*Udyan's pov*
We got to Sunagakure only to find out Kankurō was poisoned. Sakura and I worked hard to cure him. Naruko stood next to Temari and calmly put her hands on Kankurō's head.
"I'll keep him stabilized for you." Naruko says calmly. We nod and continue to heal him.
-time skip-
"That's the last of it. He should be out of danger now." Sakura says. I wipe my brow and sigh. I see Temari lean against the wall and sigh.
"Thank you." She mutters lowly. I nod and Naruko stands there watching Kankurō.
"Go make that cure." She says simply. Sakura and I both nod.
"Naruko, is he okay?" Naruto asks walking in.
*Naruko's pov*
"He will be fine." I say looking away from Kankurō. He nods.
"Can we talk?" He asks pulling on my arm. I nod, we're the only ones in here besides Kankurō who can't move and is asleep.
"What is it Naruto?" I asked lightly sitting near Kankurō's bed.
"Why did you leave? What's going on that you can't stay with me? Why did you shut yourself off to me? Do you know how much I've missed you?" Naruto starts to cry and my heart shatters.
"I'm sorry Naruto. I know no matter what I say I'll never be able to apologize enough." I choke on some sobs. "I've missed you all this time, but with whatever is about to happen I had to leave." I hug him crying. "I love you big brother, I always will no matter what happens." I sob even more. He wraps his arms around me and sobs too.
"I love you too sis." He says in my ear.
-time skip-
"We did it!" Sakura yells coming in with the cure. "Here, drink this." She puts the medicine to his mouth and makes him drink it.
"That should do it." Udyan says calmly leaning against me. Temari sighs a breath of relief.
"Hey Kankurō." I say lightly to him. He looks at me and sighs.
"You're here." He says slightly annoyed but coughs.
"Take it easy idiot. You're still not fully healed." I scold. "Now, why wouldn't I come? You guys are some of my favorite people after all." I say smiling lightly.
"It was Deidara and Sasori who took Gaara. Naruko, you guys need to get him back." Kankurō says looking away from me. I giggle at him.
"Don't worry Kankurō. We'll bring him back." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm going with you." Temari states.
"No." Sakura says strictly. "You need to stay here."
"I'll go." An elderly lady says walking in. "I'm Lady Chiyo, I'm Sasori's grandmother."
"Udyan, Sai stay here and watch over Kankurō." Kakashi-Sensei says demandingly.
"Alright." They say.
"Naruko, you too." Kakashi-Sensei says glancing at me. I can tell he doesn't trust me.
"Not happening Sensei. If I have to I'll go myself and save him. I'm stronger then all of you right now, don't test me." I say glaring. "I made a promise to Gaara that I'd come and save him. That's what I'm going to do."
"She's not a threat Sensei!" Sakura yells.
"It's okay Sakura. Kakashi just doesn't know how to trust me after so long. Look, I'm the current Oracle, well in training. I have the Sharingan, mangekyou and Eternal, I also have Byakugan. I will be of more help with you then if I were to stay here." I state simply.
"Huh? How?" Everyone asks.
"Honestly no clue. I just know what I can do." I shrug. "The oracle gave me the power." I nod.
"We can discuss this another time." Sakura says. I nod and we all begin to leave.
-time skip-
"Hold on. There's someone up ahead." I say stopping in my tracks. Everyone stops and looks at me. "Byakugan." I say, my eyes turn white, the veins around my eyes bulge out.
"Can you tell who it is?" Kakashi-Sensei asks.
"Eh, no. I don't have a lot of practice with my Byakugan." I say sighing. I let my Byakugan disappear. "Stay on alert." I say seriously.
"Right." Everyone says nodding. We run for a few minutes before being attacked by none other then Itachi.
"It's Itachi." I say being on high alert and activating my Mangekyou. "Don't look into his eyes whatsoever." I order.
"I'll have to stop you here." Itachi says. I narrow my eyes slightly. This isn't actually Itachi.
"Sakura, Lady Chiyo, Naruko, Go on a head. We've got this." Naruto says.
"Not happening. I'm staying here to make sure you're okay." Sakura and I both say seriously. The fight begins and it's drawn out. I glare harshly with my Byakugan.
