Grand Magic Games, Day 1
I'm back, oh my gum balls. And still sick, that sucks. But I'm back to update. YAY!!! Anyways, as a reward for waiting for me to update which was long, how about a new chappy for "Celestial Melody"? Also, thank you TheDarkStar3 for you're supporting comment!!! It fired me up to write this chapter despite my sick condition
Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail
" Can they take back their glory? Up in 8th place, FAIRY TAIL!!!" Chapati yelled over the microphone. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Elfman walked out smiling/grinning. Cheers were not heard but instead, boo's were going all around the auditorium. Confusion made its way to their faces "What the?" Gray was taken aback Why are they booing us? We did came in last but we did made it in. A tick mark appeared on his forehead as Natsu yelled "Huh?! You stupid people! Wh-?!" "Natsu, calm down. Remeber that our guild has lost its glory during the disappearance of 7 years. We will reclaim our glory" Erza said. Natsu was fuming but stayed quiet.
Time passed as Chapati screamed guild names over the microphone. One by one, each team came out representing themselves the crowd. "Oh my! In 2nd place, we have ....... Fairy Tail Team B!!!" Upon hearing the name, the group gawked at the team coming out to represent. "Wha-? WHAT?!" Natsu yelled. Coming out, was Laxus, Mira, Gajeel, Juvia, Cana, and Mystogan. "Metal Head? What the hell?!" Natsu yelled bursting into flames. "Ju-Juvia?!" Gray stammered taking a step back. "My-Mystogan?" Erza stuttered.
Lucy stayed quiet as thoughts ran through her mind Laxus is there? And not to mention 2 S-class mages in the other team but didn't Mysto- Lucy sighed at her stupidness and mentally face-palmed herself Of course, master would obviously disguise Jellal as Mystogan because he's his counterpart "That was surprising but moving on, in 1st place. The one and only strongest guild of Fiore, Saber Tooth!!!" Chapati howled. Lucy, having her senses dull over time, didn't flinch at the volume. But at the sight of the 5 mages coming out.
Their magic level was not intense or dark, it was their aura. It screamed 'We're not weaklings!' A certain mage caught Lucy's eye, a girl with pale hair had keys hanging by her side. Celestial keys. She gasped in surprise. "Lucy-nee, is something wrong?" Wendy asked her older sister. Lucy shook her head "Nothing's wrong, it's just that one mage in the guild Saber Tooth got" Lucy paused counting the keys "2 golden keys and, a black key?!" She exclaimed. "A black key? Is there a difference between a zodiac key and a black key?" Curiousity laced Wedny's voice. "You see, black keys are demons or something relating to demons. They're pretty rare in some cases" Lucy replied still in shock.
"So, is she strong?" "I'm not very sure Wendy-chan, she only has 2 zodiac keys but a demon key. A demon key can be as strong as 2 zodiac keys." "Now, team members please return to your respective booths! As a guest, we have the beauty of Blue Pegasus, Jenny!" Jenny appeared smiling "Watch out because Blue Pegasus will win this one for sure." "As long as everyone tries I'm sure everyone will be alright" Said Yajima. Everyone went to their booths which was marked with their guild mark.
"The First Event for day 1 on the Grand Magic Games is Hidden!" Chapati said "In which a town is magically created with the participants teleported there. The town will be filled with clones of people. A point will be added if a contestant attacks another contestant. A point will be subtracted if a participate attacks a clone or gets attacked by another contestant. 10 seconds after getting attacked, the contestant will respawn into another area in the town. Contestants may be respawned as much as needed until the time limit is reached. The contestant with the most points after 30 minutes is the winner of this event, Hidden! Please pick a contestant to particpate and send them down" Chapati explained.
Gray smirked "Sounds complicated, mind if I participate on this one guys?" Natsu grinned "As long as you don't lose Frozen Pervert." Gray snorted and ran down "I'm not planning to Flame Thrower!" Hearing what Gray said from the other booth, Juvia immediately said "Juvia will like to participate in this round." Gajeel snorted at Juvia and turned away "Just because your "Prince" Will be participating?" Juvia nodded "Yes, Juvia will win for the team!" She went down to the arena. Gajeel looked at her walking away and mutter "She's love sick over that stripper, I don't even get what's so good about that stripper"
Mira squealed and clasped her hands together "Why can't Gray just notice Juvia's feelings? She's so head over heels over him! Maybe I might launch Operation Gruvia when we come back" She muttered adding "Why can't Gajeel notice his feelings for Levy either? Men are so dense." Gajeel glared at Mira "I heard that Demon." She giggled "Then why not do it?" He blushed and turned away "Shut up, we need to make sure that we cheer Juvia." Mira giggled some more "If you say so Gajeel." Cana groaned "I hope I never get involved in Mira's Match-Making Operations, worse, her target" She chugged down her alchohol.
Mystogan and Laxus stood quiet. Participants came running down to the arena. "Up for Hidden, we have Rufus of Saber Tooth!" A man with blonde hair and a mask and a hat with pink feathers smiled. "For Raven Tail, we have Nullpudding!" A man with blue skin stood there., "Up for Mermaid Heel, We have Beth!" A fat woman smiled and waved her hand over the crowd. "For Fairy Tail Team A and B, Gray and Juvia!" The pair was not proudly showing themselves off or bragging. Juvia had heart in her eyes locked on Gray who was fidgeting under her gaze and trying to stay there.
