chapter 21 meeting lucifer
Your POV
*A Week Ago*
I winced as I coughed, my head killing me. My arms were far too numb for me to feel the cuffs biting into my wrist. My entire body was sore, small cuts all over making it seem as if my body was on fire. I wanted so bad to change into my true form, but with the binds restricting my every move, there was no where near enough space.
My eyes were slightly blurred, all of my thoughts getting jumbled. After so long in here, I was slowly losing whatever pieces of sanity I had left to gtip on. What has it been? 3 weeks in this hell hole? Or was it 2? 4 weeks maybe?
Another rush of nausea past through me, making me gasp lightly. My head pounded with an incredible headache, not helping at all with the jumbled thoughts and dizziness. But one thing was clear; i was starting to lose hope. What was taking them so long to rescue me? They couldn't have possibly forgotten me, right? No, no that was impossible! They loved me, just aa much as I loved them... Didn't they?
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door opening; revealing Zalgo. I hissed at him, my throat way too dry to actually say much words. Zalgo shook his head, making a 'tsk' sound repeatedly.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn (Y/n)? Why do you keep refusing to submit to me? I can make your every dream come true, so why do you keep pushing me away?" Zalgo ran one of his long claws against my cheek. I used what little strength I had to yank my head way from his hand, causing a growl to escape his mouth. He aggressively yanked my face back towards him, his long claws digging into my cheeks. I whimpered, but held my glare.
"You ungrateful little brat! Do you not see how much I do for you? And yet you keep acting like this! Don't worry, I'll teach you...very painfully," Zalgo hissed, before pushing my head away, making it slam into the wall behind me. My vision blurred again, the back of my head feeling as if someone was stomping on it.
Meanwhile, Zalgo headed towards his table of torture devices. Before he couls pick one up though, the door opened again, revealing three of his little shadow minions, one being held against his will by the others.
"What is the meaning of this?" Zalgo growled out, glaring down at the servants.
"We are sorry to bother you Master, but we caught this low-level servant, stealing food and wandering past his boundaries again," One servant with yellow glowing eyes said. Zalgo glares down at the captive servant, flicking his wrist.
"Keep him here, I'll deal with him later," Zalgo huffed, watching as the two servants threw the third into the room. Zalgo made hs way towards me, aa the shadow servant cowered in the far corner.
"I'll get you tomorrow, you better be grateful that I have needs to attend to," Zalgo hissed, before crossing the room back to the door.
"And for you," he said, pointing at the servant, "I hope you enjoy the light!"
Zalgo flipped on the switch near the door, causing extremely bright light toappear in the room. Both the servant and I cried out, me trying to shield my eyes from the burning light. Even with the light burning my eyes, I could see the shadow servant panic, and dive behind me.
I screamed, yanking at the chains, and wiggling, trying to get the shadow from behind me. A soft voice made me stop though.
"P-Please! Don't move! I won't be able to live if I stay in the light! Please, I'll do anything!" He cried out. I paused, thinking it over.
"Get these cuffs off of me, and I'll turn off the light," I reasoned, hoping that the servant would do as I asked. It took a few moments, but i felt the whisk of coldness as his small shadow hands slowly undue my cuffed wrist. When the cuffs fell, I immediately changed forms, sighing in relieve. I could basically feel the fear dripping off the servant, so I used one of my tentacles to flick off the light. A loud sigh escaped my lips as I was plunged back into the semi-darkness. The servant moved from behind me, flopping on the floor in front of me.
"You saved my life. I will forever owe you. Please, is there anything I can do?" He asked, his white eyes moving to me.
"Well, I guess theres one thing... And it would benefit the both of us..."
Well, I guess my knight in shining armour is me. And I'm gonna set myself free.
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