49 I Made A Big Mistake
trigger warning
She's too pretty.
She's the girl you see in the movies. The redhead next door everyone loves. The secret freak. The one with an assertive smirk and knowing eyes, innocent freckles and a melodic laugh.
Worst of all, she also knows how to dress.
Brown high-heel boots that make her legs long. Dark denim jeans, snug on curvy thighs. A soft, green button-down, accentuating her breasts that are much bigger than mine.
My heart pounds so fast, I don't realize the three of us are already standing face to face.
"I thought you'd be home by now," she says to Gio, making me scowl.
Bottled tension radiates from him. "You could've called."
She chuckles. I picture her screaming as I rip off her hair. As if sensing my rage, she drifts her attention to me and scans my outfit.
"... Celia, my girlfriend." Gio finishes while the two of us stare. "Celia, this is Vivien. My ex-wife."
"How's the adjustment going?" She coos to me. I scowl harder at her condescending tone.
"What adjustment?" I look at Gio. "You guys talk? Why didn't I know about this?"
"You shouldn't be here," Gio warns, growing more annoyed. "Ari wasn't supposed to see you."
"Then let's get out," she raises an exasperated brow, scoffing under her breath.
"Excuse me?" I twist to fully face Gio and he gives me a cold look.
"Go inside. I'll be back in an hour."
"Excuse me?" I say louder.
"I need to talk to her alone."
"Really?" I smile sarcastically, then turn serious. "Walk with me before you regret it."
I stride straight at Vivien, not waiting for her to get out of my way, causing her to stumble and curse under her breath. Gio follows me inside the house without a word and shuts the door.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I laugh.
"It's not what you think," he says in a clipped tone, pressing his lips. His arm swings to the side, punching the wall behind him.
"Bravo for that performance nobody asked for. Now use your words." I cross my arms.
"I don't have time to explain, Celia. It'll have to wait until I'm back. And watch the way you talk to me, my patience has limits." He passes me to open the door, but I slam it shut and glare at him.
"Do I look like the type of bitch that's going to stay home while you go out with your ex-wife and not tell me why? Tell me what the fuck is going on!"
"I need her to do something." He pins me with a look that says not to push it. "And I'll tell you when I'm back. And yes, you'll stay home and watch Ari. She can't know about this."
"You expect me to lie? For something I don't even know about?" Defeat sinks down my rage. He really is going to leave. No matter what I say.
His bunched eyebrows relax, and he sighs, voice back to normal. "I didn't want any of this. I'm sorry. She did it on purpose and it worked."
Suddenly he cups my face and kisses me, holding me to him for one long, frustrated moment. His grip and harsh breath telling me he needs this.
"I'm sorry..." he whispers, brushing his thumbs over my cheeks. "Please trust me. Listen to me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You know that, right? You know how much I love you?"
My throat constricts, making it too hard to speak. "Please, why are you leaving? Why won't you stay with me? What's so important? Why didn't you tell me?"
What have I become? Crying for a man not to leave.
"Shh, baby, baby..." He kisses my forehead then hugs me, pressing me hard against him. "Everything's okay. I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you. Understand? I love you, Celia. I'm just going to go talk to her for an hour. I'll be back in an hour. I promise. Okay? Just an hour."
He holds me until I calm down, but when he pulls back, panic rises in my stomach.
"One hour." He assures me, wiping under my eyes. Then kisses my forehead once more, before opening the door. "Lock the door behind you."
I watch him walk down the green front yard to her. Even from where she's standing by the gate, I don't miss the way she rakes her gaze over him with pleasure and possession.
I slam the door shut when she catches me staring and smirks. My rage is back again and it's eating me from the inside, crawling out.
This just won't do.
I call Chase. He yells with his usual, rascal energy. "What's up wildcat—"
"Why is Vivien here?" I ask like it's no big deal.
He becomes calm and serious. "Did... you talk to Gio?"
"He left with her." I clutch the phone harder, shaking with nerves. "To talk. Do you know about what?"
"Wait for him to explain. This is not my place."
"You said you have my back."
"I do. But Gio's your boyfriend and you have to trust him. You know how much he loves you. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Do you trust him?"
Tears blur my eyes. "I don't trust anyone."
I hang up and leave my phone in the living room, then run to our bedroom. I jerk the drawers as wide as they go, tossing everything out, searching for signs.
I open the prepaid phones, but they're unused. I find some papers but they're just electricity bills. Holy Trinity sample packages, snacks, my red panties.
An hour passes, Gio doesn't come back. Arthur and Chanel bring sleeping Ari home, then go out for dinner. I look out the window, it's already dark. Where are they? What are they doing? Why was I kept out of the loop? Am I not important enough? Why wouldn't he trust me? Is it because I'm just a girlfriend? Will the mother of his daughter always have priority?
