29 Just Do It Already
One Month Later
"This is not good," Chase mutters in front of us. "We should've had dispensaries ready to buy from us by now."
Gio is sitting beside me in the patio chair at this outdoor lounge and restaurant. Pop music plays in the background and waitresses pass us by, serving Mediterranean food. Our 6 PM weekly meetings here have become a routine.
"I like Celia's idea to sell individually!" Oscar shrugs in his seat. "Why not? She's got the style to work on the branding. We'll make more money."
Gio looks at me from the corner of his eye, traveling his gaze down to my cropped black sweater and short leather skirt. His lips curve into a little smirk against the rim of his beer bottle and I bite my lip to hide my own amusement.
"Yeah, but we'd need to make the team bigger to accomplish that which means splitting the money between more people. This is stressing me out!" Chase paces around our table.
I swing my leg back and forth that's crossed over the other. Gio's eyes drink them in as he quirks a single eyebrow at my black pantyhose and high-heel boots.
"Hello?" Chase waves between us. "Are you guys even listening?"
"Yes," I look up at him, thankful that the evening hides my blush.
"What did I say?" He puts his hands on his hips as I smile sheepishly, he smacks his lips and glares at Gio. "Can you please do something already? You both are starting to piss me off."
"Relax, why are you so frustrated?" Gio chuckles.
He barely fits in the chair. Leaning back, shoulders wide, neck tan. Legs long and spread open. Wearing a dark blue button-down and black jeans, black boots. Sleeves rolled around strong forearms. Hands large and relaxed on the armrests. Hair a soft mess. Stubble full and defined. Green eyes shining with mischief.
And when he bites his lip, with a subtle eye roll, then looks at me, my heart gets pregnant.
"He's just jealous you're not paying attention to him anymore," Oscar smiles at Chase.
"No, I'm just tired of these two giving each other googly eyes all day!" he snaps, raising his palm at Gio. "Just ask her out and focus! Focus on work!"
I laugh, throwing my head back. "Yeah, you need to get laid. I feel so bad for you."
Chase smirks at me slowly and looks over his shoulder, then at Gio. "Alright, let's go."
"Where are you going?" Oscar asks while I take a sneaky sip of Gio's beer. The only one that notices is no one, because I've mastered the art.
"We're just going to talk to those ladies," Chase shrugs. I look behind him to find two very pretty girls who just walked in and sat across from us.
"Do you want to die?" I smile at Chase. Gio next to me smirks.
"Why? You two aren't together," Chase points between us. "I can't take Oscar, he's a married man. But Gio's single."
"Single and unavailable," I raise my brow.
"A single man is always available," Chase tries to hold his laughter, making my blood boil. "Let's go Gio, I need you as my wingman."
"I'm good, thanks," Gio chuckles.
"Oh, come on. Why are you so scared of Celia! She can't do anything."
"That's what you think!" He shakes his head like he's having a flashback. "I'm not risking anything..."
"That's right," I shimmy in my seat, shooing Chase away. "So you just go talk to them on your own!"
"Okay, I'll bring them over here," Chase grins. "And I'll tell them who's single and who isn't."
"Chase," Gio warns.
I hit my butter knife on my plate and stare blankly at Chase. He matches my gaze as I slowly drag the tip across the ceramic surface, making a loud screeching sound. Oscar tries not to wince.
"There's no bread on your plate Celia, calm down," Chase waves me off. "You'll destroy the plate and then Gio will have to pay for it. It's already bad enough he's not getting any."
I lean forward, waving the knife. "If you bring them over, you won't ever get any. Understand?"
"Chase, stop." Gio tries to be serious, but he's enjoying this. Cocky bastard.
"Fine," I stand up, smiling at both of them. "Go bring them, I'll teach them who's available."
"What are you doing?" Gio asks, all humor now gone.
The three of them watch me as I strut around our table, my heels hitting the pavement.
"Nothing." I stand between Chase and Gio, behind the girls and in front of our table.
I lean my hands on the table and bend one leg. Gio's gaze glues to my ass that's now in danger of being exposed if I bend any lower.
"What is she doing?" Chase asks Gio who is giving me a dry 'are you serious?' look.
I smirk at him and slowly arch my back, lowering my chest over the table. My skirt rides up the back of my thighs and my butt is about to—
"Ah!" I squeal and laugh at the same time as Gio throws his arm around my waist and pulls me on his lap.
"Fucking brat," he mutters under his breath, tone with threat and dark amusement.
"Hey, hey, hey. We're in a public place!" Chase pales in front of us, stepping back.
I giggle at Chase, shifting on Gio's thigh to wrap my arms around his neck. "Know your place."
