Time With Kabuto
*Naruko's pov*
At the east base-which I found out was close to the Akatsuki hide out- Kabuto and I cleaned. It was so freaking disgusting, like nobody has used this hide out in forever.
"This is disgusting!" I yelled sweeping.
"Yeah, I thought someone was supposed to be cleaning it on a regular basis." Kabuto sighed annoyed.
"Ah!" I screamed jumping away.
"What?" Kabuto looked up.
"Spider! Eww! Kill it!" I yelled. Yup, I hate spiders. I'm terrified of them. Kabuto chuckles at my reaction as he walks over to kill it. "Don't laugh! It's not funny." I yelled at him pouting.
"It's a harmless spider. Relax." He chuckles picking it up and showing it to me.
"Eww! Get it away! Kill it!" I yell running away from him. He chuckles and shakes his head. Taking it outside.
"There. It's outside." He comes back and continues to clean.
"Ugh, this is taking too long." I sigh. I quickly make clones and we all begin to clean.
"What are you doing?" Kabuto asks with a raised eyebrow.
"I hate cleaning, so I made clones to help get this done faster." I replied simply.
-time skip to an hour later-
"Finally done!" I sighed exasperatedly as I flopped onto the couch.
"You really are lazy." Kabuto sighs.
"No, I just dislike cleaning. I love to be active, well I love to train." I say shrugging. My stomach growls, reminding me we haven't ate in a day. "Hey, What do we have to eat? I'm starving!" I complained.
"You're loud." Kabuto sighed and began mumbling about how he was forced to come here with me. I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.
"Do you have anything specific you want for dinner?" I rephrase my question and he looks at me curiously.
"You cook?" He asks.
"Yeah. It was something I'd do often with my mom and when I'd visit Sasuke and Selena, I'd cook with Mikoto and Selena all the time." I shrugged.
"Mikoto, That was Sasuke, Selena and Itachi's mom right?" Kabuto asked and I nodded. "Can you make curry?" He asks.
"Only if we have the ingredients." I say seriously. I go to the kitchen and dig around in cabinets, finding everything but the chocolate to sweeten it up.
"Missing an ingredient?" He sighs.
"Yeah, But we have what I need to make the ingredient. But I don't know how to actually make it." I sigh defeatedly.
"What is it?" He asks curiously.
"It's an Uchiha secret." I say simply. "I spend too much time with Uchiha's..." I mutter after a minute.
"Does Sasuke know the recipe?" Kabuto raises an eyebrow and I laugh.
"No. The boys were band from the kitchen when Shisui, Itachi and Sasuke used the fireball jutsu to make breakfast for Mikoto and Selena." I laugh even harder at remembering the story.
"Why on earth would they do that?" He asks laughing as well.
"To thank them for all their hard work." I laugh. "I'll just have to make the curry normally. So it'll be a little spicier then I like." I sigh.
"That's fine." Kabuto shrugs. I nod and begin to make the food. Starting with the curry itself. I then put the rice on a little before the curry is done and then I serve.
"Here you go." I say setting a plate of curry in front of Kabuto. He looks at it skeptically for a second before picking up his chop sticks and taking a bite. "How is it?" I ask awaiting his criticism.
"It's good." He says nodding in approval. I smile and begin to eat as well.
"Hey, Kabuto, can I ask you something?" I ask seriously after dinner. We were sitting in the kitchen talking.
"What is it?" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"Do you actually like being with Orochimaru?." I ask curiously. He blinks at me before becoming slightly awkward.
"To be honest my answer is yes, I do enjoy spending time with Lord Orochimaru." He says calmly. I look at him carefully.
"But why?" I ask curiously.
"He helped me start a new life." He says simply. I smile at that. "What about you? What do you think of Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto asks with narrowed eyes. I raise an eyebrow and lean back in my chair.
"Honestly? I don't think he's as bad as everyone else wants to think. His experiments are pretty great but at the same time terrible." I say after a minute. "Don't get me wrong though, I still want to see him dead for killing my dad and cursing Sasuke but in a way I'm grateful for what's happened." I say seriously.
"Would you kill him if you had the chance?" Kabuto asks.
"No. I don't like death." I say shaking my head. He nods and looks at the clock.
"It's getting late. I'll show you to your room." Kabuto says standing up. I nod and stand up too. We walk down a long hallway and stop in front of a room with the kanji for goddess (megami 女神) on it. "Lord Orochimaru has had this room set up for you since the Chunin Exams."
"That's slightly creepy." I say sweat dropping. He opens the door and I walk in. My mouth hangs open at the vibrant colors. "Why so bright?" I mutter.
"He probably had Karin design it." He says sweat stopping at the sight of pinks and purples and yellows. My eye twitches at the pink and yellow.
"Purple is okay. Pink is not and neither is yellow." I say annoyed.
"Your hair is yellow." Kabuto deadpans.
"Eh? But my hair looks okay." I say seriously. "This room needs to be changed. I'll do that tomorrow though. Thanks Kabuto." I say walking in.
