Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Freya's POV
It was already dark when we arrived at the castle. The ride back home was more relaxing and I almost fell asleep on Ronin's back. When we entered the castle Moira was waiting for us in the foyer.
"Oh thank goodness you're back, I was beginning to get worried." She said with a smile.
"Sorry, we got trapped by the view." Ronin said.
"Who wouldn't?" She said with a giggle."Are you hungry?" She asked and right at that moment my stumach growled, I could feel my cheeks heating up as I gave Moira a small smile.
"I guess that's a yes then. Now lets get some food in those tummies of yours." She said as she led us through the castle to the dining room where heaps of food were set out. My mouth started to water and we immediately jumped in.
After we ate, I thanked Ronin for the lovely day and bid him goodnight before I left for my room. The exhaustion of the day immediately took over my body and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.
- *-
Ronin's POV
After Freya left, Moira entered the dining room and bombarded me with questions.
"And did she enjoy it? Did she get any memories back? How was it? Did you show her the mansion? Wh-"
"Whoa, easy there Moira, one question
at a time please."
"Did you enjoy it?" She asked.
"Yes, very much. It was amazing. Can you believe she has never seen the ocean in her life? She was quite at home and we even played around in the water." I said with a sigh, I enjoyed today immensely and I loved spending time with Freya.
"And any memories?" She asked. And as soon as she said those words I was brought back to reality and the fear of Freya leaving one day and never returning came back to haunt me.
"No, nothing." I said.
"Ronin I know you don't want to talk about this but your birthday is in two weeks which means-"
"I know what it means!" I growled as I stood up and started to pace the room, "I'm going to die in two weeks time, as soon as the sun sets on my twentieth birthday."
"Ronin, we can prevent this and you know this. All we have to do is get Freya to fall in love you."
"Moira, look at me, I'm a beast. She could never love me."
"Ronin, she rebuilt the royal garden for you, don't tell me that means nothing!" Moira said.
"The only reason why she did that is because she wanted to thank me for rescuing her life. That is all there is to it."
"And you, Ronin? How do you feel about Freya?"
"My feelings doesn't matter. All I want is to spend my last two weeks with someone who has changed me for good. Someone who sees me for me." I said with a sigh.
"You're inlove with her, aren't you?" Moira asked and my head immediately shot up and my pacing seased. We stared at each other long and hard. My thoughts ran around wildly as I tried to examine my feelings for Freya.
I did enjoy her company and there was an aching pain whenever I thought of never seeing her again, but was this love?
"I don't know." I said with a sigh.
"Give it time, you'll know soon enough." Moira said as she stood up and left me alone in the room. Alone with my thoughts.
- *-
After Moira left the dining room I went back to my room. As I laid down on my bed the day's events replayed in my mind. I could hear Freya's laughter ringing in my ears. Her smile was imprinted in my mind. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw her face and that brought a smile to mine.
Moira's question came back to me, do I love Freya?
I do know I care deeply about her but can it be viewed us love?
I had all these questions, but no answers and with all these questions in my mind I let exhaustion take over.
- *-
The next morning I woke up quite early. I quickly got up and ready for the day. The questions of last night was still plaguing my thoughts, but I let it go for now.
Even though I had all this unanswered questions I still felt at peace.
As I opened my door Freya stood at the door with her one hand lifted ready to knock and the other one balancing a tray of food. She let out a yelp as she suddenly lost her balance and as she was ready to fall I grabbed the tray of food with one paw and her with the other. I gentle helped her back on her feet before handing her the tray of food back.
"Thank you." She said with a goofy smile. "And this is yours." She said as she handed the tray of food back to me.
"Oh thank you, you're to kind. And what did I do to deserve this?" I asked as I eyed the delicious tray of food.
"Just to thank you for my surprise yesterday." She said with her one of a kind smile that could make my heart melt.
"That is very thoughtful of you. Shall we go to the library?" I asked.
Her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly before she grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me to our spot in the library.
Freya asked me what book I wanted to read and I told her she could choose. After I ate my breakfast we spent the rest of the day in the library like old times.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and bickering just as usual. Moira brought our lunch and later our dinner.
The questions in my mind still plagued me, but I didn't give them much thought as I was too focused on Freya.
She sat on the couch across me with her legs tucked under her. Her mouth was forming a smile as her eyes was alit with excitement. She was reading loudly and the sound echoed through the library. Her facial expression changed as she started to get to the climax. There was a sense of nervousness with every word she read. I tried to focus on the story but she was distracting me. Her blue eyes sparkled and her dark curls framed her beautiful face.
"The end." She said as she closed the book with a hard thump that brought me out of my thoughts.
"That was a very nice story." I said as I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
"Indeed, it kept me quite on the edge of my seat." She said as she stretched her back and let out a yawn.
"Well it's late now, I guess we should get to bed." I said as I stood up.
"Yes I couldn't agree more." Freya said. As she stood up she tripped over the carpet and as she was about to fall I quickly rushed over to grab her.
"Thank you, I'm quite clumsy today." She said as she looked up at me. Our eyes locked and right at that moment I got lost in her blue orbs.
And right then all the questions in my mind seased as I realised that I was indeed in love with Freya.
- *-
Unknown's POV
I was pacing my room when the man in the cloak entered causing me to stop my pacing.
"Well, did you find her?" I asked.
"No sire."
"Then what are you doing here?! Go back and expand your search. And don't dare return here empty handed again!" I screamed, the man in the cloak nodded before he turned around and left.
Incompetent fool! Did I have to do everything myself?
I was so tired of waiting, I needed Freya to return and quickly.
Please Freya come home, I need you. I can't take over the realms without you.
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