Chapter 10
10. Give Us The Cliffies!
"Bella!" Edward shrieked. "That's one of the things we weren't mentioning!"
"Well, you know, it's not like we made a list or anything. Maybe you should make a list of all the things I'm not supposed to talk about and share it with me," I snapped. "It's not like I'm a mind reader or anything."
He had the grace to look embarrassed. The rest of the family was frozen in shock, staring at us in disbelief.
"You have sex with her while she's still human?" Jasper shouted.
"I can't see the baby's future?" Alice whined.
"Wow! Go, Edward!" Emmett cheered.
"You two are going to have a baby together?" Esme gasped.
"The baby is half-vampire?" Rosalie questioned.
"I think this is one of those things we'd like to hear about in greater detail, son," Carlisle announced.
Edward sighed again. "Okay, what did you want to know?"
"Well, I've been under the impression that it's impossible for vampires and humans to procreate. So I am naturally curious about that whole process. How does it work? And I'm also surprised that you chose to, umm, attempt that process while she's human."
"Yeah, I know," Edward glared at him. "She almost died because you didn't know anything about it."
"I think Bella should explain," Rose suggested. "She's a lot more forthcoming than Edward."
The rest of the family all nodded in agreement, looking eagerly to me. I couldn't help a little smirk at
Edward. He snorted.
"Go ahead, Miss Chatterbox, fill them in on all the details."
"Okay, well, Edward didn't want to change me. He kept thinking I would get over him or something and have a nice human life without him. He was wrong."
"How do you know?" Rose demanded.
"Uh, well that's kind of a long story, and I'm sure that's one of the things Edward doesn't want me to mention," I hesitated.
"Give us the cliff notes," Rose suggested. I started to shake my head and Edward did too.
"Please, Bella, just start at the beginning and let us all get on the same page. You've thrown out so many bits and pieces that just lead to more questions. Can you please sum up the next two years according to Stephenie Meyer, so we can all understand what to expect? At least the bare bones summary?" Carlisle asked politely. I would do anything Carlisle asked. I glanced briefly up at Edward and he nodded. I took a deep breath. I was going to sum up over 2500 pages of material as briefly as possible. I decided to start with the baseball game.
"Okay, three nomads come. Laurent goes to Denali and is Irina's mate. James is a tracker and goes after me. His mate, Victoria, helps him. James almost kills me, so Jasper and Emmett kill him, while Alice, Carlisle, and Edward save me. James bit me, but Edward sucks out the venom to keep me human. Edward decides to leave me because he thinks it's too dangerous for me to be near him. He tells me he doesn't love me and all the rest of you leave without saying goodbye. Edward forbids Alice from looking for my future and you all promise not to come anywhere near me. I spend the next couple of weeks catatonic, then the next few months only going through the motions of life, a zombie, more or less. I start hanging out with Jacob Black. He turns into a werewolf. I start doing stupid stuff because I have a death wish. Meanwhile, Edward is holed up in a dirty attic somewhere in South America, completely nonfunctional. I go into the woods. Laurent finds me while hunting and tries to eat me. The werewolves kill him. Victoria keeps trying to get to me to torture and kill me to revenge James's death. I spend most of my time at La Push so the wolves can protect me. I jump off a cliff on a stormy day. Alice sees me enter the water but not come out. She assumes I'm dead and comes to Forks. Jacob saves me from drowning. Rose tells Edward I committed suicide, so he asks the Volturi to kill him. They say no. He decides to force them to kill him. Alice and I go to Volterra to save him. We do, but all three of us are taken to Aro. Aro wants all three of us to join the guard. We all say no. They let us go and we fly home."
"And you're still human at this point?" Jasper asks in disbelief. I nodded. "You go before the Volturi, knowing about us, and they let you go?" I nodded again.
