20 Facts About Me
20 Facts About Bre2k9
Yeah..... Thanks for this sudden task, Destiny-chan :P. Then again, now I have something to do while I half pay attention to football. Anyway, I realize I may be a bit late to doing this, but oh well. I was challenged to do it, so I shall do it. Also, the cover for this is a picture that DestinyGirlz drew for me years ago. But I remembered it. It's a picture of the old Sasaui Uchiha. By old, I mean back during the previous write of Tainted Guardian where she had one green eye, as I'm sure you guys saw. Anyway, on to the facts I guess.
1 - Most important thing about me: I am Christian. WAIT! Don't you dare run just because of that! I am not one of those Christians who is super judgmental and is going to shove things down your throats, because you know what that does in most cases? It just makes me people turn farther away. Honestly, people like that annoy me, too. I don't want anything shoved down my throat either. And am I going to be mean and I-am-greater-than-thou? No.... That kind of attitude annoys me, too. I'm not going to put anyone through it. Also, something I ask other Christians that they seem to ignore this: Jesus came for the sinners. Am I saying that by hanging out with who I may think is a sinner is me slumming down or whatever? No. I hang out with everybody, Christian or not, and I treat them the same.
2 - This kind of goes along with the above thing, and after this, I think I'll try to get off the more serious subjects... Maybe. I don't know. I feel like the start of this just kind of seems very.... Professional.... And that bugs me for some reason..... Anyway, I have this really strange ability to basically love everybody and forgive nearly everything. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who has known me for years. Um, but for one example, someone has attempted to sexually harass me. Actually, a couple people have. And you know the strange thing? I still love them as a person, and honestly would give them food if they were starving and asking for that. Okay, maybe a bit extreme circumstances, but you get what I mean! Now, don't look at me differently for that little revealed fact. If you couldn't tell by the fact I just openly shared this with you, it didn't actually happen because I spoke up before he touched, so it didn't really affect me, but I don't feel like continuously talking about it. I was just giving you an example of how much I could forgive and how easily I could love.
3 - I am an over protective mother dragon. Mess with my dragonlings (Aka - friends) and you will find yourself roasted and fed to them for their lunch. Sound like fun? Then go ahead and try it ^.^
4 - Just because the person I challenged did this, I will, too. I grew up in West Virginia. Am I still there? I don't know, am I? Or am I in Connecticut? Maybe I'm in New York waiting for the summer so I can travel on over to Camp Half-Blood for a little while. Or perhaps I'm in Storybrooke stalking Hook.
5 - Um..... I'm eighteen? Anyone care? Well, it's a fact. And while on random little things that don't matter *jumps from Dad randomly yelling at TV* Sorry, had to pause there. My dad nearly made me pee myself. Anyway, I'm also a brunette and have brown eyes. That's are other unimportant details, right? Oh, I'm single. I'm straight. Hm.... What else does facebook ask for?
6 - Hm...... I'm trying to think of more randomness..... I have a somewhat big family. I have two older brothers, one older sister, one younger sister, two nieces, and a nephew. I live with my mom, my dad, my two sisters, and my sister's daughters (which are my two nieces... Duh...), so my house is pretty packed. So I'm used to loudness. And silliness, because my family is insane.
7 - How about some favorites? My favorite food is chicken - ask Destiny on this.... There are some insane times with this subject... I love Dr. Pepper. My favorite color is a tie between black, white and grey. Now for those picky people who say those are shades, my favorite color-that-is-considered-a-color is blue. What else.... Oh, one of my favorite activities is torturing poor innocent souls who did nothing wrong but I love to watch them squirm and fight to survive. That is, to put it in simpler terms, I love to write.
8 - As I mentioned above, I love to write. My dream is to be an author. I've actually finished one book, but it's being rewritten because I wasn't as good and I must improve it. Plus plot changes and stuff. My actual first story was a Naruto fanfiction because at the time of my fourth grade year I didn't know what plagiarism was nor what fanfiction was, so I actually had hoped to publish it. It is what you all now know as Never Too Late, but it has gone through a lot of changes. I may actually publish it one day in its original form, but taking the Naruto aspect from it.
9 - This may seem a bit weird, but you want to know part of my dream with being an author? Part of why I want to be famous is simply so I can go around on signings so I can plan on going to the towns of all the people I've met on Wattpad that are in America simply so I can meet them for real. Yes, that is seriously part of my dream. That may seem strange.... *scratches cheek and smiles like an anime character* Is that weird?
10 - Going along with the theme, I may also be an English teacher as my second job to author in case author-ing doesn't work out. Yes, that is now a word.
11 - I'm very random. Like, extremely. And weird. As anyone I tagged today knows. But I enjoy my weirdness, and it seems like my friends do as well.
12- Speaking of friends, I'll be friends with basically everyone. Anyone who talks to me, I will talk back. I love people, and I enjoy meeting new people. At least online. I am extremely shy in real life. Or at least, I am deep down, though it seems this year people aren't noticing as much because I am trying to be more outgoing.
13 - I will read almost any manga. Yes, I am more manga-oriented than anime. This is because I cannot watch many series on my own. One of the very few I do is Once Upon a Time. I also don't like sitting for too long, which is another reason I have to be with someone else - otherwise I have no reason not to get up and start walking.
14 - I'm a purple belt in Shotokan Karate, though my first degree brown belt test is coming up soon. I've been in it for four years. Yeah, I'm very nervous about that. Here's the weird thing about me - I hate hurting people, like, to the extreme. I hurt someone, I shut down out of guilt. Yet I love love love fighting. I have been considered a very good fighter for a long time. Like, seriously, black belts from other schools have been extremely impressed by me. If I really am this good (which I don't think I'm as good as they think.... Others just aren't good because their schools aren't like mine), I say it's because my older brother - the one who has honestly been my best friend since I was a toddler - would spar with me as early as when I was about five. So I've been fighting for most of my life. But I do have a bit of a handicap because I injured my knee during my first belt test.... Yes, I am lame, I know.... But it's something that could permanently affect my life now. Even with it, though, I can get my kicks up to the fact of someone six feet tall :D I like kicks....
