The End of Eclipse
Well, I guess what I said in the last chapter was a lie. Everything is just a breath of relief now!!!! Yeah!!!! Anyways, I'll try my best on this chappie, Why? Because it's a celebration! I'm finally free! Also, I really find this crazy, like, 4 awesome people commented on the last chappie and they were either real close to crying or crying. Was it really that sad? Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this chappie!
Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail
Wendy looked around frantically as she ran down the streets, loud roars resounded through the air. Where's Lucy-nee?! Wendy knew Lucy could take care of herself, but something was really going on. The scar on her hand was aching and she felt a tingle of a negative emotion. Lucy-nee, please hang on whatever your facing, please, don't die She pleaded in her mind I'm sorry that I didn't come
Million of thoughts ran through her mind, but with one glance to her right, all of them flew out the window. Wendy froze with a horrified face "L-Lucy-nee?"
With Yukino
Yukino clenched her teeth as her magic was draining at an alarming rate, everything started to ache. The golden glow around her started to dim The 2 zodiacs appeared with a worried look "Mistress, you do not have the necessary amount of zodiacs" Libra stated "You have to find Mistress Lucy in order to close the gate." Yukino gripped her dress with a fearful look "I-I can't Libra! I need to close the gate now! Everyone's counting on me to close it!"
Crux stared at her with concern sketching his face before he grimly said "Yukino-sama, there is a spell, that can close the gate with the amount of zodiacs you own" Yukino perked up as she heard that as Libra looked fearfully at Crux "That spell is!" Crux sighed shakily nodding "Y-Yes, that spell is also kn-known for destruction, this spell has a much more impact than the spell you are trying to use-" Crux suddenly fell asleep snoring loudly.
Libra continued his sentence "So please think carefully Mistress, would you really want to use it?" Yukino nodded not sparing a second "Yes, Libra, my friends are endangered and they are fighting dragons. This is the least I can do for them!" Libra hesitated "But Mistress" She sighed before saying "Very well, please focus magic surrounding you, as if you're meditating Mistress." Yukino nodded as she closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing. Before focusing on her surroundings.
The roars, the shouts, the sound of buildings collapse, she felt like she heard everything. But that wasn't what she was focusing on, "Then imagine, that you are surrounded by the universe and stars." Yukino nodded as she imagined constellations were surrounding her. "Then, while imaging a shooting star going through space, say the chant that is repeating through your mind." Yukino nodded when she suddenly heard herself mentallly chant something.
Yukino gulped Creepy She thought but chanted the saying anyways "Gods and Goddesses of The Galaxy, grant me thy power to wash away corrupted beings from the face of this World. Pluvia purus!" A gold magic circle on the Eclipse Gate. The Gate slowly closed when another dragon started to come through it. Yukino clenched her fist scrunching her face Please work, please don't let me be the bad luck person I already am
The Dragon clasped it's claws on the gate and pushed it in attempt, but the gate shut it without a problem. Yukino collapsed as she saw that it was closed "I-It's finally done" She whispered before fainting in exhaustion from magic depletion "Thank God." Libra immediately went to Yukino and prevented her from falling, she carried her master's body bridal style before turning to Pisces, who was there by it's own magic "Leave to the Celestial World now Pisces, I do doubt that Mistress will need any of our further assistance."
Pisces disappeared as Libra looked around before leaping on top of buildings, then she saw the 2 dragon slayers who her master cherished very much. She leaped towards them and landed softly on the ground, she held out Yukino "I trust that you will protect Mistress?" "What's with the Mistress?" The blonde slayer mumbled before saying "Sure, leave the Great Sting to protect Yukino!" He grabbed Yukino and carried her bridal style. Libra nodded and disappeared to the Celestial World.
Sting, glanced at Yukino "Why is she unconscious anyways?" He muttered before running towards enemies yelling "Rogue! Help me will ya?!" Rogue nodded silently before taking down enemies swiftly.
With Wendy
Wendy trembled with wide eyes seeing her sister "L-Lucy-nee?" Lucy was slumped against a wall motionless while a purple dragon glanced at her with dull eyes before flapping in the sky, flying away. Wendy gripped her hands so hard it turned slightly white "L-Lu-Lucy-nee!" She screamed running towards the bloodied form of her sister.
