Chunin Exams...Yay?!?
*Udyan's pov*
A few days ago we were summoned to the bridge to receive our Chunin exam slips. Today the Exams begin. Team 5 has done nothing but train, eat and sleep. None of us has went home in the last two days. We set up camp and discussed tactics, for any and everything. This first exam will most likely test our intelligence and information gathering skills. Seeing as it's held at the academy. Even though we have plans for any and everything, we still don't have plans for exactly everything until we see it with our eyes.
"Ready guys?" Selena asks. We all look at each other before answering honestly.
"Not even." Naruko and I mutter.
"Great! Let's do this anyway!" Selena says smiling as best as she can.
"Yeah. I mean, what do we got to lose?" I laugh nervously.
"We have a lot to lose. That's why we have to pass." Naruko says seriously.
"Yeah. You're right." I sigh. We all walk into the academy to see team 7 ahead of us. "I'm surprised Sakura showed." I say smiling impressed.
"I'm not." Selena says shrugging.
"She'd do anything to impress Sasuke.." Naruko says glaring.
"Hey, I've got a question." I say. It's just came to mind. Without letting them tell me to go on I do anyway. "What's with you and Sasuke, Naruko?" I ask curiously.
"Wh-what do yo-you mean??" She stammers shock written in her face.
"Well, you two did the forehead poke thing. And I know that it means a great deal of affection. So? Are you two together or not?" I ask smirking at her blushing face.
"Not officially. Who knows what'll happen when we're old. Hell, he could end up with Sakura for all I know." Naruko sighs.
"Doubtful on that one." Selena says with a light smile. "Alright guys, what do we have going on here?" Selena asks as we stop behind a crowd.
"Looks like they don't know it's a genjutsu." I mutter.
"Do they not realize we've only walks up one flight of stairs?" Naruko asks confused.
"Let's just walk by." I suggest.
"Yeah. Probably be best." They agree together. We begin to walk past at the same time as team 7. They were stopped by the two guards at the door but we kept walking. We got through without a problem and made our way up the stairs. We quickly walked down the hallway to see Obito-Sensei standing there smiling proudly at us.
"You all came. Of course you did. I wouldn't have expected anything less. Alright, now you all know, after today I'll be gone for a while?" We nod. "Alright. So you know everything that's needed to know the?" We nod, he sighs. "Alright guys. Good luck, I expected you three to become Chunin before you come find me at the end of the Exams."
"We'll try our best Sensei." We say together as we hug him, he pats our heads and we walk in the class.
*Naruko's pov*
Our eyes widen slightly as we walk in the classroom. There are kids from everywhere. I spot the sand ninjas and nod respectfully. They nod back slightly but glare mostly. I eyed the room in front of us.
"Let's stand in the shadows and just observe." I suggest.
"Good idea." Selena mutters. Udyan only nods in agreement. We stand in the shadows and watch. Team 7 walks in shortly after us, then teams 10 and 8 arrive. Ino hangs off of Sasuke and I glare daggers but sigh and shake my head.
"Who's that?" Udyan asks as someone walks up towards the group after Naruto yelled being stupid. I shrugged not knowing.
"Let's get closer without being noticed or seen." Selena suggest. I nod in agreement and so we do. We mover quickly but quietly. We stand behind the others, but Shikamaru being who he is noticed us and quickly turned around.
"Oh great. So the 12 rookies are all here after all." Shika says as he mutters about this being more troublesome then it's worth.
"Ew, why are you here fox?" Ino asks my eye twitches and Selena grabs my arm.
"Hmph, I should be asking you the same, pig!" I reply in mockery.
"Shut up, Pig. You're drawing unnecessary attention our way." Sakura and I both say together then we glare at each other. "Shut up forehead/Fox."
"Naruko." Sasuke says simply, I turn to face him.
"Yes, Sasuke?" I ask simply.
"When did yo-." He didn't get to finish his sentence as I was tackled in a hug.
"You made it! Where have you been?! You haven't been home?! Nobody knew where you were! Believe it! Just wait until mom gets a hold of you!" Naruto goes on squishing me.
"Naruto.....can't...breath." I manage to say. Udyan and Sasuke pull him off and Selena helps me up. "We've been here since before you guys. We wanted to be early. And all of team five went camping. I told mom and Dad both. But knowing them they probably forgot." I replied sweet dropping.
"Your mom's going to kill you." Selena mutters, having witnessed mom's wrath. I nod knowing this. The guy from early who walked up to the group began to talk.
"Who are you?" He asked us.
"It's only polite to tell us your name first." Selena says glaring. Her grip on my arm tightening slightly. I try my best not to flinch.
