New 2
"Everyone do not panic! I'll check out the Invaders!" Furlan stops me, his expression holds concern. "Are you crazy? We should at least go together!"
"Your right, I wasn't thinking straight.'' Furlan looks back up at the wooden ship. "Ready?" I ask him, he loudly gulps. "Will I ever be?." We quickly swim up to the ship, careful not to expose ourselves in the sunlight.
Our head breaches the surface of the oceans waters, we stay close to the ship and its shade as we listen. Loud bustling can be heard on the ship." How many do you think are on board?" Furlan asks in a soft whisper.
"I'm not sure, maybe 20? Or...30?" Furlan sighs "shit" he curses annoyed. "The map says they live around here!" Feet pound towards us, I shove myself on furlan forcing us closer to the ship. "Shh" we carefully listened.
"You sure mermaids aren't just legends?" a husky voice asks a friend Levi assumes. "Can't be a legend! I've heard rumors that some of them hide themselves amongst us!" the other voice reassures their friend. "Arent rumors and legends the same damn thing?" the husky voice questions again. "No way! My friend's brother said he caught one of the hiding mermaids, chained her up and took her far and wide around the world! Said his brother made himself so rich he almost has as much as a king!"
"Yeah well i hope this is worth it captain" as levi listened his rage grew stronger. Levi pointed down and both Furlan and Levi went back beneath the waters. "Selfish bastards! Is money the only thing these humans care about?"
'Levi we can be pissed off later, the people need their king and a plan to get rid of these pirates". Furlan was right and Levi knew it so he took a deep breath and his stoic facade returned. "I know you wont like this Furlan but as your king i need you to trust me"
"Shit i really not going to like this if you're already pulling the king card" levi rolls his eyes at furlans comment. "Do you trust me Furlan as your king?" Furlan takes a long moment "yes I trust you as my king" Levi smirks.
"Good, here's the plan, I'll have to expose myself to the pirates- don't give me that look you already agreed to this plan when you said you trust me." Levi glares at Furlan, furlans response is putting his hands up and letting Levi continue.
"Now like i said, i'll have to expose myself to the pirates, once i confirm their attention is on me i'll use our song to entrance them, if this goes to plan i'll give you the signal and you, the military and i will use hydrokinesis overthrow the pirates ship and drown them."
Furlan agrees but quickly speaks up before Levi can do anything self sacrificing. "What if this doesn't work? What if they harm you?" levi can sense the panic slowly rising in Furlan."i hope you and the military will be ready to have my back, now prepare them and when your ready i'll start the attack."
With the plan set and ready to be put into motion Furlan races back to the palace to prepare the troops while Levi keeps careful watch of the pirates. Minutes pass by as Levi keeps careful watch, he notices the pirates are preparing to throw more stuff into the waters.
Just as Furlan arrives Levi sets off "Wait! I thought you were going to attack...when..i was...ready..." Levi pokes his head above the water to find the perfect spot, no land could be spotted for now so he figured he would need to find a rock. He looks around and just when he thinks he might have to change the plan he finds a somewhat large eroded rock near the pirates. Levi speeds off to the rock and carefully sits himself on top of it, the sun blared down on him so he was going to need to make this quick in fear of burning. The sun being hot and bright makes Levi notice the jewelry reflecting the rays. "I can use this to grab the pirates attention".
Levi smirks and purposely blind one of the pirates to grab their attention, while putting on the act that he is sunbathing. It seems to work as Levi hears a shout of pain than realization. "No bloody way...C-captain! M-m-mermaid!" The crew rush over to where the pirate shouted at and see Levi as well. The captain rushing over pulls out his spyglass and confirms it's a mermaid. The crew starts to get loud- the captain fearing his idiot crew might make the mermaid run off he shushes them.
"You idiots trying to scare the creature away? After this long journey you idiots are going to risk being loud!.. Erwin! Prepare the spears and nets! Mike gets us closer to that mermaid! The rest of you! Prepare yourselves there is a possibility you could be bewitched by their song."
"Yes sir!' they all shout.
Minutes pass till the pirates get close enough to levi, at this point levi feels a bit ill from the constant heat but continues on with the plan. " Well hello there mermaid-man?" Levi acknowledges the pirates' presence. " Hello there? Who are you?" the captain introduces himself as such, and continues to "bring" Levi to him.
If i make a move now with my song they could try and kill me...shit did i wait too long? This could be risky but I have to give it a shot. "You men like music? I'm not feeling hungry right now and I'm bored, could I entertain you?" Levi pretends to be naive; the captain doesn't seem to completely trust it. "Maybe a few lyrics, that's it though! Erwin you ready?" the captain suddenly calls out "yes sir!" the man the pirate called Erwin responds from somewhere on the ship.
Levi catches it and starts to feel uneasy but continues anyway.
"I hope you enjoy it!" Levi adds before he starts.
"Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray
Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay
Conversing with a young lass, who seemed to be in pain
Saying, "William, when you go, I fear you will never return again"
The men seem to panic "stop that mermaid! Or we will all be killed!" harpoons launched at Levi who quickly signaled Furlan. Levi dives back into the water, only revealing his torso does he use hydrokinesis to rock the ship. Hydrokinesis the power of manipulating water. Only when the user is out of water can this power's full capacity be used.