"There should be clothes of all sizes in the closet and you have your own bathroom instead of having to use the bath house outside." He informs.
"Thanks, and goodnight." I say as he goes to walk away.
"Yeah." He says waving as he goes towards his own room.
I decided to take a bath so I get what I need and head to my bathroom. Starting the water and making sure it's hot enough I grab a few candles and light them. Throwing my hair up into a messy bun I get into the bath.
'You have the Sharingan and the Byakugan, now you need the Rinnegan.' Chrissy says.
'But isn't it hard to gain ?' I ask curiously. I sink into the bubbles. 'And hey! You didn't tell me how to gain the Sharingan and the Byakugan! I did it on accident! You need to help me train them!' I yell at her.
'Hehe, sorry about that Naruko. You just have to figure stuff out on your own.' She giggles sheepishly.
'Well at least tell me what powers of yours I should be training.' I say rolling my eyes.
'Well they're not my powers anymore they're yours. Your Sharingan and Byakugan need work, your healing will need more work, your Rinnegan will need work -when you receive it-, you'll have to contact the sage of the six paths, being able to get visions whenever you need, and being able to master any jutsu shown to you. Oh, and any clan traits you come across too.' She says nodding.
'That's a long list.' I sigh. I get out of the bath letting the water out. I quickly get dressed into a big black tee-shirt, a pair of shorts and let my hair down. It reached past my butt, just slightly longer then mom's was. I sighed as I brushed it out.
'You know you can bring people back from the dead? And come up with a way to resurrect clans, without bringing the people back?' Chrissy states as she files her nails.
'Really now? Hmm, I guess I'll have to figure it out somehow.' I reply calmly. I'd ask Kabuto about it, He is rather good in the medical field. Maybe he'd know how I could do it.
-time skip, early the next day-
It's 4:30, I barely slept and now I'm wide awake. I sighed and decided to go train. Glad that Orochimaru has a training room set up. I got changed into a tight tank top, tight shorts and wrapped my wrists and ankles. Pulling my hair back in a braid, and slipping my shoes on. I walk to the training room, silently.
I first begin by making clones. I stood in the middle of the training room and five clones stood around me ready to attack. I decided to use Byakugan to train.
"Byakugan." I say, my eyes turn the white color and the veins around my eyes bulged out. I could see all except for the clone directly behind me. So the Byakugan does have a weakness. I think to myself. "Let's see if training with Neji has helped me any." I say copying his exact stance. Two clones came at me, kunai in hand. I get in the gentle fist technique.
"Two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four." I count as I strike. As I said sixty-four I took a strong step forward. My clones disappeared. The one directly behind me took the chance and attacked. I didn't see it, but I sensed the movement. I swung around and deflected the attack.
I quickly thrust my palm into the clones body, it poofs away from the force. The last two clones attack at once. They charge with kunai and shuriken. They threw the shuriken to throw me off. I dodged quickly, grabbed one clone and slammed it into the other. I heard clapping from behind me. I didn't realize he was their. He was in my blind spot so I whirled around.
"Nicely done." Kabuto says impressed. I shook my head.
"No it wasn't. My formation was sloppy. I need to be trained by an actual Hyuga." I say sighing.
"Anyway, I came to tell you I made us some breakfast. Go clean up, I'll wait for you." He says ushering me to go get cleaned up.
"Alright, Thanks." I say going back to my room. I quickly shower and get dressed in a white and black ninja outfit that looks somewhat like a goddess outfit.
-time skip after breakfast-
"Thank you for breakfast, Kabuto. I didn't know you could cook so well." I smiled. Yes, I hate him, no I'm not going to kill him. Yet anyway.
"Let's work on those cures. Who are they for again?" Kabuto asks.
"Well, Selena and Itachi both have a terminal illness. Not sure if it's the same one or not though because their symptoms are slightly different. Don't tell anyone I told you though." I say glaring.
"Alright, alright. Let's get started." He says as we walk into the lab. "First things first we need to separate some of the DNA from each and test them with different things. We can easily find a cure if the tests work perfectly." Kabuto states. I nod and we begin to run tests.
"Kabuto, look at this..." I say with slight amazement. He looks in the microscope.
"That's strange... the white blood cells seem to be fighting the disease but yet still dying. Their are so few.. this is a type of cancer." He states.
"Well now that we know what it is do you think we can actually cure them?" He nods.
"Yes. It won't be simple but we can do it. I say we should have it done in less then a year." He says nodding along as he calculates something in his head.
"Less then a year?" I ask shocked.
"Yes. Cancer is a very common disease but nobody has ever made a true cure for it. Not even Lady Tsunade, if we do this then we will become even more famous then the legendary sannin." My eyes widen at this.
"Let's get started." I say grinning.
(Hello, today is Jiraiya Ero-sennin's Birthday! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERO-SENNIN!!!! Remember to read, vote comment!)
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