"What is it?" Sakura asks.
"This isn't Itachi. He wouldn't draw out a fight like this. I use to train with him and he always ended it as soon as he saw the chance. He didn't like fighting." I say seriously.
"Did Sasuke kill him already?" Sakura asks looking away as I glare.
"No. I would know if he had." I shake my head.
"Do you know where Sasuke is?" She asks curiously.
"Sakura, I can't tell you anything." I say sighing. "But I'll tell you this, Sasuke is fine. Right about now he should be killing Orochimaru and hunting for Itachi." I say calmly.
"What? I thought he was going to let Orochimaru use his body?" She asks confused.
"No. You really think he'd do that? Sasuke may be stupid at times but he's not about to let someone take control over his body." I say seriously. A small smile graces my lips.
"This is just a distraction. The longer this goes on the better chance Gaara will die." Lady Chiyo says.
"I know. But I can't leave my brother. If Gaara dies I can bring him back. The oracle has granted me the power to be able to do that." I say seriously.
"You're the Child of Fate." Lady Chiyo says shocked to me. I nod with a small smile.
"Big Ball Rasengan!" Naruto yells slamming it into the clone. My eyes widened.
"Maybe Naruto is stronger then me after all..." I mutter so low nobody could hear me. I deactivate my mangekyou and tried to refocus my eyes. I swayed slightly.
"Are you okay?" Sakura asks.
"It takes a few to readjust my eyes after using both Byakugan and the Sharingan one after the other." I say. She nods and holds me up. I push her off. "I don't want anyone to know about this. I'm perfectly capable of moving blindly." I glare at her. She sighs but nods.
"I'm sorry Naruko." She says so low that I almost didn't hear her. I sigh and shake my head.
"Don't worry about it Sakura. As part of my training I'd have someone wrap my eyes up and put stuff around my eyes so I couldn't see even with Byakugan. I'd have to fend off any attacks thrown at me." I say simply. "If I wanted it harder I'd have them put weights on my body so I could barely move." I say calmly.
"Really?" She asks. I nod calmly. We continue to run towards Gaara. I activate Byakugan and see two people with chakra and a body. My eyes widen then I see four people behind us. I turn to see Neji, TenTen, Lee and Guy-Sensei.
"Hope we're not late." Lee says grinning.
"Just in time." Naruto says looking back.
"How?" Neji mutters. I sigh and shake my head.
"I'll explain later. We're coming up on them." I say turning around and activating my Sharingan.
"You shouldn't switch between your eyes so fast." Sakura scolds.
"I'll be fine. Besides Deidara hates Uchiha's, if he thinks I'm an Uchiha his attacks will be sloppy. We'll have a better chance at getting Gaara back." I say calmly. I transform into Selena.
"Smart thinking." Lady Chiyo nods.
-time skip-
Naruto, Kakashi-Sensei and I went in pursuit of Deidara as he flew off with Gaara's body. Sakura and Lady Chiyo went off to fight Sasori, and team Guy stayed and fought off clones. I knew this wasn't going to end how I expected when Naruto started using tailed beast mode.
"Naruto." I muttered. I didn't want him to get hurt. Kakashi-Sensei has put a special seal on him and it knocked him out.
"You! You're an Uchiha aren't you!" Deidara yelled at me.
"Maybe." I reply shrugging. "Why don't you come down here and fight me instead of being a little bitch!" I yell up at him smirking.
"I'll kill you for that, yah!" He yells throwing bombs at me.
"Heheh. What is that clay?" I ask giggling. "Ooo, I wonder, could I gain your ability?" I ask mainly myself.
"What do you mean? Stop messing around Naruko." Kakashi-Sensei scolds.
"I can gain other peoples special abilities. But I'm not an earth style user so I don't know if I can actually use his jutsu." I reply shrugging.
"I'll kill you!" He yells throwing more bombs at me. I sigh and put my hand up in the air.
"Chrissy give me his ability." I say calmly.
"As you wish Naruko. Just as your eyes you can make these disappear and reappear whenever." Her angelic like voice rings out loud and a bright light shines over me. I grab the clay from mid air the hand mouths eat them up. They create crows and fly towards Deidara.