Wendy immediately crouched down next to her and began healing her sister even though her magic level was almost gone "Lucy-nee?" No response, "Lucy-nee?" No response, A few more tries, no response. Wendy swallowed the large lump in her throat when she felt her eyes sting "Lucy-nee?" No response, She's just unconscious, get a grip Wendy. Just heal her Wendy poured more magic while healing "Please wake up?" Minutes passed, minutes of pleading, minuted of no response.
Wendy stopped healing her, she gripped her fist with her bangs covering her eyes "Lucy-nee? Please wake up" Wendy gripped her fists harder staring at her with watery eyes I-I can't give up, no matter what. She just needs healing and rest right? Wendy burst into tears "Please don't die Lucy-nee!" She weakly brought her hands back to Lucy's torso and healed her Lucy-nee?
With Lucy
Lucy was trapped in an abyss of darkness, no light, no civilization, Is this death? Was is this? I'm not dead am I? Lucy looked around, with a grim face I can't leave my spirits, what'll happen to them? What'll happen to Wendy? I think I'm dying "Duh, that's why you're here dumbass!" A shout interrupted her thoughts.
Lucy jerked hearing the voice and saw an annoyed girl sitting in front of her scowling "I don't even know why Iratus-san bothered to make me come and talk to you." Lucy tensed up when she heard Iratus "Who are you?" She hissed tiredly, all she wanted to do was go home and sleep, but now she was in this weird abyss of darkness after fighting her controlled mother and then meeting someone that knows Iratus?! Talk about unexpected fate
The girl glared at her "Hey, show me respect since I'm grasping on your last heartbeat here" "What?" "Your heartbeat, I'm sharing my heartbeat with you" "Like CPR?" "What do ya think?" Lucy looked surprised at the girl she was talking too, in her place was a boy. The boy grinned looking down at his body "Finally my body's back from that insane lady!" He looked towards her before bursting out laughing.
All of her tiredness disappeared from the laugh, it sounded innocent and so joyful. "Want me to explain why you're here in our world?" The boy asked. Lucy slowly nodded. The boy excitedly scooted up and explained "See, Iratus-sama told me to make this void or world for all important people to him or to me to visit this place when their at their brink of death or if I want to visit them!!! They'll automatically come here or I'll just say my usual spell for them to come here!"
"Oh, so that's why I'm here" Lucy clasped her hand together with a sigh. "You'll be stuck here until someone out in Earthland finds your body and heals you!" He added. "Anyways, Iratus-sama told me to give you this message!!! He mimicked his voice trying to make to similar to Iratus's "'Please remember the deal, you do not have an option to run away unless you want your family or friends to be destroyed'" He said before grinning sheepishly at her while rubbing the back of his head "Man, Iratus-sama sounds way more cooler than that."
He shuffled through his pockets before taking out an envelope and giving it to her "Here, there's the full information without hearing my weird imitation of Iratus-sama's voice." Lucy shakily grabbed the envelope when she realized she still was experiencing intolerable pain, she dropped the envelope once grabbing it "Ah!"
The boy picked the envelope back up before shoving it into her lap "The name's Curtis, call me Curt!" Lucy nodded slowly when Curtis pouted "Man, you're really fun when you're cheery but now you're just so sad and depressed. What happened?" "Sorry but I don't want to speak about it, what am I supposed to do here?" She asked. Curtis shrugged "Hey, don't ask me even though I'm the maker. Just have fun!" He replied when he blinked. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to get information from her cuz she's my enemy Curtis shrugged She seems nice, how can she be the enemy?
"We're gonna play a game!" Curtis declared with a grin standing up with a hero-like pose. Lucy coughed "I-I'm not in a state to play a game Curt." Curtis pouted "Aw~" He whined stomping "We're just gonna play a harmless game like a word game or something." Lucy sighed before adjusting herself slowly sitting in a position she usually went into while meditating "Yeah? What is it then?"
Curtis grinned larger "Let's play ........ a game of turns!" "Turns?" "Yup, we name a category and then take turns naming the thing under the category!" "Um, okay" Curtis fell to the ground tapping his hand furiously on his knee "Yes!!! Category is food! Hot dog!" "Ice cream" "Salmon!" "Pizza" "Chocolate Milk!"
