That Awkward Moment When You Trip Again
Russia looked warily at the states surrounding him. It looks like there's Texas, Maine, Nebraska... and two more he forgot the names of. They were sending them odd looks. Probably because he was still holding America in his arms like he was a child, close to his body in some weird protective manner. He could stop, he could put him down right now, but for some reason he didn't want to. It seemed easier to just continue carrying him.
"The fuck do I do?!" He hissed to America, not liking the way some of the states were looking at him.
"What you said you were gonna do! TRAMPLE!" America's voice was low, but he was sure that the states could hear what he was saying if they were focusing.
"I didn't actually mean it! I can't just bulldoze kids!"
"Well then put me down!"
Russia followed his command and awkwardly put him down, and then looked away, clearing his throat. There was a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks. America stood at his side and gazed at the states surrounding them warily.
They both looked over when Texas spoke, "I ain't even gonna try'n ask about that," he was obviously talking about how Russia had been carrying him, "but I am going to ask why y'all're on our territory, eastern filth."
"Ah... I guess everyone knows about us joining, then?" America rubbed the back of his neck.
"Obviously," said Maine, rolling her eyes, "Except for Kansas. Nothing ever goes on in Kansas except for tornadoes, which says a lot about his empty brain. Actually, his empty skull. There's no brain in there, just wind and tumbleweeds."
America tried to keep himself from snorting. Russia didn't.
"Why would you join the East when the Wild West is where it's at?" Texas grinned, crossing his arms.
"Don't bring that back..." America cringed.
"Oh c'mon, you had the time of your life!"
"Ugh. Well, to be fair, they asked first. And I think it's more fair this way."
"RUDE!" Texas stomped his foot, "We could've been friends! Or you coulda turned on 'em and joined us instead! But ya didn't." He monologued dramatically, "You leave me no choice... GET 'EM!"
At his command, the states were upon them. Nebraska launched herself at Russia, climbing up his leg and onto his torso like she was an oversized spider. He took a fumbling step back in shock. What the?! Why are all these kids literal gremlins? Are they always like this— He tried to pull her off of him— or is it just because of the war— but she had a firm grip on his shirt, the fabric balled up in her fingers.
He glanced over at America, who was getting barraged by multiple states. He was managing fine.
Another state, who Russia still didn't know the name of, decided to attach themself to his leg. He tried to shake them off while still prying at Nebraska. He didn't know how, but he was going to have to get them off somehow.
It was in that moment that Nebraska pulled his ushanka down over his eyes and the world went dark.
Russia thrashed violently and felt the weight on his back disappear, and then a thump on the ground in front of him. He lifted his ushanka back to its usual position. The first thing he saw was Nebraska sprawled out on the ground in front of him. For a second he worried that she was injured, that she would start crying, but she got back up to her feet and looked around.
He realized that this was a bad thing for him, since she was still fighting.
Russia had ignored the state wrapped around his leg until now. He wasn't sure what he should do about it, but it seemed like they were just trying to be dead weight, so he continued to ignore it.
He turned to America, noting the gleam of sweat on his face. America threw off a state that was attacking him and managed to get another who was clinging to him off.
Watching America proved to be a mistake. The distraction caused him to be completely caught off guard when Nebraska came back and tackled him around his midriff. Russia gasped and stumbled backwards a bit, but he was impaired by the state on his leg and couldn't regain his balance. He toppled over and hit the ground hard. His handcuffed arm caused America to be suddenly lurched as well, and he fell over onto Russia.
The states all cheered in accomplishment and surrounded them once more. "You guys are goin' to jail!" Texas grinned, looking down at them.
Russia groaned and looked down at America, who was still laying on him. This was the second time today that they had fallen onto each other. He noticed that America wasn't getting off of him as quickly as he had. Maybe he's still dazed by the fall?
Russia let him stay there for a few more seconds before nudging him with his knee. "Get up, com— America. We've gotta do as they say." Ugh, I almost called him comrade. How did I even let that slip? This is America I'm talking about!
America quickly sat up from where he lay atop Russia and then scrambled off of him, standing up. Russia heaved himself to his feet as well. America refused to meet his eyes. Why is his face so red?
Russia stopped staring at America, why do I keep looking at him, and instead looked at the states around them. They escorted them to the jail, and then scampered off.
