"Blondie"="Little Star"
Thank you so much for the comments on the last chappie xD Glad I could make someone laugh. Anyways, I really really want to finish this book before January 26th because I plan on releasing another book. Maybe even Two Books considering on how different they are but.....;A; I gotta ask for some suggestions. But enough of my ranting, Eat some Twinkies and ENJOY~
Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail
Dark, damp, pain, those were the things she sensed when Lucy woke up. Everything was sore and the wet surface she was laying on wasn't helping that fact. She groaned and sat up, she covered her forehead to ease the pounding pain and looked around warily Where am I?
Patches of Feathers surrounded her, tables were flipped and syringes were neatly laid on a tray. There was a jar filled with black chemical and a tube was stuck into it, leading to .....a corpse that was on the ground. The scent of the rotting human immediately filled her nostrils, she flinched and stood up I was....with Curtis...and then I was knocked out.
Lucy wanted to get out, no, needed to get out.
She crept to a door when she heard something crunch. Signaling that someone or something was walking towards this room. Lucy panicked before immediately going back to the place she was laying before, she laid down and pretended to be unconscious.
The door creaked open and then she heard a sly voice "Well, well, well, good job Curtis." "Gee, thanks Iratus-sama! I sure t-thought I would fail."
Lucy tensed when she heard Iratus chuckle "And you didn't, good job. Get Syrn and tell him..." Lucy heard hushed whispers and was unable to make them out. But the next thing she knew, she was being lift up and moved to somewhere else. She heard footsteps patter away "You know, if you really don't want to sleep. I can give you a dose of sleeping medicine."
Lucy twitched but didn't reply. She heard Iratus make a noise of amusement and then she felt a wavering breath upon her lips, she immediately flinched "Or maybe you prefer me to help you another way?"
Lucy cracked her eyes open and her brown warm orbs met with dull red eyes. Iratus smirked and pulled away from her face "Anyways, you know.....you didn't exactly met with me. Did you really not take my warning seriously?" Lucy shot up before falling of Iratus's arms. "NO!" She protested and stumbled word upon word before saying weakly "I just.....I..please don't hurt them."
Iratus stared at her when his smirk turned into a Cheshire grin "And? I'm sure you didn't forget my warning."
".....If I...willingly," She spat the word willingly out like poison "Go with you, will you not do anything?"
Iratus looked surprised for a split second "Of course, as much as I am the so-called "Villain", I can't play dirty!" He exclaimed gleefully when he stopped in front of a door. He kicked it open and settled Lucy down, who stared disbelievingly at him. "Take care until then."
Lucy stared after his disappearing figure before frowning "Where are you going?" Iratus paused "I have to attend to business....but I mean, if you're lonely I won't go," He said huskily. Lucy visibly shivered and shook her head "No thanks, please go."
Iratus chuckled and left, leaving Lucy to wander what was going on with her life right now.
Iratus closed the door before grinning, he leaned against the door when streams of black slowly covered his being "Of course I won't do anything, I'll do everything Heartfillia." He disappeared to Fairy Tail.
With Fairy Tail
Mira stared at Wendy, who was laying down with bandages plastered all across her arms. Wendy had a firm frown on her face and her arms were crossed "Mira-san, I need to help aid Laxus-san and the others."
"Not until you've healed Wendy-chan. You have to regain back some magic and you need to be in the best condition to help aid."
"Please Mira-san, at least let me help Levy-san research on Raven Tail."
"No Wendy-chan. No."
"Please Mira-san" Wendy pleaded, Mira stared at her with sympathy and shook her head "No Wendy. Don't make this harder for me, I, myself, want to help...but, patience is key right now."
Wendy stared Mira before nodding "Okay then. I will....but after that, I can help right?" Mira smiled weakly "Right! So just heal up, after all, you are our healer right? The healer needs to heal before they can heal others!" She said cheerfully.
Wendy laughed "Okay, Mira-san, tell me a story."
Mira's eyes widened before she complied at the request, as long as Wendy was listening to her, then she would listen to Wendy.
Meanwhile outside of the Infirmary.
Levy was mentally screaming. Someone actually defeated Team Natsu. It was such a feat, that someone should have made the attackers one of the Wizard Saints. But that aside, she couldn't let Raven Tail get away.
Hurting Lu-chan is like destroying our pride! Not to mention hurting Team Natsu. Levy shook her head and continued her research "Raven Tail members, uh-huh, blah blah bl-Who is that?" She leaned closer into her book, squinting. There was a picture of a blonde haired man with a mustache, a smirk plastered across his face. Besides him was.....Ivan. Below them was some unknown guy in a black coat, his hair was pitch black and his eyes were....somewhat unusual.
