Chapter 3
Kirishima's POV
I wish the two of them would get along more.
I actually kinda like Midoriya.
Not in a relationship type of way! I just think he's a cool guy and all.
Plus he always puts others before him.
Though, if I'm being honest with myself, I think I've caught myself thinking about Midoriya more than I probably should.
After the whole, Katsuki getting kidnapped and all, I really gained a different respect for Midoriya.
He's pretty manly, if I do say so myself.
However, just because I've been thinking about him more, doesn't mean I like him romantically or anything, I've got Kat and I could never break up with him, nor would I ever cheat on him. I just love him too much for that.
Though, I wouldn't mind getting to know Midoriya more, but I doubt that'll ever happen seeing that Kat hates him. Maybe I need to find a way to change that.
We all sat in our assigned seats in the classroom waiting for Aizawa.
He seemed to be running a tad bit late today.
Bakubro had his feet on the table again and was getting yelled at by Iida. Kami and Sero were chatting away about some video game.
Mina and Uraraka seemed deep in a private conversation. Todoroki was looking out the window all quiet and the rest of the class was just doing their usual random shenanigans.
Midoriya, however, looked on the verge of passing out.
I don't know if it's possible, but he looked paler than usual today and he just looks very ill. He did this morning before we came too, but it seems it's only gotten worse.
Also, if I didn't know any better, I would say he looks like he's in a lot of pain, but that can't be it. We just got back from break, no one's been doing extensive training or anything.
The door slammed open and the room turned dead silent, already knowing who it was.
Aizawa strolled into class. At first he just looked all over, making sure we were all here, but then I saw his eyes land on Midoriya.
He seemed to space out for a minute, a look of concern and confusion across his facial features.
Everyone seemed to look between Midoriya and our homeroom teacher.
Midoriya, looked uncomfortable and refused to make eye contact. Almost as if he knew exactly why Aizawa was staring at him.
"Get in your gym clothes and meet me outside. We'll be sparring outside today seeing as very few of you actually kept in shape over break." He said, his focus now back on the rest of the class.
We all got up, excited to use our quirks and get more powerful. After all, I think everyone assumed we'd be doing book work today.
Kat, Kami, Sero, and I made it to the changing rooms and changed into our P.E. uniform.
I still kept an eye out on Midoriya though. Something just really doesn't feel right and it's bugging me more than I'd like to admit.
I'm sure Kat feels the same way since he also is keepint an eye on him while getting ready.
Midoriya seems to say something to Todoroki before grabbing his clothes and walking over to a bathroom stall to change.
He never used to do that? Actually, now that I think about it, he always did that until we moved into the dorms.
That's.... Odd.
Kat thought the same thing as he looked at me. I couldn't help but make a remark on this. "Seems like you care about him a lot more than you let on." I mumbled for only him to hear.
He glared at me. "Just-Whatever! I don't care about that nerd. He's just acting weird."
"Sure. I believe you." I said sarcastically.
"What are you guys talking about?" Kaminari jumped in.
"Nothing, dunce face! Mind your own business!" He yelled at him, then turned back to me. "Can we finish this conversation later? In private?" He said under his breath.
My eyes widened slightly. I'm the only person Kat opens up to, but even I haven't really been able to get anything out of him when it came to Midoriya.
I nodded my head rapidly, full of curiosity on what he had to say.
We finished getting ready and as we were leaving, Midoriya came out of the stall in our P.E. clothes, but also he had a black, long sleeved shirt on.
The girls all finished getting ready as well and we all met out on the field with Aizawa.
He paired us off for us all to dual each other.
Mina was up against Tsu. Kaminari vs. Ojiro. Sero vs. Me. Kat vs. Midoriya.
Oh, that's a great idea. Let's go ahead and put those two together.
Aizawa really is looking for blood shed today.
Great. Someone really will die today and no offense, but it's probably Midoriya.
Everyone else got paired off as well, but I was so focused on making sure Katsuki didn't try to blow up Midoriya that I didn't hear the rest of the names.
Battles commenced. Only one took place at a time so everyone could watch and every battle was timed.
We had ten minutes to either get the other person to surrender or push them out of the square like ring, probably made out of tape or something.
First, it was Uraraka and Hagakure. It was interesting to say the least. Uraraka would try and touch her to activate her quirk, but would miss because Hagakure's invisible and so Uraraka had a hard time pinpointing her.
In the end, Uraraka won.
Next was mineta vs. Tokoyami. The winner was pretty obvious.
Then it was Mina and Tsu. Which ended in a tie since neither could get the other out on time.
Sero and I were next. He's my best friend, but I'm not gonna go easy on him. After all, how manly would that be?
He launched his tape, but I easily dodged it. I hardened my body and went to strike immediately, but he also was able to dodge. This went on for several minutes before I won and pushed him out.
A few more battles continued before finally the battle everyone was anticipating.
Katsuki against Midoriya.
The two got in their battle stances. I could already feel the intensity between the two students.
Aizawa shouted and the two ran at each other.
Katsuki pushed his hand forward towards Midoriya's face to blast him, but at the last second, Midoriya ducked, putting his weight on his hands and used his feet to sweep under Katsuki's legs.
He fell backwards, while Midoriya stood back up and took a few steps back from him before running full speed, ready to kick Katsuki out of the ring.
He didn't realize that Katsuki was already prepared to fight back and when Midoriya was close enough, he blasted him away from him.
Midoriya fell to the ground. He was still in the ring, but I noticed how parts of his shirt tore in several places.
Midoriya let out a shaky breath as he assessed himself for a moment. He was too far from us for us to see exactly what damage Kat had done, but it must've been bad if even Kat froze, only a few feet from Midoriya.
His eyes wide and his mouth hanging open slightly.
Honestly, I don't think Katsuki injured Midoriya. If he did, Midoriya wouldn't be freaking out so much, and Katsuki wouldn't be gawking. Almost like something was revealed that shouldn't have been.
Katsuki seemed shocked, completely lost for words, while Midoriya looked like he was about to have a panic attack and started hyperventilating slightly.
"I-surrender." His voice broke, before he stood up and bolted for the locker rooms.
No one spoke. No one seemed to move. We were all confused on what just happened.
The only people who seem to know is Katsuki and Midoriya himself. The rest of us were just confused.
Kat's head turned to me slowly. His face pale as he gave me what looked like a pleading look before chasing after Midoriya.
Aizawa and I both hot on their trail after he told the class to head back to the dorms for the rest of the day.
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