Chapter 2
Freya's POV
The next morning I woke up with a wide grin on my face. I took in a big breath of fresh air as realization dawned on me; I was finally eighteen. On one side I didn't want to grow up, but on the other side I was happy this day has finally arrived. I could feel the familiar buzz through my veins as my excitement grew.
Since I was a little girl my parents have limited my movements to the training fields, beyond that was off limits. I just wish I didn't have all these powers. I tried to prove myself by training with my brother, but it was all in vain. They still didn't let me go.
I'm sure many of you are curious as to what gifts I have so here they are: flora and fauna (my personal favorite), mind reading(just like my father), healing, I have the ability to manipulate the weather, I have very very good sight and hearing, I can manipulate elements and nature and that's about it. Oh wait the other gift that my parents are most afraid of and the gift I've never practiced before was mind manipulation, I could tell someone what to do and that is the gift I hated the most because I didn't want to force anyone into things they don't want to do. And it is also the gift only a select few people know about.
If you ever thought that having gifts was super fun, think again. I was locked up because of these gifts for eighteen years, that is until now, because for the very first time I was going to go beyond my parents limits and I couldn't wait.
I was so excited as I tried to imagine what I might see today and what I might experience, but then I remembered what happened at the ball last night with my brother telling me he was leaving and my smile dampened. It wasn't going to be fun without him.
The door was suddenly opened and Ms Mousy stepped inside.
"Oh dearie you're awake." She said with a gentle smile.
"Yes!" I said excitedly and she let out a small laugh because she knew why I was so excited.
"Ready to see the village?" She asked.
"Of course I am."
"Then we should better get you ready." She said before she went over to my closet. I've tried countless of times to tell Ms Mousy that I could dress myself, but she said she was just helping and insisted on doing it. I loved her and thought of her as my own grandma. Her mouse like features made her seem more kind and caring.
"Alright then." I said as I got up of bed and started to get ready for the day with Ms Mousy's help. After I was ready I skipped down to the breakfast hall.
When I opened the door all my family was sitting around the table. My grandma Alvina, grandpa Zian, grandma Evelyn, Carling the enchantress, my dad and mother along with my aunt Eleanor and my uncle Finn, and who can forget my brother Javier and of course my cousin, Zachary.
When I entered they all looked up to greet me and I returned their greetings. I quickly took my seat next to my brother who gave me a heart warming smile. The delicious smells of all the good food around me entered my nose and my mouth started to water.
"How does it feel to be eighteen?" My aunt Eleanor asked.
"The same, though I am excited to visit the village for the first time." I said with a smile.
"You're going to love it." My brother piped in.
"Yes I'm sure she is. Freya but you know you're not going alone." My dad said and I wasn't surprised in the least.
"Yes daddy, Rhid is going with me." Rhid was my personal guard since my powers first surfaced. We knew each other since I was three and he was the same age as my brother and also good friends with my brother.
My mother told me that since the day I showed signs of my floral powers developing, through the flower I grew, my father turned more protective. But who could blame him. He was only trying to protect me, even though they were overbearing sometimes.
After breakfast my brother announced that they must be leaving. We all went outside to see them off. When we got outside Auliria was already waiting there along with her father and mother and the rest of their company. But duke Aerolf was nowhere to be seen. I found it strange but did not dare voice my question, the less I knew about the duke the better.
"Thank you for your hospitality." The elven King Aurelius said.
"The pleasure is all mine." My grandfather said.
My brother and cousin started to hug us all goodbye. When my cousin came to me he gave me a bone crushing hug.
"Take care of yourself, Freya." He whispered in my ear before he pulled away and gave me a smile. I returned it before I gave him a nod. He moved on to the next person and I was scooped up into my brother's arms.
"Please be safe little sister, I don't want anything to happen to you." My brother said.
"I'll be safe." I replied.
"Take care of yourself." I said.
"Of course, you know me." He said with a smile as he pulled away.
His eyes moved to someone behind me, "Take care of her." He said and I turned around to see who it was.
"I will." Rhid said as he gave Javier a firm nod. Rhid was quite handsome with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I gave him a smile.
Javier nodded before he walked over to his horse. He and Zachary saddled up and with a final wave they were off. Their figures got all smaller and smaller and when they were no longer visible we all went back to the castle.