Russia and America sat in the square on the ground marked with duct tape. There was no one else there. Russia sat in silence for a few seconds before he couldn't bear it anymore and started talking to America. Which is ironic, because normally it's America that initiates the conversation.
"I wasn't being too harsh on them, right? I didn't expect Nebraska to fly off of me like that."
America looked up from where he had been attempting to burn a hole into the ground with his eyes. "They're fine, you're good," he reassured. "It's part of the fun, and they're honestly rougher on each other. Nothing worse than a slight bruising."
The silence stretched on, waiting for one of them to speak again.
America broke it. "Soooo... why'd you help me back there?"
"Like, back with Nevada. And then, um, Ohio."
Russia remembered how he had randomly picked up America and ran with him. He didn't know what had compelled him to do that. He shook his head, trying to clear the thought from his head.
"You're my comrade now," he justifies, actually saying it this time, "I have to help you if we're going to win this."
"Comrade?" America smiled cheekily, "I'm honored that you think of me so highly!"
"It's only for this game, you idiot. You still have the worth of a rusty door hinge otherwise." Russia scoffed.
"Still, for you to even think of calling me that!" His smile widened. "Come on, you love me."
"Shut your mooouuuuth." He drew out the words in frustration, covering his face with a hand. He had forgotten how much America liked to tease. And it was actually getting to him! "I don't like you, I just... hate you a little less than before."
"So essentially, you like me."
"You're insufferable," Russia sighed in exasperation, but didn't try to argue.
"Aww, Rus! Look at you, you tolerate me so much!"
"When are you going to stop calling me that?" Russia scowled.
"Never? When're you gonna get back at me and give me a nickname?"
"Never?" He parroted, "Actually, I do have one. It's idiot."
"Hm. I'll take it!"
That was not the reaction I wanted. But what reaction was I wanting?
Any inkling of a conversation they had was broken when South Carolina came charging into the room. "Wh— Dad!" He ran right up to them and grabbed America's arm, freeing them from prison. He frantically pulled them towards another hallway. "We've gotta go! Hurry!"
At that moment, Ohio burst into the room as well, heading straight for them.
"GO!" South Carolina urged, and they all darted into the hallway. While they were running, Russia noticed something that South Carolina had in his hand.
Something green. A little green fabric square. Also known as a handkerchief.
"Wait, is that the fl—" He started, but South Carolina cut him off.
"Yes it is! Now SHH, we don't want people to know!"
"Know what?" A figure stepped out at the end of the hallway, blocking their path. They skidded to a halt, stopping before they crashed into them. Russia recognized that the state was, uhh. He was um. Kentucky, he said dramatically in his head.
"Nothing!" South Carolina yelped, and he turned around to run the other way. The only problem was that Ohio was on the other end of the hall, and charging towards them.
"FU—" South Carolina cut himself off and turned back around. Russia decided that dealing with Kentucky was better than Ohio, so he grabbed America's wrist with his chained hand and ran at Kentucky. He shoved him out of the way, thankfully not into the wall again. They all continued running, and eventually crossed the gap between their two territories.
The war wasn't over yet. They still had to get the flag to their base. South Carolina led the two countries through the eastern side of the house towards where their base was. He could hear the footsteps of Kentucky following them, but he didn't dare look back.
They sped past another state who was running, and Russia glimpsed something blue in their hand. "Wait, I think the west found our flag!" He called.
"It doesn't matter! We just need to get this flag to our base and then we'll win!" South Carolina shouted.
He was right. Before long, they reached their base. South Carolina whooped for joy, and yelled as loud as he could, "WE WON!!" It was sure to be heard throughout the house.
Russia stumbled into the room, America close behind. A smile spread across the tricolored country's face, and he was breathing heavily. It's been a little while since he's ran this much.
"WOOOOO!" America cheered, and South Carolina came over and hugged him.
"We did it, dad!" He had the brightest smile on his face. Other states were starting to enter the room as well at this point. "Thanks for your help." He released America, and then to his surprise, embraced Russia as well. "You helped too, Russia."
Russia froze where he stood, not quite knowing how to react. He relaxed when South Carolina let go of him. He squatted down to his level, still smiling. "Of course, comrade."
This was the most fun he'd had for a long while. Was it... always this fun at America's house?
He supposed he'd just have to wait and see.
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