Chapter 38
Bakugou's POV
Where the hell are those two? Dinner is nearly done and neither of them have come back yet. My nerves were picking up, a gut instinct was telling me that something was wrong.
Something must've happened, but I don't know where Izuku went, let alone where Eijiro was supposed to meet up with him at.
"Uh, Bakugou, you good?"
"Fuck off," I snarled at Pikachu.
"Well, it's just-you're burning the food."
"What?" I looked down at the pan on the stove. "Oh shit!" I turned the oven off and tossed the pan in the sink, the food now ruined.
"What's on your mind, Bakubro?" Kaminari asked from where he sat beside purple haired freak on the stools at the bar.
"Nothing. Fuck off," I growled, irritation rolling off of me in waves.
Shinso rolled his eyes. "Can't you ever control your mouth? Your friend is just worried about you."
"Mind your own damn business." I went back to scrubbing the pan, needing a good distraction. My hands started turning red and raw from the hot water and from how hard I was scrubbing at a completely ruined pan.
"Hey Shinso, do you think Kirishima was being serious about his comment?"
"What?" Insominiac asked.
I couldn't see Pikachu's expression, but I had a good feeling he had turned red. "The one about the double date?"
Shinso fell silent. The only sounds was the water coming from the faucet and my dedicated scrubbing.
"Well, I-" he stopped. Shinso cleared his throat. "If that's something you'd be interested in doing. I don't mind.'
Smooth. I thought sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes."You're both in love with each other, we fucking get it."
"What?!" Kaminari's voice shot up in pitch. "Who said that?"
"You weren't invited in this conversation," Shinso remarked.
"Then don't have it where I can hear it," I growled. The pot was not getting cleaner and groaned in frustration, throwing the pot down into the sink along with the soapy sponge.
"Is he right, though?" Kaminari asked. "A-About us, I mean."
"Bakugou." A new voice entered the room.
I growled again. "What?!" I swung around to see Icyhot. Shinso had an annoyed expression on his face, upset their conversation had been interrupted again.
"Have you seen Midoriya?" Half n' half stood near the entrance, arms crossed. He was not even phased by my aggressive behavior.
"No, he was supposed to be back with Eijiro nearly thirty minutes ago," I explained, turning away from the group of eyes to focus on the mess I made out of dinner.
"Oh, well that explains your pissy mood," Shinso remarked.
"Get the hell out of here if you're just going to make stupid comments!" I yelled.
"Maybe we should go look for them," Icyhot said, ignoring any bickering going on.
I sighed and clenched my teeth. Going out as a group would be better than me looking for them on my own."Fine. Let's go."
"We'll help!" Kaminari jumped to his feet and pulled Shinso up with him.
Shinso, who also has become rather protective of Izuku, offered no complaints and followed the rest of us outside quickly.
The group stayed surprisingly quiet, and that included Kaminari. All of us are aware of what's going on and the implications of Izuku and Eijiro potentially going missing.
The night air was chilly and the wind blew slightly. The sky was dark, only being lit up by the little lights of the stars and by the moon.
I didn't like it. It was ominous, and only brought more dread to my soured mood.
I tried to focus on finding them, reminding myself that they are fine and probably got sidetracked, but it doesn't matter. I know something bad happened to them and I only fear what.
It was a little hard to see, but I could still tell what was around me. Several feet from the entrance of the UA campus, I saw a figure curled up on the ground.
A panicked voice that was muttering reached my ears and I recognized the voice to belong to Izuku.
"Izuku," I called and went over to him and knelt down in front of him. I gently grabbed him by the arms, his skin was cold to the touch. "Izuku, what happened?" The rest of the group came over as well.
"I-It's all my fault. He's g-gone and it's all my fault," he kept muttering to himself.
My eyes widened at his statement. "Izuku. Where is Eijiro?" My voice cracked.
He looked up at me with red teary eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. I-It's all my fault."
"No, Midoriya. It's not your fault. Tell us what happened," Shinso said, kneeling beside us.
Izuku glanced around and saw the group around him. "I-I was supposed to meet up with Kiri, but I-I didn't find him. All I f-found was this." He held out Eijiro's phone and I took it in mine. My stomach dropped and a burning sensation pierced my chest. My breathing hitched and a wave of panic washed over me.
Eijiro has been kidnapped.
