*Selena's pov*
Naruko, Sasuke and I continued to walk back to the compound. It was fairly quiet the only sound was our foot steps. Thats when I realized we were close to the compound but we didn't hear anything. No noise whatsoever.
"I smell blood..." Naruko trails off, eyes widening like saucers.
"What is it?" Sasuke asks confused. I keep calm figuring what we would find as soon as we get to the gate. We arrive to see bodies littering the ground.
"Wh-what..." Naruko mutters. Tears prick at my eyes and within seconds we're all running off to the house.
"M-mom! Da-Dad!" I yell tears streaming down my face. I glance over at Sasuke to see him silently crying as well.
"Mom?!" I hear Naruko call as we get inside. We slide the door to the house open, no answer. We go upstairs to mine and Sasuke's parents room. We slide their door open.
"Mom! Dad! Kushina!" I yell running in. We see Itachi standing with his back facing us.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Sasuke yells. Tears steaming down his face. I turn to look at Naruko, only to see She's about to collapse.
"I killed them." Itachi answers calmly.
"WHY? Why would you do that?!" Sasuke yells enraged. I swiftly walk over to Naruko and hold her standing steady. We both start to cry hard.
"To test my power. You wouldn't understand little brother." Itachi says just as calm as before.
"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MONSTER!" Sasuke yells, tears streaming down his face just as hard as either Naruko or myself .
"Sa-Sasuke.." I stutter while sniffling. He doesn't look at me.
"What, are you going to kill us too?" Sasuke asks, slowly reaching for a kunai.
"There is no value in killing the likes of you." Itachi says his back still turned to us.
"I'll grow stronger and kill you." Sasuke says through gritted teeth.
"Foolish little brother, if you wish to kill me, then hate me, detest me, curse me, and survive in an unsightly way." Itachi disappears from our sight. Hearing him outside we run out as well. "Run, run and cling to your pitiful lives." He says.
"ILL KILL YOU DAMN IT!" Sasuke yells. Rage filling him. Naruko pushes off of me and hugs Sasuke from behind.
"Sasuke. Please. Don't leave me for hatred." She sobs into his back. Seeing him visibly relax.
"I'll show you how I killed them all." Itachi says and before any of us even have time to process this he turns around with the next level of the Sharingan and shows us everything. We collapsed to the ground seeing the entire thing. I felt my eyes mature to the next level. Not that I'll tell anyone that.
*Naruko's pov*
I don't know how much time passed before dad found us. I sat in a hospital room now, my eyes devoid of any emotions. I refused to see anyone.
"Naruko?" Someone called from the door. I didn't move form my spot, I didn't even look up.
"She's still unresponsive Naruto. Give her some time." I think that was dad.
"Oh, well I thought she'd want some ramen." Naruto sighed defeatedly. I still didn't speak. I didn't look up, I didn't even move. I'm in shock.
"Let's leave her to rest." Dad suggested. They sat the ramen down on my bedside table. Dad kissed my forehead and Naruto rubbed my arm.
"I love you sis." Naruto mutters leaving. A little while later someone else knocks on the door.
"Naruko? You have visitors." The doctor said. "You can come in, She's still not responsive, maybe you guys can get something out of her."
"Th-Thank yo-you." A small voice says. I still didn't move. The sound of several footsteps approaching and stopping in front of me sound. Yet I still didn't move.
"Naruko, look at me." It was Sasuke who spoke this time, but I still didn't move. "Naruko." His hand grips my chin and makes me look up. When I do I see, Sasuke, Selena, Naruto, Sakura, Udyan, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Hinata, Kiba and Shino.
"Don't be so ruff with her Teme!" Naruto yells.
"Keep it down, Dobe!" Sasuke yells back. Normally I'd chuckle or snicker or even smirk at them but I can't.
"Guys. Not even your bickering is making her smile..." Udyan says calmly. He watches me closely.
"I think she's broke guys." Choji says while munching on some chips. Selena doesn't say anything, she just gets on the bed, lays down and pulls me with her.
"It's okay Naruko." Selena mutters in my ear. Udyan climbs in bed too and we all lay there before we break down in tears. Naruto joins, somehow maneuvering to where I'm laying on top of him.
"I-I miss mom." I cry into Naruto's chest. Udyan and Selena get out of the bed and hug there siblings. Sasuke doesn't hug her back but Sakura leans against Udyan and hugs him.
"L-lets gi-give th-them som-some priv-privacy." Hinata says stuttering.
"Take care Naruko." Everyone mutters lightly. Naruto and I lay in the bed crying.
"It-it'll all be okay. I promise, Naruko." Naruto says while drying his tears up. I just cry harder into his chest. "Kakashi-Sensei said he's going to train Sasuke, and that he found me a teacher to train me for the last round of the Chunin exams." Naruto says.
"Wh-who di-did he fin-find for you?" I ask through hiccups and tears.
"Ebisu-Sensei." Naruto says in disgust. I attempt to laugh but fail. "He hasn't found anyone for you yet. Maybe if you ask you could train with Zabuza?"
