Chapter 39
Midoriya's POV
Intervention is divine and sweet, until revenge ensues. A place where two heroes fell rekindles past news.
What is that supposed to mean?
Kiri's been missing for over four hours now and no one has a lead. The police are out looking and so are other pro heroes, including most of the UA staff, but it's just blank.
The rest stayed here to guard the rest of the students, who all have been made aware of the situation.
Kaminari sat curled up in a ball. His quirk acted up slightly and caused the boy to twitch when the electricity pulsated through him. Shinso sat beside him, trying to console him from the loss of his best friend and held his hand tightly in his, being shocked be damned.
Sero, Iida, and a couple others were off in a corner, trying to decipher the message, but no success so far.
Mina was quiet and Jirou tried to play some soothing music to help calm the nerves, but it wasn't helping a ton.
Satou was baking in the kitchen out of stress. He has made four cakes and over a dozen muffins so far.
Kacchan sat beside me. I had my hero journal out and I was looking over notes I had on every member of the League of Villains, including my father. I kept biting my nails roughly to the point I was bleeding in certain spots. Kacchan had a slip of paper in his hand and he kept rewording the message, trying to find out the meaning on his own.
There was a gentle tap on my shoulder and I flinched, but quickly looked up at the source. Todoroki held two cups of steaming hot herbal tea. "Momo made it."
I smiled gently at him. "Thanks," I whispered and took the cup, breathing in the scent.
"What the fuck do you want?" He looked up and saw Todoroki hold out the other cup to him. Kacchan grumbled, but took it anyway.
Todoroki then sat on the opposite side of me and gazed down at my journal and the message Kacchan had sprawled out all over the page. "Would it help if we broke it down?" He suggested.
"Break it down?" Kacchan questioned.
"It's a riddle, isn't it? So label each part first and then try to combine them."
"Label each part," I mumbled. "Can I s-see that, Kacchan?" He slid the paper over to me and I placed lines through each phrase.
Intervention is divine and sweet,/ until revenge ensues./ A place where two heroes fell/ rekindles past news.
"Okay. Intervention is divine and sweet. So maybe somewhere we intercepted the villains." I wrote down several places-USJ incident, the Stain incident, forest training camp, League of Villains hideout, Nomu factory, and so on.
"Until revenge ensues. That's easy, your father wants revenge for what happened," Kacchan added.
"But for which part? If he wanted to take revenge in a place where there was intervention from me, he'd do it at our old apartment, but the heroes already checked it out and have it watched."
"What about the next part?" Todoroki asked. The others in the room came over to join our conversation, noticing the different strategy we are approaching.
"A place where two heroes fell." I bit my thumb. "Was there a battle recently where two heroes fell?" I asked.
"No, not that I know of," Iida commented.
"Okay, let's leave that alone for now. Uhm, rekindles past news." I thought for a moment. "Something that happened on the news maybe? Like a broadcast?"
"Well, if that's the case, we can cross off the USJ incident, the villains hideout and the forest training camp. None of those were on live news," Momo stated.
"So we have the stain incident and the Nomu factory." I sighed, I don't even know if we are heading in the right direction with this.
"The League of Villains barely had anything to do with the Stain incident, I think we can delete that," Todoroki said.
"Then we have to be missing something! Why would they take Kirishima to the Nomu Factory?" Sero asked.
"A place where two heroes fell," I repeated. My eyes widened and I gasped. "Wait, what if it's not heroes we are thinking of?"
"What do you mean?" Shinso asked.
"A place where two heroes fell, but the league doesn't recognize a lot of heroes in the hero society, what if they are talking of someone else?"
"Like who?" Todoroki asked.
I pondered for a moment more, trying to think of a significant event that happened between two people. A hero and a villain. "Kiri is at the Nomu factory!" I jumped up and raced to the door, Kacchan hot on my trail. I opened the door and saw Aizawa glaring down at me.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I know where Kiri is! I have to go!" I tried to shove past him but he just used his quirk on me and pushed me back into the room.