"........... That's not food Curt" "Yeah it is!" Curtis protested "It still goes in your belly!" Lucy chuckled at the fact "I guess so huh, then I lost" She stated "How did you meet Iratus anyways?" Curtis immediately brightened up "Really?! Well, I was half-dead when I met him. He helped me and then he took care of me until I was healed, I didn't want to go so he let me stay with him! He's really awesome you know!"
Lucy stiffened at the statement Awesome? From a cute innocent boy? "How?!" She blurted out unable to stop herself. Curtis blinked confusedly "How?" He repeated "He just is awesome! I'm really happy that he saved me because if he didn't, I wouldn't be standing here right now!" He replied cheerfully. Lucy nodded when she felt a heart-breaking sob ran through her mind "Please don't die Lucy-nee!" It sounded suspiciously like .... like Wendy's?!
Lucy jolted at the sob clutching her head with a terrified expression "What?!" Curtis jumped at the yell "What happened Lucy-san?" "Wendy's crying! I-I need to go to her!" Lucy shot up and ran forwards at a random direction "Where is she? How do I get out of here?!" Curtis grabbed her hand "No, don't panic. That means she found your body and probably will get you help" Then he added gloomily "And then you'll leave here."
Guilt filled her "Hey, maybe I'll come visit you or you can come visit me?" His bright blinding grin came back "Great idea! Anyways, you have to wait until you're healed." Lucy smiled at this when she felt another whisper came through her mind "Please, please don't leave me" Suddenly a bright glow engulfed Lucy, she stared at her hands confusedly and in amazement. Her wounds slowly started to disappear along with the pain.
Curtis gaped in amazement before jumping up and down "What! Is that healing magic?!" Lucy laughed at his excitement "Yeah, cool huh?" She held out her arm as Curtis studied it "That's my kin's magic!" "I wanna meet her!" He trembled excitedly when he added "You have to leave now then."
Lucy patted his head in comfort "Can't you visit me in the real world?" Curtis nodded slowly his excitement dimming "I think so" He replied. "Anyways, hey!" Curtis poked her forehead when suddenly she felt faint "See ya!" "See you!" Everything, went pitch black.
With Wendy
Wendy gasped when she saw Lucy stir "Lucy-nee!" She crushed Lucy into a hug. Lucy's eyes fluttered open Where was I? Then memories came back to her, she wrapped her arms around Wendy in a hug "I'm here, I'm here" She whispered. Wendy bit her lip with tears brimming out of her eyes "Please, please don't ever leave me Lucy-nee." Lucy caressed her kin's hair "Uh-huh, I won't ever leave you." A startled yell interrupted their moment "Woah, what happened Luce?!"
Lucy looked up to see her partner "Natsu!" She stood up slowly when Wendy released her from her hug and helped her. "Natsu-san! What happened?" Wendy asked. Natsu grinned "I'm looking for that Future Rogue guy and the dragon he's standing on!" "That doesn't explain what is happening Natsu" Lucy deadpanned.
Natu scratched the back of his head and shrugged "I dunno what's happening, but some crazy people were screaming about another dragon." Lucy and Wendy froze staring at each other 'Lucy-nee, are you going to fight it?' 'I didn't defeat it! And I can't because-!' Fear and guilt flashed through her eyes. 'Lucy-nee? What happened?' Lucy looked away biting her lip 'I-I'll tell you later.' "Are you guys doing that telpithatically thing again?!" Natsu whined "Don't leave me out of it!"
Lucy laughed saying "Then go find yourself a kin Natsu!" Wendy sent her a concerned look before smiling at Natsu "Well, we'll be helping fighting that eighth dragon. Where is it?"
"Over where those big bushes are!"
"There's a lot of big bushes Natsu"
"But there's more big bushes over there!"
"Can you give us more description Natsu-san?"
"I already did! There's a lot of big bushes where the dragon is!"
"And there's some street light poley things over there!"
Lucy glared at Natsu "They're everywhere Natsu." Natsu ignored that and laughed "See! My discriptoin is so good that I perfectly described that area over there!" He pointed at a place that was the over side of an alley. "Thanks Natsu, for your so-called perfect description." Lucy and Wendy ran through the alley "Good luck Natsu-san!" Natu grinned at them "I'm all fired up!" He yelled with his flames exploding around his body when he ran away his bright flaming figure disappearing.