His pupils were dilated, and then there were two more circles surrounding his pupils. Which was blue. Levy studied it some more when she realized there were labels under the pictures. She sighed "What is going on with you Idiot," She muttered to herself and read over the labels. The blonde mustached man's label said "Mysterious Mage J: Second in Command. C-Class Mage." Levy's eyes widened in surprise C-Class? But he's in Second in Command! That's impossible!
Her mind ran through some more possible theories before moving on to the next person, who's name was apparently Syrn. "Syrn: A-Class Mage." Next to him was maybe about 7 other Mages. Levy's eyes scanned through the entire page before realizing there was one black picture all the way at the top. The label read "???: ???"
She snorted at the label Cheesy and Cliche but okay. She was about to move on to another book when she realized the format of Raven Tail. "Second in Command? Isn't that like in the Royal Army?" Levy questioned, her voice laced with disbelief. Then she felt something hard swing around her shoulder "What ya doin' there Shrimp?"
"Gajeel!" She squeaked in surprise and whipped her head back to see Gajeel peering over her shoulder with a bored expression "Yo." "Ga-Gajeel-kun? What are you doing here?"
Gajeel gave her an annoyed look "This is my table and you're sitting on it." "It's our team's table for a fact," Levy stated before going back to her research "And I'm researching." Gajeel raised an eyebrow "Researching? For what?" Levy's jaw dropped and she stared at Gajeel with a surprised expression "What? You don't know? Team Natsu got beaten up by Raven Tail. So we....or I!, am researching to know which mage attacked us."
Gajeel's eyes widened for a brief second before muttering "Right, no wonder why everyone is panicking." Then he grinned and cracked his knuckles "I'm surprised someone actually beat that stupid Salamander, Gihi, and that'll mean THAT someone....will actually put up a good fight."
"Wh-What?! But they defeated Natsu! Who defeated you easily!"
Wrong reply.
Gajeel stilled and stared at Levy "Tsk," He clicked his tongue and looked away with annoyance visible on his feature. "S-Sorry Gajeel-kun, I just was worried about you..." Levy whispered guiltily, she looked down and her eyes became cloudy with worry Oh gosh, why did I say that. Gajeel-kun probably hates me now. Oh, what am I talking about, he does hate me!
Gajeel suddenly scented something salty and immediately noticed it as tears. His eyes widened and his arms quickly wrapped around his mate to comfort her.....Wait, mate? Whatever. "C-C'mon Levy! Don't cry, I was just joking ya know? Thanks for being concerned about me!"
"E-Eh?" As soon as the name "Levy" Escaped his lips, Levy stopped crying and sniffled, she looked back up and locked eyes with his. It was probably the first time she ever heard Gajeel call her by her actual name, and dear god it made her happy in a blink of an eye.
Gajeel stared back at the brown eyes before snapping out of it, his face flamed with embarrassment "Yea, yea, so just don't cry alright Shrimp?"
Levy nodded before looking back to her book. Gajeel swallowed before snorting "You're really sensitive, you know that right Shrimp? I was just playing with you."
Levy puffed out her cheeks and huffed "Shush, there's a lot of pressure on me right now and I can't deal with a joke." "Uh-huh, what information did you get so far anyways?" Gajeel asked with boredom lacing in his voice, he leaned over. Levy brightened up and immediately started talking about the new information she had learned.
Of course, the door suddenly banged open. Bisca and Alzack came rushing in, Bisca had a panicked face and Alzack was carrying an injured man "This man needs help, where is Wendy!?" Everyone turned to the attention, pausing momentarily when Bisca snapped "Will you help me or what?!" A few Mages rushed to the couple and picked the man up and delivered him to the infirmary, where Bisca also went.
Alzack sighed with relief and sat down on the ground, too exhausted to even find a seat. Gajeel arched an eyebrow before walking to him, Levy was surprised by his sudden actions but followed. "What happened?" Gajeel gruffly asked.
Gajeel furrowed his eyebrows as he heard the low grunt Alzack emitted when he noticed the little things. Alzack's eyes were dull and lifeless, his mouth hung open, beads of sweat was dripping down his forehead, and then his expression became vibrant again "Hm? What?"
Gajeel narrowed his eyes but decided against it to comment "What happened during the mission? Who's the guy?"
