."
I proceeded to give him the same justice I had given his friends. Once I tossed him aside, I turned back to Emmett with a smile. The leader glared at me with hatred, but I could see the fear swimming behind it in his eyes. He knew it would do no good to beg.
"Your turn now," I sang sweetly. I particularly enjoyed his justice, but with him, I took it one step further. He needed extra punishment for damaging our favorite costumes. I grabbed his knife and tore off his pants, exposing his privates. Then I used the knowledge I had gained in medical school to make sure he would never be able to become erect again, even with Viagra.
"Talk about cruel and unusual punishment," Emmett laughed. "I almost feel sorry for you, man. But since you deserve it and more, I'm just amused instead. Diana is just so clever."
I tossed him aside with the others and then brushed off my hands. I retrieved both pieces of my lasso and my purse. "I need to wash my hands now after taking out the trash, Bruce. Care to join me?"
"Love to, babe," he accepted, giving me a very passionate kiss. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and started grinding against him. He instantly responded. "My place or yours?"
"Both," I smirked wickedly. "What can I say? Justice makes me horny."
Emmett and I laughed. I jumped down, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Ta, ta, boys," I taunted. "Enjoy your recovery. See you in your nightmares!" I laughed evilly and strolled off with Emmett. As soon as we were out of sight, we went to join Alice and Jasper at their vantage point.
The men groaned and started cussing. One of them pulled out his cell phone and called 911. In no time, two squad cars and an ambulance arrived at the scene. They were quickly followed by a news van. We waited for everyone to get out of their vehicles and the camera to start rolling before beginning the next stage of entertainment.
Jasper filled all four men with extreme remorse. In no time, all four of them had confessed to every crime and act of wrongdoing they had committed in the past. Once they had confessed to the brutal rapes, and even some murders, Jasper sent them intense levity. They began laughing hysterically, slapping their thighs as they made rude comments to each other about the rapes they had committed together. All the other humans at the scene were shocked and disgusted. There was nothing humorous about what they had done. The men were digging their graves. Jasper calmed them down.
Once they were calmer, the police asked them what happened. Jasper inflicted them with the strong desire to tell the truth. They quickly explained that they had attempted to rape a girl, but she turned out to be Wonder Woman and was having an affair with Batman. Jasper then sent them massive paranoia. They began jumping at shadows, peering around fearfully. They began asking stupid questions and making accusations towards the police. The police read them their rights and began to lead them to the ambulance. Jasper sent them anger and desperation. They instantly started resisting arrest and trying to escape. The paramedics were forced to give them sedatives to make them compliant. We were all holding our hands over our mouths in a desperate attempt to hold in our laughter. The news crew was ecstatic to be getting the whole thing on camera. They knew their tape would be used as evidence, but they would make a copy of it before handing it over. This was a major scoop for their station. The public would want these men hung out to dry.
Finally, the men were carted off to the prison hospital to be treated, and everybody else left the scene. Alice stopped recording and gave me a high five. Emmett and I changed back into our street clothes and all four of us walked back to the car, huge grins adorning all our faces. I couldn't wait to show the tape to Bella, Edward, and Esme tomorrow morning. I turned and bumped fists with Jasper as we got in the car. He grinned and nodded, understanding. Jasper and I had delivered justice, Hale style.
Jambo! Lolzies.... i have a chall for you readers... Its perfectly fine that i didn't get my wish, but mayde for this chap? Yeah... so.... The challenge... The first person to figure iut what this saying means WITHOUT using google(Please dont! thats cheating!) will get the next chapter dedication! The saying is "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam". Figure it out! It has a really nice meaning to it...
Do give it a try!
<3 Y
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