Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Freya's POV
I tossed and I turned as I tried to sleep, I knew I had to get some sleep for tomorrow's journey, but it didn't come.
When the first rays of sunlight broke through my curtains I was already dressed and ready to go.
I couldn't believe I finally got my memories back after all this time. And last night when I saw my parents and the way they looked, broke my heart. My mother looked terrible, like someone mourning the loss of a child, a child that was still alive and well.
I needed to go back to them. I needed to tell them everything. About Ronin, my stay at his castle and of course about Duke Aerolf.
I wanted to go home, but I didn't want to leave Ronin. I tried to convince him to come with me, but he said he doesn't belong there. Last night I also remembered about Carling and informed Ronin that she was an enchantress. I promised him that I will get a way to break this curse, even if it is the last thing I do.
I was still lost in thought when I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Enter." I said and Moira stepped inside with a tray in hand.
She sat the tray next to me before she took a seat next to me. There was a moment of silence between us before she spoke.
"So your leaving." She said in a soft voice.
"Yes, Ronin is taking me to the border." I said.
"Well I'll leave you to your breakfast then." She said and left me alone.
I knew I was supposed to be happy to go home, but this was my new home and it pained me to leave everyone: the servants, Moira, cook, Ella and of course Ronin.
I was going to miss Ronin the most. I cared deeply for him and I was going to hold by my promise.
When I was finished with my breakfast I gathered the last of my belongings. I gave my room a final glance before I turned around and left.
When I arrived in the foyer all the servants were lined up to greet me. They all had tears in their eyes and I could feel tears forming in my own.
Moira took the tray from me and placed it on a nearby table before she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
"Stay safe." She whispered in my ear.
I nodded and promised her that as soon as everything was back to normal in my own kingdom I will come visit.
After I hugged and greeted all the servants Ronin declared it was time to leave. I was sad to leave but I knew I will visit them again.
I gave them a last glance with a smile before I left to go home.
- *-
# 2 Unknown's POV
My wings burned with pain as I soared above the kingdom of Etheria. I looked everywhere I could possible look for the girl my master was looking for.
I hated working for him, but if I disobeyed him I knew there would be dire consequences.
When I couldn't take the ache in my wings anymore I decided to take a small rest. I sat down on a branch in a nearby tree. My eyes were heavy and was about to close when I heard voices.
"Ro you know I will come back don't you?" I heard a soft voice say and when I looked down I saw none other than princess Freya. I couldn't believe it, I found her.
"Yes, Freya, I know." I heard a deep voice grumble, drawing my attention to the person, or should I rather say bear, she was talking to.
They looked at each other deeply and I saw something in their eyes.
No, it couldn't be...
They looked in love.
It was a perfect moment and after seeing it I didn't want to notify the duke about this new development, but then I remembered my wife and child. I knew if I didn't tell him this new piece of information, my wife and child will certainly die.
I gave Freya a last look before I gathered all my strengths and returned to the fae realm.
- *-
"You saw her in the forest with a bear?" Duke Aerolf asked.
"Yes sire. She looked fine and she-." I suddenly cut myself of, not certain if I should tell him about how they looked in love to me.
"She what, Tiberius?" He asked and I knew I had to tell him.
"She looked in love with the bear creature, I also sensed he was a skinchanger."
"What?No, you must be wrong, she can't be in love! I'm her soulmate not some blubbering brute of a bear." He said as he started to pace.
"Sire what are we going to do now?"
"You said they were heading to the border?"
"Yes sire."
"That means...oh no! Do you know what this means?!" He asked hysterically.
"No sire."
"It means that she is going to return to the castle and tell her father the whole truth. She is going to tell him about how I want her powers and that I sent those men after her. No this is bad, really, really plan...It''s ruined..." he said as he fell on his knees. I almost felt sorry for him.
His shoulders were arched over and the picture infront of me was that of a broken man. But then all of a sudden he eyes lit up and he stood up once more.
"Unless..." he said as he started to pace,"yes, yes it might actually work."
"What is it sire?" I asked.
"I have a plan Tiberius, a great, but evil plan." He said before he started to laugh like an insane person.
"What is it, sire?" I inquired.
"It requires a potion and some wine...And then both my problems, the bear and Freya will be things of the past." he said with an evil grin and I already didn't like this plan at all.
- *-
Duke Aerolf has called a meeting with the king, Javier and Rhid, Freya's personal guard. The three of them were quite busy and we were only able to get a meeting with them at 2 o'clock that afternoon.
We were sitting in the counsel room waiting for our guests to arrive with four goblets filled with wine infront of us. Three of them was bewitched, with a potion that the duke concocted, apparently it was something that was used to control people. The last one was left untouched.
I was still eyeing the wine wearily when the doors suddenly burst open and the three men stepped inside.
"Duke Aerolf, what news to you bring?" The king asked.
"I do have news sire, but first let's get some refreshments." The duke said as he took a goblet of wine and poited to the rest of them. They gave him a strange look, but I could see that they needed a drink and they all gulped it down.
As they drank the last drops I was very sad that Carling and Queen Rose left this morning and wasn'there to prevent this.
"So tell us t..." the king was suddenly looking very drunk and confused he eyed the duke and as he was about to question the duke he suddenly fell down on the floor completely unconscious. As did the other two.
"What did you do?!" I screamed at the duke as I stared at the unconscious bodies.
"Don't worry Tiberius, they will be awake soon, but then they will be under my control for a few hours." He said and their still bodies started to move. They came back onto their feet and bowed down infront of the duke.
"Command us master." They said, their eyes were hollow and lifeless.
The duke's grin grew, but then the doors burst open and a knight entered and joyfully exclaimed that the lost princess has returned.
And I knew that things were only going to go down hill from here.
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