Chapter 7: Strict Rules; Which I do Not Adhere To
I sit frozen at the edge of the bed and stare at Theo. I have to blink a few times.
"Hey, Ray, did you he me?"
I slowly nod. Pain shoots through my head making me wince. He takes the ice pack from me, his fingers brushing mine, he move closer, almost kneeling between my knees now. He holds it against my head himself. I put my hand down, too eager to relax my arm to object. Theo slowly stands up. I stare at the hem of his T-shirt. Sometimes I see him as just another person, and sometimes I feel the sight of him in my gut, like a deep ache. Sometimes he's my commanding officer; superior, the merciless trainer, the illegitimate son of a true monster. But then sometimes I see the possibilities of more, more of us. Like now. My chest aches, and I don't think that has anything to do with the cracked rib.
"So underground?" I managed to squeak.
"Yes. The Right arm has an entire base compound under the Rocky Mountains. All new construction has been beneath the mountains. There was already a substantial underground facility here, apparently. It was developed over centuries to be either a clandestine refuge for government leaders in time of war or a last resort for humanity if life above became unlivable. Like people knew the Sun Flares were going to be a thing, but then half the government forgot bout this place."
"So..." I say slowly, trying to think, because Theo is standing so close to me, it's hard to put my thoughts together- but maybe that's also the concussion. I hope it's just the concussion. "The rebel group took over this place?"
Theo nods again. There's something else in his dark eyes, something he's not telling me.
"What else are you not telling me?"
A wicked smile appears on his face. He whispers almost reverently, "Most important for the people of this Right Arm Rebel group...they landed on the gold mine." I hold my breath, waiting for him to tell me. "This place, pre sun flare, it was the center of the Capitol's nuclear weapons development program."
"Wholly shit." I whisper.
"My thoughts exactly. The Right Arm isn't as weak as they appear."
"They are a wonderful acting group." I agree.
"After we got the girls from the maze, Vince gave him the coordinates for a new location, a different Right Arm base, which was this place. We are so deep under the mountain, WICKED's raider can't find us. The little groups above ground are there to just cause trouble and keep them busy so they can't see what they are doing here."
I stare at him. "How long was I out for? This is a lot to find out."
"A few hours. I got it from Paylor. Vince wanted a meeting as soon as we touched down. Jorge made them wait until everyone was settled and had proper medical care. Most of the girls from Maze B were injured."
That guy had no chill. He couldn't wait for medical care. I exhaled slowly. Trying to contain my sudden frustration. Theo knelt back down, he was now eye level with me. His dark eyes softened as they watched me.
"How are you feeling?" His voice was also softer. I don't usually see the softer side of him. In WICKED he was harsh and guarded, the odd time I thought maybe I had seen it, when he didn't think he was being watched.
"Sore. And it's hard to breath." I say honestly.
"Oh?" He asks, a sly smirk appears on his face, his eyes light up with amusement.
"You can't take all the credit, I cracked a rib, and I have asthma, remember?" I realize I just admitted to something, even if it was slight. I hope he doesn't pick up on it. I'm soon disappointed when I see his smirk grow.
"But your saying I can take some credit?"
"You're really close to me." I whisper, and now I can't stop my mouth or my jumbled thoughts. My mouth is moving and I can't stop it. "And you smell really good."
He chuckles. I don't really hear his laugh often. Not his actual happy laugh. But it makes my heart flutter. I feel my cheeks heat up with a blush. I close my eyes and try to get myself under control. My head feels thick, and its still throbbing.
"Here, hold this, I'll get the meds the doctor left." He takes my hand and places it over the ice pack so I have to hold it. My hand feels like its on fire where he was just touching. Even with my eyes closed I feel his body shift and leave. I feel cold and kind of empty when he's not so close to me. I think about what Theo has told me about the Right Arm, and I want to know more.
"Do you know anymore about the Right Arm and this place?" I ask, I open my eyes, now that the dizzy spell has settled. I watch him move and bend. His t shirt is tight, showing every muscle as he closes the cupboard. He fills the cup with water and turns. He hesitates for a moment, and then comes back over. He hands me the little paper cup of meds and the cup of water.
