Chapter 32 | Belong to me
"What happened in his office?" he demands, his voice laced with curiosity and anger. "Nothing. I'm just having a bad day, and he noticed, so we talked about it because he was worried."
"That's all? Did it really take that long just to talk about that?" he begins insinuating things I do not want to hear, his gaze piercing into mine. "Yes. It didn't take that long, Jungkook."
"You didn't want to talk to me this morning, but now you're telling me you talked to him because he was worried? Why exactly? Your boyfriend isn't enough?" he asks with a hint of jealousy in his voice. "Jungkook. Please...I was working, so I didn't want to talk because we could get scolded."
"Really? That's the only reason why?" he crosses his arms, obviously not believing me. "And he got you some chocolates again just 'cause you talked to him. Right?"
"Jungkook. I'm begging you. Stop making things up. I promise we just talked, nothing more. I can't believe you'd think I or your best friend would do such a thing," I plead, feeling tired and pained to see him act that way. "That's exactly the type of bullshit my ex would-"
"Don't compare me to her," I cut him off. "I'm not a cheater."
"I never said you are, I'm just pointing out the truth," he does not even realize what leaves his mouth. "You didn't say it, but you implied it when you know I love you more than anything."
"Don't-" he shakes his head, clenching his jaw. "Don't use those words during an argument. I...I just don't like the fact he keeps you in his office for that long, then acts weird towards me, and gives you some chocolates every time you go there as if it was some type of fucking reward."
I fear he will never trust me.
"He's just being kind. There's nothing wrong. Luca is a good person, and you know it. He's always there for you, and he does the same for me because I'm your girlfriend. Stop overthinking this, please," I attempt to calm him down and reassure him that Luca's intentions are innocent.
"Alright," he finally nods, but I can tell he is still not convinced. He does not hold or kiss me, he makes his way to the door, breaking my heart with his behavior again. I grab his arm and pull him towards me. "Please, don't be mad at me for something that never happened, Jungkook. I love you, and it's hurting me right now."
He looks down at me with a pained expression, but his eyes still show doubt. "I'm not mad," he gets his arm away from my grip and goes back inside without looking back.
This day could not have gotten any worse. How could I even think that working with him would be a great idea?
I do not run after him but leave him alone, and I head to the cafeteria. As I step inside the room, I realize that he is not here, meaning he will not eat. However, Luca and another employee are here. He peeks at me for a brief second, and I move to the fridge. I grab my lunch and notice that Jungkook's food, which I made for him, is still here. I sigh and close the door before sitting at the table.
There will never be a single week where he does not get upset or mad. I know it is a part of his personality, but sometimes it just gets exhausting and painful. I wish he could learn to control his temper and communicate his feelings better.
"Is Jungkook not eating?" Luca asks as the other employee left the room. "No. I don't know."
"Did you both fight?" he expresses some frustration through his voice. "Yeah. I'm getting used to it now," I take a bite of my food, despite not feeling very hungry anymore. Luca breathes out pretty sharply, and someone enters the room.
Thomas, with Callen following.
We both make eye contact, and I hurry to look away to only focus on Luca.
"Have you already eaten?" I change the subject, feeling the need to talk and have a normal conversation with someone. "No, I forgot my meal at home, but I'll grab a snack before going back to work."
Scared that Thomas or his friend could sit next to me, I switch seats and get next to Luca. Then, knowing my lunch will go to waste if I do not give it to anyone, I slide my meal to him and leave it in front of him. "Here. You can have it. I'm not hungry."
"No, you must eat. You won't go through the day if you don't," he refuses to take it, but I insist. "No, I'll throw it out if you don't eat it. I'm feeling nauseous."
"Are you sure?" he asks, and I nod to him. "Yeah. I promise."
"I'll eat half of it just in case you're hungry later," he grabs the fork I used and eats with it. "Thank you. I'm actually starving."
"You're welcome," I smile, happy to have made his day a little better. "I hope the food is good. I'm the one who cooked it this morning."
"It's amazing, I love it," he replies with a big smile, enjoying the meal and taking big bites. I laugh at how evident his hunger is, and how much he seems to be loving the food. "You really saved my day with this."
"I'm happy to hear it," I respond, but someone ruins everything. "Having a good time with your favorite employee?" Thomas taunts him and sits across us with his friend, making his presence known. I can feel the tension rising in the room. "Go back to work, your break is over."
"No, it's not. I literally took it right after her," he looks at me and smirks, challenging me to say something. "And also, she broke some glasses. Shouldn't she get-"
"I'm the one who broke them," Luca takes the blame for me. "Nah, bro. I saw-"
"Quit calling me bro. I'm not your friend, got it?" he asserts, showing some anger, maybe too much to not be obvious. "Fine. Chill," he glances down at the Tupperware Luca is eating from but decides to grab the top. He reads the name left on it and chuckles. "You're eating her food?"
"It's none of your business. Don't you got anything else to do than waste our time?" Luca drops the fork down, pissed off by his presence. "Her boyfie's gonna be jealous to see you both share some food, and a good time alone. Isn't he?" he puts the top back where it was and sets his eyes on me.
"Boyfie?" Callen raises an eyebrow, clearly confused. "Jungkook," Thomas answers, exposing personal information that leaves me feeling worried.
Callen looks at me, realization dawning on his face. "You're dating Jungkook?"