"Katsu." I say smirking at him. The birds explode by him, destroying his bird. Naruto catches Gaara's body after waking up. I make the hand mouths disappear and sway. Losing my transformation and my eyes going back to normal.
"Naruko!" Naruto yells as I fall. I hit the ground hard. I cough up blood.
"I take it even using that for a short time can harm you." Kakashi-Sensei states looking down at me. I nod slightly.
"I'll be fine in a little while." I say as blood drips from my mouth.
"We'll finish this." Naruto lays Gaara near me. I can't move so I can't check on him, but I know he's dead. I close my eyes and silently prey that he lives. I slowly drift off, not wanting this to be real.
"Naruko!" I hear someone scream my name. I open my eyes slowly. "Thank god." Sakura mutters sighing. "You weren't breathing."
"Oh? I stopped breathing again?" I ask sighing as I sat up. "I'm fine. How's Gaara?" I ask.
"He-He's Dead." She looks away. I look over to see Lady Chiyo giving her life for his. I stand up and walk over to her.
"Lady Chiyo stop, let me do this." I say calmly.
"But.." She trails off as I glare at her.
"Chrissy, give me the powers of life and death!" I say pointing my hands at Gaara.
"As you wish Naruko." Chrissy's angelic like voice calls again.
"Gaara of the Desert, the Fifth Kazakage, we grant you life. As the Oracle and Oracle in training." We say in unison as my hands begin to glow a bright purple color. He sits up and gasps for air grabbing my hands. I push him back to a laying position.
"Don't move yet." I say sweating. "I'm not done healing you."
"Naruko, stop. You're going to kill yourself if you keep this up." I look over at Udyan and shake my head.
"No." I say simply. Sakura puts her hands on my shoulders and heals me as I finish healing Gaara. "Sakura stop. I'm okay." I say calmly.
"Thank you." Gaara says after I was done. I nod and lay on the ground.
"I'm tired." I mutter. "I need to work on switching eyes more often." I say tiredly.
"Naruto." Gaara calls to him. He stands in front of Naruto hand out. "Thank you." Sand wraps around Naruto's hand and puts it in Gaara's.
"Any time." Naruto says grinning.
"Naruko." Temari calls. I look up at her as I'm still laying on the ground. She puts her hand out to me and I take it. She pulls me up and hugs me. "Thanks. You really proved yourself."
"Yeah. Thanks for helping." Kankurō says hugging me too.
"Too much physical contact. My body hurts." I whine. Everyone snickers at me and most join in hugging me. Naruto being the fist and Udyan right after. Sakura joins in then TenTen, Lee drags Neji in and Guy drags both Kakashi and Sai. After they let go Gaara walks up to me.
"Thank you Naruko. If you need anything you can contact me." Gaara then hugs me shocking everyone. I hug him back and sigh.
"You don't have to thank me. I would have done it anyways." I say simply.
"I heard you was threatened by Lady Tsunade." Temari states.
"I was. But even if I wasn't working under her direct order I still would have came to save him." I say shrugging.
"Let's head home." Kakashi-Sensei says then collapses. Guy carries him back.
"Tell Lady Tsunade I did my part. I have to return back to my hide out and get things set up. Here." I hand Sakura something. "Give that to Lady Tsunade. It's got some important information she needs to know and it has a seal for one of my Toad summonings that will come to me with a message if needed." I say seriously.
"You're leaving already?" Naruto asks looking down. I smile at him sadly.
"Yeah. Something bad is coming and I'm still not ready for it." I reply.
"Selena's going to kill you when she finds out you left again." Udyan says hitting my head.
"Ouch." I mutter. "Tell her I'll be back around, before that happens. I'll need her help." I say nodding at him.
"Okay. But when you summon her I'm coming with." I sigh but nod.
"Alright." I make the tiger sign. "I'll see you all again."
"Bye, Naruko." Everyone sighs and then I disappear reappearing in front of Kabuto and just collapse.
"Naruko?" He asks slightly shocked. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Totally okay, besides the fact I can't move my body anymore." I say sarcastically.
(So, hey guys! Hope you're liking the story! Uh, today is a double update as it is Rin Nohara's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIN!! Don't forget to read, comment and vote!!)
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