Special; JiMa
Emma's POV
"... so this added into this-" there's a knock from the door suddenly interupt the whole class as the eyes focus at the door.
"Miahnae seongsamnim, new students here." It's our school's most coldest senior ever, Ahn Jinshi. She's cool actually but I'm still scared to be her friend. Sigh.. but who's the new kid will be studying in our class?
"Thank you Jinshi. Come in!" said our homeroom and 2 boys walk in. Two, not just one but two. I'll have to admit, one of them caught my attention. I can feel my heart is racing like 3000 horse power and my face heat into a pink face in 0.00005 seconds. I'm gonna faint for him.
"Annyeong haseyo! Park Jimin imnida!" He introduced himself in front of us. Jimin, what a handsome name that suits him...
Emma wake up from your dreams!! No boys allow until you're 16!! No boys!!! That's family rules, no dating allow until you're 16. Sigh.. no chance for it then.
Can you believe? I'm just 14 years old and I'm falling in love.. age doesn't involve with love but they said it's too young to be in love so I'm gonna say I'm catching feelings then. (JB - Catching Feelings lyrics)
"Hi! Jimin imnida!" Someone snapped me out from my dream. I look beside me and Jimin's there... HE'S THERE!!! Am I dreaming?!! Somebody pinch me!! Calm down Emma, calm down.
"Hi! I'm Emma.." I greeted back then I looked back to the board. Seconds later, I got a paper under my hand. I looked at it,
You're beautiful. Can we actually be friends?
What can I say? No? Or course not! YES!! I replied him sure, why not? then he smirks. He just smirk.. he just smirk to me!! Oh my god! Sorry mom! I'm falling to much to this guy.. first sight of love you say.. I'm gonna believe this thing now!
Few days later, Jimin and I became best friends like there's no tomorrow. We just keep on talking everyday, every hour, every minute and every seconds.
"Emma? Emma!" He snapped and pointed at the apparatus I'm holding. "Uh?" I asked as he chuckled. "Come on.." he smiled, he put his hands on mine and pour the chemical thingy into the conical flask.
Wait.. brain loading...
I blushed very hard until I heard some gigglings, did he saw I'm blushing? Oh damn.. damn.. damn...
"Emma? Let's do the report already." He said and I nodded.. science reports to be done. Sigh...
Scene before Chap 10
"Hey Emma!" Someone called while I was reading a story book in the school garden. I close it and look up where the figure was standing.
"Yes?" I asked when I saw Jimin was standing right in front of me. I admit now my heart skips like 7000 horse power, I'm gonna have a heart attack for this guys soon for sure.
"Are you free this Saturday?" He asked... did.. did he just ask me out?! my soul is going out, I'm going to the heaven soon, SOON!
"Emma?" He called again as I suck back my soul, "Yea.. I'm free. To where?" I asked then he chuckled. What's that chuckle mean?
"To a BBQ party at Jinshi noona's house." He said. Did he just mention Jinshi noona? The coldest girl ever? Oh my godd!! I can't wait to meet her!
"Sure!" I smiled then the bell rings soon. When can I finish my story book if he keeps on finding me and making me mobilize with his charm?
(to Chapter 10)
I waited in front of the mall where Jimin and I suppose to meet before we go to Jinshi sunbae house. "Emma! Emma!" Someone called as I looked around me then saw Jimin was running towards me. Suddenly he tripped and also going to fell into the fountain.
"Shit!" I cursed then pulled him before he actually fell into the fountain but in that case he fell on top of me, my face turned red as soon as possible. I looked away and push him aside, "Pali, we gotta go." I said trying to forget what just happened.
"Uh yea.. le- let's go," he said as we walk to the bus top where RapMon oppa will be waiting us there.
~In da van~
When I got into the van, I saw Genevieve and V together, playing paper scissor stone. "Hi Emma!" She greeted as I greeted back with a smile. I sat beside Jimin, watching the roads outside.
I was about to sleep because of the bored road, there's a thing in my ear suddenly. I looked at the side where Jimin was, he was froze with earphone in his hands because our face just inches away. "Erm.. I was about to let you listen some songs I found it interesting but did I scared you?" He asked as I shook my head.
I was about to take the earphone from him but he just don't let me instead he put on for me. We're both now sharing earphones and listening to Don't Look Down by Martin Garrix and Usher. I close my eyes, listening the song then it changes to All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran which is my favorite.
I was enjoying the music until someone shaked me, I open my eyes slowly and looked outside the window, "We've reached." Jimin smiled as I nodded. Before Jimin got down, I saw Genevieve is hidding her gigglings. "Hey, I know what you're thinking kay?" I said but she's not stoping. We got down and entered Jinshi sunbae house as soon as possible.