"Sit down, Midoriya and we'll talk." I groaned, but listened and sat back down. The rest of the class came back and joined as well. They wanted to know how I came to my conclusion. "Alright. Explain."
"I did what Todoroki suggested and started breaking the message down. A place where we intervened and won is the Nomu factory!"
"Midoriya, that could mean a ton of different places."
"No! Until revenge ensues, which is self explanatory. A place where two heroes fell. They are not talking about two pro heroes, their villains, they don't even recognize most people as heroes. So who else are they talking about? All Might and All For One. All For One is practically a hero in their eyes and that was the scene where All For One was apprehended and All Might lost his abilities. Rekindles past news. The whole showdown between All Might and All For One was shown on the news, live. So, where does that leave us? The Nomu factory!" I shouted.
Several of my classmates eyes popped out of their heads, finally connecting the dots.
"That's brilliant!" Kaminari praised.
"We have to go! He's there! I know it! Kacchan, Kiri, and I were all there when All For One got taken down. We intervened by rescuing Kacchan, that's why-"
"Alright, I will gather a team and check it out." Aizawa stood, placing a hand on the bridge of his nose briefly.
"We're going with you," Kacchan declared.
"What? No, It's too dangerous." Aizawa stared daggers at Kacchan.
"You can't convince us otherwise. We all have our provisional hero license, we can go with you and help fight. Either we go as a group, where you're able to keep an eye on us, or we sneak out of here and get there on our own," Kacchan stated.
Aizawa narrowed his eyes, but he knew Kacchan meant business.
"Please, Aizawa. This all happened because of me, let me do the right thing and help Kiri."
Aizawa groaned. "Fine, but not all of you."
I grabbed Kacchan's hand in my own and he squeezed mine in return. Todoroki, Kaminari, and Shinso lined up behind us. "We're going with you," Kaminari said.
Aizawa rolled his eyes, but the group left to meet up with the other pro hero's.
"We've got a lead," Aizawa said to a frantic looking Present Mic.
He looked up at his husband in confusion. "What? Really? What is it?"
"Midoriya thinks he's being held at the Nomu factory. The one we destroyed awhile ago."
Present Mic pursed his lips in thought. "Come to think of it, that would be the perfect place. Hisashi respected All For one greatly, it would make sense he would return to the place where he fell."
"Great, so can we get going then?" Kacchan remarked.
"Shota, you can't actually be okay with the students tagging along."
Aizawa sighed. "Either we bring them where we can keep an eye on them, or they'll get their themselves. This is Midoriya and Bakugou we're talking about."
"You're right. I wouldn't put it past this group." Present Mic remarked, but with a small smile. "We better get going then. I'll contact the others and have them meet us there."
Aizawa nodded and the group left the school, heading for the same place we rescued Kacchan not long ago.
What kind of connection does my dad have with All For One? When did he even begin to worship the cruel things that man has done? I don't understand any of this, his motives, his drive. What happened that made him like this? That made him hate me?
I know he always hated me at first because I was born quirkless, but this has gotten to an extreme.
Did I set him on the path to villainy? Is that why he is so hellbent on destroying me and hurting everyone I love?
Tears welled up in my eyes again. I thought I had gotten them to stop, but my body has proved me otherwise.
"Izuku. Stop." A hand gripped mine tightly.
Another came on the other side of me and my heart dropped when I didn't recognize the calloused hands of Kirishima. My tears fell down my face quicker and my breath picked up pace.
The first hand that grabbed me was Kacchan's and it did ground me, but I needed them both there. I needed Kiri and Kacchan.
"Midoriya," Todoroki called.
"I-I'm fine!" I let go of Todoroki's hand and used it to wipe my face, trying desperately to get the tears to stop and the red tint in my cheeks to turn back to it's normal pale complexion.
