Chapter 15
Aizawa's POV
"After the little stunt part of the class pulled yesterday. The majority of the class will be out training with All Might. While those involved in the argument will be in here with me receiving a lecture. Midoriya, you are not included in this punishment and you may join the others with All Might." I explained getting a range of different emotions.
"What? Why is Midoriya excused when he was involved to? He was even in the middle of it." Mineta pointed out, obviously getting angry over Midoriya's free card.
This outcome of Mineta getting pissed wasn't really unexpected. I'm pretty sure he is sexist and has a thing against all of his male classmates. He always treats them with disrespect, except for the very few he actually approve of. One of them being Kaminari, but even I can tell Kaminari is usually very uncomfortable around Mineta and usually tries to ignore him without the intention of being rude.
I watched Midoriya's face fall suddenly, a look of guilt washing over his features. Midoriya has never been one to take criticism well, even if he tries to put on a brave face. He hates it when people are mad at him and he especially hates it when he thinks it's his fault for something.
This situation is not Midoriya's fault and as a teacher who cares about his students, I really hate the fact Midoriya blames himself.
"Midoriya is not receiving a punishment because he was the one who got hurt in the end. If it hadn't been for everyone creating an argument and causing Midoriya to panic, then none of you would even be punished in the first place."
"So in other words, because Midoriya couldn't control himself and undoubtedly sought out attention, we're all getting punished for it while he gets of scott free." Mineta rolled his eyes at the idea and crossed his arms scoffing. "It's always about him, isn't it? After everything he's pulled I don't even understand how he's still attending this school." Mineta finished with a satisfied smirk on his disgusting face after he saw the look Midoriya wore.
Midoriya looked similar to a beat dog left out in the rain. No one usually tries to take what Mineta says to heart, but Midoriya's always been the quiet sweet kid and even Mineta has never said anything to negate him. Until now that is.
"Probably because he isn't a douchebag like you." Bakugou growled.
"I'd rather be a douchebag than a queer." Mineta sneered.
"Say that again. I fucking dare you!" Bakugou claimed, standing up, about ready to beat Mineta up until he was unconcience. Kirishima stood up as well and wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist to hold him back.
"Seriously Mineta? Not only are you a perverted sex offender, but you're also a dirtbag and a homophobe?" Mina jeered.
"That was uncalled for, Mineta, you really stepped out of line with that one." Kaminari spoke up.
Mineta gapped at his friend. "You're supposed to take my side, not theirs." He said.
"No, I'm supposed to protect my friends from absolute jackasses like you."
"Alright! That's enough." I yelled, getting the attention of everyone in the room as it fell silent.
I probably should've interjected sooner, but I wanted to see how the class would react. I wanted to see if others felt the way Mineta did about Midoriya. He went too far though and I definetely know now that no one has remotely the same feelings as him.
"Mineta, not only do you now have a detention after school today, but you also get to visit the principal with me today after classes as well, where we sill discuss whether or not you should stay in this class. What you said about Midoriya and Bakugou was not necessary and highly inappropriate." I told him. His face fell instantly as he grew pale. "Now, everyone not receiving a lecture can head out to the locker rooms to get changed. Everyone else, we will begin with today's lecture momentarily."
I kinda always planned on expelling Mineta if he ever gave me another reason to and his behavior in class today has finally pushed me to that decision. I hoped spending a whole semester in the class he would've learned something, but he hasn't. Now I'll be having a serious conversation with Nezu to have him removed.
The class got up and walked silently out of the room. Mineta had completely destroyed the mood in the room and now everyone was upset about what he had said.
However, Midoriya did not leave with the rest of the class. He sat still at his desk, looking down at his hands that were in his lap. I could not read his expression as he made no intentions of getting up and following the others.
"Midoriya? You're supposed to head out now. You're not joining us for this lecture." Still. he made no movements at my words.
I grew concerned and walked over to his desk, kneeling beside him. "Midoriya, what happened yesterday was not your fault and therefore you don't deserve to be punished."
"I know sir, but-" He cut himself off taking a deep breath before continuing. "I-It is my fault they all got in trouble. I-If I had just calmed down, then I-I wouldn't have fainted and no one w-would be getting in trouble." I watched as a tear fell down his slightly pale cheeks. He really is beating himself up over this.
"Midoriya. They are getting punished because they all could've handled the situation better."
"B-But so could have I." He interjected. "I s-shouldn't have tried to grab Kacchan to c-calm him down. I should've been a-able to h-handle the situation b-better. I should've s-said something, but I-I didn't. I just f-froze and lost track of w-where I was and t-then I just l-lost it. It's M-My fault, not theirs. I should b-be getting p-punished." He finished his rant and I watched as built up tears sped down my students face.
"Stop blaming yourself, you damn nerd." Bakugou spoke up. "You couldn't help it. It was something that wasn't under your control. However, it was under our control to stop the bickering, so that's why we deserve to be punished and not you. We could've stopped, but didn't."
"Yeah, Midoriya. It's not your fault, so go join the others." Kirishima joined in.
"Really dude. It's just a lecture. No harm done." Kaminari said.
"I agree with the others. Go and train with All Might, Midoriya." Iida stated.
Everyone in the room, except Mineta, agreed and made their opinions known to Midoriya.
Midoriya, of course, only seemed to cry harder.
"I-I'm sorry! I just-I didn't!"
"Midoriya. If you really feel all that bad about it, then how about you make it up to everyone by training really hard with All Might." I said to the green haired boy.
"Yeah! Great idea!" Uraraka said.
"Yeah, I'm with that plan." Todoroki stated.
"Go Midoriya. Practice and make it up for us." Bakugou told him.
Midoriya wiped away his fallen tears and nodded his head before making his way out of the room, body still trembling.
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