The Terrible Bell Test!
(I really hate writing this story guys! But I love it at the same time 😂. You guys will love what I have planned for this story btw!)
*Naruko's pov*
"Naruto! Wake up!! We have a survival test today!" I yelled kicking Naruto out of his bed. He fell to the ground with a thud as I walked out of his room. I've been up for a while... sometimes Kurama keeps me up, much like last night. Mom said that it was normal sometimes but it'll get better in time, but I don't really believe that.
"Why are you up so early?" Dad asks yawning as I grab a few apples, and make some toast.
"We have a survival test today. But you already know that." I say sighing.
"True. I also know Kakashi and Obito said not to eat." He says smiling lightly.
"I'm not stupid dad. A ninja must think for themselves and must always work in a team to get the job done." I say slightly annoyed. He smiles at me sadly.
"Another sleepless night?" He asks, I nod and sigh. "Here. Drink some coffee it'll help wake you up." He hands me a nice warm cup of coffee.
"OH NO!! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" Naruto yells running around getting dressed.
"He's going to wake mom up." I sigh. "I'm heading on over. I'm sure it'll be awhile before Kakashi-Sensei and Obito-Sensei even show up. They were part of your team, right?" I ask. He nods. "And if I'm correct none of them will eat, they'll be starving before we even begin. This isn't much but they'll thank me later for this." I say sighing.
"Well you have already passed the test Naruko. But how will you get ALL of your teammates to work together?" Dad asks grinning.
"I'll figure something out." I say shrugging. I finish packing the food in my bag and walk away. "Tell Naruto to hurry up please. Love you dad."
"Love you too Naruko." Dad waves me off as I jump away. I jump from building to building until I run out of buildings. By then I'm jumping from tree to tree until I get to the meeting place. Everyone's there except for our Sensei's. How Naruto beat me here I haven't a clue but then again, I wasn't really in a rush.
"Where's Naruko?" Udyan asks yawning.
"I don't know. She left before me." Naruto says also yawning. I sigh and jump down from the tree.
"Morning everyone. Did anyone eat?" I ask smiling.
"We weren't suppose to eat idiot." Sasuke says annoyed.
"So is that a 'no' from everyone?" I ask curiously.
"Yes. None of us have ate." Udyan says sighing.
"You guys are really stupid. A ninja who doesn't think for himself will never get the job done. Another lesson is, teamwork. I assume that's what this test will be about. If we can't work as a team then we won't pass." I say casually as I take my backpack off.
"How do you figure that?" Selena asks.
"Why do they put us in teams?" I ask curiously.
"To get the mission done faster." Sasuke states.
"Yes and no. Teams are more efficient, successful. But you have to work as a team." I say seriously. I dig in my bag. "Here, it's not much food but you all should eat. An apple and piece of toast are light, less likely you'll throw it up." I say handing food out.
"What if one of out Sensei's show up and catch us?" Sakura asks. I look her dead in the eyes.
"They'll be late. About three hours or so. Don't expect them to be here early." I state.
"How do you know that?" She asks glaring.
"Both of them were Naruto and I's dad's students." I say shrugging. "I've heard stories while Naruto got in trouble." I shrug.
"Thanks Naruko." Naruto says hugging me after he stuffed his face full of his food. I laugh and hug him back.
"We should come up with a plan of sorts." Selena states.
"If what Naruko says is true then we need to work together. All of us." Udyan says looking at team seven directly.
"Why are you looking at us?" Sakura asks crossing her arms.
"Because none of you get along well together or with us really." I state. I turn to look at Sasuke. I walk over to him and stand directly in front of him. "Sasuke."
"Hn?" He glares slightly. I smile at him sweetly.
"Work with me. Think of it, you'll never surpass Itachi if you can't work with people. Teamwork will make you stronger." He eyes me for a minute, I put a hand behind my back with three fingers out. I then put one down, leaving two up. Then I put one more down, leaving only one up.
"Fine. But I'm not going to like it." He says glaring at me. I smile at him.
"You don't have to like it. Now Sakura?" I turn to look at her. "Will you work with us?" I ask smiling.
"Of course! Because Sasuke is!" She yells at me. I nod and smile.
"Naruto?" I ask turning to look at him.
"No way! A future Hokage has to be able to do it on his own! Believe it!" He yells. I walk over to him quickly and grab him by the collar of his jacket. My hair going up like moms does.
