Chapter 8 | All of you
— Two weeks later —
Friday, May 21st, 2021.
6:50 pm.
[ Hey, how did your day go? >
< It went well but I'm going out with some colleagues rn so it's not totally over yet. What about you? ]
[ I'm reworking on a group project with Matt bcs we failed:') be careful and don't get drunk, okay?<3 >
< I won't. You're at his house rn? ]
[ no, he came to mine >
< alright. Hes not doing anything weird, right? ]
[ No. He's not that type of guy >
< Ah yeah and how do you know that? ]
[ I know it >
< you don't so be careful too ]
[ I always am:3 >
< I just wanna remind you. I gotta go now, eat well for dinner if you haven't yet and dont go to bed too late<3 ]
[ same goes for you daddy >
< stfu dumbass lmaoo ]
[ you have the right to call me mommy but I can't do that?! >
< it's different ]
[ Its not >
< whatever. Shut your mouth ]
[ :> >
I leave the conversation and stop smiling, and I put my phone down to focus on Matthew, who has been looking for another picture to use for our work.
"Have you found something?" I set my attention on the computer screen before us as he is scrolling. "No. Nothing matches," he heaves a sigh full of annoyance and peeks at me. "What if we just leave it like that?"
I glance down at our piece of paper full of nothing but notes, and I shrug, unsure of what would be the best. "I don't know. What do you think? Didn't the teacher say that we have to use at least one?" I look back at him but notice his focus is on my mouth. "I can't remember him saying that."
"Hm. Let's not use one then," I follow his idea to not waste any more time on this. "You can continue— I swear, Matt," I cover my mouth with my hand to not let him see it anymore. "What?"
"I told you to not look at my braces!" I complain, feeling very uncomfortable and self-conscious about them, but he giggles and turns away. "You're making a big deal out of nothing."
"No, I'm not. It's ugly," I move my hand down now that his eyes are back on the screen. "It's cute as fuck, what do you mean? I wish I had braces," he indirectly compliments me and makes me feel better with a few words. "That's what I used to say before actually having them in my mouth."
He laughs as if this was a joke and ignores me.
00:40 am.
< y/neaa ]
I read Jungkook's text after leaving a video I was watching, expecting him to be drunk with no doubt.
[ what's happening, Jungkook? Are you ok? >
< im lone in don knoww ]
< i don know how to go ]
I heave a sigh but feel very worried, no matter how upset I am that he did not do as he told me.
Since I have no other choice, I call him, and he picks up. "Jungkook, where are you right now?" I sit up on my bed and turn a lamp on, and as soon as I hear him mumble and groan, I understand he is completely plastered again. "Uhmm...Home."
"Home? Then what's wrong?" I try to have a clearer answer and stand up to get some clothes to go out. "T–The fucking on..." he complains as if I was at fault for not understanding, the nickname still filling my stomach with butterflies. "What? You lost your key? You don't know where it is?"
"Yeah...I look, like, now," he does not frame a single sentence properly. "I don''s not here. Help me, y/n...please..."
"I'm coming," I take my hoodie with me and get out of my room as quietly as possible since every one is sleeping in the house. "Really? You gonna be here?"
"Yes, how did you even get home though?" I worry the most about this point as it is more than obvious that he would not be able to drive, and I put my shoes on after grabbing the key to his house to leave. "I was, I meant, at the bar with them. You know, my colleagues, and...uhm...I can't remember what I was talking about...What did you ask me?"
"How did you go home?" I repeat myself as he lost himself in his words. "Ah yeah. Luca, he drove me home, and Helio drove my car here," he explains he reassures me a lot. "Alright, I'm relieved."
30 minutes later...
After finally getting to Jungkook's house, I leave the Uber's vehicle and catch sight of him, sitting on his doorstep, so I end the call and walk up to him.
"You're here," he smiles at me, looking lost and totally unconscious. "Yeah, don't stay on the ground. It's dirty," I take my key out and unlock the door, but he loses his balance while standing up right next to me and grips my waist to not end back on the ground. "I'm sorry," he apologizes but does not let go of me, so I push the door open and turn towards him to take his hand in mine.
I drag him inside while making sure he does not fall and lock the front door behind us. He takes his shoes off at the same time as I do but keeps his attention over me, more than usually.
"What?" I look into his brown eyes and take his jacket off of him to help this tall, drunk man, but once I slid it away from his body, he heaves his hand up to my face and holds the side of it, making me stay still.
He brings his eyes down to my lips and smiles. "Do you dream of me...? Sometimes...?"
"I do," I admit to it, knowing he will not remember it in the morning, and he slides his hand down to my throat to slightly cup it, sending a strong wave of chills all over my skin. "I dream of you a lot too," he giggles, but I stop him and grab his wrist. "Go to bed. You need to sleep," I move to the side and hang his jacket on the coat rack, and he follows me and wraps his arms around my body. "You make me feel so good," he speaks right in my ear and back hugs me.
"You make me feel good too, but sleep will make you feel even better," I turn around to not allow myself to enjoy this moment and take him upstairs.
I move as carefully as I can so that I do not put him in a dangerous situation, and when we finally get to his room, I open the door and bring him to his bed.
"I wish you were here all the time," he takes his shirt off and drops it on the floor, but I grab it and put it in the laundry basket. "You'd quickly get sick of me," I give him a pair of pajama pants and take the pants he left on the floor to turn around and do the same but take much longer since he is getting naked.
"Whaat?! I'd never get sick of you," he lies to himself in an adorable tone of voice as I am staring at a wall. "Whatever. Have you put your pajama pants on?"
"No, I sleep with no clothes on. Are you insane?" he does something that will get me in trouble again, so this time, I force him to wear something. "You put them on, Jungkook. If you don't, I'll sleep on the sofa."
"You shut up and sleep with me, what the hell are you thinking?" he believes he can order me around when dunk, so I look at him and stand where I am. "Put your pants on, or you'll sleep alone tonight."
"It's uncomfortable!" he does not listen but does the whole opposite of what I need him to do. "You're gonna yell at me and be mad again if I don't make you do it!"
"That is not true. I'd never do that," he denies and sits up on his bed with some difficulty. "Come on, please. Come."
"Jungkook, just wear something please," I soften my voice to make him understand I am serious, and he sighs his annoyance out his lungs but does as asked. As I can now join him, I do so and lie down by his side on the bed.
He does not wait a second before clinging to me and wrapping his arms around my body. "You're not mad at me, right?" he slides one hand under my long-sleeved shirt and touches my skin with his hot one. "I'm not," I glance at him but find it hard to stand the reeking smell of alcohol that I hate so much. "Can I get a kiss and hug then?" his bloodshot eyes barely maintaining eye contact with me, "Please," he begs in a low voice, rubbing his fingers over my stomach and getting his way.
I cannot say no. I smile and turn towards him to press my lips against his jawline and put my arms around his neck, but this move gets him to sneak his hand higher up my shirt and leave it on my back. " more," he asks for another kiss, so I give it to him, but on his ear this time. "Do you feel better now?"
"More..." he avoids my question as if he did not hear it, and his head head lowers, he burries it in my neck but kiss a sensitive spot above my collarbone, making me feel way too much in less than a second. "I want more tonight..." he grips my skin, but in just a matter of short seconds, through which I cannot process anything, he takes his hand out my clothing and pushes me down to top me, and he kisses my lips. "I want all of you..."
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