Jump to chapter 12...
"What?! You mean they are getting into somekind fight with the Block B sunbae?" I freaked out when I heard this news from Jinshi unnie. She nodded and sighed deeply immediately.
"Challenge about what?" Genevive asked as unnie sighed more deeply. "Wrestling, Swimming and Basketball." She sighed ever deeper so do I. I never thought the boys really get into this fight like seriously?
I was snapped by the school bell as Genevieve and I waved goodbye before entering my class. Before I do, I was dragged by someone. "Hey! Hey! Hey!!! Let me go!!" I shouted as the person release his grip on me. He turn over and I saw Zico sunbae, the leader of Block B.
I gulped, trying to escape but he slammed the door close, "No a chance." He said, my throat is getng dry since I gulp too much. "Wh-what do you w-want?" I asked then he smirked.
"I want you to stop Jimin getting into the fight we had." He said, my eyes widened, "Why should I do that?" I asked, confusingly. "It's alright if you don't wanna do it. I'll just share some secrets for your crush. Not to mention who he was." He said obviously is referring to Jimin.
"What secrets? I don't have any secrets!" I looked away avoiding looking into his eyes cause he's scary sometimes. "Then what is this?" He pulled a paper out from his pocket and unfolded it.
Damn.. damn.. damn..
"Give it back to me!!" I ran over trying to snatch that paper from him but I'm too short, not to mention he's damn taller than me even taller than Jimin. "Do it or this paper goes to him." He said as I bit my bottom lips. "Fine, I'll try but he's not insist it I don't know.." I murmured the last few words before he open the door and let me go.
When I get into class, Jimin gave me a weird look, "Where did you go? You're almost late. You never been that late.." he said but I just smiled. "Hey Jimin?" I asked as he just hummed.
"Can you don't join into the fight you're having with Block B?" I asked then he looked at me weirdly again. He touched my forehead then his, "You're quite hot.. sick?" He asked and I shook, "I'm serious.." I said probably he'll sighed.
"I'm serious as well.. I'm going to help hyung get noona to our side. If we don't noona will be with Block B forever. We can't talk or contact her even both of you girls." He pointed at me then Genevieve who's playing with V again.
"But.." "No more buts, don't worry if I might being beaten or what. I'm strong like Hulk!" He said, patting my head then did Hulk pose.
"Park Jimin! Stop playing and pay attention!" Our homeroom teacher growled as he dropped his head, saying sorry. I just giggled at his action.
After the challenge
"So.. he ripped his clothes after he won dancing battle then some girls was wowed and started to chase him?" Genevieve asked unnie since she's on the spot.
"Yea, can't believe he's that young and had already got abs. I don't think Jin have it." Unnie chuckled and I just there blushing. My mind is full of thoughts that Jimin with abs.
"Can't believe you guys gotta drag him to buy new shirt since he had no more shirt in his bag." Genevieve added as I blushed harder, thinking about that scene in my mind.
"And V is just there with the hand claw machine, trying to save aliens." Unnie added and Genevieve just smiled. "He's cute with aliens. I even got some Alien Collection for him since.. I kinda.. clean my stuff out.." She's talking weirdly but obviously she kinda buy them for him. (XD)
After the bell ring, my thoughts about Jimin was gone but the fear of Zico sunbae will showed Jimin 'that'. I sighed and walk behind Genevieve until someone tapped my back. I turned over and saw Jinshi unnie.
"Aren't you going back to class unnie?" I asked as she shook her head, "My teacher's is sick but stop with my things. If someone threaten you again, you know who I mean, just tell him to do it." She said but what does she meant by that?
"But why?" I asked but she didn't seems want to tell me about that. "You'll know soon." She smiled and left me there dumbfounded. Soon I was about to get into the class, I was dragged once again, it's Zico sunbae for sure.
"Let me go! Don't just dragged me like that!" I shouted as he let me go, we're in the same room again where he asked me to stopped Jimin. He slammed me against the wall, "Didn't I tell you to stop Jimin? Great.. now I've totally lost Jinshi!" He growled with a smirk soon. I was there shivering, almost going to cry until unnie's word came across.
"Show it to Jimin, show it then!" I shouted, gave him my serious ever glare but I earned a smirk from him. "You think I wouldn't huh?" He pulled himself back, walking out of the class. I sighed.. what if he really show Jimin about that 'thing'?
Skip to Chapter 17 : Ask
It's been months but why Jimin didn't make a move like he's leaving me? Didn't Zico sunbae showed him? Instead of that, Jimin got nearer and nearer with me.
"All of the students please be in the school hall now, we have important news to announce." It's the principle voice from the speaker. Everyone line up before entering the hall and guess what? School Prom is coming soon but mostly are for the senior years like Jinshi unnie so.. probably this year we junior don't have the chance to go.