Wendy giggled at Natsu "Natsu-san can sometimes be a handful Lucy-nee." Lucy nodded smiling "That's what makes him so lovable." A loud roar resounded through the streets earning screams. The pair ran faster to see a purple dragon, glaring at the mages of Saber Tooth. "Light Dragon Roar!" "Shadow Dragon Roar!" An unknown pair yelled out. The dragon opened it's mouth when a dark purple roar came gushing out of it's mouth.
The roars clashed, resulting it in equal power. Lucy froze at seeing Melise "M-Mom" She whispered, it didn't when unnoticed by her kin. Wendy gasped covering her mouth "That's your -?!" Lucy nodded grimly "Y-Yeah, that's why I can't defeat her." Wendy stared horrified at the dragon No way, why's fate so cruel just to my sister? She doesn't deserve to find her mother like this! She screamed in her brain clenching her fist.
Lucy gulped before placing her hands on Wendy's shoulder "Sis, I can defeat her with you by my side. So can you be by my side, while fighting her?" Not a second passed, Wendy immediately nodded her head "I will Lucy-nee!" Lucy smiled at her "I'm so lucky to have a kin that's you" She whispered before running towards the area where the Saber Tooth mages were fighting. "Sky Dragon Roar!" The yell startled others when they jumped in surprise to see a powerful wind blast hit the dragon.
"F-Fairies!" A blonde haired man grinned running towards them "We needed reinforcements anyways, can you help us beat this dragon? Cuz the great Sting needs to defeat other dragons by himself. Thanks!" He dashed off without letting Lucy or Wendy speak. Lucy blinked in surprise before taking out a key "Open thee, Gate of the Lion! Gate of the Goat! Leo! Capricorn!" The two spirits appeared, Capricorn immediately launched into battle as Loki inspected her body "Are you hurt princess? Is something wrong?"
"No, yes, I need you to fight ......" Lucy trailed off before saying determined "I need you to help me fight Melise." Loki gaped at Lucy "But she's your -!" Lucy covered his mouth "Sh!" "Mumgther!" He yelled anyways. Lucy sighed saying "I know, I know, but I need to get over it. She ....... she's dead" She stated looking away "Wishes can't come true, it's just how it's meant to be. So I need to accept it. I need to." Loki quieted down Princess, why? Why do you have to always just accept this harm to your heart? "As you wish Princess."
Loki ran towards the dragon and jumped above it. He brought his fist down to the dragon "Regulus Impact!" Lucy gripped her hands before crackling her whip at the dragon. Other mages just stared in awe at the spirit and master fighting the dragon while the other started to throw magic attacked to the dragon.
With Natsu
How the heck did I got up here? Whatever "I'm all fired up!" Natsu ran towards Future Rogue "Fire Dragon Fist!" Future Rogue scoffed in disappointment at the attack going into a shadow dodging the attack "Is that all you got? Then that would mean you'll never be able to defeat me." Natsu frowned "Shut it! I'm just getting started!" He yelled "Fire Dragon Roar!" He yelled towards the shadow when it suddenly disappeared. It was rushing towards him when Future Rogue punched Natsu's face making the magic disappear "Weak, you'll never stop me. This timeline will be pointless, an endless loop of going back to the past. I'll destroy everyone's future again."
Natsu growled kicking Future Rogue's torso "POINTLESS?!" He began kicking and punching Future Rogue, who wasn't able to move. "Fire Dragon's Secret Art: Flaming Crimson Lotus!" Everything burst into flames, the dragon, Future Rogue, him. The dragon cried out in pain, which Future Rogue ignored "Did I struck a nerve?" He mused, the flames immediately disappeared as the shadows consumed them. "Yeah, yeah you struck a nerve!" He screamed in anger "POINTLESS?! DESTROYING EVERYONE'S FUTURE?!"
Natsu roughly grabbed Future Rogue's collar "You won't destroy my future, her future, their future, our future. I won't break my promise with her!" He slammed Future Rogue to the ground, which resulted in Future Rogue turning into a shadow avoiding damage "Promise?" Future Rogue questioned bewildered before bursting out laughing "Promises are made to break, weren't you the one who promised that blonde girl to remake Fairy Tail after defeating all the dragons? To survive? You broke all the promises you made to her."