15 - If you couldn't tell from lucky thirteen, I love manga and anime. As well as the American books. I have about thirty at my house, then a library literally right beside my house. My first book series that I read was Junie B. Jones, which went to the Boys versus Girls series, which grew to Twilight, which went on to multiple book series that I just fell for. Now I'm not a fan of Twilight. Do I in a way respect Stephanie? Yes. Do I exactly like her books? Not really. I just cannot get over the sparkling.... Anyway, I love books. Both manga and books. And anime, which is the manga animated. However, movies from books? No, just no..... At least in most cases. Some aren't too bad. Some can be okay. But that one that is okay is one in a million chance. Exhibit A for terrible? Percy Jackson. Exhibit A for good? Breaking Dawn Part 2. Simply because of that added in battle scene that was freaking amazing despite having me wanting to scream for "killing off" all of my favorites.
16 - My fanfiction life started back in about 2008. I only remember this because my original penname was bre2k8. Bre2k9 is simply used because, well, anything past 9 doesn't sound as cool..... Anyway, this career - because at times I swear it's like a job, though an amazing job - started over at narutofic.org, also known as Tonfa (The Original Naruto Fanfiction Archive). It was the only site I'd do anything on for a little while, but a couple of years ago, I went over to try fanfiction.net out a bit. I didn't like it too much, but I'm still a bit active over there because I have a friend who is only on that site. Honestly only reason I'm ever on there anymore honestly. I started knowingly writing fanfiction actually because of Narutoworld.com. I read two stories from there, The Colors of Life and Death, which is over at Tonfa now. Actually how I found Tonfa because Narutoworld.com got rid of their fanfiction section. The other, the first I ever finished and truly loved, I cannot remember the name of. It was a Sasuke x Oc story, which may explain my love for these types of stories. I can remember the plot quite well, actually, but I won't go into detail on it. After I found Tonfa, I read from a writer known as Wolfteam000. She was my first actual fanfiction "friend," and her fanfictions inspired me to start posting my own. I think my first fanfiction was either a next generation fanfic or it was a high school type fanfic. I actually remember the plot of both quite well. One of my most well-known characters, Ryu, got his name from one of my original characters - Kyu from The Shadowed Beast. This plot was so lame, yet I still hold the story dear to my heart because it was one of my originals. Same with my original story with Kina. It was called something else, though. Ah! The Unknown Secret. Oh gosh. These stories *starts reminiscing and completely forgets you all* Oops. Sorry, I'm back. I must see if I can track down these olds stories..... Okay! Anyway, I came to Wattpad because of DestinyGirlz. I was originally Sasaui, such as how my new account over at Tonfa is Sasaui Uchiha. I changed it, though, because I saw a suggestion on making pennames on here memorable, and, well, a made up name people aren't sure on how to pronounce seems not so memorable. Hm.... I could go into a history of all of my fanfictions, but you know, I think I'll do that for a journal entry because I so rambled here.....
17 - I was so lost in number sixteen I completely forget what I was going to say here ....... Um, I have recently been made to love fluff do to my, well, apparently ex friend now... This is the one mentioned in my recent journal entry. She introduced me to shoujo. I'd once read Vampire Knight, but I don't count that because I fell out of that. My first real Shoujo was Hana to Akuma, which you guys should totally read! It's so freaking amazing and adorable and just! *continues to babble and fangirl randomly over Hana and Vivi and Lucifer and oh my gosh, the adorableness!!!!!!!!!* Ahem..... Composure is slightly back.... I may also make a list for you guys on all the anime/manga I've read/watched. Just so you guys can know. But I have a big to-read list, but recommendations are welcome. Destiny's pushy recommendation for Kuroko no Basket has made me fall in love with sports manga after all. But I really really love shonen, but as shown, my openness has spread to all manga. Except yaoi and yuri.... Unless it's just something from the side, I won't read it. Sorry. Also, because of these shoujo and some shonen that have absolutely amazing bishies, I have quite a few anime guys I could just absolutely glomp to death. Like Vivi, Usui Takumi, Kuroko, Kise, Hook - I don't care if he's not from an anime!!!! - Tomoe *goes on to list multiple guys from manga, then realizes what is doing and that there is still more of a list to fill out.....* My thoughts seem to be all over right now.....
18 - Ugh! Sixteen freaking drained my thoughts away because I cannot remember what I was going to say and I had this whole freaking list! Well, I have my own website. It's fanfictionwriters.webs.com , but due to people not really being on there much, it has suffered from lack of use. I'm always up for continuing it though.
19 - I realize I've said this for the past now three numbers, but darn you sixteen -.- I seriously had over twenty facts I could say, and then I just completely forgot all of them. UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!! Ooh, I'm a gamer-ish-person-ish. I adore Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Cross, .Hack, and Final Fantasy (even if I've only beaten Crisis Core.... Getting the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remastered when it comes to PS4!), and right now I'm loving Dragon Age III.
20 - I invented the flying chocolate monkeys. Yes, you heard me, I created them. As well as cookie dough hamsters, and the occasional cheese zebra. Yup, I'm a mad scientist. Deal with it.
Thank you, Destiny, for making me be more random than usual. As well as giving me a reason to procrastinate on writing my fanfictions XD. Anyway, since I guess you tag people, if you guys read this, I tag Dino-chan and Itoko-san! You know who you guys are :D And anyone else I randomly tag.
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