Chunin Exams...Sound Attack, Sakura Saved Us.
*Selena's pov*
We found a tree with a hollowed out bottom to rest in. Udyan and I were at our limits anyway. We were close to collapsing. But we didn't want to leave Sakura defenseless.
"You two need to rest." Sakura begins to scold us. "I'm going to set traps around us. I'll be right back to heal everyone." She says as she lays Sasuke down. We lay Naruto down and sit and wait.
"We'll wait up Sakura. You're defenseless." I say sighing. She ignores me and goes out to set traps. "Udyan can you go with her?"
"No. I can barely move." He says shaking his head slightly. We wait for a few minutes and she returns. With some berries.
"It's not much but it should help you regain some strength. But you really need sleep." Sakura hands us the berries.
"Thank you." I say lightly. Udyan nods and pulls her closer.
"Thank you sis." He mutters lowly and kisses her head. Sakura sighs and leans in to him. I glance to Sasuke sadly. I move over to him stiffly. I smooth his hair down some and poke his forehead. I end up laying next to him and sighing sadly.
"He'll be okay." We all jump at the new voice. Quickly looking around we see it's only Naruko. Sakura's standing with a kunai at Naruko's throat. "Whoa! It's just me Sakura. Y'know those are dangerous." Naruko says laughing sheepishly.
"Prove it's you." Sakura says glaring.
"Huh? Oh, you can't trust me until you know for sure I'm not an imposter. Alright alright." She sighs and unzips her jacket, pulling up her fish net/mesh shirt.
"That doesn't prove anything." Sakura says.
"Sakura, look at Naruto's stomach. We have the same seal because we both have the nine tails sealed inside of us." Naruko says calmly. Sakura takes a step back and checks Naruto.
"Okay." She says sighing.
"Thank you. Now, I'm beyond exhausted." She sighs sitting next to Naruto.
"You don't look injured." Udyan says.
"Kurama healed the small cuts I received but I have an internal injury on my back. It's actually quite hard to breath." She sighs. "And I'm low on chakra." She sighs.
"You should rest Naruko." Sakura says calmly. "You all took more damage then I did. Rest." She says seriously.
"I can't leave you defenseless." Udyan says seriously.
"You guys need to have faith in Sakura. She's stronger then you give her credit for." Naruko says seriously. "I have faith in her. Rest."
"Bu-" she cuts me off.
"Selena. Sleep. Udyan lay down. Sakura if you can heal them, then please do." Naruko orders.
"Alright." We all say. Udyan and I both lay down and quickly fall asleep.
-time skip to when Sasuke loses it.-
*Naruko's pov*
I woke up noticing nobody was around. Naruto was still asleep though. I sat up and looked around, only to see Sasuke about til kill someone, a sound ninja I think. Half of his body was covered with black markings. Sakura sat on the ground with tears in her eyes and her hair cut shorter. Selena and Udyan looked like they were pretty beat up.
"What happened?" I ask as I exit the tree. Nobody answers me. I noticed Lee laying to the side, Neji and TenTen hiding slightly. I also noticed Ino, Shikamaru and Choji as well.
Sakura ran to Sasuke, hugging him from behind. She was begging him to stop but he wouldn't. I made my way in front of him elegantly and pushed the sound ninja to the ground. I grabbed Sasuke's face and made him look at me.
"You need to stop Sasuke. This isn't you. I don't care what Orochimaru did to you, this, this isn't you." I say calmly, never breaking eye contact. "Sasuke, you're scaring everyone." I say calmly. His eyes widen and the mark disappears. He looks away from me as he gets out of Sakura's grasp.
The sound ninja tries to attack me from behind but I grab his fist and punch him instead. As I turn to look at him his eyes widened and he avoids my gaze. He then bowes to me and lays his scroll down.
"I'm sorry for attacking. Lord Orochimaru ordered us to kill Sasuke if he could not regain control." He says still avoiding eye contact. He bowes even deeper as I glare harder at him. "I'm truly sorry, Child of Fate. Here take our scroll." He moves the scroll closer, it's an earth scroll. I bend down and pick it up. I stay at his height a moment.
"You're pathetic." I say lowly. I stand quickly and kick him in the face. "That's for my friends." I pull him up by his collar, a look of terror on his face. "This is for my team." I punch him in the gut. "And this is for everything else." I go to stab him but Sasuke picks me up from behind and pulls me back.
"That's enough Naruko." He mutters in my ear. "Leave." Is all he says to the sound ninja. He scurries away quickly then Sasuke let's me go. I turn and walk past him towards Selena and Udyan who happen to be laying on the ground.
"Naruko." Udyan says looking away. I sigh and help him and Selena up.
"Are you two okay?" I ask seriously.
"Yeah. Sakura saved us." Selena mutters. "She's not so useless after all."
"I told you guys she wasn't useless. She just needs time to get stronger." I say smiling. They nod and sit against a tree. I go over to Sakura who is sitting looking at the ground in defeat. "You did good Sakura."
"N-no I didn't." She says looking away. "I couldn't save Sasuke.. you did. Again. You're always saving him." She glares at me. "Why?"
"It's simple Sakura." I say sighing. "You'll figure it out." I say seriously. She looks away but I here her mutter a small thank you under her breath.
"Here, let me fix your hair Sakura." Ino says as she approaches.
