Chapter 11
Ronin's POV
We were outside in the garden having a nice picnic and looking at the clouds. Freya started to point out different shaped clouds. I joined her game immediately and it reminded of when I was younger; my carefree years.
I saw a cloud that resembled a rose and I pointed it out to Freya. Then all of the sudden Freya started to shake as her eyes glazed over. I called out to her numerous times, but she didn't hear me as her body continued to tremble. Her eyes then closed and her body stopped its trembling.
I rushed to her side instantly as I tried to wake her, but it was all for not. I quickly scooped her into my arms before I rushed to the castle.
"Moira!" I screamed as soon as I entered the castle and rushed to Freya's room.
Moira met me halfway in the hall and as soon as her eyes landed on Freya she questioned me,"What happened?"
"I'll explain now, lets just get her to her bed first." Moira nods before walking to Freya's room with me.
I quickly placed Freya on her bed as gently as I could, careful not to scratch her. Moira feels her head and quickly pulls her hand back as soon as her hand makes contact with her head.
"She's burning up." Moira said.
"What can I do?" I asked frantically.
"Go get me some water with a cloth." She ordered and I dash out of the room. I rush to the kitchen and swiftly retrieve the items.
Once I'm back in Freya's room I hand Moira the items. Moira immediately gets to work as I stare at the unconscious Freya.
When she was finished and satisfied with her work she pulled me out of the room.
"Now explain." She ordered.
I gave her a sigh before I told her what happened. How I showed her the rose cloud and she started to shake before she fell unconscious.
"You showed her a rose before she started to shake?" Moira questioned.
"Yes, do you have any idea why?" I asked.
"No- oh of course." Moira said as she shouts out in joy as if she discovered a jewel.
"Of course what?"
"You must've triggered a memory. Oh Ronin this is wonderful news. Freya is getting her memories back!" Moira exclaimed. I know I was suppose to be happy, but if Freya got her memories back she would know who she is and where she comes from. That means she would leave to return home and I might never see her again.
"Why the long face?" Moira asked.
"Nothing. I just remembered I had to take care of something. Call me when she wakes." I said before I turned around and left.
I drifted through the halls of the castle as my mind raced. I felt sad. I felt mad and most of all I felt heart broken. If Freya has all her memories back she doesn't need to stay here anymore.
She will probably want to leave as soon as she wakes up. And that thought terrified me. I didn't want her to leave. I finally had a friend, someone who treats me as an equal. Someone who doesn't just see the cursed king but me.
I went to my secret room where I kept the enchanted rose. It had four petals left and I knew my time was almost up. As I stare at the rose the enchantress words rang in my ears: "You have five year to find someone to say I love you or the curse will be permanent."
When Freya entered my castle I didn't get my hopes up for who could love beast?
I was suddenly pulled out of thoughts by Moira who threw open my door.
"Freya is awake." She didn't even finish her sentence before I dashed out of the room.
Freya sat in her bed and as soon as I entered her face lit up and I knew she had news which I was going to dread. There goes the garden plans.
"Ronin you won't believe what happened." She exclaimed as I sat next to her bed.
"I know, your memories have returned. Now when do you want to leave?" I asked.
"Leave?" She asked shocked.
"Yes, you probably want to return home now that your memories are back."
"Oh Ronin, I didn't get all my memories. Just a few but they don't tell me where I'm from. All they tell me is that I am powerful and I am being chased for my powers." She told me and I sighed with relief, atleast she was staying.
"So are we still going to work in the garden tomorrow?" She asked excitedly.
"Only if you feel up to it." I said and she nodded eagerly.
I chuckled at her eagerness before I told her that she has to rest and I would see her tomorrow morning. As I turned around to leave a letter on her bed table caught my eyes. It was signed with, Love Javier.
"Who is Javier?" I questioned.
"I don't know." She said as she fell back into her bed with a sigh. I could see how much this frustrated her.
"Don't worry, I know you will get your memories back soon." I said before I turned around and left.
Freya's POV
The next morning I woke up quite early and I couldn't wait to get started on the garden. I quickly dressed before I headed to the breakfast hall. I expected to see Ronin at the table, but to my dismay I was alone.