Are we going to spend birthdays together from now on? Will Ari forget about me? Will she stop loving me? And if that happens, will Gio go back to Vivien? Will they become a family and abandon me?
I shrivel into a small matter. I can't even sit in our bed. I slide down the door and curl my knees to myself, I drop my head and shut my eyes, hating the whimpers that come out of me. Crying for help that never comes. Falling deep into a hole so familiar, the darkness feels safe.
I clench my jaw to not scream. I hate men. I hate all of them. I hate being dependent and needy. I hate being afraid. I want my power back.
And there's only one way to get it.
So I text Alex.
"When?" He replies within a minute.
"Now?" I text. "Outside Gio's."
"Oh. Is he home?"
"Yup. He is." His truck is parked outside. Thankfully, they went on a nice ride in her silver Mercedes!
"Cool. See you in 15." Alex replies.
I grab a flashlight and a pen, so we don't have an excuse to go in. This whole thing should last sixty seconds. Then it'll be over and done with.
"You look nice," Alex notes, getting out of his red sports car. He puts his hands in the pockets of his burgundy suit. "Coming from a road trip?"
"Since when do you wear glasses?" I scowl at the clear, thin rectangle glasses he's wearing.
His lips tug upward. "It's just for one eye."
Oh. After I smashed his face with a glass.
"Your plastic surgery looks nice." I sheepishly change the topic. "I don't see any scars."
"Well..." He chuckles bitterly, looking down. "Perks of being rich. You know?"
Right. Okay, that's enough of niceties.
"So, do you have it?" I ask.
Alex opens the side of his jacket and pulls out the paperwork, then hands it over with a sleek, blue pen.
While I sign the copy on the hood of his car, he also places down the keys. A New York keychain attached to them. Butterflies in my stomach. I can't believe it's actually happening.
I have an apartment. My mom's apartment. I can be free. Independently.
"I also brought these, in case you need help. New York will be overwhelming at first." Alex reaches a stack of maps, booklets, and magazines, all about New York. He folds the copy of the apartment contract and puts it in his jacket.
"You didn't have to do that..." I half-heartedly take the items, grimacing at them.
"What made you change your mind, by the way?" He squints. "Your dad will be so happy you accepted it. He's been asking about you! They keep..." He shakes his head with a laugh. "They keep asking me to make amends with you—"
"You can't."
"I know..." He frowns, voice becoming quiet. He rubs the back of his neck. "Um, could I use your restroom? I'm two hours away."
"How? You live close to me."
"Not anymore, I moved out. Well, more like, my dad kicked me out..."
"There's a gas station nearby, you can use the bathroom there" I say calmly and turn around.
"Hey, good luck out there!" Alex says behind me, opening the driver's door. "You deserve to find some peace. And uh, if you ever need anything." He frowns at me, and for a moment, he's the friend I've known since childhood. "Just... remember me. Sometimes. If you can."
I guess... this is goodbye.
Is it normal for my heart to ache?
I look at Alex, and realize, this might be the last time we see each other. At the end, despite his demons, he actually helped me get out of here.
"Gio's in the room, but you can use the bathroom for one minute," I warn him. "Just make it quick."
"Oh, thanks. I was about to piss myself." He jokes, rushing past me through the gate.
"Keep your voice down," I murmur, opening the door. "Down the hall, to your left."
"Thanks, Cel. I'll be out of your hair in a sec." He stalks through the living room, disappearing to the left. When I hear the bathroom door close, I quietly check on Ari to see if she's awake.
When I open the door, she's not in her bed. Before panic takes over, I rush to Gio's room.
"I wanted to watch TV before sleeping." She smiles at me, lying in the middle of the king-sized bed.
I laugh, nervously glancing at all the shit on top of the drawers I didn't put back.
"Can I have a hug? I missed you." She lifts her arms, and I don't have the heart to say no. I quickly bend and wrap my arms around her.
She hugs my neck and sighs. "You always smell so nice."
"So do you," I whisper, losing my composure. "You're so sweet to me, Ari."
"Because I love you!" She giggles, pulling back. Her eyes sparkle at me, and somehow, some broken pieces in my chest mold back into place.
"Aw, what a sweet moment..." A male voice croons and my heart drops to my stomach.
Alex has the door creaked open just enough for his face to show through. A face with slightly frozen eyes and a dazed, absent smile.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Adrenaline bursts through me, making my voice shake.
"I thought you said Gio's home..." He steps in like he owns the place, then gapes at something on the dresser. "No way... I fucking knew it!"
He picks up the pocket-sized Bible and flips it open, grinning at the labeled, empty bottles inside. "I knew that son of a bitch Patrick was lying. You are the one who's selling these!"
"Celia..." Ari whimpers behind me.
"Alex, you're scaring her." I put my hand on his arm, softly urging him back. "Let's talk outside."