"We should be going." Neji says as he and TenTen pick Lee up.
"Nice seeing you three again." I say approaching them. "Here take this." I hand them a medical kit.
"Thank you." Neji says. TenTen gives me a small hug and Lee grins at me.
"Thank you guys for helping out. Especially when you didn't have to." I say smiling lightly.
"Anything for you guys!" Lee yells enthusiastically. I smile at him as they jumps away.
"We're heading out too." Shikamaru says putting a hand on my head.
"Take care guys." I say waving them off. They nod and take off. Nobody says anything for a little while. That's when Naruto wakes up.
"Sakura your hair!" Naruto yells. "What happened?"
"Oh, this? Nothing it was just in the way." Sakura says with a fake smile as she shows her hair. I smile at her and thank her silently for protecting Naruto.
"When did you guys get here?" Naruto asks Selena, Udyan and I.
"Eh, not that long ago." Selena says smiling.
"Well, lets rest here for the night. Sakura, you took a lot of damage today." I say as I help her up.
"You need rest." Selena says weakly standing on her own.
"As a thank you for helping us, let us help you." Udyan says to Sakura while smiling. She smiles weakly.
"Come on, everyone back inside." I order.
"Right." Everyone except for Sasuke says. He just stands against a tree. I sigh but leave him.
"Are you coming Sasuke?" Naruto asks. Sasuke doesn't answer.
"Leave him Naruto. He'll be alright." Selena says smiling. As we all walk in Sasuke comes and stands by the entryway. I lay Sakura down then make Selena and Udyan lay down too.
"Alright you three rest. Naruto can you gather fire wood and watch over them?" I ask.
"Yeah. Believe it!" Naruto grins. I smile at him.
"Sasuke and I will gather some food." I say seriously. "You three just sit back and relax." I smile calmly.
"But you still need rest too Naruko." Sakura says wide eyed. "You're injuries from earlier still aren't healed."
"Sakura, I'm perfectly fine. My back is simply a bit stiff." I say. She nods in defeat. "Come on Sasuke. I think I saw a small pond or lake a little ways away." I say sighing.
"Right." He says looking away from me.
"Hey, Teme! Don't go getting any ideas about touching my sister!!" Naruto yells out. My face turns bright red.
"NARUTO!" I yell hiding my face. "We're not going to do anything you perv!" I yell. He only snickers and goes to get fire wood. But all through this, Sasuke still doesn't say anything or show any emotion. As we're walking towards the pond it's silent. When the pond comes into view Sasuke stops walking and looks down.
"Naruko..." Sasuke says lowly. I stop just in front of him but I don't turn around. "'s your back?" He had stepped closer to me.
"I'm fine Sasuke." I say turning to face him. "I'm more worried about you then anything." We lock eyes for a moment and I step closer. "Let me see your neck." His hand goes to it instinctively to cover it, I grab his hand before he can though.
"I'll be fine Dobe." He says glaring. I ignore him and look at his mark. I sigh and look away from him completely. "...I'm sorry Naruko.." He says sadly.
"It's not your fault Sasuke." I reply turning to him. I wrap my arms around his chest and hide my face in his shoulder. "Please...Don't leave me." I mutter lowly. He sighs and wraps his arms around me as well.
"Don't worry so much." He says lowly into me ear. His arm is on my injured back causing me to tense up some. "Are you okay?" He pulls away.
"Y-Yeah. Ju-just my back." I stutter.
"Let me see it. Sakura said you didn't let her heal it." He sighs. I blush bright red.
"Bu-But tha-that means I have to ta-take off my shi-shirt!" My hands cover my beat red face while I shake my head.
"If you don't take it off I'll take it off for you." Sasuke says sternly.
"SASUKE!" I yell blushing brighter red. His eyes widen and he blushes too.
"Not-not like that!" He yells waving his hands in front of his face. "Unless you want to..." He says smirking.
"SASUKE!" I yell again. He slightly smiles at me.
"Okay, Okay. I won't do anything, but let me check your back. It may be worse then you think." He says calmly. "I'll even turn around so you can take your shirt off."
"Hmph. Fine." I sigh. I watch as he turns around. I unzip my jacket, and turn around. Slowly taking my mesh shirt off. "Alright." I mutter lowly.
"I'm turning around now." Sasuke states. He walks up to me and brushes his fingers lightly over my back, I flinch away in pain. "Sorry. It doesn't look too bad the outer wound is still pink, and you have a lot of scars..."
"I know... most are from the villagers..." I say lowly hoping he didn't hear. He doesn't say anything, his hand just lingers on the new wound.
"Let's wrap this so it doesn't get infected." I nod and reach into my small medical kit I keep with me. He takes it and takes out healing ointment. He spreads it gently across the wound and then he takes some wraps up. "Put your arms up." I do as he says and he wraps the bandages around my chest area, making me blush, then back around my back.
"Thank you. Now, lets get some food." I say calmly.
"Yeah. Alright." He says sighing as I put my shirt back on and then going to the pond and getting some fish.
(Hello lovelies, have a fun day! I'll update again Friday! Guys! The story is about to take a massive turn and you're all going to hate me! I hate me for this! Just, promise you'll still read? Please? Because I love you all! I really do! Okay, so happy birthday to Asuma-Sensei again! Continue to read, vote and comment! I love you!)
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