Krhoades11's challenge
So I was nominated as well as 12 others to do the 13 facts challenge. Without any further ado, let the self torture begin!
Rule 1: post rules
Rule 2: tag 13 people
Rule 3: Each person must list 13 things about themselves
Rule 4: (this is separate from #3)- You must answer all questions by your tagger and make new questions for those you tagged
Rule 5: don't say you don't tag
Rule 6: tag backs are allowed (but please don't)
Rule 7: Finish this tag within a week of getting it
Rule 8: Be creative with your title (unlike me XD(I'm a gangster)); don't call it "I Got Freaking Tagged Again"
Rule 9: Post this in a book
13 facts about me...:
1: I have been to almost every state in America and I have been to Canada and Mexico
2: My favorite soda is Fanta
3: my favorite movie is Earth To Echo
4: I am 13
5: I like Brussel sprouts (don't judge me...)
6: My favorite fruit is a apple (honey crisp)
7: My favorite band is Set It Off
8: I have had over 80 fish before ( we thought we got two girls. We were very wrong...)
9: I'm scared of needles and anything that can dig into your skin
10: I hate makeup and I don't wear it
11: I'm not a big fan of PewDiePie but I bought his game
12: I am currently learning French
13: I am level 25 on Clash Of Clans
Ok, onto the questions I was asked...:
1: Where's your favorite place you've been?
um... Pennsylvania I guess...
2: Some where you've never gone, but want to visit someday?
3: If any animal could be tamed, what would you want for a pet?
Seriously? My profile is based off of clouded snow leopards, so it's kinda obvious that I want one XD
4: What's the scariest thing you've ever done?
Yeah, about that... I have done nothing scary, unless you call getting a shot scary(I do...)
5: Craziest thing you've ever done?
I have beat up a kid before... I had anger issues and he was being a bully, so don't blame me
6: If you could have a super power, which one?
the power to manipulate minds >:D so don't trust me with a super power XD
7: favorite author? (Irl)
My favorite author is Erin Hunter, which is actually 5 women under 1 pen name
8: favorite author? (Wattpad, tumbler, etc.)
I don't have or use tumbler, and my favorite wattpad author is... Hmm... I don't really know, I guess it's Kitty123450/Wolf123450
9: Star Trek or Star Wars? (Or neither?)
Neither, I honestly don't like science fiction movies, but I like science fiction books
10: If you could have any meal you wanted for your birthday, what would you have?
HIBACHI!!!!!!!!!! That is all I can say
11: What's the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
Ummm... About that... I have very short term memory so I forget the last movie I saw and all those before in theaters, so I can't answer this question...
12: Dogs or Cats?
Cats, but I don't mind dogs, I have two of them (I will probably only have one after what happened today to my little brother...)
13: Are you glad this is the last question? (Because I am!)
Yes, I am glad
People I will tag:
And Kitty123450 or Wolf123450
And here are the questions!!:
1: Do you have a crush on somebody?
2: If you had to kill an animal to save your life, would you? (It didn't hurt you)
3: What is your favorite video game?
4: What is your favorite genre of books?
5: What is your favorite song?
6: Christmas or Halloween?
7: Do you swear? (I normally do)
8: Favorite Creepy Pasta character?
9: How many pets do you have? What kind of pet?
10: What are you scared of most?
11: What is your favorite ship? (You tubers plz)(SIDE NOTE!: Love_Drugs_andHatred , you don't have to do youtubers because we go to the same school, but you have to explain it to the people who read it)
12: What is/was your favorite subject in school?
13: What is your dream job?
And that was all I needed to do, so I'm going to go ahead and go to bed. Good bye my animals(Yes, I changed it to animals because I felt like I needed to...) and I will see you all in the next chapter!! Ba-bye!!!!!
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