"You both are dumbfucks if you believe she's dating him. It's so easy to fool you guys, it's actually crazy," Luca makes up something, and I can see some doubt grow in Thomas' eyes. "You think I'm gonna believe you with the way he touches her and always gets mad when I tell her to do something?"
"Exactly what I said. You think you know everything, but you really have no clue," Luca grins, seeming confident about his plans. "Why do you think I'm favoring her and trying to get her hired here more than anyone?" he raises his eyes up to Thomas after taking another bite. "I'm glad to see the boss won't be the only one to fall for it."
Thomas chuckles, looking like he is believing Luca's words. "I know you're just lying."
"I don't care what you know or think," he closes the Tupperware after leaving half the food like he said he would, and he takes his phone out. "Is that why you call her in your office so many times? You're actually the one fucking her."
Luca does not answer or react to his provocation, he stands up and gets the food back in the fridge. "See, a boyfriend would have beat me up already. Jungkook would have done it, but you don't give a shit."
"I know you won't do nothing to her. Why do you think Emilia left you for another guy? You're a sensitive dude, a crybaby that got cheated on because you couldn't satisfy her," he heads towards the door and gestures me to follow him, but Thomas loses his temper after hearing what was said and makes a beeline for him. "You shut your fucking mouth, asshole. She left me because Jungkook told the fucking boss about it, and that bitch you tryna get hired will only get the job if she sucks the boss' small fucking dick 'cause that's how they all get the fucking job here."
"I hurt your feelings, didn't I?" he smirks at him, knowing he struck a nerve. He opens the door and tells me to leave. However, Thomas throws a hand towards me but gets stopped and pushed away by Luca, who is much taller and stronger than him. "Dare lay a fucking hand on her, and I'll make sure it's the last time you get to ever use it."
"She's just a useless and dumb bitch who'll get hired by this son of a bitch just 'cause she a hoe. So, I'll do whatever I want with her," he stares at him, holding his ground with a menacing glare without realizing he does not stand a single chance. "We'll see that," he turns around and makes me go out. This went the exact way I thought it would.
"Go put your apron back on," he tells me to do. "I'm staying here," he discerns the worry through my eyes, and I do as told.
4:30 pm.
Jungkook still ignoring me after a silent ride back home, I peek at him as he dropped his keys on the counter.
"Are you gonna do that until I cry again?" I ask, not keeping my frustration hidden anymore. He throws me an empty, cold look before turning and walking away. "And I know you smoked twice already today by the way," I add, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment towards him. "Did Luca like what you cooked?" he speaks.
As he leaves his phone on the sofa, I stare at him in disbelief for a moment before responding. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I'm fucking serious. You know I'm fucking jealous, yet you go and share a good time with him during lunch, sharing food like you both are a couple!" he raises his voice at me, his anger boiling over as he accuses me of cheating for the second time today. "Because you're jealous for no reason," I reply in a calm manner, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalates further.
"For no reason?" he repeats my words and comes closer. "Stop being angry at me. Nothing happened. I know you won't ever believe me, but I'd never cheat on you. I fucking love you."
He stares into my eyes, not even expressing any emotion. "I love you too, and that's the problem."
"The problem?" I whisper, feeling my heart sink. He nibbles on his inner cheek and looks away, avoiding my gaze. He walks away, leaving me standing there with tears in my eyes, and he steps towards the front door.
I watch him grab his cigarettes and lighter from the counter. "Put that down and stay here even if you don't wanna talk to me, please," I tear up uncontrollably, feeling hopeless and heartbroken.
"I need some time alone. I'm sorry," he says as he opens the front door and walks out. I love him but hate him so much sometimes.
My tears running down my face, I give up on trying and sit down on the floor, right next to the front door. I will stay and wait here until he comes back.
3 hours later...
The sound of a key turning in the lock wakes me up, and I stand up but get startled by the violent opening of the door.
I check what time it is as Jungkook comes in and realize it has been a long time since he left. He slams the door, his face and body showing clear signs of intoxication. "Are you drunk?" I ask, worried and sad to see him in this state again.
He looks at me with bloodshot eyes in a way that tells me he did not even notice me, and slurs out, "Uh? I'm just tired," he walks past me and takes his cigarettes out of his pockets to throw them on the counter, barely standing on his feet.
"No, you're drunk. Where were you all this time? And did you drive back home?" I step closer to him, the reeking smell of alcohol hitting my nose as I inhale deeply. "Chloe- I mean," he stammers and calls me by another name, and my heart stops. "What name did you just call me?"
"I'm sorry, baby," he apologize and comes closer to touch me, but I move back. "You know I didn't mean it. I mind is a mess right now."
"Who is Chloe?" I ask, feeling a hollow in the pit of my stomach. "Who's Chloe?" he frowns and loses his balance without even moving, laying a hand on the counter. "She...She's my ex. You know. I told you...Didn't I?"
He has never told me her name before, but knowing it is her makes it less difficult.
"Yeah..." I look away and try to hide my disappointment. "You should go to bed," I suggest him to do, and he steps towards me. "Baby...I'm sorry for hurting you..." he speaks in a softer voice, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close.
Despite knowing he does not mean it, I hug him back and cry in his arms. I know deep down that this toxic cycle will never end, but I love him way too much.
"I know I'm a bad boyfriend, I promise I'll make it up," he cannot even say a proper sentence without slurring one word. Missing the feeling of being held by him, I stay here and enjoy the temporary high while ignoring what will happen in the morning.
"I love you," he tangles his fingers in my hair and holds me tighter, and I feel better. "I love you too."
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