"How do you think Dad got the title as Hokage?! It sure as hell wasn't because he did everything alone! He started out just like the rest of us! Kids, who want to be amazing ninjas when we grow up! He had the help of his teammates and Sensei to become as amazing as he is! Now, I wasn't asking you as another teammate, I was asking as your little sister. Will you work with us?" I say all this a bit pissed off but I calm down as I ask.
"Okay." He says sighing. But he smiles at me. "I'll work with you believe it!" Naruto says hugging me. I hug him back and smile.
"Alright. Does anyone know what time it is?" Udyan asks. I look up at the sky. The sun is starting to come up.
"It's around 6ish. We should have enough time to come up with a plan." I say seriously.
"We're going to want to throw them off guard." Selena says. I nod in agreement.
"How are we suppose to do that?" Sakura asks.
"You're smart Sakura. You may not be as strong but you are as smart. The top kunoichi scores were me, Selena and you." I say seriously.
"I still don't get how we're suppose to throw them off." She says.
"Well we can all act as if we still hate each other." Udyan says putting an arm around Sakura.
"Well, that'll work for team seven, and us hating them but us hating each other?" Selena asks laughing slightly.
"They already know we'll work together. They won't be expecting us to work with them." I say seriously. "We can still throw them off though." I say seriously.
"How?" Everyone asks at once curious to my plan.
-time skip because I'm evil. You'll find out the plan here in a few-
"Where are they?!" Naruto, Sakura and Udyan yell annoyed. I guess it doesn't take much to annoy Udyan. Just as they said that there was a poof of smoke.
"Sorry we're late." Kakashi-Sensei and Obito-Sensei say in unison.
"A black cat crossed our paths so we had to take the long way." Kakashi-Sensei says.
"LIARS!" Naruto, Sakura and Udyan yell pointing at them. I stood between Sasuke and Selena. Naruto and Sakura stood on the other side of Sasuke and Udyan stood next to Selena. I sighed , we've been waiting over three hours.
"Well, let's get started." Kakashi-Sensei begins. "Here we go. It's set for noon." They pull out five bells.
"Kit, you notice only five bells right?" Kurama asks curiously. I nod silently. "It is a test. Get all five bells and hand them out to everyone else. You'll be sure to pass that way." I get slightly confused but hey, Kurama knows what he's doing. Unlike with mom he helps me.
"Your assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from us." Obito-Sensei says smiling. "That's all there is to it."
"If you can't get them by noon you can go without lunch." Kakashi-Sensei says blankly. Naruto gasps. "You'll be tied to those post and you'll watch as we eat our lunches." Everyone looks at me thankfully. Even though there stomachs still growl some though.
"Hmph. Aren't you glade you listened to me know?" I ask the others. They nod vigorously. Kakashi-Sensei and Obito-Sensei give me a questioning look but I zip my lips and grin mischievously.
"Wait a minute there's six of us. How come there's one five bells?" Sakura asks.
"Heh, well that at least one of you will end up tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission." Kakashi-Sensei says amused. "That one goes back to the academy." Everyone glares at him except for me. I grin in amusement. They're playing their part well.
"Then again all six of you could flunk out too." Obito-Sensei says smiling.
"You can use any weapons, even shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill us, you won't be able to take the bells." Kakashi-Sensei and Obito-Sensei says at the same time.
"Those weapons are too dangerous Sensei's!" Sakura yells.
"Haha! Especially since you couldn't dodge that eraser." Naruto says. I look Naruto straight in the face and sigh.
"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers." Naruto and I both turn and glare at Kakashi-sensei.
"When we say start you can begin." Obito-Sensei says calmly, he looks like he wants to smack Kakashi-Sensei too though.
Before they can even say start Naruto grabs a kunai and runs at Kakashi-Sensei. Not that it did any good, Kakashi-Sensei had grabbed Naruto's hand with the kunai in it and was standing behind him holding it to his head. Everyone's eyes widened except for Obito-Sensei. Mine widened only slightly though, I'm fast but he's faster and I have a feeling he was holding back.
"Don't be in such a hurry. We didn't say start yet." Obito-Sensei and Kakashi-Sensei said in unison.
"But you came at me with the full intention of destroying me. How can I say this... I'm actually starting to like you guys." Kakashi-Sensei says slightly amused.
