Because I Trust You.
*Naruko's pov*
When I arrived outside of Sunagakure I changed really quick and walked to the gates.
"Halt. Who goes there?" A guard asks.
"Oh, I'm sorry to scare you. Uhm, I have a message for the Kazakage. Could you direct me to his office?" I ask in the kindest voice I can. I bat my eyelashes and force myself to blush.
"I have to pat you down first. Do you have any weapons on you?" He asks. I nod.
"I have one kunai to protect me from bandits. But I'm not a ninja, I don't have the skill." I says looking him in the eyes and frowning. He nods and pats me down to be safe. Only finding one Kunai he lets me keep it. Which in his case is stupid but whatever.
"Follow me." He says showing me the way.
-end recap-
As I followed the guard I noticed some ninja from other villages. I furrowed my eyebrow confused and asked the guard.
"Uhm, excuse me sir?" He glances back at me and nods. "Why are there ninja from other villages? I thought The Big Five villages were having problems." I said confused.
"We're co-hosting the Chunin Exams with Konohagakure." He says plainly. "Here we are. Stay here until told to come in." I nod and stand waiting to be told to come in . I look around curiously. "You can come in now." I walk in swiftly. A small smile gracing my lips and my eyes holding innocence. I bow to the Kazakage.
"You're dismissed now." A cold, familiar voice calls. I don't move as I wait to be told to stand. "Stand." I stand up straight to meet Gaara's face in the Kazakage clothing. Kankurō on his left and Temari on his right.
"Who are you?" Temari asks. I look around carefully trying not to cry.
"I...Uh.... wow I didn't think about what to say before coming here... I didn't know you were Kazakage, Gaara." I say lightly.
"Who are you?" Kankurō asks glaring.
"Fate." I say looking Gaara in the eyes. His eyes widen and he stand up. He walks towards me quickly and grips my chin.
"Naruko?" He asks surprised. I nod and lift my hand up releasing the transformation.
"Hi Gaara." I smile.
"We thought you were dead! Everyone thought you were dead! Where have you been?!" Temari yells grabbing my shirt.
"Eh? I can't tell you any of that. You just have to trust me." I smile.
"And why should we trust you? For all we know you could be here to help the Akatsuki." Kankurō glares harshly. I glare back.
"Tch. Why would I help them? They already took Kurama from me. Tch, I nearly died a little over a month ago." I say seriously. Gaara looks me in the eyes.
"I see." He nods. "You've found out about the Oracle?" He asks going to his desk and grabbing something.
"Huh? You know about the oracle? I only found out today. Or we'll I don't know actually. I was meditating for a while." I say scratching the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Yeah. As the Kazakage I have to know things like that. Though Shukaku did help-sorta- enlighten me. I also found this." He hands me a scroll. I look over it amazed.
"Hah. Thanks. Now, I have a favor to ask." I say smiling.
"And that is?" He asks curiously.
"Don't tell anyone I'm alive... there are things I have to do before I can come back to everyone." I say seriously. A tinge of sadness wells up in me.
"Why would we keep a secret for you?" Kankurō glares.
"Because she's a friend and ally. We'll keep our mouths shut. But you have to accompany us to watch the Chunin Exams." Gaara states. My mind goes fuzzy for a moment and I grip my head.
"Ah." I say kneeling to the ground.
"Naruko, what's wrong?" Temari asks coming to my side.
"Gaara... someone is going to attack during the second stage. It's not clear yet. The vision is blurry." I say furrowing my eyebrows and looking around.
"We shouldn't trust her." Kankurō says glaring. "For all we know she's working with them."
"Kankurō, stop. She's the Child of Fate. The oracle chose her. Besides she wouldn't help the Akatsuki." Temari says strictly.
"What was that?" Gaara asks me.
"A vision I think... I haven't had any until now." I say confused. "My head hurts." I mutter gripping my head.
"Here. It's not much but maybe it'll help." Temari hands me so pills and water. I nod a thanks and take it.
"So about the exams. Where are they held?" I question Gaara.
"The first part is in Konoha. It's in three days so we need to leave now." He says looking at the clock on the wall.
"I can teleport us there." I say seriously. "Oh wait, I need to transform again." I say making a hand sign and transforming.
"Are we really taking her?" Kankurō asks glaring.
"What can I do to prove I'm not a threat?" I ask seriously.
"Answer several questions." He says glaring. I think about it for a moment.
"Alright. Depending on the questions I'll answer honestly. You can't ask about my whereabouts or my plan. They'll be revealed at a later date." I say seriously.
"Okay, Fine." He says nodding. "Why did you fake your death?"
"For my plan to work I couldn't stay in Konoha where I'd be watched all the time."
"Why did Selena and Udyan do the same?"
"Because they're my best friends and wanted nothing more then to help me. But I failed to protect them." I look away ashamed and angry.
"What do you mean?" Gaara asks.
"A little over a month ago, someone attacked the village where we were staying. The Akatsuki must have gotten wind that I had a little bit of the nine tails and took advantage of the moment. It's was a normal day, we skipped training that day. They went into town and I stayed back and slept. I woke up to screaming. I looked out the window and saw them laying on the ground unmoving. Then I saw the Akatsuki cloak closing in. I barely had time to grab my documents before leaving. I ran but his speed outmatched mine. I couldn't go back to check on them. The masked man broke my seal and extracted Kurama. I barely had enough chakra to teleport to where I am now." I say looking Gaara in the eyes.
"Why are you telling us this? We could turn you over to Konoha." Kankurō says plainly.
"Because I trust you." I say looking him in the eyes.