"Yes, with Alice's word that I'll be changed soon. Edward refuses to change me. Carlisle offers to do it after I graduate. Edward says he'll do it if I marry him. I agreed to marry him if we could, umm, be intimate before I change." I started blushing, looking down. "I was afraid I'd have to wait through the whole newborn year before we could do anything. Anyway, he agrees. Victoria makes a newborn army. They come to get us. The wolves help us fight. All newborns die. Edward kills Victoria. A few of the Volturi guard come. They don't see the wolves. They're unhappy we're all still alive and I'm still human. Edward and I get married. I get pregnant on our wedding night. Edward freaks out. We come back. Edward wants to abort. I ask Rose to help me protect the baby. The baby and I almost die until we figure out I have to drink blood. Carlisle leaves to get more blood. The placenta separates. Edward does an emergency C-section and delivers the baby. He gives her to Rose. My heart stops. Jacob does CPR to circulate the venom while Edward puts me back together. I go through the change, and practically skip the whole newborn phase. Our daughter is perfect. Jacob imprints on her. She's gifted, prefers blood to human food, has normal vampire abilities but a human heartbeat and brown eyes, is warm, and has an accelerated growth rate. Irina sees her and tells the Volturi she is an immortal child. They come to kill us all. We call all our friends to stand with us, but the wolves are what stops them long enough for us to explain. Alice finds Nahuel from South America and brings him to testify. He and his sisters are all vampire/human hybrids. They grow to maturity in seven years, then live forever like vampires. The Volturi go home, our friends go home, we're friends with the wolves, my dad knows we're different but doesn't want to know any details, just wants to get to know his grandchild. The end. Okay, that about sums up 2500 pages. Well, except I didn't mention that I'm Edward's singer. My blood is like a thousand times more potent to him than anyone else's is, so he's always fighting the urge to kill me, but he eventually gets over it."
They are all just staring at me. Hey, I think I did a pretty good job of summarizing two years of life in about five minutes. I deliberately left out the part about Jasper attacking me at my birthday party, knowing it would just cause hurt feelings.
Jasper turned to look at Edward. "The other night, when you came in all wild, it was because you smelled her?"
Edward looked sheepish. "Um, actually I had wanted to test the theory to see if the books were real, so I went over to her house. I knew from the books I would react very badly the first time I caught her scent, so I merely opened the passenger side door of the car she rode home in from the airport. That stale scent from the previous day was enough to affect my sanity to that extent."
"So how can you sit so close to her now?"
"I knew from the books that I could learn to ignore her scent the way Carlisle does if I kept practicing, so I took a piece of her clothing and smelled it for hours at a time to force myself to think past the burn. I know that sounds kind of weird and stalkerish, but at least she understands. That reminds me though. Bella had a theory about something, and I wanted to test to see if it's true. Emmett, Carlisle, would you mind holding Jasper for me?"
Jasper looked offended, but allowed himself to be restrained. Edward rested his nose against my neck and inhaled deeply, allowing his mind to register how thirsty my blood made him feel. Jasper immediately started growling and snarling, trying to get to me. Edward quickly stopped breathing and refocused. The women moved to stand in front of me as Emmett and Carlisle pushed Jasper back into the couch.
"Everybody, project your love to Jasper, make him feel it," I cried. "Not anger or disappointment, just love." I watched as their bodies relaxed and their stances changed. Alice approached him, putting her hands on his face and capturing his eyes with hers. Jasper rapidly returned to sanity. He looked at me in horror, then hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, so sorry. I don't know what came over me."
"I do," Edward admitted sadly. "It was my fault." Jasper raised his head in surprise.
"All this time we've made you feel like the weak link. We've seen you struggle more with your thirst than the rest of us do, and we've made excuses that it's because you're newer to this life and that you drank from humans longer than the rest of us," Edward explained. "The truth is that you're one of the strongest. We are the ones who bring you down. You don't just struggle with your own thirst; you wrestle with the thirst of all seven of us. I proved it just now. You were completely fine until I allowed myself to feel my thirst for Bella's blood. You were reacting to my thirst, not your own."
I squeezed Edward's hand and smiled at Jasper. He looked at Edward in amazement, trying to process Edward's revelation. The whole family turned to look at Jasper with new eyes.
"I can't believe we've lived with you for all these decades and never realized it. Bella was the one who figured it out. Every time any of us go too long without hunting, we make it harder for Jasper to maintain control. Every time any of us are struggling, he struggles harder. I'm sorry, Jasper. I'm sorry for all the times I've made it harder for you, and I'm sorry for not understanding and I'm sorry for judging you for your struggles, thinking myself better than you. Please forgive me, Jasper, for all of this and for making you doubt yourself," Edward begged. Jasper sprang forward and embraced us both. We wrapped our arms around him. He leaned back, smiling joyfully.
"Of course I forgive you, Edward. Thank you, Bella. I can't tell you how much this means to me. Edward and I can practice together, so we can both get stronger. I never want to hurt you. Now that we know, I think our whole family can hunt a little more often to make sure we never get too thirsty to have you around," he offered.
The rest of the family nodded, murmuring their apologies to Jasper and promising to try harder to make his life easier.
OMG have i ever said you guys are amazing??? I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for voting and commenting.... You really lift my day up.... Please another 5 of each??? i already have the 11th chappie ready... All i need is motivation... ;) My editor is with me for the nite and i promise to upload some suspense in The Illusionist Trilogy OR Sisters Forever....... A shout out to DarkRoseIsDying! Thank you!
<3 ReadingTillEternity
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