I shrugged my shoulders before I took a seat and started to place some food in my plate.
After I finished my meal Moira stepped inside.
"Are you done?" She asked with a bright smile.
"Yes, thank you. Do you know where Ronin is?"
"No, I though he was here with you. I will go see where he is."
"No, I will." I said before I stood up. I gave Moira a smile before I went to the west wing to see where Ronin was.
I checked the library first, but he was not there. I started to check the rest of the rooms, but he was nowhere in sight. That's when I noticed a door that was slightly open and I went to investigate.
The door creaked open and I stepped inside. I called for Ronin a few times but there was no answer.
My eyes started to gaze around the room. The room was extremely small and there was old furniture inside that was covered with white cloths. In the middle was a wooden table and perched on it was a glass case with a rose inside.
I walked closer to get a better look and I noticed that this rose had only four petals left. That was quite strange.
"Freya, what are you doing here?" I heard Ronin's voice from behind me.
"Ronin, I was looking for you and the door was open so I thought you were here." I explained.
"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I overslept." He said.
"Thats okay. So what's this?" I asked as I pointed to the rose behind me.
"Freya, I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm not ready to answer." He said and I could hear the fear in his voice. I didn't know what the rose meant, but I knew that it meant something to Ronin. And if he wasn't ready to talk about, I wasn't going to push him.
"I understand." I said.
"You do?" He asked bewildered.
"Yes, besides friends always understand."
"We're friends?"
"Of course, now have you eaten breakfast yet? You can't work on an empty stumach."
"No, let's go eat then." He said before he walked out of the door and I followed.
After Ronin finished his breakfast we went outside to get to work.
"I think we should start with the royal garden." Ronin said as he walked to the royal garden but I stopped him.
"No, I was wondering if I could do the royal garden on my own?" I asked.
"I want it to be a surprise for you." I said.
"Okay, if you insist." I was quite surprised that he agreed to it and I couldn't be more happy.
We set to work immediately; picking up the fallen leaves, cutting the grass and trimming the bushes. By the time lunch rolled in we were exhausted. Who knew cleaning a garden would be so hard?
We packed a picnic basket once again for lunch and when we finished our meal we went back to work. Ronin stayed true to his word and helped me each step of the way. I was very grateful for his help.
Ronin and I grew closer as we worked together. He often told me stories as we restored the garden. And of course we teased each other a lot and I felt at home.
My gift also came in handy as I revived all the dead plants to their blossoming selves. I was thrilled to see the great collection of flowers that were planted in the garden.
The different colours of the flowers made the garden more bright and lively. I couldn't believe it was the same garden.
With each passing day we restored the beauty of the garden piece by piece and at the end of the week we did the finishing touches.
When we were all done with the garden we told the castle staff to have a look through the windows. They all congratulated us on a job well done and I felt proud of our work.
That night we decided to have our diner outside so that we could enjoy our hard work. I felt at peace outside as the wind blew over us, carrying the smell of the flowers to our noses.
"I must say, we did a fantastic job." Ronin said as he looked around, admiring our work.
"Yes we did."
After we finished our diner we sat there in silence for a while, just enjoying the quitness. But it wasn't long before my eyes started to get heavy.
"Tired?" Ronin asked from beside me and I nodded.
"Then let's get you to bed." He said and I was about to stand up when I felt myself being lifted from the ground.
"Ronin, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Taking you to bed, silly."
"You know I can walk."
"I know, but I want to." He said and I knew there was no way to change his mind. I sighed in defeat before I snuggled closer into his fur, don't judge me his fur is really soft.
When he reached my room he returned me to the ground and I was grateful. Once he stood on all four of his legs I threw my arms around his furry neck and hugged him. He went stiff at first but then he relaxed into my hug.
"Goodnight, Ronin." I whispered.
"Goodnight, Freya." He replied. I gave him a final smile before I returned inside my room.
I quickly dressed into my nightgown before I fell on my bed ready for sleep to come. Exhaustion quickly took over and I was sent off to dreamworld.
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