Chapter 21
Katsuki's POV
Eijiro and I made it back to the dorm rooms after an eventful conversation with Midoriya and Aizawa in Recovery Girl's office.
Midoriya made it very clear that it wasn't his father that attacked us, but I'm having a hard time believing that. The man in black had too similar of a quirk compared to his father and it's not just a coincidence, but just like Aizawa said, we can only keep being there for him and hope he'll eventually come to us and tell us the truth.
I still have a long way to go before I can fully say I have made up for my mistakes from the past. Everything Midoriya said to me tonight is true. I watched and I never helped him, what kind of a hero does that?
"Let's go up to Midoriya's room." Eiji stated, stepping into the elevator with me and pressing the floor that had Midoriya's room.
Eijiro looked at me. "Katsuki, are you alright?"
I looked away from my boyfriend and leaned against the wall of the elevator. "Everything he said back there was true. How can I ever expect myself to become a pro hero with everything I have and haven't done to Midoriya. I bullied him, ruined our friendship, and I stood there knowing exactly what his father was doing to him." I said.
"Kat. You made some mistakes, but you're doing everything you can now to make up for that. What happened is in the past and hopefully time will help heal the both of you, but all you can do now is be there for him and make up for the time you lost back then." Eijiro stood in front of me, holding me in a tight gaze.
I sighed. "Yeah, I just hope it's not too late."
"It's never too late." He whispered.
The elevator stopped and the doors swung open, allowing us to step out. We walked down the hall and stood in front of Midoriya's door.
Eiji knocked. At first, it was silent. No movement to prove someone was in the room. He tried again and this time we heard shuffling and the door opened revealing Midoriya in shorts and a large, baggy t-shirt. Probably the pj's he was planning to go to sleep in.
He tried to shut the door on us, but I stopped him with my hand and kept the door open.
"Please go away. I want to be alone right now." He begged.
"Midoriya, can we come in? We just want to chat." Eijiro asked him.
"If this has anything to do with my father then you can leave now."
"It won't. I promise, we won't even bring him up, just please let us in." Eijiro sounded desperate, like he needed this for himself as much as he needed it for Midoriya.
Midoriya sighed and opened his door to allow us to enter. He sat on his bed and I closed the door behind us. Eijiro sat beside him and I had decided to stay off to the side for a moment.
I don't think Midoriya wants anything to do with me right now.
"How are you feeling?" Eijiro started off a little bit nervously.
"I'm fine." Midoriya responded simply, playing with the hem of his shirt.
Eijiro glanced at me before focusing back on Midoriya. "Hey, how about the three of us do something. Like watch a movie maybe?" He suggested.
"I kinda just want to be alone right now." Eijiro and I both knew that was not a smart decision. We couldn't leave him the way he is now, plus, Aizawa told us not to leave him alone.
"I'll make us some snacks. Pick out a movie." I said standing up, trying to ignore Midoriya's comment.
I left the room quickly, not giving Midoriya a chance to argue back. Hopefully he will be cooperative with Eijiro. Midoriya is stubborn, but he does hate being rude to others. I know recent decisions hasn't really proven that, but if I am being honest, he really has been through a lot and I don't think Midoriya knows how to handle other people wanting to help him. He's always had to do things himself.
After reaching the kitchen, I prepared some snacks and drinks, adding in the favorites of both Eijiro and Midoriya.
Growing up with one of them and dating the other has some advantages. For instance, knowing their favorite snacks. Then again, they're kinda predictable, so it wouldn't be all that difficult to figure it out in the first place.
I think it was one of the first things I learned about Eijiro.
I finished gathering everything together and headed back up the elevator and to Midoriya's room.
When I approached the door, it was oddly silent. I opened the door and found Midoriya staring at the tv screen, seemingly ignoring Eiji. On the opposite side, Eijiro kept glancing back and forth from the blank tv and at Midoriya, probably trying to figure out something to say.
"Alright, what happened in the five minutes I was gone?" I asked setting the snacks on the bed and the drinks on the nightstand, then sitting next to Eijiro.
"Nothing. Can we just watch the movie?" Midoriya responded.
