•3002 words•
It's 10pm. We're in Lisha's car driving to the police station and I'm already falling asleep. It has been such a long day, and I really cannot be bothered to sit around in a police station for a couple of hours at this time of night. I don't know what in the world they can possibly want, and if it really is that important, surely they don't need all of us to come.
We are asked to go straight into an office with about 5 police officers in, and I can see that there's handcuffs on the table as I'm peeking through the little window that's built into the door. The officers look so professional and honestly quite intimidating. What have we even done?
Lisha is in front of me and Kyron and Jamie are walking behind me. I really do not want to stay here for long- as I said before, I'm exhausted. Despite not being particularly friends with either of them, I hope that Brooke and Ash are okay. We still don't know what they went through that night, but I want them to recover quickly- mentally and physically. We walk into the room where the police officers are and take a seat. My heart is racing. Kyron looks pretty scared too, and so does Jamie. But no one looks as nervous as Lisha does. She has sweat dripping down from her forehead and she's shaking. She's going pale and her legs are trembling. Honestly, she looks like she's going to pass out at any minute. She sits down but her nervousness doesn't stop. In fact, she looks even worse than she did when she was stood up. Jamie and Kyron have calmed down a little bit and so have I. It's still very scary though- I'm sat in a room with 5 police officers who all have loaded guns. And it's not like they're just BB guns either- they're huge sniper-like weapons.
"So," one of the police officers says, slowly putting his gun down flat on the table, "You're probably wondering why we have asked you all to come here."
I want to say yes but I have a feeling that I will probably get shot if I talk.
"In fact, you three children can go. We just need Lisha."
So I came out to the police station at 10 o'clock at night for no reason at all? What does this man mean?
"Excuse me?" I say. I'm not even bothered if I get shot at this point. I'm just extremely annoyed. "Where do you want us to go?"
"Home." He says with a dead smile and he picks up his gun again and points it to the ceiling. Okay, now I'm scared.
We leave the room and of course I lead the way. "What was that all about?" Jamie says.
"Are they trying to give us PTSD?" Kyron asks.
"Look! I don't know! I don't know why you're asking me anyway, I know as much as you do."
We walk up to reception and I ask the receptionist what we're supposed to do.
"Um, I'll ring a taxi for you," she says. She's a nice lady, she's just a tad bit annoying at times. We see her more often than you would think, too.
"Are we going to die?" Jamie asks through gritted teeth. We're in the taxi now, and the driver seems pretty dodgy. "I don't know," I whisper back, "but I know karate." Jamie lets out a little giggle while Kyron just sits there showing no emotion. I think he misses Ash, but I don't know. Anyway, we're picking her and Brooke up from the hospital in the morning, so that should be fun for him. Shoot- How are we going to get there? Lisha's in the police station so unless she comes home by tomorrow, we're going to have to take another dodgy taxi. Ugh.
We arrive home safely (surprisingly) and I'm going straight to bed. I can't believe that we were made to go out to the police station at this time of night, only to get sent back home! I don't really care what happens to Lisha either- it's not that I like her. She's quite a jerk actually. I may spend most of my time with her but the truth is, I don't like her. I'm only made to go with her in group projects, walks, etc, because I fall out with the others a lot. It's pretty stupid to be honest.
"Who wants what?" Kyron asks as he's cooking breakfast today. I usually have toast and cereal but today I'm feeling something a little more exotic. "Hmm, good question," I say, putting down my cardigan as I walk into the kitchen. "Maybe a Full-English. Brooke, Ash and Jamie have been here for months now, and we've not had a Full-English, ever. I think that we should honour their nationality and this will be a great way to do so."
"Um...okay? Why are you getting so technical?"
Kyron asks, looking a bit confused.
"I don't know. I just think it would be fun if we all had one together."
"I don't really care if you honour my nationality or not," Jamie adds.
"Oh. Still- I think it'd be nice to try one because I've never had one before."
"Yes but we can have something else like-" Kyron says.
I lash out. If I want that for my breakfast, then I will eat that for my breakfast. The look on Jamie and Kyron's faces are priceless, but now isn't the time to laugh. I'm starving and I just want a Full-English for breakfast!
"Er-er- okay," Kyron says. "Do you want me to cook or...?"
"I don't mind."
"Okay so maybe I'll do-"
The phone rings. I swear if this is Berkley's-
"Hi, this is Berkley's. Who's speaking?"
Oh my God.
"Erm, Myliey Rosettor."