"Apparently, during the Dark Days, the rebels wrested control from the government forces, trained their nuclear missiles on WICKED's Capital in Denver and then struck a bargain: They would play dead in exchange for being left alone. The old Chancellor of WICKED had another nuclear arsenal out west, but it couldn't attack the rebels without certain retaliation. The former Chancellor was forced to accept The Right Arm's deal. WICKED demolished the visible remains of the base here and cut off all access from the outside."
"Whoa." I whisper. My eyes were wide and glued to Theo as he explained.
"Now...they grow in numbers, the rebels grow stronger, bolder. Now they have small little outposts all over the country trying to fight WICKED. But they are biding their time, waiting for the right time to strike."
"And that would be when?" I asked, hesitantly.
"I think...sooner. They just helped us bust out the girls from one of their elite mazes. That's a pretty big statement."
I nod in agreement. That was a lot of information I had just received and my head was hurting. The meds Theo gave me were making my eyes heavy.
"Lay down Ray. Sleep." He said gently. He took the ice pack, and placed his hand on my back and helped lay me back down. I watched as he straightened up slightly. I reached out and took hold of his hand as he slid it out from my back.
"Why are you here, Theo?" I ask suddenly. Maybe it's the pain meds, and my raddled brain, but I feel bold.
"I thought maybe that was kind of obvious." He says quietly. His other hand lays against the side of my face. His callused thumb runs along my cheekbone and then slowly runs down to my bottom lip.
"You're never obvious." I breath. I'm surprised I could get words out, considering how tight my throat feels, how fast my heart is racing. I see him smile. My eyes feel heavier, and they flutter. I try to keep them open.
"Sleep, Ray. I'll be here when you wake up."
I finally allowed myself to relax, and as I was pulled into the sweet cocoon of darkness, I felt something warm brush my forehead. I fell asleep with a ghost of a smile.
Life in the underground facility of the Right Arm was ridged, and full of rules and schedules. The rebels at this base lived almost exclusively underground. You can go outside for exercise and sunlight but only at very specific times in your schedule. You can't miss your schedule. Every morning, you're supposed to stick your right arm in this contraption in the wall. It tattoos the smooth inside of your forearm with your schedule for the day in a sickly purple ink. 7:00 - Breakfast. 7:30 - Kitchen Duties. 8:30 - Education Center, Room 17. And so on. The ink is indelible until 22:00 - Bathing . That's when whatever keeps it water resistant breaks down and the whole schedule rinses away. The lights-out at 22:30 signals that everyone not on the night shift should be in bed.
I can't read my schedule, my tattoos make it impossible to see it. So each morning I shrug and never both. I stick with Christina, and Brenda. I have hardly seen Theo since I woke up. He was there when I woke up the second time, but he was called away almost immediately. He was important to the big Rebel leaders. I caught a glimpse or two of him in halls or in the cafeteria, but our precious schedules weren't lined up. I didn't even know where he was most of the time, he wasn't in training, or in the "education classrooms."
"This is almost worse then WICKED. At lest there we had freedom." Brenda grumbles as we do dishes.
"Ya? What would you be doing otherwise?" I ask, tossing a wet cloth at her head.
"I dunno, something other then dishes. This is terrible."
"Maybe we can see if we can get posted to a base out there," Christina nods her head in a general direction, "Outside. I miss the sun."
"Ya, maybe." I agree. I hate being stuck in here. It's awful. I feel restricted and suppressed. I already got reprimanded by some leader when I showed up with Christina and Brenda for "chores". I rolled my eyes flipped him off and stayed with the girls.
During my two weeks of Rebel citizen I had got to know a few of the Maze B girls. Sonya and Harriet were the Maze leaders. They had woken up from a surgery and had all their memories back, apparently they had a micro chip implanted into their brains that was blocking the memories, how WICKED figured out how to do that, was beyond me. But when Sonya woke up and saw me across the dinning area, she yelped and ran for me, throwing her arms around me.
"Raya Turner! I can't believe it was you who rescued us! Bloody hell! You've grown up so much!" She cried and laughed at the same time.
I just stood in shock for a moment. I didn't know what to do for a second, and then as she went to pull away, my arms finally figured out what to do, and I hugged her back.
"It's been so long!" She sniffed, tears wet on her face. She raised her hands and wiped the tears on my face, I had let a few tears out apparently too.
"Too long." I agreed.
