28 A New Arrangement
Once again, I act brave and hide in the garage for hours on end.
She probably thinks I'm bipolar. But being around her is starting to drive me crazy.
I'm losing my control. And if I let myself lose it, I might get too addicted to stop.
I might push her against every wall inside that house. Do a million things to make her scream. Leave my hand marks all over her so she remembers who owns her every time she looks in the mirror.
My mouth gets dry just from thinking about it. I need to stay away from her.
She's emotionally unstable. The last thing I want is for her to worry that our relationship and her living here are connected. Whether we get involved or not, I want her to live here. I need that to be clear.
I'm also scared of Ari thinking of her as a mother figure. I don't want her heart to get broken in case Celia wakes up one day and realizes she can do better things with her life.
It's just not worth it. If I have to choose between what I want and what Celia and Ari need, the answer is simple and this animalistic need simmers down.
So I go back to the house around 10 PM.
Celia is sitting on the dining chair with her laptop. Freshly showered, hair wet. Cross-legged with dark red leggings on and an off-the-shoulder white sweater.
"Oh, you're back," she looks up. "Can we talk?"
"Stuff..." she mumbles, eyes a bit wide. Is she scared? Her face seems pale and sunken.
"Did you eat?"
"Yeah?" Her breaths get shallow when she lies. It's like she feels too guilty.
I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge that's, what do you know, fucking full. "Come here for a second."
She shuffles beside me. "What?"
I scan the leftovers, wondering what she'd like. That beef stew is pretty good. Plus it's nutritous.
"Let's heat this up and eat it together," I point my chin at the glass container.
"You're hungry?" she asks.
"Look at me," she says and I turn to her. Her eyes search around my face, a small smirk stretches on her lips. "No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"You get this dull, guilty look on your face when you lie," she chuckles. "Like you're scared of moving your muscles."
I furrow my brows. "No, I don't."
She scoffs and rolls her eyes, looking off to the side. God, she's beautiful.
"Anyway, Gio, can we talk?" she smiles at me. "I don't need you to be my grandma. I'll eat if I'm hungry."
I pace towards her, backing her against the counter. She holds the edges and looks up at me. I slide the basket of fruits beside her.
"Pick one and we will," I tell her.
She tries not to squirm and bites her lip, staring at the basket.
"Alright..." she chuckles.
And grabs a fucking banana.
I narrow my eyes, already knowing she's about to do something stupid.
As expected, she looks at me seductively and brings her fingertips to the tip of the banana and pinches it, gasping mockingly.
"Celia," I deadpan, standing still.
"Mm?" She peels one side.
I hold back a smile. "You're so stupid."
"Am I?" She peels the other side, stepping closer until I'm backed against the fridge.
She rakes her eyes over my grey sweatpants and black shirt, then lifts her hand over my bicep and trails one finger down to my wrist.
"Should I still eat?" Celia asks, widening her eyes, then raises the banana to her parted lips.
"Okay, that's enough," I go to the dining table and sit. "I don't care if you eat."
She snickers. "Thank God."
She takes a seat across from me and folds her arms, sitting up straight. "I have a proposal."
Then her stomach growls.
I glare. She freezes.
I sigh and go back to the kitchen. Grab an apple with a knife and a plate, then sit again.
She watches me quietly as I cut the apple into slices and slide the plate towards her.
"Have a couple of slices," I tell her.
She chuckles and stares at me with a soft gaze, then slowly reaches her hand and takes one.
"Thank you," she smiles, chewing giddily.
"What did you want to talk about?" I smirk.
"Oh. Right, the proposal."
"Okay..." Her shoulders slump slightly as she looks off to the side, then back at me. "I appreciate everything you've done. I do. I think if I were in your shoes, I'd also be this persistent to make you stay."
"But..." she dips her chin. "Let's be real and admit that you and I have the same issue with accepting help. So you know damn well you also wouldn't be able to stay."
"It's not the same, you can't compare." I shake my head.
"Don't give me that double-standard bullshit," she scowls.
"It's not a double-standard."
"Yes, it is."
"No, it's about the fact that I'm older and I'm the man."
"What do you think defines a double-standard?" she smirks.
"It's not a double-standard."
"Good argument, just repeat the same sentence."
God, I want to laugh. Then make her regret it.
She motions between us. "You've been on your own your whole life. So have I. It's not about age and it's not about gender. It's how we're wired. And also..." she whines. "You can be so naive! What if I'm taking advantage of you?"
"Easy, I'd kill you."
"No, you wouldn't." She snorts, rolling her eyes. "You'd find a way to help me even if I ran you over with your car. That's how nice you are."
"So? What's the big deal?" I ask.
"The big deal is that I will not let anyone take advantage of you, including me. So, shut your mouth and accept the fact that it's not happening."
"Okay..." I blink tiredly. "So what's your plan? You want to get a second job?"
"Oh my God, yes. I'm going to be Chanel's masseassue!"