"Okay, I just rang to tell you that your supervisor, Lisha, will be replaced."
"Omg, yes! Wait, sorry. Why?"
"She's going to court. Your new supervisor should be at your house in a few days."
"Oh, uh- okay? Wait, why is she going to court?"
"Something to do with a murder, apparently. She's the prime suspect."
"Oh. Uh- bye, then."
What in the-
Lisha's in court? Lisha's in court! "Oh my God, guys! Lisha's in court! She's the prime suspect of a murder case."
"What murder case?" Jamie asks, "You don't think it's about Carli, do y-"
"Yes, I do," Kyron interrupts.
"I think so too. And I think she's going to be arrested for it. Anyway, we have a new supervisor that's coming in a few days, apparently. In the mean time, we've got to get to the hospital to pick Ash and Brooke up. Jamie, you stay here. Kyron and I will go because we're older and if you come then there will be no room in the car." I pull a sarcastic face at him and then stick my tongue out. He just rolls his eyes.
Kyron and I order a taxi and now we're in the back of it. The taxi driver seems a little less dodgy than the guy last night, but he isn't exactly the cleanest or nicest looking man I've ever seen. I look out the window as we drive to the hospital and ignore Kyron the whole way there. I don't really like him- I don't really like anyone here, for that matter. He taps my shoulder and I turn around. His teeth are chattering and as he wipes sweat from his face, I can see that his palms are also sweaty.
"You okay?" I ask, actually kinda worried. We're just pulling up to the hospital now so I lean over to my purse (which is on the floor) to get some money out for the taxi driver as we've just come to a halt.
"I-I-" he says, shaking. Then, he collapses. Right here, in the taxi. Shoot.
I drag him out the car and onto the floor. You're not really supposed to move someone who's fainted, but oh well. He's breathing, so that's good. The taxi driver gets out of the car to check on him too, but he doesn't do anything.
"Do you think we should take him to hospital?" The driver asks.
"What? No. We're right outside a hospital anyway, dummy. Besides, he doesn't need it. He's only fainted- he'll be fine."
The driver looks at me as if I've just humiliated him- which I guess I have. Why are taxi drivers such idiots? He's the one who drove us here and he forgets that we're parked outside of a hospital. Jesus.
When joining Berkeley's, we all had to complete a first aid course, so I know that Kyron doesn't need to go to hospital in this situation. He's only fainted, and he's breathing, so he'll be fine. Upon saying that though, I guess we might as well take him in while we're here. There's not much I can do anyway. I ask the driver to stay with him while I go to the A&E reception and ask them to take Kyron in.
"Hi, so my friend has just fainted like right outside of the hospital, and I was just wondering if maybe you could bring him in? He's fine and all but he's still unconscious so while we're here, I just thought-"
"Um, yeah, of course. Where is he?"
I take the rude reception lady who interrupted me, outside, and she orders a couple of paramedics to come over. They're just getting back in their ambulance after taking a patient in. They don't look particularly happy as they come over, but I guess they don't have a choice- they have to do their job. They bring over their kit and things and then put Kyron on a stretcher and take him into A&E. I pay the taxi driver and he goes away in his car. Now, what do I do? I guess I could go and see Ash and Brooke like we were gonna, but I don't think they'd be too happy to see me. Truthfully, I think they just want to see Kyron. Too bad that Kyron isn't here. Wait, why did I say that he was my friend to the reception lady? Pfft. Kyron's never been my friend and I doubt he ever will be. God, you're so stupid, Myliey.
After all, I am 16. I can make my own decisions. I decide to ask a different reception lady where Ash and Brooke's rooms are, and she tells me. I've decided that I'm going to go to Brooke's room first. There's around 2-3 reasons for me to do so: one, she has been in the hospital longer than Ash has; two, I think it would be better to go to Ash's room with Kyron so I'll wait until he can come with me, because she actually likes him and she doesn't like me, and three, well, I want to talk to her about Jamie. I don't like Brooke (nor Ash, actually) but I think I need to sort a couple of things out with her. Since I broke up with Jamie, she's been acting a little bit weird with me. I can't tell if she wants Jamie back (which I couldn't care less if she does), or what. Also, she probably doesn't want me nagging on about her ex, who's also my ex, whilst she's in hospital after going through something traumatic, but, we've got to do what we've got to do, Myliey.
I walk into her room with a nice nurse, and Brooke doesn't seem too happy to see me. I'm not surprised- after all, I do think it's the 'Jamie' problem between her and I. I sit down on a chair in the corner of the room, and Brooke starts to put her shoes on. I'm not going to be here long because Brooke can technically be discharged now, but I thought I'd do a nice thing by coming to visit her.