She had pulled me over to where Harriet and a few of her girls were sitting. Brenda and Christina came over and sat with us. The Maze B girls were shocked to know we knew everything.
"Ya, it's been aired on TV for the last 10 years. I've watched you guys grow up."
"Well now I know why when I walk around, I feel like a bloody celebrity." Sonya chuckled, though I could see how uncomfortable she was.
"I can't imagine it's easy." Christina says, stabbing her food and holding it up and smelling it. "Growing up on camera, without knowing."
"Understatement." Harriet huffed. She seemed a bit more guarded then Sonya, who was always smiling and upbeat.
"Well...ya, what I just said." Christina rolled her eyes. Harriet had a faint smile. She took a bit of food and then ended up spitting it out.
"Uh, this is disgusting. Maggy was a better cook then whoever is in charge of this slop!"
"It would be nice to get outta here for a bit." Christina said wistfully. "Sunshine, snacks...fresh time."
"Ya know...while on Kitchen duty last night...know what I saw?" I said with a devious smile.
The girls leaned in. I leaned in too, and made a show of making sure no one was watching or listening. I leaned in. I don't know what was going on with me. Maybe it was because everything was so ridged and controlled. I needed something. So I leaned in.
"I saw a whole crate of ice cream and booze. Who's in?"
"You saw it last night and didn't tell us?" Brenda gasped.
I shrugged. I was actually hoping to see Theo and see if he wanted to break in and sneak some. But I hadn't seen him. And these girls seemed to be just as desperate as me. I glanced around and whispered a quick plan. They nodded and I got up first. I took my tray and dumped it and left the dinning area. I walked down the hall and slid into the back hall. A few minute later the other girls trickled in. Now it was the five of us. I led them down the hall.
"How do you know where to go?" Sonya whispered.
"Please. I grew up inside WICKED. I learned to sneak around, also... I do not adhere to the strict rules set in place by a none ruling government that tries to tattoo when I go pee." I snarked and rolled my eyes. The other girls snickered.
"Natural buggen' badass." Sonya giggled.
"Nah, just jaded." I shrugged, I had stopped in front of the locked door. I slipped a tool from my belt and slid it into the lock. "Things are easier to do here because there's no cameras. Well here at lest."
The lock popped open and I grinned. I pushed the store room door open and the girls followed. their eyes went wide. The room was huge and was lined with all kinds of things. Everything from food to clothing and toiletries to batteries and weapons. I ignored everything and headed to the freezers at the back and with a wild wave, I swept my arm and yanked the door open.
"Take your pick." I grinned.
There was an assortment of flavors. Sonya and Harriet stood mouth open and eyes wide.
"Chocolate mint is the best."
"Umm no! Oreo!" Christina rolled her eye as she snatched a tub.
"No way! Rocky road! Chocolate, marshmallows...nuts...mmm." Brenda grinned. Sonya read each name and then decided on a simple cookie doe. Harriet grabbed a chocolate cherry one. I closed the freezer and headed to another shelf, where I grabbed a back of drinks, along with Brenda. And we headed back to the hall. I closed the door and locked it again behind me.
"This way."
I used my head to indicate they should follow. I lead them through the back halls where it was quiet and abandoned. I had found this tiny little room one night while I was exploring. It was no bigger then a broom closet, but it was empty. I opened the door and flicked the light on. The girls followed me in and I closed the door and locked it from the inside.
We sat down on the floor and had our own little party. Forgetting the stupid schedules, and the fact there was unchecked trauma we had to deal with at some point. But for now, the five of us ate ice cream, and drank the confiscated booze.
"I can't remember the last time I had ice cream! Blood hell its delicious!" Sonya moaned shoveling the last spoonful into her mouth.
I laughed at her. "My 9th birthday. My mom made a home made ice cream cake. You charmed my mother into giving you the biggest piece. I was so mad!" The other girls giggled along.
I smiled at the memory. My head was feeling spiny and I was really giggly. I knew the alcohol was starting to take effect. The heavy weight that sat inside of me had slowly faded the more I consumed. I polished another drink, and closed my eyes, enjoying the warm tingle in my body. We stayed laughing and talking, just being teenage girls for the first time in a long time.
There was a sudden pounding on the door. We scrambled around, giggling the entire time. We were all pretty giggly. We shoved the garbage into the vents, and then I yanked the door open once all the evidence was gone. Standing in front of us was Vince, Jorge and Theo. Vince did not look happy.