"No-no. He'l-he'll be training Ha-Haku." I reply still hiccuping. I sigh and wipe my eyes. I lay on the bed and Naruto moves over and wraps his arms around me.
"Hm, then who could we get to train you?" He asks. He begins to think for a moment. "Maybe dad could train you?" He asks.
"Maybe..." I say sighing. I snuggle into Naruto and yawn. "Le-let's worry later... I'm ti-tired." I hiccup and yawn.
"Heh. Alright. Let's go to sleep." Naruto suggest cuddling up with me and pulling the blanket up over us. We both close our eyes and fall asleep. Memories of finding mom, Fugaku and Mikoto play through out my mind and I start crying in my sleep.
-time skip, a few days later-
I was finally released from the hospital. I was diagnosed with severe depression, possibly ptsd and anxiety. Naruto came to pick me up, as we were leaving Shikamaru showed up.
"Hey Shika, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked curiously.
"Ah, well visiting Lee. He was pretty beat up, he probably won't make it as a ninja. He's feeling pretty down. Want to come with?" He asks.
"Sure." We reply. And so we walk to Lee's room. When we got there I froze at the door. Gaara was trying to kill Lee! Naruto and Shikamaru felt with him and he left but I was still frozen by the door breathing heavily. Shikamaru came over to me and puts an arm around me and pulls me close.
"Don't worry Naruko." Shikamaru mutters holding me close. "Lees alright. See?" I see Lee laying in bed asleep. I nod slightly and sigh.
"I-I think I'm going to go home.." I mutter.
"Yeah. Let's go home Naruko." Naruto says sighing. We all decided to go home, after saying bye to Lee and leaving a few encouraging words for him. Naruto and I went home and I locked myself in my room. A little while later someone knocked on my window. Looking out I see Gaara. I opened the window.
"If you're here to kill me, go for it." I mutter lowly sitting back against the door. He sighs at me.
"Come on. Stand up. We're going out for a little while.. Let's go watch the stars." He leaves no room for arguing as his sand wraps around me gently and pulls me along outside. That's when I realized it was about midnight.
"Where are we going Gaara?" I ask sighing.
"You'll see." He says calmly.
"Why are you being nice?" I ask semi curiously.
"Because Shukaku doesn't want to kill you." He answers honestly. We continue in silence for a few. Then we stop in a clearing. "Here." We both sit down and look up at the stars.
"Gaara?" I mutter under my breath as I watch the stars. He looks at me and hms. "Why did my mom have to be there? Why didn't she run? I warned them about what would happen, we all knew, well not all of us. My team knew, mom knew, dad knew. Why didn't dad stop her?" Tears begin to stream down my face.
"You knew but didn't know when?" He asks calmly. I nod and tears steam down my face and drip on my hands. "Fate is weird like that." He says trying to soothe me.
"Fate? That's funny." I mumble.
"What is?"
"The word 'Fate'. I've been told since I was young that I'm the Child of Fate. That I have the power to change fate. But yet I feel so hopeless. So powerless. Why was I chosen by the oracle to carry such a role? Why me?" I ask in frustration as I wipe my tears away. Gaara doesn't say anything for a moment.
"Maybe, you've already changed Fate somehow? Normally Shukaku would be screaming for blood but around you he doesn't. Maybe you've changed more then you even know." Gaara says calmly.
-time skip, to funeral-
Everyone wore black. Naruto and Dad stood in the front of the crowd but I wasn't anywhere to be seen by anyone. I hid myself in the shadows of the trees. Everyone laid down a white rose for her. Then did the same for the Uchiha's. I waited until everyone left, and even then I stayed in the shadows.
"I'm sorry." A deep, calm voice said behind me. I didn't bother to turn around. I knew that voice well.
"Itachi." I whispered.
"How is everyone?" He asks sitting next to me.
"I wouldn't know. I haven't spoken to anyone really." I reply looking a head. "I know Sasuke wants to kill you, I fear he really will run off to Orochimaru now." I say calmly.
"Everything will be fine okay?" He asks me. He stands and hands me a single Sunflower. "They were your mom's favorite, Right?" He asks. I take it gently and nod.
"Yeah. Mom would much rather prefer this to the white roses. Y'know." I sigh sadly. He takes my free hand and we walk over to the graves. Laying down our flowers on each grave.
"I've come to give you information. There's a group called the Akatsuki. I was forced to join them, they're after the buuji's but for some reason they don't have any information on you at all, only Naruto. My partner and I will be sent to capture him soon." Itachi informs.
"You're not actually going to capture him are you?" I ask seriously.
"Of course not. We just need to make it look like it. Just don't get close to my partner or his sword. It can sense chakra." I nod in understanding. "Take care Naruko, and take care of Selena and Sasuke." He pokes my forehead.
"I will Itachi." I say nodding.
(😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 please don't hate me! I mean I'll understand if you do because I hate myself! But ok, continue to read, vote and comment! If you have any questions ask away! I love you all and I'm so sorry! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
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