All anger disappeared, leaving only shock In the future I promised Luce to survive? To remake Fairy Tail? I died? "Shut it you Bastard!" Natsu growled slamming his fist to the ground aiming at Future Rogue's shadow "I'm keeping my promises no matter what!" Future Rogue popped from the ground with a frown "What if you don't?" "I won't!"
Miraculously, an idea popped into Natsu's brain. Anger and shock disappeared, leaving pride I'm so dang smart! I bet I'm even smarter than Levy! "Fire Dragon Fist!" He punched the dragon's back as hard as he could. It cracked a little "Fire Dragon Fist!" He repeated the same thing he did before. The dragon's back cracked a little again, the crack growing larger "Fire Dragon Fist!" He kept on repeating his actions. Until the crack was large enough and the dragon was howling in pain as it slowly tilted down.
Natsu grinned larger "Fire Dragon's Jet!" He grabbed the cracked sides as flame appeared beneath his feet when they were falling fast, he can destroy the Eciple Gate and defeat this ugly dude at the same time! About 15 feet from the Gate, he released his grip from the dragon "Fire Dragon's Secret Art: Crimson Phoenix!" The entire dragon caught on fire. Future Rogue gaped "You suicidal basta-!" The dragon crashed against the gate. It broke in half when golden particles surrounded the area.
With Lucy, Wendy, and Saber Tooth Mages
Just when Wendy was about to attack, the dragon suddenly became transparent and the lower part was disappearing with golden particles. No, no, are you going? Are you leaving me again? Lucy trembled reaching for her mother Wait, wait for me. I don't want to be alone again Suddenly a voice came through her brain You aren't alone, you have Fairy Tail sweetie Lucy gasped at the voice of her mother when tears leaked from her eyes.
Wendy sighed in relief when Lucy burst out crying. She panicked before running towards her kin "Lucy-nee, are you alright?" Lucy nodded silently crying wiping her eyes with her sleeve "I- She's gone huh?" Wendy nodded "Y-Yeah Lucy-nee. Sorry" Lucy shook her head before hugging Wendy "It's over, it's over sis!" Wendy smiled "It is!"
A loud cheer echoed through the city of Crocus, the dragons were gone.
With Meredy, Ultear, Future Lucy
Ultear gasped when Future Lucy was suddenly surrounded by golden particles "What the?!" Meredy frowned "The Eclipse Gate was destroyed." Ultear blinked "So she's supposed to disappear?" Meredy nodded replying "Yes, this Future Lucy is an object from the Future. She will be going back, thus meaning that she will go back to her timeline." Ultear nodded when Future Lucy finally disappeared "Have fun in the future."
With Future Lucy
Future Lucy's eyes fluttered open Where? She sat up seeing her surroundings, the sun was shining brightly and the golden grass was swaying with the wind. Future Lucy gasped when memories came back to her, she quickly checked the back of her hand to see her Fairy Tail mark there. "I-It's there" She whispered softly. A sudden shout interrupted her "Hey Luce! Come on ya slowpoke!" Future Lucy's eyes widened seeing Natsu, she quickly stood up "Natsu?" She whispered.
Natsu grinned "Let's go on more adventured Luce!" Suddenly someone tackled her "Why the hell did you leave me Blondie?" Future Lucy laughed "Cause I needed to save us Sparky." The person nuzzled into her hair "Whatever, welcome back Blondie Heartfillia Dreyar." Future Lucy beamed at him "Thanks Sparky Dreyar." She saved the Future, so everything was now just peaceful and complete
Yas!!! Finally done with this chappie! Anways, who was surprised of the twist in the Future Scene moment? Also, I would like to explain why I will be updating maybe later, it will be because I finally made a story in and I just happened to be that stupid and made 2 fanfics, meaning I will be updating 3 stories a week. So I will either be in an updating spree if I'm responsible or just update each story each different week being a lazy author. I honestly don't know, anyways, hope ya readers enjoyed the chappie!
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Hope all you ladies and gentlemen have a fabulous day/night!
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