"I think that's enough questioning. Now we're going to be late." Gaara sighs.
"I'll teleport us. I feel the need to stick around for a little while." I say smiling sweetly.
"Then we'll say you're my..." Gaara trails off.
"Girlfriend?" Temari snickers as Kankurō says that smirking. My face turns bright red.
"That would be believable." Temari says smiling.
"How so? Being his assistant or something would be more believable." I question blushing brighter red.
"No. They know my assistants." Gaara sighs. "It would be plausible." He says nodding along. I narrow my eyes.
"Okay. Fine." I sigh defeatedly. "Before we go, can you answer a question for me?" He nods. "How's Naruto?"
"Naruto has been off training with the Toad Sage, Jiraiya." Gaara answers, my eyes widen.
"Oh no. Not Jiraiya-Ero-Sennin." I say terrified. "He's going to turn Naruto into a freaking perv too."
"I think that ship sailed long ago." Temari chuckles. I sigh but straighten up.
"Alright. Let's go." I say calmly I walk over to the three. "Will anyone else be joining us or just us?" I ask seriously. Gaara shakes his head.
"They'll be arriving a little later." I nod and make the tiger hand seal and then we all disappear. Reappearing just outside of Konoha we walk to the gates. "Are you ready?"
"Not even. But let's go anyway." I say sighing. Gaara nods and grabs my hand. Right, I almost forgot we're 'dating'. Oh gods, what would Sasuke say?
'Hehe don't worry about Sasuke. He will understand. Maybe not now but he will when you explain to him.' Chrissy says to me in my mind.
We walk to the gates to be greeted by Lady Tsunade, Sakura, Shizune, and some Anbu, but when I look closer I see Udyan too. My eyes widen and I almost lose the transformation. I quickly recover myself and smile. It's a small smile but still a smile.
"Lord Gaara." Lady Tsunade says nodding to him. "Who's this?" She asks looking at me.
"My name's Chrissy ma'am." I bow to her swiftly. Holding elegance and a sense of royalty.
"Hey Gaara, is she your girlfriend?" Udyan asks smirking.
"Yes. Why?" Gaara says plainly. I resist the urge to laugh at Udyan and Sakura's faces.
"She so beautiful." Sakura says deflated. I resist the urge to smirk at her.
"Thank you. You're beautiful as well." I smile at her with a closer eye smile. I don't believe in bringing people down.
"Th-thank you." She stutters blushing.
"Let's go to the office. We've got a lot to discuss." Lady Tsunade says sighing.
"Of course." Gaara says and we begin to walk away. "Kankurō, guard Chrissy. You two can walk around." Gaara says seriously.
"Why me?" Kankurō asks. I grit my teeth slightly but smile.
"Okay." I say happily kissing Gaara's cheek and standing back with Kankurō. We watch them walk away hearing Temari silently snicker. "Come on.. I have to go somewhere." I say seriously. We walk through the village for a few minutes. I look around to scope out the area.
"Where are we going?" He asks annoyed.
"You'll see. First make a clone. It has to be believable that we're still just walking around." He narrows his eyes but does so. I make a clone as well and then I grab his arm and we disappear.
"Where are we?" He asks annoyed. I put a hand over his mouth and check the surrounding.
"Okay. Let's go. There's someone I have to see." I say walking out from behind some trees.
"Who?" He asks annoyed. I sigh.
"A friend. I haven't been able to keep in contact." I say sadly. We walk towards the cave behind the waterfall. I drop the transformation as we reach the entrance. "Shisui?" I ask lightly.
"Selena?" I hear him call out coming from the shadows. I chuckle and shake my head.
"No. It's Naruko." I say calmly with a light smile.
"Naruko?" Shisui begins. "No. Naruko died last month. Who are you?!" He yells. I walk over to him and grab his hand. I direct it to my face.
"It's me Shisui. I didn't die." I say calmly. "But you can't tell anyone I'm alive. There are things I still need to do." I say smiling.
"If you're really Naruko, who taught you the Fireball jutsu?"
"Itachi Uchiha. Before I became a full fledged ninja. Itachi killed his clan to pro-" He puts a hand over my mouth.
"Okay, I believe you." Then he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and begin to cry. "Shh."
"Naruko, I hate to interrupt your reunion but someone is coming we have to leave." Kankurō says quietly yet sternly.
"I'll come see you again Shisui." I wipe my tears away and he smiles at me.
"You better. Don't worry I won't tell Selena and Udyan. They've been visiting." I nod with more tears in my eyes. I transform back and grab onto Kankurō's arm, teleporting us away.
Neither of us say anything when we appear in the cemetery. I walk calmly to mom and dads grave. Kankurō stays quiet, watching calmly. I kneeled at their grave and bowed my head. Sending a prayer. After that I visit Lord Thirds, then Fugaku Uchiha and Mikoto Uchiha's graves. Sending yet more prayers to them.
"I understand now." Kankurō says as we walk away from the cemetery.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Why you're doing what you're doing." He says calmly. "You're risking being a criminal to save everyone else. It's noble." He says calmly.
"Yeah. I guess. I just.. I want everyone I care about to be happy. Even if it means I have to sacrifice myself for the happiness and safety of them." I say calmly. "That goes for you, Gaara, and Temari too." He looks at me wide eyed for a minute before smiling at me.
"You're not so bad after all." He says laughing. I smile at him as we walk back to the Hokage tower.
(Yo!! Happy birthday Sasori-Dana and Masashi Kishimoto! Sorry I didn't update sooner! Read, vote, comment!)
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