Challenge # 2
a) Use as many characters as you please.
b) If you're a big freak about staying in character, I'd recommend that YOU answer. Not your character/s because, let's face it, not all characters would spill their beans.
c) You don't have to tag anyone, but it's highly expected.
d) Don't worry too much about grammar--this is development. Not an English test.
Section 1: The Basics
1a. What is your character's full name?
Spirit Crystal Bolt
1b. Was it their parents that named them that? If not, who?
1c.Is there a special meaning behind the name?
Yes, but im not telling just yet
2a. How old are they now?
Same age as me, 13
2b. When were they born?
April 16
2c.Where were they born?
deep in a birch forest
3a. What's their race? Human, vampire, furry? Hybrid of some sort?
-_- i said this like 40 times in the book, she is a snow leopard hybrid as well as a demgle
4a. Where do they stand on the social pyramid? (e.i.: Royalty, middle class, living in poverty, etc.)
um, middle class i guess...
Section 2: Lifestyle
1a. Do they have a/n job/occupation? What is it?
if you count surviving as a job, then yes, but other words no
1b. What motivates them to keep doing this job?
Herself pretty much
1c. What job would they rather have?
she wants to lead a rebellion against The Government
2a. What are their religious views?
She doesn't have any
3a. What have they accomplished? When?
pretty much nothing but murder and learning how to use magic
4a. Are they apart of any organizations?
in a way she is currently in a rebellion so that kinda counts as an organization
5a. What do they do in their free time?
build, read, sing, make people laugh, and play with her magic (and fly when in demon mode)
Section 3: Psychology
1a. Describe their basic personality.
Quiet, Protective, dark, funny, brave, and trolly
2a. What part of their personality really stands out? If any part?
darkness and trollyness (yay! New words XP)
3a. How do they view life? Are they an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? Idealist?
as an opportunity that's full of possibilities (it a song reference, tell me the song if you know it!)
4a. When it comes to making a tough decision, do they rely on thought or feeling? Faith or fact?
Thought and faith, in this world, not all fact is correct...
5a. Do they have a sense of humor?
6a. What motivates them to keep moving?
Friends and her demon, гарван
U7a. What do they desire from life?
A world of peace and unity
8a. What are they afraid of?
Losing her friends, Being alone and forgotten
9a. Are they superstitious about anything?
not really
10a. What secrets do they keep, if any?
Sorceresses are hunted, so she tries to keep that a secret and she hides her ears and tail often (the sort of retract into her body)
10b. How well are these secrets kept?
Very well, you would have to be pretty patient and smart to get her to tell you
Section 3: Mental Abilities
1a. What can/cannot they do mentally? (e.i. IQ, certain school subjects, mental/emotional health)
has panic attacks (like me :C)
1b. What are they strongest at?
Being brave
1c. What are they weakest at?
She starts lots of fights
2a. What do they like to do?
Prank people and sing
3a. What do they hate to do?
see innocent people get hurt
4a. Were they educated?
Not really, she was one when her family died, and she murdered her families friend at the age of 5, so she wasn't able to
4b. If so, did they enjoy it?
4c. For how long?
Section 4: History
1a. Did they have a good childhood? A bad one?
A pretty horrible one
1b. What do they remember the most about it?
The murder of her family
2a. What were/are their teen years like?
pretty fun
3a. What have they had to struggle to accomplish?
nothing... yet
4a. What do they regret the most, if anything?
having a fight with her sister before she died
5a. How did they end up on their current path? Was it their choice?
She did not choose to be like this, it just happened
6a. Did anything serious happen that changed them forever?
like i said before, the death of her family
Section 5: Family
1a. Who are their parents?
Sasha and Aaron
1b. What are their parents' races?
her dad was a Sorcerer, and her mom was a black cat hybrid
1c. Are they still alive?
2a. Do/did they have any siblings? How many?
A sister and a brother. Skellex was the brother and Violet was the sister
2b. Are they still alive?
3a. Where did the family originate?
It started next to a lake in a birch forest
3b. How has it changed from the last generation to the current?
it hasn't, their still dead
Section 6: Relationships
1a. What do other people think of them?
They like how she can make someone smile in times of need, but many people hate the fact that she is a hybrid, which is why she normally hides her cat parts
2a. What is their sexual orientation?
3a. Are they involved with anyone romantically? Who?
3b. What do they like/love about this person? What do they dislike/hate?
4a. Do they have a best friend? Who?
4b. Why are they best friends?
Mid saved her life and is a lot like her, so they were a perfect match for best friends
4b. Any other friends?
July and Emerald
5a. Do they hate anyone? Does anyone hate them? Who?
she hates The Government and the demon who killed most of her family
Ok, so now i should tag someone... well, this is at random so... gg hf!
and @L1234567891011 are the chosen ones! I chose four people because my brother turned four months old today, and hes absolutely adorable!! He wont sit still though, so i wont be able to take a picture, sorry!
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