I chuckle and slowly tap the table. "Get... to your point."
She shifts in her seat, leaning forward like she's about to share exciting news. "I want to be your business partner."
"I thought you might say that." She sits back and slides her laptop towards me, pointing at it. "What is this?"
I look at a colorful chart on the screen. It ranges from red to blue with numbers and labels.
"The alkaline and acidity meter?" I say.
"It's a chart that explains how different nutrients absorb in different pH levels." She tilts her head. "Let me ask you a question, why does the pH for your hydroponics have to be from 5.5 to 6.5?"
"I don't know," I say with a bored expression.
"Because manganese and iron are best absorbed between 5.5 to 6.0, but calcium and phosphorus are best absorbed between 6.0 to 6.5."
"I don't care. As long as they grow and sell, their science doesn't interest me."
"You're wrong." She turns the screen back to her and types something, then shows me a picture of two plants with yellow spots on their leaves. "What's the difference between these two?"
I lean closer and study the shape of the leaves. "I don't know, one's older?"
"The yellow spotting on the first one is a harmless genetic trait. The second one is a virus that'll infect the rest of your crops and kill it."
I raise my brows at the amount of money that would cost me.
"Yeah," Celia looks at me. "Science fucking matters."
"You'd be involved in an illegal business for no reason," I shake my head. "It makes no sense! Why make things complicated? You're already taking care of Ari. I don't need anything else. You're not obligated. I'm not asking you for money or for extra work."
"I know that," she drawls. "But Gio, I'm not going to live here like a dependent damsel in distress. I want to be your equal."
"You are my equal," I frown at her. "Just because you're not where you want to be in your life right now doesn't mean you're less than anyone."
"And that sounds great," she smiles. "But I'm not mentally able to believe that. If I live like this, I'll just continue to suffer. I need to carry the same weight as you. It's the only way this can work."
I slide my hand across the table and hold hers, brushing my thumb. "Celia you go to college. I don't. I have nothing to do except this business. You should be focusing on your career."
"And you should be spending time with your daughter," she counters with an intense look. "You can't hide behind work for the rest of your life just because you're afraid of being too much for others. It's okay to have needs. It's okay to be selfish. It's okay to feel pleased, Gio."
I narrow my eyes at her words and she blushes.
"I didn't mean it in a dirty way," she looks away.
"I didn't!"
I laugh, looking down. "Whatever... I got the point."
"Okay..." she smiles, cheeks still red. "Actually since we're on the topic, let's get this over with as well. This thing..." She points between us.
"Needs to slow down."
"Slow down?" Rest in peace, buddy.
"You make me very horny," she says like she's confessing a sin.
"Do you have to say it like that?" I ask dryly.
"Fine, your beastly demeanor with the authoritative yet kind-hearted nature tickles my pickle to the edge of the world. You, sir, make me want to get railed to the moon."
I stare at her with a blank expression while she shakes in her seat to not laugh.
"You're so fucking stupid," I say and she bursts out laughing.
"Idiot," I continue, grinning when she falls on her side. "Who taught you to talk like that?"
"My dirty novels," she wheezes, red like a beet.
"I bet," I say sarcastically. "Who knows, you've probably already used your dildo in my room."
"Oh no, no, no, no." She sobers up and shakes her head, pointing her finger. "No."
"What, such unholy things are only reserved for confessional boxes?" I smirk.
"Yes, I like the echo of my moans," she goes along in a sultry voice, narrowing her eyes.
"I bet you do." I bet I would.
"Cool, so what's your decision?" she switches back to business and stares seriously.
"What, you joining the grow house? I have to think about it."
"You have two days." She stands up, closing her laptop. "If you need more details, I can draft a business plan and bullet-point my role."
"I'll ask your assistant to fax it to me," I nod.
"Goodnight." She passes by me and hits my shoulder, making me chuckle.
Twenty minutes later, I decide to make my bed and watch TV. I unravel the sheets and drape them over the couch, put the pillow and the blanket over it and turn on Netflix. I take off my shirt and am about to remove my sweats when someone knocks on the door.
If it's Arthur, I'm kicking him out.
"Hi! I baked some extra cake and it's going to go to waste. Would you like to have some with a cup of tea?" Chanel beams the instant I open.
She's in a black robe that reveals a little too much. Not to mention, she's in high heels.
"Uh... it's really late." I bring my eyes back to her face before she gets the wrong idea.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry," she chuckles. "I just noticed you're also a night owl like me."
"Uh..." I rub the back of my neck. "Don't you... have a husband, Chanel?"
Her smile fades as she freezes for a moment. "Why, yes, of course!" she laughs. "He's just, he's just traveling a lot, that's not what I meant—"
"What did you mean exactly?" Celia sneaks in front of Chanel, hands on her hips, brown hair now dry and curly.
Her back is turned towards me and the first thing I notice are her pink pajama shorts. They end right below her ass with lace details. The fabric is thin and outlines her petite curves. She's wearing a matching top that's loose and cropped, exposing a bit of her dainty waist.