I was sad about my brother's departure, but knew it had to be done. I just wished I could go along with him.
"Cheer up Freya, Javier would be back soon. And you're going to the fae village today so there is no reason for you to be sad." Rhid said as he threw his arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug. His words brought me comfort and I felt my spirits lifting. That was the thing about Rhid, he always knew how to make me smile when Javier wasn't there to do it.
After we were back inside the castle I greeted my parents and promised them to look after myself. They would've loved to join me but they were having a meeting with duke Aerolf. So that is why the mysterious, quite scary, elven duke did not leave with the rest of the company.
When we were done with our greetings Rhid dragged me to the stables. As soon as we entered the stables I noticed that their were a group of knights saddling up their horses.
"Rhid, where is everybody going?" I asked as I walked to my horse Moonlight and petted him.
"Oh these are just the knights that are coming along with us." He said as he saddled his horse.
"What?!" I screeched, "I thought it was just going to be you and me?"
"Sorry princess, but your father didn't want to take any chances." He said and I let out a sigh.
I guess I should've expected that, but still I wasn't fragile, one knight would've been good enough.
I wanted to take my sword along with me, but Rhid said I would only bring attention to myself so I left it.
After saddling our horses we were finally off. We walked between the forest, the forest I've been staring at for the last eighteen years. I took a big breath. This was absolutely wonderful and I could feel a sense of freedom wash over me. I could feel my powers buzzing through me and a tingling sensation spread through me.
I was walking in the centre with two guards in front and two in the back. Rhid was riding next to me.
I was still gazing around the forest in astonishment when suddenly the back of my eye caught something. And when I turn around my whole world froze.
In front of my eyes was the fae village and it was buzzing with life. It was nothing I could ever imagine and I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I absorbed everything I was seeing. I can't remember a time when I've seen so many fae together at the same place beside the balls I've attended.
I felt a nudge and when I looked over to Rhid he gave me a smile which I returned with an excited one.
Rhid quickly indicated for me to head to a wooden pole where the horses could be tied up. I steered moonlight over before I climbed off and tied him to the pole. I petted him one last time before I turned to the village that was infront of my very eyes.
Rhid came over and gave me his arm. I took it and he lead me through the village.
There were men, women and children alike walking from one place to another. A group of children were playing about and ran all over the place.
Rhid dragged me from shop to shop and introduced me to the owners and the people of the village. The village people was friendly beyond words and I could easily imagine myself spending more time at this quaint village.
The village was also surrounded with tree houses and Rhid told me that the tree houses were the fae homes where the wooden houses on the ground was the shops and inns of the town.
After visiting half the village Rhid showed me the bakery and the smells that entered my nose made me hungry.
"Rhid my boy, how have you been?" The man that stood behind the counter asked.
"Good Joe, I would like to introduce you to my dear friend, princess Freya. Freya this is Joe." Rhid introduced us.
"It is nice to meet you sir Joe." I said.
"The pleasure is all mine, princess." He said. Joe was a jolly fellow with red cheeks and a bright smile.
"What can I do for you?" He asked and Rhid immediately replied.
"Well I was just showing princess Freya around and thought that I should get her a slice of that famous apple pie of yours." Rhid said.
"Of course I'll be back in a jiffy." Joe said before he disappeared out a door behind the counter, I assumed it was the kitchen.
My eyes wandered around the place as I took in every detail. There were display cases that showed all the different kinds of sweets and cakes. As well as a few tables with chairs. The place was a grey colour that gave it a homely feel to it.
After a few minutes Joe returned with two slices of apple pie. Rhid took it from him and gave me a plate with a slice. He quickly paid Joe.
"No Rhid, it is on the house." Joe said and Rhid gave him a smile before he placed the coin back into his pocket.
We took a seat at one of the tables. I placed a piece of pie in my mouth and chewed it slowly as I savored the most delicious taste I've ever tasted.
"This is absolutely delicious." I said as I ate another fork full.
"What did I tell you, the best in the world." Rhid said as he continued eating his.
When we were done we thanked Joe one last time before we stepped out.
"It's getting late, we should better return to the castle." Rhid said. Even though I wanted to explore some more my feet were sore from all the walking.
"Can we come back tomorrow?" I asked Rhid.
"Yes anytime you like." He said and I nodded before we headed to our horses.
I looked at the village one last time before we rode off to the castle.
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