"You know what? No. We need to talk about this and you can't keep avoiding us and changing the topics and deciding when you want to be around us." Eijiro seems to have had enough. It's rare to see him lose his patience around someone and it shocked Midoriya for a second. "We have been trying everything. To be there for you, to help you, and even just try to befriend you and all you have done is shown us the door. We're trying, Midoriya and you're not even letting us have a normal conversation with you. It's like you've shut down or somehow registered it in your brain that we're the villain and we're not! So please, stop shutting us out, stop acting like we're some foul smell you're stuck with. We're friends, aren't we?"
Midoriya stayed quiet, processing what Eijiro just said. Eventually, he slowly nodded his head, tears now flooding his eyes. "I'm sorry." He whispered before covering his face with his hands, rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to get the tears to stop flowing.
Eijiro sighed. "I'm sorry for getting worked up and I'm sorry if we have been invading in your personal business way too much. I know you're feeling overwhelmed and feel like we're gonna betray you or judge you, but we're not. We care about you, Midoriya. You're our friend and we're just so scared of losing you and so we might've not reacted in the proper way we should've."
Midoriya seemed to respond quickly to Eijiro's statement and moved quickly from his spot to hug him. He buried his head in Eiji's chest and gripped on his shirt tightly. "I know, I'm sorry! I just d-don't know what to do anymore. I want to be o-open with you guys and I want to continue being your f-friend, but I just don't know how to. I don't know h-how to open up and I've never been good at m-making friends. I push people away and I stay g-guarded and I don't know how to stop that! Please, I'm not trying to push you g-guys out, it's just, no one's ever tried to get so close to me and it just freaks me out!"
Finally, it had seemed we were getting somewhere, and it's a little bit more on his terms this time. "We're not expecting you to know everything or how to handle things. I'm the perfect example of that." I said, he pulled away and looked up at me over Eijiro's shoulder. "If we're pushing you too hard on something, then tell us and we'll back off, but don't shut us out. That's all we're asking of you." I continued.
"You won't be mad at me if I say there's something specific I don't want to talk about?" He asked, seeming hesitant.
Eijiro cut in this time. "No. Sometimes we might be a little more insistent on things that are important to know in the moment, like how you're feeling about situations your placed in or if you feel like you might be having a panic attack. We want you to be honest to us about it so we can help you, but if there's something you may not be ready to tell us, then just say, hey, I am not ready to tell you guys about this, maybe next time. We'll listen, Midoriya and we won't be mad or pressure you into telling us." Eijiro seemed highly concerned to inform Midoriya exactly of what he wanted to say.
"So, my dad?" He asked.
"If you're not ready, then we won't ask until you are." I answered, putting my hand on his shoulder.
He smiled through his tears. "Thank you." He whispered, and came over to hug me. It surprised me for a moment, but then I hugged him back slightly smiling.
After a few moments of calming down and going through a couple more tissues, Eijiro turned back to Midoriya, perhaps still a little hesitant. "So, with everything we just said in mind, is there anything bothering you that you do want to talk about?" He asked, seeming to word his question carefully.
Eiji is probably just scared of having a repeat of last time, but something tells me Midoriya understands things more clearly and so I don't think we need to worry anymore.
Midoriya paused for a moment and thought about it. "There is something, but it's more of a question than something I need to talk about." He stated.
"What's that? We're all ears." I responded.
"Can-Can I start spending the n-nights with you again? I've been s-sleeping a lot worse than I was when I was with the b-both of you." He face tinted red and Eijiro couldn't help the big smile that spread across his face.
"Of course you can! It's been hard for the two of us to sleep without you either." Eijiro told him.
He glanced up to look at the both of us. "Really?" He asked with wide eyes in surprise.
"Of course we have. We did get used to you being around." I commented.
Midoriya smiled brightly.
"We should probably go back to my room then, I've got a much bigger bed in there for the three of us." Eijiro pointed out while noticing Midoriya only had a twin size that definitely would not fit us all.
"Yeah, good idea." Midoriya said standing up after Eiji and I.
"Lets get going then, we can still watch a movie if you want." I said.
"All Might!" Midoriya cheered and I couldn't help but to shake my head, while Eijiro laughed.
Yeah, I think things are gonna be alright between the three of us, or so I hope.
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