"Where have you been?"
"Disobeying all the rules and being a general menace to society." I say with a huge grin.
I can see Vince grind his teeth and his hands form fists. I can see Jorge press his lips together to repress a smile. I liked Jorge, he didn't make me conform, he let me be me, and I gave him the respect he disserved, which was leaps and bounds more then Vince.
"Do I need to have another meeting with you about rules?"
"Maybe. Put it on my schedule." I giggled. "I'm booked solid for all eternity."
The girls behind me slapped hands over their mouths trying to stop the giggles and snorts.
"Go!" He snapped at everyone. Don't let me catch you slacking off again!"
I saluted him, before bursting into another round of giggles. He actually growled and stormed away. He had no idea how to deal with me. I stepped out of the room and watched the other girls leave. Jorge grabbed Brenda for something and it was just Theo and me now. I leaed against the wall, forcing myself to focus on him. He looked tired, but his dark eyes softened slightly when his eyes flicked to mine.
"Hey." I grin.
"Hi." He says quietly. "How are you feeling?" He had stepped closer to me, his hand braced on the wall by my head.
I shrug. "I hate it here. It's the same as WICKED. But at lest there I was aloud free time...Where have you been lately? You seem awfully important all of a sudden." As I spoke I had lifted my hands and placed them on his waist. Even in my fuzzy tipsy mind I could hear the sharp intake of breath and his muscles tighten. I can feel my own heart beat pick up its speed. I look up at him, it's not a lot, I'm only a few inches shorter then him, but I still tip my head up.
"Have fun in there?"
"Yes. Actually. These people don't know what that word means. But we did.."
"I can tell." He whispers, his face is even closer to mine now. I just hum. I blame my actions on the alcohol. Because there is no way I would have the courage to do what I did next. It's like my brain shuts off and it's just my actions. My hands slid up his back to his neck and the back of his head and then pull him closer, I push up on my toes and I kiss him, hesitantly at first, but the longer my lips are pressed to his the more sure I feel. His hand slides into my hair and he kisses me back hungerly. He finally pulls away, once we can't breath, his forehead presses to mine, his breath mixed with mine.
"What's going on in your head?" he asks quietly.
"I don't know," I whisper back.
"Then it's like kissing someone who's drunk. It doesn't count," he says with a weak attempt at a laugh. He pulls away.
"How do you know?" I say. "Have you kissed someone who's drunk?" I guess Theo could've been kissing girls right and left back in WICKED. He certainly had the looks to take any girl he wanted. And I only meet him two years ago, he was 18 then, so I'm sure he kissed many. I never thought about it much before. And I feel a weird twist in my stomach.
He just shakes his head. "Yes. Just now."
I gasped. "I'm not drunk. I know what I'm doing."
"Sure?" He asks, pulling away even more. I feel the warm tingle of his kiss evaporate. What's left is embarrassment and hurt. Probably anger, but I feel hurt more then anger.
"So, you never kissed any other girls?" I ask, trying to cover my embarrassment. I pull my arms away from him and cross them tight over my own chest, trying to protect myself now.
"I didn't say that. You know, you were only 16 when we met. And a real pain in my ass, besides. I did have a life outside of training with you," he says, a smirk on his face.
I don't find it funny. I'm narrowing my eyes, and scowling at him. "Ya? Kissing girls right left and center. I guess I should thank you for gracing me with one too?"
"Ya, Ray. So many, too many to remember. Behind the WICKED compound, out on missions, in the med bay, on the training room name it," he says. I hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Now I know he's messing with me, but I'm still embarrassed. And pissed at these supposed girls.
I roll my eyes. "So when did I become so special?"
"You always were, Ray." He finally drops the amusement, and tease in his voice. He's looking at me with an intensity that makes me lower my eyes. I feel his fingers under my chin and he lifts my face so I'm looking up at him. His dark eyes are drilling into mine. I feel like I just jumped off a ledge into the unknown. And I'm terrified.
I told you I would tag you! ;) It's not huge- but it's there! I promised.
Okay, what do we now think of Theo? Do we think he's gonna stay a Four or pull a Gale? Maybe a Newt...? ooo the possibilities are ENDLESS!
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