"For Lamia Scale, we have Lyon!" The silver hair mage looked at Juvia and blushed "Juvia, you should dump Gray and come to me" He lunged himself to Juvia "I'll shower you with all my love!" Juvia looked at Lyon surprised and dodged "Eh? Eh?! But Juvia's heart only belongs to Gray-sama!" Lyon froze, his soul seeped out of his mouth "Wha-? What?" He quickly collected himself and challenged Gray "You stripper! How dare you steal Juvia's heart? I challenge you to a duel! Who wins shall marry Juvia!" Juvia immediately yelled out "Go Gray-sama! Juvia knows that you will win from the bottom of her heart!"
Gray looked uneasily at Lyon "I didn't steal her heart on purpose" He muttered before saying "Lyon, I accept your deal but I want to change it up for a bit. The guild that wins the Grand Magic Games can keep Juvia" Gray glared at Lyon "But I don't plan on giving her to you guys." Mira squealed loudly from her booth "That's the closest Gruvia moment I ever witnessed!" Juvia looked at Gray in awe before squealing loudly and hugging Gray "Gray-sama! Juvia had always knew that Gray-sama loved her from the bottom of her heart!" Gray blushed and pushed her off "We gotta focus on the game Juvia."
Juvia nodded her head eagerly and said determinedly "Juvia shall win, to let her Gray-sama be proud!"
"Looks like a deal has been placed between Lamia Scale and Fairy Tail! Putting that aside, let Hidden begin!" The 7 mages teleported somewhere.
With Gray
Gray looked around and whistled "Wow, what a realistic looking place." Suddenly a person appeared "Gray!" Someone lunged towards him. Gray punched Lyon in the face "What the?!" 'Lyon' disappeared. Realization hit Gray as clones started appearing all around him "A clone?!" He groaned at his stupidness as he teleported else where in the town. How could he forgot what the guy 'Chapati' said?
With Juvia
Juvia wasn't doing any better. She was squealing loudly at the Gray clones surrounding her "Gray-sama! There's so many Gray-sama's!" Remembering her task she composed herself and said "Juvia need to gain points for her team." She walked to a random direction to find another contestant.
With Lyon
Lyon looked around "Impressive, now I must look for contestants." He balled his fist and yelled somewhere else "I will win for you Juvia!!!" He ran towards a random direction muttering "Stupid Ice Prick, stealing my Juvia's heart" And "I will win and have babies with Juvia."
Back To Gray
Gray walked around studying the clones. "What a pain in the ass, needing to find the difference between the real one and the fake one" He muttered. Suddenly, he saw a slight movement on the corner. He narrowed his eyes Is that a clone or a real contestant? Either way, he was going to find out. Gray quickly ran towards the corner and saw a guy with blue skin. "Nilpuding, was it?" Gray asked himself. The man grinned and started throwing attacks to him. Gray dodged and inspected the person. He was no doubt a real contestant right? But Gemini had similar powers and I can't even tell the difference
It was decided, he was just going to keep on dodging until he could figure it out.
Minutes passed
And the Nilpudding guy kept on attacking. And he kept on dodging. Gray gritted his teeth in frustration What the hell was this?! How can other people even tell the difference in clones and real people?! Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to Gray's head. "Hey you, Nilpudding. You look like a fish, did you came from the fish tribe?" Gray taunted. If it was a clone, it wasn't going to respond. If it was a real person, then it was going to fuel their anger. No reaction. Maybe he needed to taunt some more "Wait, you look more like a mutated pudding. No wonder why you're named Nilpudding!" That Nilpudding guy did not look like a pudding at all. But, this taunting might work.
"But, seriously dude, you look really" He paused thinking of a word "Inhumane." Suddenly, something from a different direction lunged towards him "Quit your taunting boy!" Gray inwardly smirked Of course, I'm was so smart. Taunting can lure people in any ways "Ice-make: Lance!" It almost hit 'Nilpudding', only an inch more and he would gain a point. "Ice-make? That's some weak magic you got there!" 'Nilpudding' smirked and punched Gray square in the face.
Gray staggered back before recovering himself. Just as he was about to summon some magic into his hand to make a ice cannon, he was transported. Gray groaned So it meant that every hit to any in their body meant a point was subtracted? I don't even have a single point! Suddenly a voice broke his thought "Memory-Make: Night of The Falling Stars" Bright blue flashes came hailing down on him and other areas of the town.
A red caught his attention. "The game of hide-and-seek is not so interesting after all, I just have to hunt my prey down and figure out the real one. Looks like the win is mine, because mages are only attacking the memory of me" The man said smirking looking down. Gray felt pain erupt all over his body. He clutched his arms and torso and collapsed. Gray felt his vision fading away.
I disappointed my family and friends
Sorry it took forever to post this chappy! I kind of forgotted the Fairy Tail Grand Magic Games Arc so sorry if I messed it up. I just might include Gray and Juvia as a couple for this story. I hope you enjoy this chappy everyone!
Stay tune for the next chapter Wonderers!
Feel free to comment, favorite, or/and correct anything I got wrong!
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