1 Re written
I rewrote everything so you going to want to re read the chapters!)
There comes a moment in every merfolk's life that will change the world of our civilization. This is a ceremony the Merfolk of Rose celebrate.
This is a special moment of receiving human legs. For centuries our civilization has adapted such ceremonies to live among humans. We only live with humans for a short period of time spanning 2 years.
We adapt this way to learn of their behavior and learn how they survive. This celebration is known as "Hito no Matsuri" 人 ノ マッリ"Festival of man".
(this is a rough translation that was NOT reviewed by a native Japanese speaker)
The common merfolk celebrate this with their family and friends, but us royals celebrate with the entire kingdom. When my mother Kuchel Ackerman died of human sickness she left me the throne and a missing human father.
Her only wish was for me to find my own happiness and to take care of our kingdom.
It seems her wish is soon to come.
"Crown prince! The royal court wishes to gather for an important meeting." A servant rushes into my room, she has a soft but nervous voice. I cast my eyes away from the sea glass window and acknowledged her presence.
"Seems my relaxing time is over..." I mumble, with a quiet sigh I nod. "forgive me crown prince! I warned them of this, but they are persistent."
Pinching the bridge of my nose I take a breath noting the salty smell as I feel somewhat less tense. "Not to worry, tell them to gather at the imperial courthouse" the servant nods as she bows and leaves.
"Sounds urgent? Levi." I almost forgot Furlan and Isabel are in the room with me. "What do you think it's about?" Isabel asks. She carefully manipulates the water around her hand to force her jagged dagger in the 'air" with ease, just before it lands in her hand I snatch it.
"Hey!" I press my finger against my lips shushing her "I think I know what they're on about" Furlan smirks. " okay can you two stop with the silent agreement and just tell me?" Isabel whines. I use hydrokinesis and flick the point of the dagger across the opposite wall from her. It lands directly on the painted mural. " damn, why so dramatic!?" She frets.
Rolling my eyes I open my lips to speak." There's only one thing it could possibly be... my coming of age ceremony" silent "ooh" makes shape with her lips.
"Ah that's right you turn 18 this moon." she lazily scratches her head. "You think they want to quickly go along with the ceremony?" Furlan now asks, I nod.
"Only one way to find out...let's go." The three of us leave the large room, and go down the many long halls, we reach outside into the coral gardens and make our way to the imperial court.
I enter from the back of the stone building, Isabel and Furlan join me. "The crown prince has arrived!" The prime minister announces. I walk through the heavily detailed room into the court. All of them bow as I take my seat,the stone detailed frame work behind me is slightly covered by furlan and Isabel who stand on opposite sides of me.
"Why did you call for this meeting prime minister?" I ask, with a lack of interest hinting in my voice. the old man glares but adjusts himself with a sly smile. "Your 18th birthday comes soon crown prince! You must accept the throne it's what the late Queen Kuchel, wished for you before the illness took her"
I glare at the old man, realizing he wanted to keep his head, he bows. "You.." I growl but he interrupts. "You must marry soon after the two years, to rightfully take your place on the throne, I encourage you to make heist with the ceremony or you will lose that right!"
I slam my fist on the table shutting the old man up "you! You dare speak to me like that? From the day my mother birthed me I have had the right to THIS throne, you dare suggest otherwise!" I can feel the veins on my forehead pop, "of course crown prince but one thing stands in the way! Your blood is not pure! Your moth-" Isabel and Furlan draw their weapons in silent threat.
"You wish to lose your tongue?" I threaten him, he covers his mouth "do not bring such topic up again"
"Yes crown prince" he backs away "with all do respect crown prince without the ceremony the merfolk may not recognize you as their king!" The court officials now and all at once speak "we ask you take confederation of this matter and continue the throne!" I shoo them "yes, yes whatever I'll think about it, Dismissed!"
The court officials scurry away out the front of the building Isabel and Furlan still stay by my side. " come Levi, let's head back to your room '' Furlan offers his hand, I nod helping myself up. "still dislike possible germs I see" Furlan sighs and Isabel snickers.
"I don't see why you should feel upset this has ever changed" I say flatly.
We start our path back to my chambers. We pass through the same gardens and halls till we reach my chamber. Isabel opens the door and we go in, let's sit at the table, she offers I agree as we do so.
Isabel places shrimp into freshly cleaned coral cups, I silently groan accepting the food, I eat the shrimp feeling somewhat better as I contemplate my situation. "By your grim expression I assume you feel unsure about your place and the ceremony?"
Furlan guesses right "not only would I have to live with filthy humans but think about marrying? Not to forget I don't know if my mother approves of me taking the throne!" Furlan places his hand on my shoulder, I pause.
Isabel speaks " Your mother couldn't be more proud of you levi! No one else can take the throne but you! We will deal with the marriage thing uh well...never!" She's trying to cheer me up and speak with heart in her words but I still feel unsure.
"We will be there for you at your side! Do not worry Levi, we believe in you as our king."
Moments pass as silence fills the room. Isabel and Furlan continue to reassure Levi, they believe he is going to be fine and they promise to help him. Furlan as they are sitting has an amazing idea to help Levi relax. Furlan suggests they spar to take the stress off of Levi's mind then re-assess the ceremony.
"Why don't we have a little spar, Levi? It could help you clear your mind" Furlan offers me, "since when did our spar's ever stay civil?" Furlan rolls his eyes at my comment "let's be honest levi you get more at ease when you are busy" furlan spits back, a sly smirk pulls on his lips as his face stays stoic.