Chase shrugs, feigning indifference. "Fine. I was going to tell you that there's a very rich, handsome man checking you out, but you missed your chance."
"Where?" I lower my heels on the ground to get up but Gio tightens his hold around my waist.
"Where?" He raises his eyebrow, pinning me with a calm gaze.
"What?" I act stupid. "He could be really handsome."
He chuckles, but I wait for his real reaction. A smile still on his face, he tightens his grip around the side of my hip, making me thrash.
My gasp morphs into a laugh. "Ow, asshole!"
Chase pays for our check— they take turns every time— and we head back home. Marilyn and Ari are in the living room, drawing Luna who's dressed in a pumpkin costume.
The smell of cinnamon and apple pie candles wafts the cozy atmosphere. Orange and brown pillows decorate the couch. A vase of red flowers is in the center of the dining table.
Luna meows for Gio, who bends to pet her head and calls her 'good girl,' which makes me want to throw Luna out the window. But only in my head. She's family. I wouldn't...
"How was the meeting?" My grandma asks Chase who goes in for a hug.
"Ugh, horrible mama," Chase complains, holding her hands. "No one takes me seriously, I have to take care of everyone. I feel like their parent!"
"More like a mental patient..." Oscar drawls, taking a seat on the couch. "He's just buttering you up so you don't kick his ass in poker again, Marilyn."
"Have you guys eaten?" Gio asks Marilyn, bending down to kiss Ari's head.
He checks out her drawing with a crinkle around his eyes and compliments it. Ari explains she tried to capture Luna's wisdom through her eyes and her royal spirit with her tail.
"I can see that," Gio nods with an impressive tone. "You have to draw me one day too!"
"Okay!" she giggles.
"Yes, but the food's still warm," Marilyn answers, sitting next to Oscar and watching the screen as he switches the channels. "You guys should eat, I can't stay too long tonight."
Chase joins them too while I go to the kitchen to set the table.
"Do you need help?" Gio asks, following me in.
I smile at him over my shoulder. "You're fine, I can handle it."
He opens the cabinet and takes out paper plates. "I don't mind."
I shake my head and open the fridge, grabbing cans of coke and water bottles.
Someone knocks on the door, making us turn our heads in surprise.
"I got it," I say as I walk to the door and open it. "Oh."
"Is Gio here?" Chanel asks me, coldness running through her veins.
Her brown turtleneck reaches her chin and her blonde hair is pinned back, the ends pointing in different directions.
"You look like a chicken," I try to keep a serious face. "Are you going to cluck?"
"Liam!" Ari yells from the living room and runs up to him.
"Let's go!" Liam takes her hand. "Luna, come on!"
Oscar pick up Luna and sets her gently on the ground. She struts slowly in her pumpkin costume, passing by my legs and out the door with them.
"What's up, Chanel? Everything okay?" Gio stands beside me and puts his hand on my waist. Not out of romance, no. To push me out of the way.
"Uh, yeah, I got your electricity bill..." Chanel trails off and hands him an envelope.
Gio's smile fades as he looks down at the open mail and unfolds the paper.
"I thought it's mine, that's why I opened it," Chanel says with a suspicious tone. "But then I realized the bill is ten times higher than mine..."
I stop breathing. Chase and I exchange a worried look. None of us say a word.
"Must be a mistake, I'll have to call them," Gio clicks his tongue, rubbing his neck.
"Yeah, I've never seen anything like that before," Chanel says, crossing her arms. She looks around the house, slightly surprised. "Are you having a gathering?"
"Poker night!" Chase booms.
"You should join," Oscar smiles, leaning forward in his proper posture.
I'm going to punch you.
"No, that's alright..." Chanel fakes a smile, ignoring me even though I'm burning a hole on the side of her head. "I just came to drop that off. Have a happy Thanksgiving!"
"You should stop by on Thursday, we'll have a lot of food. Arthur will be coming too," Gio says and I whip my head to check if he's lost his mind. He's smiling so it's either that or he's suicidal.
"Oh..." Chanel chuckles, turning away. "Okay, I'll see."
"Have a good one," Gio laughs and closes the door.
"Have a good one?" I put my hand on my hip.
"Here we go," Chase groans.
"Can you play along?" Gio tries to keep his voice even. "She just found our electricity bill! Didn't you see how suspicious she was?"
"Oh, so you're going to offer yourself as a bribe?"
"This is better than my TV show," Marilyn mutters to Oscar, who nods enthusiastically.
Gio rubs his hand down his jaw. "Didn't you promise me that you'd try to get to know her?"
"I didn't specify when," I smirk, trying not to laugh at how he glares.