"I'm Kabuto Yakushi." He says as he glares slightly at us.
"Naruko Uzumaki."
"Selena Uchiha."
"Udyan Haruno."
"Wait? You three, Ah." He nods smirking. "I know who you three are. Sensei, Obito Uchiha. You three have been on more missions then the rest of the Konoha rookies. Especially you Naruko." He holds up a card.
"Chakra Cards, you use those to get information. But how did you get information on me?" I ask glaring.
"Or our other missions? I mean geez, those weren't even on file or our own missions? They were Sensei's and we just kind of tagged along." Selena says glaring as well.
"I have my ways." He says smirking.
"Well we've gotten all the information needed." Udyan says seriously. Snatching the cards with swiftness, and throwing them in the air. I did my one handed hand signs quickly.
"Fire Release; fireball jutsu." I say simply. Everyone's eyes widened at my one handed signs, other then the Konoha rookies.
"You're such a show off." Kiba says smirking. I shrug and we walk away completely.
-time skip to the actual test-
We were given numbers and told to take our seats. I was seated in front of Gaara. Selena was seated in the back and Udyan was behind Ino, not too far from me. As we were handed our exams we sat and waited until we were told to begin.
We were told simple rules; 'if you're caught cheating then you're disqualified.' Yada yada yada. What gave away the test is we get five chances to cheat. The test began, I flipped my test over and smirked. I know my team can do this, maybe Sakura and maybe even Sasuke. Naruto on the other hand... written test have never been his strongest. I have faith he'll pass though.
I quickly wrote the answers down when I felt something drop on my shoulder. I looked to see Sand, I looked back even more to see a Sand eye. I ended up putting two and two together, it was Gaara. If he continued with how he was cheating he was going to get caught. I moved over some and motioned with my head to move closer. The Sand eye cautiously did and that's how the test went.
People were called out, they failed. One even had to be forcefully removed. It was pretty intense but none of the Konoha rookies were called out. Until a kunai hit my desk, after I was already done. Everyone's eyes widened slightly.
"You're out Uzumaki Naruko." Ibiki called smirking.
"I really hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't cheat. This test was easy, too easy honestly." I reply seriously.
"Naruko, cheat?" I hear several others mutter.
"I really hate to break it to you Ibiki, but Uzumaki Naruko wouldn't cheat, even if she didn't know the answer." Ino says standing up.
"She's too troublesome to do that." Shika says lifting his head up.
"Believe it! Naruko would never cheat!" Naruto yells.
"As much as I despise Naruko, she really wouldn't cheat." Sakura says as she glares at me.
"Besides," I pick the kunai up and twirl it around my finger. "There isn't a point for me to cheat," I say throwing the kunai back with force. He moves in the nick of time. "When I already figured the test out."
"Like father, like daughter. I should have known." He laughs bitterly, I grin widely and nod.
As the test went on people got called out. In the last 45 minutes we were given a choice. If we failed the last question then we wouldn't ever become Chunin, if we left we could take the test again next year. I sat straight, along with all of the Konoha rookies. Some looked frightened but they wanted to go on. As people began to leave, Naruto looked uncomfortable, Sakura looked like she was about to raise her hand. My eyes widened but they widened even more when Naruto did. He slammed his hand on the table and stood up.
"I will never give up! I don't care if I have to take this test a hundred times! Even if I can't become a Chunin I will become Hokage! No matter what it takes!" Naruto say glaring. "I'll never give up, that's my ninja way!"
I grin at my brother. This is totally something he'd do. Nobody else stood up to leave. It took a whole minute before Ibiki spoke again.
"Well, you all pass." The entire room seemed confused I simply grinned and leaned back in my chair. I zoned out the rest of it until I felt a weird presence by the window then the window broke and in came a purple haired woman. A banner fell and everything. She made an entrance by I really didn't pay attention.
"Hey kid. I've got a bad feeling about what's to come. It doesn't seem... right. Be prepared for anything." Kurama says sighing. "After all it would be a pain if you were to die."
"Awh, are you worried about me?" I ask him grinning. He scoffs at me but doesn't say anything.
"Come on Naruko. We've got to go to the Forest of Death." Udyan says walking up to me.
"The Forest of Death, huh? Sounds like this'll be fun." I murmur.
(HEYYYYY! I'm back!!!! Have a nice day, and remember to read!! I love you all! I'll update again Monday, thank you all!!! Have a fantastic day! I'm thinking of having a bit of Q&A's at the end of each chapter, if you have questions, about me or my life or the story, leave them in the comments and I will answer them! Remember to read, vote and comment!!)
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