The next few days...
Jin's POV
When I got in the school with Jinshi beside me, everyone was staring at Jinshi like a dead meat. Why? Anything just happen? I looked at Jinshi and she's trying to act normal, "What?" She asked and I shook my head. Something is hiding away from me, no one tell me what was it.
"Oh my god... such a slut she is."
"I never thought she's someone like that."
"She doesn't belongs here! Even to the world"
Come on, like seriously what's happening on earth?! I have no clue why are they judging Jinshi?! I looked at Jinshi again, "What?" She asked me with that blank face again while I shook my head, letting out a deep breath. Not far away from here, I saw there are 7 boys who's warning the girls but why do they have to do so?
"The rumors wasn't true, it was all a fake rumors! If you dare to talk about her, you'll be my dead meat!" He warned the girl who's shivering her spine to death. "You, better don't talk about it! Or else, I'll make your life suffer!" Another guy warned while showing her balled fist.
"Zico, hyung, guys, stop that instant." Jinshi stopped them as they stopped what they're doing. "Jinshi, I can't see my dongsaeng being insult like this!" That guy must be her brother, brown hair with a good looking face. Protective enough.
Waitㅡ I'm not gay and I'm not interested in him too.
"Who's this guy beside you?" He asked, drawing his lips with his lips at the rate like seductive lips. Darn.. I thought I just said I wasn't gay! "My friend, Jin." She replied shortly then one guy with messy blonde hair stand beside her brother with his hands in his pocket, acting how bad he is.
"Jin, this is Jaehyo, my brother. As for the others.. you can ignore them since they're not so important." She said then I looked at the others. "Waitㅡ Why we're not important?" The guy with black hair asked. "Because you're not important. Stop messing around because of those fake rumors. It doesn't worth it if you keep on wasting your time on that" She said, when she's trying to walk away, the blonde guy stopped her way.
"Can we get some time to talk? Just you and me, it won't take much of your time." He said then Jinshi looked at me. "I'll be alright going to class alone. It's not the first day since I come to school right?" I fake a smile. She nodded and she walks away with that Blondie.
When I was about to walk away, my bag was being pulled by someone. As I turn back, it was Jinshi's brother named Jaehyo pulling it. He release after I looked at him as he lean closer, near to my face. "Stop bugging my sister." He warned with a dirty look on his face. Then, he walks away with his friends, leaving me dumbfounded.
Why? Again with billions of question I'm asking but no one had answered for me.
Jinshi's POV
"Say what you're going to say." I folded my arm and lean towards the big old oak tree. "Stay away from that guy, for me." Zico smiled bitterly. I stare at him with why-should-I-listen-to-him look since he's not my somebody or anybody.
"Why should I? I have my own right to befriend with whoever I want." I looked at him then he lifts up my chin with his hands and lean closer to my face. "It hurts to see you smile to him, not me." He said with his voice sadden and his eyes soften as his usual.
"What are you talking about?" I pushed him away then looked away, trying to erase what he did just now. He pulled my head back to face him, "You know what I mean. Why don't you smile for me?" He asked. How should I know? Because I don't find it I should smile to him?
"I don't know." I replied short as the bell rang after my words. When I was about to take my leave, he grabbed my hand tight and pull it to lean near him. "Let me go. Our conversation ends here." I said then pushed him away. He pulled me back, falling into his arms this time, "I'm hurt because I'm in love with you." He said which make me blank a bit but no, there's no way I'm going to take relationships.
I got up fast and push him away, "Stop with your nonsense. Just stay 10 feet away from me." I said it coldly then walk into the class fast.
Jin's POV
When I got in the class, thank god the teacher was sick and she wasn't able to attend our class or else I'll end up in the detention.
Well.. detention sucks like hell though.
"Did you heard that? The rumors spread very quickly!"
"I heard that! I never thought what a cold girl eventually did something like that!"
Now hell, what is everyone talking about?!
"Jin! Your friend is here to meet you!" The girl who always sits at the corner near the main door called. I got up from my seat and walk towards to meet up the people I'm meeting. "Hoseok? Yoongi? Anything that we can't talk later?" I asked then they shook their head, "No can do." Hoseok rolled his eyes then pass me Yoongi's electronic tablet. "What?" I asked then he scrolls the school student blog and OMFG!
- Jinshi tried to seductive Jin oppa!
- The coldest Jinshi is trying to snatch someone's boyfriend?
- Cold Princess, Ahn Jinshi is trying to steal someone's boyfriend?
"What on earth do they have to do this?! Plus, when did I even got a girlfriend?!" I freaked out after I read them. "Calm down hyung, now the only way is to get you to the P.A room and use the mic, announced that was the false rumors!" Yoongi pats my shoulder and I nodded, agreeing his suggestion.
P.A room is a student restriction so I guess we have to sneak in or barged in if there's no one in. "Pali! No one inside." Hoseok signaled, Yoongi and I got in together, leaving Hoseok outside guarding the door so he could tell us when there's teacher coming this way.
Yoongi turn on everything and I set everything up so I can use for the announcement. "Hello? Mic testing?" I say through the mic and Yoongi giving me thumbs up as in the speakers are all on.
"ATTENTION!!! This is KIM SEOK JIN speaking. I saw the rumors just now and I'm HERE to make it CLEAR that I DONT have a GIRLFRIEND, I'm SINGLE. To that mystery girl whoever you are trying to be my girlfriend, I am NOT your BOYFRIEND. Jinshi is MY FRIEND, we're close because we are like shit do you have to care? Don't you DARE to talk anything about her or YOU'LL BE DEAD. This is WHAT I do to PROTECT my friends." I said with my words loud and clear.
"Pali, let's go!" Yoongi shut everything down fast before the teacher comes. Hoseok keep on knocking the door, "Pali! I saw the teachers are coming this way!" He said. Yoongi and I quickly got out and three of us hide in the corner, waiting the teacher to disappear from this area.
"Where are those kids! They should be here!" He stomped his feet then walk away when he gave up searching for us. "Pfff.. hopefully those rumors will finish off soon." I begged to the god. "Pabo." Someone said then our heads turn to see who's calling us that. "Noona.." they both mumbled.
"Jinshi.." I mumbled when I saw her standing right in front of me. "Pabo, I never ask you to do this for me. Why should you?" She asked then I look the two dummies beside me, they were froze and they don't know what to say.
"It's better to dispel the rumors before it get worse right?" I chuckled awkwardly then she hugged me, "Thanks. You helped me a lot but you can stop right now." She said with her voice slowly fading out.
What she meant I can stop right now? She thinks I'm doing for her because I pity her that she's handicap? I never thought that before!
"I'll never stop helping." I said then I hugged back. "Aww... hyung, we'll ship you as well!" Oh darn.. I had forgotten the two dummies. "It was just a friendly hug, what are you thinking?" I glared at them then they ran away, giggling.
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