"You think I give a shit? That little cunt's dad has been forcing you to sell drugs. Why would you protect them?" He wrinkles his face. Stench of cigarettes and heavy cologne flare my nostrils. "You still think he loves you, huh? Even after he left to be with his wife. You're okay being his second? I thought you're better than that."
"Mom's here?" Ari panics. "Celia?"
"Get out of here!" I push Alex, making him stumble back. Blocking his view, I grab my pocket knife from the dresser behind me and hide it under my waistband. "Gio will kill you if he finds out about this. Don't be stupid."
"Unfortunately, you're not in a position to threaten." Alex grabs my wrist in a painful grip, yanking me out of the room. Pain pierces through my shoulder, knocking the air out of my lungs.
"Ari, stay inside! Don't come out!" I yell over my shoulder. "Don't come out until I'm back!"
He hurries out of the house and releases me, pulling out his phone to type something.
"What are you doing?" I ask, glancing at Chanel's house to see if they're home. Not yet. Alex must've known they're gone. I look towards our house, at the cameras Gio has installed outside, wondering if I'd be lucky enough for him to randomly check them on his phone right now.
My phone. Where's my phone? I left it on Ari's bed. Good. Someone will call. Ari will pick up and tell them what's going on.
But Alex waves his arm, looking over my shoulder outside the gate, and I turn to find four men coming towards us. Dressed in black.
"Alex? W-what are going to do?" Have have I done? Oh God. What the fuck have I done? I'm the worst. I deserve to die right now.
One of them whistles, raking his gaze over me like I'm a piece of meat.
"Not yours." Alex pulls out a gun, catching me so off guard, I jump out of my skin.
"Don't worry, they won't try anything." He smirks at my reaction, pointing the muzzle at the guy who whistled. "Do what you're paid to do. Don't piss me off. Celia, won't you please open the garage door for these gentlemen?"
"I, I don't have the keys—" I cry out as a gunshot blasts in my ears. Alex shot into the sky.
"Now, Celia." He grabs my wrist, taking me to the backyard. "And I swear to God, if you try to protect them one more time, I'll stop being nice."
He stops me in front of the garage. With trembling fingers, I punch the code to unlock. Alex enters the pitch-black, small room, dragging me with him. The men stand behind me.
"There's got to be a second door. Open it," says Alex.
"I, I've n-never set foot here—" My face is shoved into a concrete wall, cutting my cheekbone open. Warm blood gushes down. Bright lights flash behind my eyes. Their laughters echo.
"Open the door, Celia," he drawls, his hand on the back of my neck. I don't know how, my hands move at their own record and find the lock, pressing the code for the second door open.
The smell of cannabis and the hum of the ventilators appear as the purple room is revealed. I see their black shoes move in the tight space, while they knock potted plants on the ground.
"Damn, just look at this!" Alex laughs, taking a deep inhale. "Too bad I'm about to destroy it all. Hey, Cel. How much does all this cost?"
"I, I have no clue—" My head is spinning. Nausea waters my mouth. I make weird noises trying to wake up, trying to snap out of it.
"... bad business woman. No wonder you couldn't get a job. Are you actually dumb?" He grabs my chin, pleased at the way my blood stains his fingers. "Hm? Use that head, come on. I believe in you. How much for all this amazing weed you've grown with your boyfriend?"
"Maybe fifty thousand, I don't know, Alex! I can't think!" I cry, unable to get a hold of myself.
"Shit, you sold yourself for that much?" He roams his eyes over me, then clicks his tongue, smirking at the guys behind me. "Must be worth it."
A survival instinct hits me suddenly. I use his distraction to reach back and whip my knife out. He sucks in a sharp breath, eyes wide as I press the tip of the sharp blade right under his chin.
"Drop your fucking gun, now." I grit out the words, trying not to sound so scared.
"Come on..." He laughs, raising his hands beside him. "Don't do that to your mom, Celia."
My pulse stops at the mention of her and that's all it takes for Alex to smack the knife out of my hand and push the gun to my forehead.
"On your knees now." Alex grabs the top of my head and forces me down. I cry out.
"What are you doing?" The men behind me mutter in surprise.
A belt unbuckles and leather slides out of a loop. Alex fists my hair. "Open your eyes! We're going to film a little video for your boyfriend."
"Are you sure, man? He'll kill you..."
"I'll kill him first!" Alex bends over and looks me in the eyes. "Where's your Gio, huh? Fucking his ex-wife while you're here, on your knees, surrounded by five guys. Don't you want revenge? Come on, show him that he's nothing. Show him what a mistake he's made believing that you love him! Go on. Suck me o—"
Something small and black attacks his face, hissing and growling with fury. Alex screams, trying to pry Luna off, his face already bloody.
I run out of there as fast as possible, pushing past the unmoving figures of men.
~ A/N~
At least... Luna got her revenge.
Next update will be either Monday or Tuesday, fam. Just wanted you to know. And the book is a couple of chapters away from being complete. Get ready for one final ride <3
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