Kacchan went to speak, but got interrupted before he could.
"Everyone get low." Aizawa called to the group.
We huddled over close to a wall that blocked our view to the old and abandoned Nomu factory.
Other heroes approached us. Including Midnight, Endeavor, and Hawks.
"We've got the area surrounded. Police are on alert at a safe distance," Midnight said.
"Only some of us approach first. We don't want them to realize that they are surrounded and probably out numbered," said Aizawa. "There will most likely be several Nomus and at least a few of the LOV members, so be on guard."
We all nodded in understanding. "Does everyone know the plan?" Present Mic whispered. We all answered yes, the plan being what we went over on the way here. "Okay, let's do this!"
"Shh, Mic, seriously." Aizawa complained in a strained whisper voice.
Present Mic cringed and lowered his voice again. "Sorry."
Kacchan snorted from beside me and Shinso rolled his eyes at his parents antics.
We all just finished getting in our places and I peaked from my hiding spot, but didn't see anyone in sight. Did I get it wrong? Are they not here?
I started to panic and tears welled in my eyes again.
I can't fail Kiri! I just can't! This is my fault and I have to fix it! He has to be here!
Kacchan noticed my unstable breathing and tried to reach out to me, but before he could, I felt something grab me roughly and push me forward. I fell to the floor, out in the open and gasped. I used my hands to cushion my fall and in turn I skid them on the harsh cement. Little bits of blood stained my hands. "Izuku!" Kacchan called. He ran out to me and helped me stand up. "Are you alright?"
"I-I'm fine. What was that?" I turned in the direction from which I got shoved and noticed a Nomu standing there, still in place. It was waiting for its next instructions.
"Well, isn't it my little Izuku." The voice sent a chill down my spine and I whipped around in spot and faced the man.
He held Kiri in his hands. tied up and unable to escape. He had burns in several places and a couple cuts here and there. Although he didn't look great and my heart dropped when I saw him, I knew none of his injuries were life threatening.
"Eijiro!" Kacchan yelled and launched towards him, using his quirk to push him forward.
A figure appeared from behind my father and placed his hand around Kiri's throat, leaving his middle finger off. "I would stop and think if I were you," Shigaraki called.
"No, please!" I shouted, but didn't even think about moving from my spot. Kacchan also came to a halt, but I watched explosions come off his hands in anger.
"Tell your little friends to come out of hiding, and maybe I'll think about sparing his life," the crusty man said.
Kiri flashed me a worried look, but didn't want to move. He knew how serious this situation was.
I deflated. I didn't know what to do. We don't negotiate with villains, but they've got Kiri, what am I supposed to do?
The decision was left out of my hands. Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, Hawks, Endeavor, Todoroki, Shinso, and Kaminari all came out into the opening, all from different spots around the destroyed building.
"I know that's not all of you," my father said.
Other pro heroes came out as well and although there was a large number of us, my father nor Shigaraki looked afraid. In fact, they just smiled.
"All For One has given instructions to eliminate you," Shigaraki said looking at me. "He knows exactly who you are and wants you out of the picture before you get any stronger."
"That's impossible! All For One is locked up! You can't reach him," Endeavor yelled.
Shigaraki smiled. "Oh, can't we?" He mocked.
The other heroes looked alarmed, but knowing everything that I do, I'm not.
"Let the boy go and we can end this peacefully," Midnight called.
Neither budged. "I have a better idea." Shigaraki raised his free hand and it was like a signal. Instantly there were several Nomu's and multiple members of the League, including Dabi, Toga, Kurogiri, and Twice.
There was just as many as them as there are of us. If not more.
Fear pierced me. How am I supposed to get to Kiri now?
"Midoriya." Todoroki, Shinso, and Kaminari came and stood beside Kacchan and I. They stood in a fighting stance. "I don't think we have a choice but to fight."
"Nomu's," Shigaraki called. "Attack!"
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