"So.. guess lot of you understand what's going on. We had change a bit of this prom that is all year students will be participating. Previously it was only for the last year schooler but this year we change a bit." said Principle as my eyes widened, we juniors get to attend this year as well!!
Genevieve looked at each other as we jump up and down soon. "By the way.. this ball theme is much different than usual one!" He added and we stopped, looking at what principle is going to say, "this time the theme for the prom is Romeo and Juliet and it'll be a masquerade prom!" He smiled as everyone cheers in happiness.
Romeo and Juliet the famous play by William Shakespeare is one of my favourite play writer. But one thing.. who'll be my partner?
I sat under the tree with my new book, just about to start reading, Jimin cut into my reading moment again. I looked at him, who's running towards me. "Nae?" I asked but no respone cause he's trying to catch his breath.
"Sit down first." I scoot some space for him to sit down but he shook his head and suck up big breath. "I'm fine right now.." he sighed then looked at me with his serious eyes. "Yes?" I asked again.
He turn over, didn't know what he's doing then he turn back again. "Erm.. can.. can.. can you go to.. go to the prom... with me?" He said as I blinked my eyes few times.
Did I got my ear wrong? "So how?" He bit his bottom lips as I look at him again. He's blushing so do I, "Um.. okay." I smiled weirdly as he jumped and start running around the school in excitement, he's funny. (XD)
~ skip to prom since.. the event will be same as the main story.
I stood out from the car with Genevieve that my father own, not too high classy but it'll be alright. "Emma!!" Someone shout my name but obviously is Jimin.
I just smiled at him, "Nice dress." He complimented with a smile like an idiot which makes me blush very hard. "Pabo, let's go!" I walk first so I can hide my red cheeks before he notices it.
When we're inside, we walk to the beverage section and got ourselves fruit punch. After the principle finish his speech, the music turn on and everyone start dancing slow dance. I just stood there watching them.
"Care to erm.. dance?" Jimin asked awkwardly as he's blushing as well. I chuckled a bit and joined him to the dance floor. In the middle of the dance, we saw Genevieve and V got out of the dance hall together. "Don't worry about them.. they're going to make the day memorable." Jimin whispered in my ears since the music is quite loud.
"Wanna know what's about it?" He asked and I shook, "Don't break their moments arraso? Pabo." I smirked at the last words then he kissed my cheek, "Punishment for calling me pabo." He smirked and pulled me closer his body while we're still dancing. I can heard his heartbeat is beating fast, does he had the feelings like I do?
~ Skip to the day Ahn Jinshi's birthday party!!
I'm listening to the guys singing I Need You slow jam until the song ended. I was about to scoot some space for Jimin to sit later, "I want to sing a special song for Emma!" That's Jimin's voice.
I looked at him and gave him a what face then the song Mine by Taylor Swift is played. He sang along and added some dance for it until the song ended. "Will you be mine?" He asked. Is this a confession? I'm exploding..
"Be his! Be his!!" The others start clapping their hands, cheering about it. I nodded my head and blush as well. Thank god the light were dim. He lean towards me, "Follow me to somewhere.. later." He whispered and I nodded.
Skip it till the party end
I followed Jimin to the nearest park, he got coffee from the nearest shop while I'm waiting on the bench. "Here you go jagi." He smiled and I received it. I took a sip and looked at him, "So..?" I asked with curiosities cause I have no idea why he's calling me here.
"Wait for it.." he smiled as I looked at the sky. Suddenly there was something shooting up the sky and exploit. It's fireworks.. "I can't explain how the feelings you accepted me but this helps." He commented, I'm still watching the fireworks in the air, colouring the dark sky.
He cupped my face, facing him and we kissed. It's a warm kiss as we pulled back soon with our face blushing. "I know your mom won't agree us to date but... at least can we date without letting your mom know?" He asked but how he knew about my family rules?
He soon took out a piece of paper from his pocket, "I got this while stealing from Zico hyung's bag which was informed by noona that you're blackmailed." He said as I remembered that paper.
I try to snatch it back but he wasn't giving it back, "I'm already your boyfriend ain't I? So.. this secret is no more secret." He smiled and I nodded happily.
It's a confession letter that I tried to gave him few months ago since I don't have the courage to tell him in person. But then I threw it into the rubbish bin since I was scared that I might be rejected.
"Saranghae Emma." He smiled.
"Saranghae pabo!" I giggled.
Finally first special scene is out.. I've been reading more than 10 times just to re edit to make it good so here's what I've made. Longest chapter I ever made.. 2883 words.. wow.. I still don't know how long will it be for the second special scene.. I'll try to finish writing and edit them soon!! ^^
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