"Get ready, and, start." They say in unison. Everyone jumps away except for Naruto.
Unlike everyone else who hid fairly close so they can watch Obito-Sensei and Kakashi-Sensei I went deeper into the forest. I knew better then to stay close, I'd have to come up with a good plan to actually get the bells. I made three shadow clones with one hand. They spread out to throw them off from the real me. I stopped abruptly after a minute.
"This should be far enough away." I say sighing. I climb to the top of the tree and watch from here. I can see the entire fight. I watch carefully for my chance. We came up with a good plan and it looks like everything is going as planned.
*Selena's pov*
Well Naruto got beat up. Sasuke almost got caught, Sakura got stuck in a genjutsu looking for Sasuke. Udyan and I can't find Naruko anywhere. Naruto is currently hanging in a tree upside down.
"Hey, get ready to put the plan in action." Naruko says appearing behind us.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Udyan and I yell at her.
"Sorry, I'm just a clone. I'm carrying out my job." She says smiling.
"I see. Everyone else knows?" I ask. She nods.
"Let's get into position." Udyan says after cutting Naruto down.
"Yeah!" Naruto says grinning. Obito-Sensei and Kakashi-Sensei are in the middle of the field. Sasuke is on the opposite side in the field being a distraction. Sakura is hiding in the trees closer to him, Naruto is on her left a little ways away, Udyan is directly behind them in the trees, I'm directly across from Sakura in the trees. Leaving Naruko directly across from Naruto.
Sasuke started to do hand signs, I jumped out of the trees doing hand signs for the fireball jutsu. Naruto did the shadow clone jutsu, Udyan and Sakura stayed hidden. Naruko jumped up above Kakashi-Sensei and Obito-Sensei. But it was a clone, doing the hand signs for the fireball jutsu too.
"Fire Release; Fireball jutsu!" The three of us yelled blowing fire at them. All the while Naruto's clones held on to them, the real Naruko grabbed the bells. All five. She jumped away whistling. Signaling a retreat, we all took off after her.
*Obito's pov*
"What?" I asked dumbfounded as they worked together to get the bells.
"But they weren't working together at all.." Kakashi mutters.
"It was an act.. they used their hatred for each other as an advantage.." I state still dumbfounded.
"No. Naruko used them to get the bells."
"I wouldn't say I used them. I just know how to get people to work together." Naruko says standing behind us. We turn quickly. "Oh, by the way, I'm only a clone and don't have the bells. Anyways the alarm is about to go off." The clone the poofs away in smoke.
*Naruko's pov*
"Here." I say as I hand bells to everyone.
"But what about you Naruko?" Sakura asks. I smile at her.
"Don't worry about it. This is all part of my dream to help people. Even if it means I get sent back." I reply smiling at her. The bell rang and we sat and waited for our Sensei's. They arrived a short minute later.
"Where to begin..?" Kakashi-Sensei asks sighing.
"You all pass." Obito-Sensei says smiling. I smirk in victory.
"But Naruko doesn't have a bell?" Sakura and Udyan ask confused.
"The point of the test was to see if you could work together." Obito-Sensei says.
"I'm curious on something. Naruko, how did you get them to agree to work together? You had no idea of what the test would be and yet, you had everyone working together without being anywhere near until the last minute." Kakashi-Sensei asks I grin and stand up.
"Well, I remember dad telling me about the test before. And since you're both his students I expected you to use the same test. I came up with a plan, explained it to them, and they agreed. It took a little bit to get them all on board but I did it. Though the plan didn't work out completely like I wanted it to it still worked." I say shrugging.
"And why didn't Sakura and Udyan help out?" Obito-Sensei asks.
"They're our medics. They're suppose to be kept a safe distance away. Though they will need to learn basic self defense but we can always work on that later. They were kept back in case you two retaliated." I say simply, not taking account that they started to get angry. Next thing I know my face is punched into the ground.
"Cha! What was that?!" They yelled.
"Ouch." I mutter pushing myself up. "You're strong but not what you could be yet." I say nervously hiding behind Obito-Sensei. He laughs and pats my head.
"Why don't we go celebrate." Obito-Sensei says smiling.
"YEAH!" Naruto and I yell jumping up fist bumping.
(Happy birthday to Ino! I'm not suppose to update today but I will for her birthday! So I might not update Monday! But here are so pics for Ino! Love you guys! Read, vote, comment!!!!)
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