"So, you okay?" I ask her, desperately trying to break the awkward silence.
"Um, I guess. Where's Kyron?"
Why does no one like me? Why does she want Kyron here? God, I feel so left out in this stupid 'friendship group.' How dare she have the cheek to ask where Kyron is when I'm here? She doesn't need both of us, surely. I can do for now, right?
"Um, he's not here."
"Well, where is he? He must be somewhere."
"He's in A&E. He fainted on the way here and they just wanted to check him out. No biggie. Why can't you just enjoy my company instead of wanting Kyron all of the time?"
"I don't want Kyr-"
"You know what; meet me in the taxi outside in about 20 minutes."
What's the point trying to even start a conversation with her? Yeah, maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but that's just who I am. I storm out of her room and all the nurses stare at me in a sort of disgust that I have never seen on someone's face before. I'm not really bothered what they think of me- who likes me anyway? I don't even know why I'm still apart of Berkley's. I guess I'm not even enjoying it as much as I used to.
"Hi, Myliey," I hear a voice say from behind me as I walk down one of the hospital's many corridors.
I turn around and see Kyron stood there. He looks pretty pale, but overall okay.
"Oh, hi Kyron. How are you?"
"Um, I'm okay, I guess," he tells me, "Can we go and see Ash?"
"Yeah, sure," I reply. I'm a bit confused though- he's still not completely fine himself but yet he wants to go and see Ash straight away. Some might say that's true love, and I can honestly say that I agree with that.
We walk into Ashlyn's room, guided by another nice nurse, and I decide that I'm just going to play it casual. Maybe I'll just say something like, 'Hi, how are you?'' and then leave so Kyron can have some time with her. In fact, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
"Hi, how are you?" I ask her, sticking to my plan.
"Um, good, I guess," she replies, putting her shoes on and grabbing her backpack. The backpack looks pretty rough and beaten-up, but it can still hold her stuff in it. It's the same bag she had on when her and Brooke got lost in the side-streets, I think. She's allowed to come home like Brooke, too, that's why she's packing her bag.
Kyron starts to talk to her and I decide that it's time for me to leave. I'll wait outside for them because what's the point me being in there too? Ash doesn't want to talk to me, not at all. She wants to talk to KB. I walk out of the room and now I'm stood outside in another one of the hospital's hallways. There's doctors and nurses running around everywhere, and it is so packed. Honestly, I don't know how there's even enough room for me to stand here. There's beds being wheeled around; left, right and centre, and it's making me a little uneasy. It feels like everything is on loop. Now I feel dizzy. Jesus. Maybe I should go back into Ash's room and sit down because I think I'm just in everyone's way- and I'm feeling very claustrophobic.
"Hi, I'm back."
"Oh, okay. You can wait outside the door for us if you want though Myliey," Kyron says politely.
"Yeah, no. I'm okay, thanks Kyron. It's too cramped out there."
Everyone just nods at me and I sit down. Only around 5 more minutes until I can get out of this disgusting place that stinks of... hospital. Yeah, that was pretty stupid to say. I just hate the smell of it.
Fast forward a little while, and we've left the hospital. Now we're in the taxi to go home again, and with no Lisha, I feel a bit unsafe. I'm only 16, and although people will say that you're supposed to be independent at this age (which I quite frankly am), I'm still scared of being in a taxi with a stranger who I don't know, and 3 other teens. Sure, the teens are my friends, well, roommates, but I'm still a little uncomfortable. The taxi driver is a different guy from the one who dropped Kyron and I off here, so it's not even like I can remind myself of how weird the first guy was. I was actually getting used to him. Now, I have to spend the next half an hour of my life trying to get to know this dude who seems just as equivalent in strangeness as the first driver.
Okay, maybe I am being a little dramatic, but all I'm trying to say is that I just want to go home! I don't want to be apart of Berkley's anymore! I mean 'home' by going back to my parents in South America. I don't want them to come back to New Zealand- I'm sick of this place. I want to go to them in Colombia, so I can see the true background of my family, and maybe even meet some of my extended family! Truthfully, I'm sick of these four idiots! Oh yeah, I forgot that Jamie is still back at the house. God, I'd do anything to get out of here: no friends, having to share a room with people I hate, and no parents. Some might say that I'm living the dream by living in New Zealand and doing what I love, but I don't love it anymore!
Myliey x
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