chapter 5 when he finds you
There is more than one POV in this chapter, I'm just letting you awesome readers know*
I stumbled, losing my footing for a second, before I continued on. Dodging trees and little wood animals was hard enough, adding on the fact that i was desperately looking for someone, made it damn near impossible. Its been about two hours since I last saw (Y/n) run into the woods, and yet I couldn't find a single trace of her. I slowed to a stop, catching my breath before I relaxed, letting my senses take control. Far off I could see a medium size boulder; I could hear the breeze rustling the leaves; then I smelt it. Blood. I ran closer to the boulder, where the coppery smell emitted from. I looked around a little, before seeing (h/c) (h/l) hair poking out from behind a tree. I rushed over, noticing the stab wound she had on her side. Her eyes were closed gently, her breathing ragged, but even. I picked her up bridal style, before rushing straight to the mansion.
As soon as I got the the mansion, I ran straight to Slender's office, barging in without a second thought. Slender stood in all his glory at the book shelf, inspecting the insides before turning to me.
"S-She lost her sanity. I saw her k-kill a girl at her school. Nelly I think her name was," I panted, rambling for a second. Slender nodded slowly, inspecting her.
"Put her in her room," he finally uttered, "I'll turn her into a creepypasta when i have the chance,"
Slender's POV
I was looking for a book to read when EJ busted into my office. I sighed heavily, about to rant about barging into my office unexpectedly, but I stopped when i saw the girl in his arms. He rambled about the girl finally losing her sanity, and killing a girl named Nelly, before quickly shutting up, looking at me expectantly. After telling him that she can stay, I told him to take her to her room and lay her down on the bed.
"She's already half-dead from blood-lost," I muttered inspecting her cut.
"Get Masky and Hoodie now!" I demanded, preparing to heal her. A while after I said that, all of them came running into the room. Masky and Hoodie held her down, immediately knowing what to do. When they did, I wrapped a tenticle around her forehead, and three around her chest.
As soon as I did that, I began to turn her into a past. She woke up and started screaming, which caused Toby to run in. I told him to take Ej into the hallway and pin him down , he knew why I said that so he took a struggling Ej into the hallway.
With one of my free tenticles I closed the door, then looked back focusing on (Y
). A hour in a half later, she continued to scream louder and louder. I knew she was done transforming when she became quite and began sleeping .
I began to unwrap my tenticles from her sleeping form, letting her gently rest on the bed. I muttered to Masky and Hoodie that they can let go. I stepped away from (Y/n), slowly walking to the door. They followed me out into the hallway. I looked at EJ who was slumped against the wall, clearly tire. I told Ej that it is done and that she is sleeping, so he should let her sleep for a while. With that said, all of us went into the living room and told Lj, Jeff, Jane, Sally, and Ben that we have a new member in the family and I also told them her story. After all that was said ,we all went bed, while Ej slept on the couch.
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