And she's barefoot. Fucking adorable.
"You, you live here?" Chanel asks, voice more normal.
"Why, did you confuse this place with Pornhub auditions? Move along!" Celia tries to shut the door on Chanel's face.
"Celia." I detach my gaze from her ass just in time to stop her.
"How rude..." Chanel scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I was just bringing him—"
"Your tits? No thanks, they're wrinkled and saggy," Celia leans on one hip, drawing my eyes down again. "He's too old to be flirting! Don't you have any shame?"
"Too old?" Chanel chuckles, glancing at me. "He's twenty-six—"
"And a father. His life is basically over. He has no time for games—"
"That's ridiculous! Single parents can still date." Chanel shrugs with a shocked expression. "And besides, who are you to meddle? Stop being a spoiled, little brat."
"Excuse me?" Celia's hands clench into fists.
She lunges forward at Chanel, but thankfully I snatch her waist in time and pull her to me.
"Who are you calling little, you stupid bitch?" She swings her hands and legs as I prop her over my hip. "Just because your husband won't fuck you doesn't mean you can go offer what's been used and abused for centuries!"
"I'm sorry, I, I don't..." I laugh and stammer at Chanel.
It takes me a moment to notice how her eyes are brimmed with tears. Celia's death threats blur in the background as Chanel shoves the baking dish towards me and turns away, leaving without another word.
I set Celia down and shut the door, wondering what the hell that was about.
"You took her cake?" Celia gasps.
"Why would you talk to her like that?"
"Why the hell do you care what she thinks?" she scowls. "Are you attracted to her?"
"I have to be attracted to be respectful?" I raise my brow. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Oh, a woman in lingerie shows up in the middle of the night with cake and you take it?" She paces towards me with a smile, making me step back.
"I didn't see what she was wearing." Why am I lying?
"Can you see this?" She shoves her hand into the cake.
My mouth drops as she takes a fistful of cake and crumbles it back, glaring at me the whole time.
"You're insane..." I laugh, air knocked out of my lungs.
"I am," she says. "And next time you forget that, it'll be your useless brain instead of this cake."
"Someone's jealous," I smirk.
She scowls and steps back. "Fuck you."
I laugh as she goes to wash her hands in the kitchen, facing me with her back. Her hips shimmy a little as she scrubs her hands.
I stay far away.
She dries her hands and struts back with the most serious face. "Goodnight."
"We're not done." I grab her arm. "You still have to apologize for being rude to her."
"Yeah," she laughs. "And afterwards, I'll go marry Alex!"
"Celia..." I sigh, letting her go. "If you don't like being judged, then why are you being a hypocrite and judging others?" I soften my voice when she looks confused. "So what if she's a little fake? Maybe she has issues. She's still a human being. You don't know what she's going through."
She waves her finger over me like I'm possessed. "This, this naive stupidity is what I'm talking about."
"It's not stupid," I roll my eyes. "I just don't like being a hypocrite."
"Says the guy who wants to fuck me."
I purse my lips and stare at her unamused. She raises her brows, eyes shining with cockiness.
"I want you to promise," I say slowly, "that you'll make an effort to get to know Chanel."
"Why would I do that?"
"Arthur said we need allies. Liam and Ari are friends. You should get to know her. See who she is. Maybe she needs a friend too."
"And what makes you think I care about Chanel's needs?" Celia crosses her arms.
"Because I'm asking you to," I say, noticing her become still.
I step closer and hold her hip, circling my thumb over her skin. "Would you please just try for me?"
"No..." she pouts, frowning at my chest.
"Please?" I murmur, lowering my face in front of hers. "It would really mean a lot to me. Hm?"
She shifts from one foot to another and looks away, grumbling. "Fine..."
"Thank you," I smile.
"Whatever," she lifts her chin. "You owe me a nice, long bike ride."
"Okay, you got it. But promise me you'll try?"
She gives me her pinky.
I blink. Then wrap it with my own pinky.
"Promise me you won't date anyone," she says.
"I still like you. Just because we're taking it slow, doesn't mean I'm okay with sharing you," she says in an innocent voice. "I'm very possessive. I'll claw your skin out and make bacon out of it. Then I'll eat it with a side of scrambled eggs while sitting on a chair made out of your bones."
"Okay... point taken," I chuckle. She looks at our intertwined pinkies, then at me, making my smile widen. "I promise. I won't date anyone."
She hugs my waist, catching me off guard. "By the way, I totally wore these shorts for you."
"Did you now?" I ask, my voice turning husky.
"Yeah, otherwise I sleep naked. No, I don't. But now you're thinking about it." She bites her lip and giggles at my exasperated reaction before darting to my room.
~ A/N ~
Sigh... all this waiting and suppressing might eventually cause an earthquake... (heheh)
Chapter dedicated to @nataliaskov ❤️ I'm so thankful to have you as a reader, thank you for all your support and sassy comments xoxo
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