Chapter 1
Freya's POV
15 years later...
My heart skips a beat as I wait infront of the ballroom doors for the guard to announce my name before I enter. This was my second ball in two years and I couldn't help but feel nervous.
"Now announcing her majesty princess Freya Light." I hear the man say before doors are pulled open. I take one big breath before I descend the steps down. All eyes are on me and I feel a bit jittery.
My parents are waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. My dad holds out his arm for me to take. I quickly grab hold of his arm in order to steady my jelly legs.
"Thank you all for coming to this ball in celebration of our daughter's eighteenth birthday. We hope you enjoy it with us." My father said before the music started to play. Everybody started to get a dance partner for the first dance and I saw a man heading my way. Being a princess I knew how to dance but it was still a scary experience because I feared I would step on my partner's toes.
My mom saw the young man heading this way and grabbed me by the arm before she whispered, "Enjoy yourself Freya." Before she grabbed my dad by his arm and lead him to the dance floor, leaving me alone to deal with this strange man.
"Good evening princess Freya, I'm Prince Oswald Strange." He said as he bows.
I return his bow with a small curtsy ,"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Mr Strange."
"The pleasure is all mine. May I have this dance." He said as he held out his hand for me.
I placed my small hand into his big one before I was swept away to the dance floor. We danced until the end of the song before another young man asked for a dance. I agreed before I was once again on the dance floor.
As the fifth man for the evening spun me around I noticed my brother, Javier, was also dancing with a blonde woman. I kept my eyes focused on the pair waiting to catch a glimpse of who he was dancing with.
When the woman turned around I was not surprised to see Auliria, the elven princess in the arms of my brother. A grin formed on my face as I watched them twirling about. They had grins on their faces and I could see they were enjoying each others company immensely.
My brother was hopelessly in love with Auliria. He was in love with her since they were children but he could never bring himself to tell her. I just hoped he did before someone else took her first.
I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the song had ended. I quickly bpwed to my companion before I decided to go get some fresh air.
The sound of the music drowns out as the glass doors close behind me. I walk closer to the railing of the balcony and stare at the stary sky.
I inhale a big breath of fresh air as I take in the silence. I feel relieved being outside of the stuffy ballroom. My feet were sore and I was glad I could take a break from it all. Even though I have not attended many balls in my life they still got overbearing sometimes.
Since my powers developed from a young age I was never allowed to leave the castle or to attend a ball. The only ball I was allowed to attend was my sixteenth birthday ball when I was allowed for the first time to display some of my powers. The second ball was tonight's ball for my eighteenth birthday.
I knew my parents were only trying to protect me from being used from my powers, but sometimes it got too much. I wanted an adventure but knew that was never destined for me. I felt so trapped by these wall.
A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against the railing dreaming of what it might be like outside these castle walls.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" A voice said behind me and I quickly spun around. When I turned around I came eye to eye with dark blue eyes staring at me.
"Duke Aerolf, I didn't hear you." I said to the elven duke.
"Well that is to be expected, seeing that elves are light on their feet." He said with a grin that sent a chill down my spine.
A sudden whistle drawed my attention to a bird that was perched on his shoulder. The bird was as black as the night but it was a kind I've never seen before and believe me I've seen many birds in my life before.
"Ah I see you like birds?" Duke Aerolf said.
"They are beautiful creatures." I said.
"I couldn't agree more. If you don't mind me asking, why are you outside when the ball is inside?"
"I just wanted to catch a breath of fresh air." I said.
"I see-" The duke's sentence was suddenly cut off by the balcony doors opening and my brother stepping out.
"Here you are, I-" My brother stopped short in his sentence when he noticed the duke.
"Duke Aerolf, I did not see you there." Javier said.
"It's quite alright your highness, I was just leaving. Goodnight your highnesses." The duke said with a small bow before his gaze returned to me for a moment. He gave me a look I couldn't decipher before he spun around and returned to the ball.
"What was that all about?" My brother asked after we were alone.
"I have no idea." I said.
My brother shrugged his shoulders before he came to stand next to me at the railing.
"So, I need to talk to you." Javier said after a moment's silence and I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.
I gave him a nod to tell him to go on. He looked at me a second longer before he started to speak.
"Zachary and I are going on a quest." He said and I was saddened to hear that. Zachary was my cousin and the future heir of the human kingdom.
"What quest?" I asked.
"It is a quest for the elven king. He asked me to join Auliria on the quest." Knowing how my brother felt about Auliria I could see why he didn't say no to the opportunity to go on a quest with her.
"So are you going to tell her?" I asked.
"Tell who what?"
"Tell Auliria that you love her?"
"Freya, don't be mad were just friends, that's all."
"That is not what that look in your eyes tell me."
"You are imagining things, sis." He said as he dragged a hand through his blonde hair.
"How long would you be gone?" I asked softly after a moment of silence.
"I'm not sure, but we'll be home before you know it." He said with a smile and I just gave him a small smile in return. I loved my brother and hated it when he went on quests because I never knew if he would return home safe and sound.
I stare out into the stary sky as thoughts rush through my mind. And then a sudden idea enters my mind.
"Javier?" I asked.
"May I join you on your quest?" I asked as I stare up at my brother with hopeful eyes.
His head whips to my side and he gazes upon me with big eyes.
"What?! You can't be serious Freya, do you know all the dangers out there?" He asked terrified.
"But you are going and I've been training with you for 15 summers, I can handle myself." I stated only wishing that everybody wouldn't treat me like a fragile piece of glass.
"I don't care, you're staying here where you're safe." My brother said and I knew that he was not going to allow me to change his mind. I reluctantly nodded before I entered the overstuffed ballroom once more, knowing that I was never going to get the adventure I hoped for.
Unknown's POV
"Are you certain the princess is the one of the legend?" I asked as I stare at the man in the black cloak.
"Yes sire, her powers are strong and I could smell them from a mile away. She is definitely the one in the legend." He said and I got over excited. I was so glad I finally found the person I was looking for.
"Well then I guess it is time to formulate a plan. Just imagine what I could do with all her powers. The sky is the limit." I said as I paced room thinking of a way to capture this girl for myself.
I was still pacing when I suddenly heard voices, "Hide!" I ordered the man in the black cloak before I searched for a hiding spot as well.
I heard the doors to the fae prince's study open. What was he doing here? He wasn't suppose to be back until the end of the ball.
I heard two sets of voices, one I could easily identify as the prince's but the other wasn't familiar.
"So did you tell her?" The other voice asked.
"Yes Zach, I did but she wasn't to thrilled about it." The Prince said.
"Of course she wouldn't be happy about it. The farthest she's ever been from the castle was the training fields." Zach said.
"I know, but not for long after all my parents did promise to allow her to visit the fae village." The Prince said as he looked for something on his desk.
"At least she will be seeing the outside world. Now come on we have a ball to get back to." Zach said before they both left.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the doors closed behind them. I couldn't believe what I heard. The Prince was leaving which meant that I had more opportunities to grab Freya around and that is not even the best part. The best part is that she will be leaving the castle at last which means I'll get an opportunity to strike.
I couldn't believe my luck. With good planning and preparations I might have the princess in my grasp by the end of this week.
I stepped out of my hiding spot and so did the man in the black cloak.
"Did you hear that?" I asked overjoyed with the new developments.
"Yes sire."
"Then what are you standing around for, we have a kidnapping to plan." I said; we had a lot of work cut out for us.
Hey guys
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