"Hold steady men!" the captain shouts as two fall out of the ship, Levi tears the white silk cloth around his face off. "Furlan attack now!' Levi shouts, the troops launch themselves out of the ocean with spears in their hands, they impale some pirates and take the poor souls to the depths of the waters.
Levi, not having enough strength to completely tip over the particular large ship, decides to at least puncture the vessel. Assuring the ship would sink.
The pirates hear creaking from their boat "she's in distress!" The captain orders them to fire in the water with their cannons and guns. Levi and his men were now in danger of the cannons and guns firing at them, using more force Levi uses the water around him like a whip taking out a cannon. Using his power can cause great stress on their body's if it's used too much so Levi ducks back into the ocean, making sure not to become a liability to his men while they attack and defend.
But Levi's short breather is ended when he notices some pirates fighting back while underneath the water, Levi aids his men once again this time with his favorite blade.
Erwin wasn't sure if letting the siren sing at all was a good idea after the captain's warning that they could be enchanted, but Erwin went below deck after his captain gave him a specific look, telling erwin the captain knew something could be wrong. Erwin grabbed the loaded harpoons and snuck them up to the top deck, with hopes of not alerting the creature of their weapons he quietly set the weapons down.
Before the mermaid could complete his song the captain ordered to attack, Erwin didn't even have a chance to get a good look at the mermaid before war was waged, and the ship is suddenly being tipped over back and forth. Two of the men fell out of the ship while the rest tried to hang on for dear life. Now sirens were launching themselves out of the ocean with spears, Erwin wasn't sure if any of them were going to survive this mess.
Loud noises begin to sound off from the use of the canons and their guns.
Erwin remembers stories of sirens, being evil and sending most sailors to their death. Erwin suddenly has adrenaline rush through him when a siren leaps and attempts to grab Erwin attempting to bring him into the water. He dodges the siren. "Carefully aim your guns at them!"
shouts the sounds of battle continue to cry out, another siren leaps out and with a sword aims at Erwin, Erwin takes his own blades and stabs the siren, the siren squirms in pain and lets out a horrible shriek. Erwin covers his ears; he stumbles back when a rope suddenly latches itself around his neck yanking him, his crew mate saves him, cutting the rope and firing his gun at the shadows in the water.
Slowly the crew grows smaller as more are dragged into the water, or stabbed, cannons still go off but are slowing down. Erwin takes note of the ship's damage "we're almost fully sunk!" he shouts Erwin starts to untie the emergency boat, once the boat is untied Erwin notices water flooding the stairs ''where's the captain!?" Erwin asks "I'm afraid he's been yanked to the sea" another answers ''great" Erwin huffs "keep away from the sails the last thing you will want is to be suffocated by them" Erwin starts to order the survivors. "Youngest members get on the boat quickly!" Erwin shouts they start to file In he. Goes to get in but a siren leaps at last minute dragging him into the ocean he notices the armor and fights the siren back when he can't hold his breath anymore he stabs the siren and quickly swims to the surface of the water. He breaks the surface and sucks in much needed air before he is dragged back down he sees the emergency boat being attacked.
Something suddenly yanks his foot down and he is back under the sea he fights the siren off again reaching the point of drowning when something catches his eye.
A siren with jet black short hair, slight makeup paints his eyelids, his silver eyes glare into Erwin's as he kills another pirate, he notices how Levi's silver black blue tail catches In the rays of the sun. He notices Levi's weapons and he loses consciousness.
Levi noticed the pirate as soon as he entered the water, he looked different then the rest his blond hair flowed gently in the water , his face was strong and stern, he was quite built, he noticed the pirate losing the battle and sees the pirates eyes, they are as blue as the ocean, and they held hope not fear. The pirate catches Levi eyes staring into his, the pirates blue eyes shifted to curiosity and not malicious. It felt like they were staring for a very long time till the pirate slowly closed his eyes. Levi panics; he races to the pirate taking him in his own grip. "Don't kill him!" He shouts at the soldier, the soldier froze and questions Levi as he took the pirate away from him. Levi swam up to the surface breaking the water bringing Erwin up with him.
"Stay alive you filthy pirate!" Levi tries to wake up the pirate but it wasn't working, he searched for the closest land with humans, he swam for a bit until he found land with houses, he carefully (slightly struggling) got the pirate on land, he saw children running about so he quickly shouted after he was safely in the water the children spot Erwi, Levi left he gave the pirate fare chances to make it although he wasn't sure why.
Levi decides If he lives then so be it. When he came back to his kingdom Furlan was shouting for him "I'm alive! Calm down" Levi rolls his eyes "where were you?" Levi shrugged "I had to check something out though I was another ship turned out to be nothing" Levi lied but Furlan believed him.
"Outcome status?" Levi asks "No survivors" Furlan states levi nods pleased but the pirate still stayed on his mind.
After a few days they re-did the ceremony, this time it was successful. Levi would be going with Furlan and Isabel to the surface in order to gain human legs.
He is supposed to live with the humans for about 2 years while taking care of the kingdom.
(Chapter 3 coming soon)
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