"Fine then let's go" I agree and we both stand up, I grab my favorite blades and Furlan does the same. "Training grounds sound like a good place?" Furlan asks I nod "no one will get in the way"
With the location decided we make way to the grounds. Once there, we take our preferred positions. The stand off starts about 6 feet away from one another, glaring at each other, Isabel is in the background watching with excitement.
It's quiet until Furlan says "are you too scared to strike me?" He taunts Levi, scoffs and rolls his eyes, he knows what game Furlan is trying to play. "That's not going to work on me"
In just a moment the battle commences, they both lunge at each other at different speeds. Levi having the shorter stature keeps low to the ground, in mere moments he is in front of Furlan. Weapon in hand aiming at Furlan chest. "Shit!" Furlan slightly shouts in surprise.
Furlan quickly retreats back, giving himself and Levi space from another. Furlan calculates his next move carefully deciding to go in defense for now. He eyes Levi, Noticing the also calculating eyes reading Furlan next possible move.
"You caught me off guard there!" Furlan snickers, feeling his adrenaline rush through his body.
"You should always be ready for the unexpected Furlan" Furlan rolls his eyes "yeah, yeah I know" he smirks, going off defense and into offensive.
As Furlan gets closer Levi brings his favorite knives up towards his body, his right arm, holds his knife at a 30 degree angle, the blades point slightly towards the ground ready for defensive attacks and his left mirrors in the opposite direction. Levi knows Furlan plans to hit hard.
Furlan does a quick strike with his right blade making contact with Levi's weapon, a somewhat loud clang sounds from the connecting blades. Furlan uses his body weight to throw Levi off balance. It almost works but Levi attacks himself, gaining his momentum in the water. Levi smoothly ducks down and elbow shoves Furlan in the stomach, making Furlan gasp from the impact.
Levi sees his opportunity as Furlan unknowingly gives Levi enough Space to attack again, Furlan shouts in surprise as he hits the ground. Levi now on top of him has his blades against Furlan's neck.
"Jeez alright you win!" Furlan whines, "you almost had me" Levi admits as he helps Furlan up. "That was amazing!!" Isabel shouts the two almost forgot she was there. " Can you spar with me next!?" Her eyes light up. It's hard for Levi to say no but he will never admit that.
"You and I can later, we need to refocus on the ceremony.." Furlan chimes in. Levi nods agreeing, "Furlan is right, maybe later we can spar." Isabel frowns "fine".
"Why not swim around town while we chat?" Isabel offers, "alright sounds better than being stuck here" I agree Furlan just smiles and we make our way to the town.
As Levi leisurely swims around the huge town with Isabel and Furlan, he starts to recall small moments with his mother before she died. Whenever he was down she would offer shrimp and a story when he was little.
Rarely would she talk about his father, apparently he was a pirate...he was captured by Kuchel's beauty. When it was time for her ceremony she left to the humans, she was in search of him. She was able to find him but they only had one encounter. That led to me, she lied to the imperial court that she married a royal human who was always busy, little did we know the time she spent with him would cause her death.
"Levi? Did you hear me?" Isabel asks, I shake my head re focusing on what was happening. "Forgive me, I got lost in thought" I tilt my head down in a form of bowing.
She sighs but replaces her concern with a sad smile. "Your mother always cared for you, she even let Furlan and I stay by your side even though we were poorer than commoners."
I smile recalling the memory. "My mother cared not for class, she cherished friends more" Isabel and Furlan smile as they agree. "Levi, honestly I believe your mother wants you to do this.." I nod "let's head back to the castle, it seems I have a meeting I need to attend"
They nod we quickly swim back, I track down my "butler"
"Nick, Call the imperial officials to the court house, we need to discuss some details" nods and quickly swims off. "Nervous Levi?" Furlan asks "a little".
After an hour the meeting starts. Levi brings up the topic noting the court's concern and agrees to the ceremony. The court is satisfied with Levi's answer and sets a date for the ceremony to take place.
The date quickly shows up, the people of his kingdom show great excitement for the ceremony, music sounds around the castle. Furlan helps Levi prepare.
Isabel also helps, she helps with the jewelry. Levis ink black fan shaped tail and side fins glimmer with the gold. Two small gold rings decorated the end of his tail. His hips hang silver beads and his wrist has gold clasps. His nose to chin is slightly covered by white silk.
Upon his forehead rests a deep red pendant, accented with a gold chain headdress wrapping around his ink black hair.
"You look magnificent levi!" Isabel says in awe Furlan nods "I agree, your masculine but feminine looks could fool any creature". "Tch jerk," I glare, swimming away from them looking in the sea glass mirror, I feel somewhat satisfied I look ready to be king.
In silent agreement we make our way to the landing above the coral grounds, just over the ridge is the location where the ceremony is held.
We reach it and wait for the announcement,
The highest court official announces the start of the ceremony, then calls for Levi to come, Levi stiffly swims over, Levi gives a short speech and when he finishes the crown starts to be brought to his head but the court official stops. Anchor suddenly drops and almost crushed Levi as it hit the castle ground.
"What?" Levi shouts confused until he looks up and sees the bottom of a ship "pirates!" Furlan finishes Levi's thoughts. Levis fins flare in a threatening manner showing his anger.
(New and improved! 2255 words in counting see you next chapter!)
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