Alzack's eyes widened in surprise before replying calmly "Well, there wasn't a mission. We just heard Master call our Communication Lacrima Ball and ordered us to come over to Fairy Tail at once, he said he would explain further later though. We found the guy while we were strolling around the forest, practicing some shooting. He was badly injured and stuff."
"Okay then...." Gajeel said smoothly and went back to his table. "Nee, Gajeel-kun, who do you think that guy is?" Levy inquired, tugging at his coat. "Dunno, maybe some useless merchant. Would explain why he's in a forest. Merchants are always at somewhere weird" Gajeel said in a bored manner, giving a careless look around the guild "Why don't you get back to researching? I sure do wanna kick some Raven Ass."
Levy sighed before flipping through pages, reading through them. Gajeel grinned, setting his eyes firmly on the infirmary door Something's relating to that "Merchant" Guy, and it might even relate to that Team Idiot's...
In the Infirmary
The injured man let out a groan as he was placed on the bed and Mira and Wendy immediately stopped chatting, Wendy jumped into help and placed her over his torso. A green glow enveloped her hands as the healing magic was transferred to the mysterious man's body. Mira furrowed her eyebrows with concern "Wendy, you're going to be using too much magic. You still need to recover some!"
"I-It's fine...." Wendy stuttered when the glow started flickering like a broken lamp. But a few moments later, the glow disappeared with Wendy panting "C-Can you help me then Mira-san?" Mira hesitated before nodding "What do you need?" "Bandages, ointment.......and...maybe stitches if you can find any in the infirmary..." Wendy replied with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.
Mira immediately went off to find the required materials.
"Um, sir? Are you awake?"
The Man groaned in response, stirring awake....or at least would it looked like to Wendy "W-Where am I?" Wendy sighed in relief but prevented the man from moving "Sir, you will be in a much more worse condition if you move...so please prevent yourself from moving. If you need any help you can ask me."
"Oh...alright. Who are you?"
Mira's ears perked at the voice, pausing from getting the materials in the closet. The voice was low but charming, every female in the guild would most likely swoon and chase after the man. It is definitely an opposite to everyone else's voice She shook her head and dumped the acquired item to the table sitting between the two beds.
"I'm Wendy! I have healing magic so I'll be taking care of you. You're at Fairy Tail....a guild?" Wendy said the last part awkwardly. The man blinked before nodding, his one strip of red hair falling between his eyes, the rest of his midnight hair stayed out. His red eyes gleamed with.....some emotion that Wendy didn't understand "What's your name?"
The man licked his lips, clearing his throat, he replied "My name...is Iratus. Say Missy, you don't perhaps know, who Lucy Heartfillia is right?"
Wendy's eyes widened "Eh? Oh! I mean, yes. Of course I know her, she's my kin!" She said proudly when she heard Mira say "Wendy-chan, you have to treat him." Wendy's face burned in embarrassment and immediately rushed "I-I'll be treating you now, I'm so sorry if it hurts." Iratus nodded.
He didn't make a single sound when Wendy rubbed the ointment on him. He didn't even hiss when Wendy wrapped the bandage too hard because of a loud yell that distracted her. "What's that?" Wendy asked to Mira when a loud yell boomed throughout the whole guild. "I'll check" Mira quickly went outside, disappearing from the infirmary.
"So Wendy, what's your relationship with Heartfillia?" Wendy blinked in surprise before smiling sheepishly "She's my kin, but she's like my mother and best friend in a way. Sorry but, how do you know her Iratus-san?"
"Oh!" Iratus flashed a bright smile "I bumped into her, she was a bright and nice girl. We hung out once before we promised to do something after the Grand Magic Game's ended" He replied smoothly. Wendy brightened up "I see! What did you guys promise to do?" I wonder why Lucy-nee didn't tell me though....
"Oh, that my friend..." Iratus winked and held a finger to his ruby lips "Is a secret."
"Oh..." Wendy smiled and hid the small hurt she felt "Well, you have to rest since you're hurt. If you don't mind, will you tell me how you got injured?" "Simple, there's been a mage roaming around in the woods. I couldn't fight back because of you know," He chuckled "I'm weak and I possess no such wonders the young ones have. So I got beaten until the lovely mages have came."
Suddenly Wendy felt her eyes lowering but she fought back, opening them wider each time "I see....." She stood silent as the drowsiness slowly took over. Then she felt warm hands caress her cheeks, she leaned into it before collapsing when arms wrapped around her "And I plan on saving you just like how I saved them.