Shinso immediately whipped out his phone and started calling someone, but it was like I forgot to breathe. There were no sounds around me and everything was dark. I felt sick and I just wanted to turn on my side and throw up. A pressure built up behind my eyes, tears that I wasn't willing to shed threatened to fall down.
"K-Kacchan!" Izuku cried. "Kacchan p-please! I'm so sorry!" He shook me and it pulled me out of my thoughts. His face was bloodshot and red. Tears kept flowing down his face and falling off his chin. His breathing was even heavier than mine. He was on the verge of a panic attack.
But my mind was clouded and my focus was being overcast with dread.
"Stop apologizing for fucks sake!" I yelled, losing myself momentarily. My brain was frozen, I was having a hard time handling the things around me.
Izuku pulled himself away from me and buried his face in his arms. Sobs wracking his body. His body shook and he gripped his hair so tightly, I felt confident that he would rip some of it out.
I fell forward and pressed my hands into the cement below, the rocks pierced my hand and made indents in my skin. "No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. This isn't your fault." My voice was choked up and cracked.
What I told Izuku is true. This isn't his fault, but I can't fathom with the idea that Eijiro is gone and there is nothing I can do about it. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't protect either of them.
He didn't hear a thing I said. He started crying out again, mumbling incoherent things under his breath, things that I can only assume are degrading towards himself. Izuku began to rock in his spot. He started to hit the side of his head roughly with a balled up fist, like he was trying to get the voices to stop.
"Izuku," I called, "I'm coming over to you, okay?" I slowly approached him and gently grabbed his hands and willed them away from his head. He fought at first, refusing to let his arms fall, but I don't think he had the energy to keep up and eventually he surrendered and allowed me to set his arms down and out of harm's way. "Hey, this isn't your fault. Izuku, he would've come for one of us eventually, it was just a matter of time. You didn't do anything."
Still, he did not hear a single thing around him and he continued to suffer with the loud voices inside his head. I leaned closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. He sensed the movement and buried his face in my chest, his hands gripping the back of my shirt roughly. "Breathe with me Izuku. Feel my chest rise and match it with yours." He followed, matching his breathing with mine.
It took awhile of us sitting there and just breathing, while I whispered soothing words. His panic subsided and he calmed down, but big fat tears still rolled down his cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry!" He cried.
"No. It's alright. It's okay. We'll find him."
Izuku timidly nodded his head, but still kept a death grip on me.
"Midoriya, Bakugou!" A voice shouted slightly in the distance. I turned to look behind me and saw Aizawa, Present Mic, All Might, Midnight, and Principal Nezu coming this way quickly.
"What happened?" All Might asked.
A whimper escaped Izuku and I gripped him tighter to me, protecting him from reliving what he just went through.
Hitoshi turned to our teachers and principal. "Kirishima's been taken. We think it was Midoriya's father."
Their faces paled. "Are you sure?" Aizawa asked.
"This was left behind." I held out Eijiro's phone for Aizawa to take. "He was supposed to meet up with Izuku, but never did," I explained.
"Everyone, start looking around. Let's see if we can find anything," Midnight said and everyone began surveying the area, except for me and Izuku. I still held him in a tight embrace and he was still sobbing and shaking.
The group looked around for maybe about fifteen minutes, but found nothing. Aizawa came and sat down beside Izuku and I. Todoroki sat on the opposite side and started rubbing soothing circles on Izuku's back.
"Are you sure this is where he was taken?" Aizawa asked in a gentle voice.
"Y-Yes. This is where I f-found his p-phone," Izuku answered, his voice broken and weak.
Aizawa pursed his lips in thought. The rest of the group came over as well, trying to think of where to go from here.
"I've already contacted the police. They've been made aware of the situation and are looking into it," All Might said.
"Good. We're going to need help with this one. We don't even have a clue where he's at," Principal Nezu said.
There was a loud chiming noise coming from a phone. We all gazed down to the phone Aizawa held in his hand.
"Did Kirishima's phone just ping?" Kaminari asked. I looked up at him and noticed dry tears on his cheeks and the way his quirk seemed to spark off his hands every few seconds.
The light on Eijiro's phone was on and it confirmed that the noise came from his phone. "It's a text message. That's his ringtone," I commented.
"Type in the passcode." Aizawa handed it to me and I quickly typed in the code and handed it back to our teacher. "There's a message from an unknown number."
"What does it say" Present Mic asked.
"Intervention is divine and sweet, until revenge ensues. A place where two heroes fell rekindles past news."
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