"He's right, though..." Chase mutters, looking away when I scowl at him for butting in. "I'm just saying, you should be more careful."
I gape and notice Oscar doing the same. We look at each other to share our mutual shock, before he shrugs sheepishly. "But... he has a point?"
"Just make it known that you're together, what's the big deal?" Marilyn asks the room.
"Oh!" Chase throws himself on the couch beside her. "I swear to God, I tell them all the time."
I storm back to the kitchen and turn the stovetop on, stirring the pot of chicken pasta on top.
"You promised me," Gio stands behind me, blocking me in.
"And I'll do it," I grumble.
"When?" He lowers his face to the side of my head, sending a shiver down my spine.
"When I'm ready!" My voice comes out slightly breathless.
"Any chance it can be this week?" he asks sarcastically. I can't know for certain from his angle, but I swear his gaze falls on my chest, because I can't breathe.
"You haven't taken me on a bike ride," I regain my composure.
I'm done stirring but I don't want to move. I glance to the side where everyone's on the couch, immersed in their show.
"Yes, I have," he says. "We go at least once a week!"
"I'm not talking about around the block," I drawl, turning around. "I'm talking about a long, nice bike ride in the mountains."
He throat bobs as he looks off to the side. "I'll think about it."
"I'll think about it too, then." I raise my brow, referring to befriending Chanel.
He shakes his head, eyes hooded with exhaustion. "Alright. We'll go this week."
After dinner, Liam and Ari watch cartoons on TV while we sit around the dining table to play poker. Chase tries to provoke everyone, teasing Marilyn about her bluffing skills. She ends up emptying his wallet.
Halfway through I get a headache from his complaints and join the kids on the couch. Luna purrs against my chest as I lie on my side and tuck my arm under a pillow.
When everyone leaves, I take a shower and change into grey sweats and a white sweater. Ari requests Gio to read a bedtime story and I study for an upcoming exam in my room.
Later at night, I hear the television turn on and grab my blanket, going to the living room.
"What are we watching tonight?" Gio asks from the couch.
He's on his back with one arm behind his head. His part of the couch already set with midnight blue sheets and a comforter. Half of the time he falls asleep in the middle of the movie and I have to take the remote from his hand to turn it off.
"Something cute," I tuck my legs under me and settle on the other side of the L-shaped couch.
"We did that yesterday, I want a scary movie," Gio says, switching through Netflix options.
"No scary movie!" I almost yell then remember Ari's asleep.
He scoffs. "Such a chicken... how about 'Taken'?"
"How about no? I don't need to be paranoid."
After ten or fifteen minutes, I snatch the remote and put on 'Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights,' telling him that I miss staring at young and attractive men. He throws the pillow at me, almost breaking my nose.
"You like this skinny, little guy?" Gio mutters during a scene where he's teaching the girl how to dance.
"Not physically, no." I say with giddiness. "It's just his playful and cocky attitude, ugh! So hot."
He turns his neck so slowly my way, it's as if I just took a dump on his ancestors.
I snicker. "Come on, you'd feel the same way if the girl wasn't so uptight."
"Who cares if she's uptight? She's still good-looking.' He turns to the screen, a small smile to his lips. "It's always the quiet ones that take you by surprise."
"Really?" I smirk. "Because I'm loud, but I always take you by surprise. Should I start recording it? It'll be a very long movie of your boring face."
"I always get surprised when Luna pukes slimy hair balls, doesn't mean it's the same."
"Asshole," I laugh.
He chuckles. I cross my arms, focusing on the movie.
"You wish you were as cool as me," I blurt after a very long silence.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"You know what helps me sleep at night? The fact that I can dance while you walk like you've been constipated for the last seven years. You look like you got a good spanking from Chase."
"Who said I can't dance?" he scowls.
"Show me," I point to the center of the living room.
"You wish."
"You show me, go on." he crossed his arms across his chest, causing the muscles to flex.
"Why do you want to get embarrassed? Do you like pain?" I tease. "If I dance, you'll feel so bad, you'll never leave the house again."
"Yeah, keep talking big. I'll believe it when I see it."
"Want to bet?" I sit up on my knees, facing him.
"On what?" He asks, eyes briefly raking over me.
I sit back, knees by my sides. "If I win... you'll call me a queen for a whole week."
"Fine." His lips tug with amusement. "If you lose, you're watching a scary movie."
My breathing falters. "Fine."
"Now?" he asks as I get up.
"Yup," I roll my eyes before leaving the living room. "I'll be right back."
~ A/N ~
Hope you guys liked this chapter ❤️ thank you so much for reading!
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