Because isn't that how it's always is in the Magical World?" A raspy voice whispered to her ear.
Everything became black.
Meanwhile, outside the Infirmary
Laxus seethed through gritted teeth as he paced back and forth "What the fuck do I do........" He snarled at the air. Blondie's always getting into fucking problems, how the hell is that even possible?
Then he stopped, Why am I even worrying about her? Yea, she's not part of my problem...just a...mate He choked at the air and corrected himself Guildmate-guildmate. Ugh, damn Blondie, getting my word's mixed up. Your team is gonna kill me if they discover that I called you that....talking about her team...where are they?
He groaned and collapsed into a seat.
Right now in present time, he was thinking of strategies to get Raven Tail back. But clearly he was failing. So here he was, standi-Er, sitting, in his cabin, that was isolated. No visible civilization around, not even a path leading to his home.
And that was when a spirit suddenly appeared. Draco appearing with a sheepish grin, his hands folded in front of him. Laxus jumped and sparks started sparking off him "Who the hell are you? And how'd you get here?" "'Sup, you're.....uh, Laxus?" "Yea, I am. Doesn't explain anything." "Well, I'm Draco! Little Star's Spirit, do you mind if.....Lucy stays here?" "What?"
In a flash, Lucy appeared in Draco's arms, sleeping peacefully. Laxus's eyes widened and he immediately shot up, walking towards her "Ho-Yea, of course. Is she okay?" He demanded rather loudly. Draco winced and mentally cursed his heightened senses "Thanks!" Draco carefully laid her on the couch and glanced around quickly "You got a towel and a bowel?"
Laxus shot him a dirty look "Of course I don't have them." Draco ignored his sarcasm and ordered "Get them." Laxus opened his mouth to make a comment before shutting his mouth relucantly, he walked to the kitchen to get the material "Oh! And fill the bowl with water. And get a bucket." Laxus growled in annoyance.
He filled the bowl with water before walking towards the pair "What do you even need these for?" He asked as he placed the items down. "I thought you weren't stupid, Boy" Draco remarked without a thought as he soaked the towel in the water, he squeezed it momentarily before placing it gently on Lucy's forehead.
A vein popped on Laxus's forehead "What are you even doing here? And why is Lucy hurt?"
"Couldn't find anyone else's house to trespass, and little star's hurt because of....don't you know? Someone attacked her and her team!" Draco exclaimed surprised at Laxus's stupidity. "Tch, of course I know. The person who attacked her belongs to Raven Tail."
The pair sat in silence when Draco spoke quietly "How do you they belong to Raven Tail?" Laxus furrowed his eyebrows and recalled "Well, Gray said so. I have no reasons to not believe him either." "But you don't know, Gray could be lying to ya or he could be controlled." One eyebrow raised as Laxus stared in confusion at Draco Why is he questioning things? Does he know something?
"Why would he lie? Blondie's his teammate, he would want to know who attacked her....and defeated them."
Now it was Draco's turn to raise his eyebrow "Blondie?" "L-Lucy...." Laxus grumbled with annoyance "Who are you anyways?" Draco brightened up with excitement "I'm Little Star's Spirit! Draco, the Celestial Dragon." Then he quietly muttered "I already told you that though, is your brain that bad?"
Laxus ignored the jab at his intelligence and demanded "Why do you call Blondie "Little Star"?" Draco grinned "Why do you call Little Star "Blondie"?"
"I asked the question first!" Laxus said quickly, a smirk growing on his face. Draco sighed and scratched the back of his head "Why aren't you surprised? I said I'm a motha-flippin' dragon and you don't have the slightest reaction, kids these days. I call "Blondie" Little Star cuz she's my daughter!" He announced proudly.
Draco soon realized his mistake and stopped grinning, he looked over to Laxus to see his reaction was flabber-gasted.
Father=Celestial Dragon
Daughter=Celestial Dragon Slayer
Apparently Laxus wasn't stupid as Draco thought he was.
It wasn't fair that he had an immediate reaction to his daughter though
:D OOOOOOOOOOOO, DRACO SPILLED THE BEANS. <3 I finally decided to transition the story in a much more larger pace. Now, things are actually changed!!! I hope you enjoyed this chappie though :3 To whoever reads these small notes in the end (Probably No one) I hope you had a wonderful holiday ^^ btw, this chapter's name is probably the most creative one I've ever made xD
I hope You have a Wonderful Day/Night
Feel Free to Vote, Favorite, or Comment! Everything is appreciated and loved~
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