Picture of Rosalva Estimar, honestly it's really hard to find an actual picture of what you envision them. But this is the closest.
-Olivia Koepp
Dinner was like before, just no upchuck and the weird looks,.
After dinner, I shuffled to my room. We can't forget the several wrong turns I somehow managed to find it. I have no idea how I did, but I did it! That was an achievement in and of itself.
I plopped down on my bed and roll over onto my side and look at the clock that hangs on the wall and see that it is 6:45 P. M. Which means six hours and fifteen minutes left till Alysia comes to get me. So I close my eyes and roll over, my back to the clock and grab one of my pillows and hugged it and tried to take a quick nap.
I woke and turned over to look at the clock to see that I had around 40 minutes to pack my bag before Alysia arrived.
I had just sat up and my vision swam, small flashes of light circling my head when a knock came at my door and two seconds later the door open.
"Hey Celeste!" Rosalva said in her chitty chatter way. "I just wanted to bri—"
"At least someone's knocks, what do you need?" I ask not being really in charge of my brain thinking power nick nacks, which included not knowing that I had just interrupted Rosalva as she was talking to me.
"Oh, um I was just saying that I just wanted to bring you your tablet. It has a calendar on it, notes, reminders, and communications." She said, handing out a very thin tablet.
"Oh, sorry. Thanks." I said, my ears perking when I heard communications.
"I put Alysia's, Xavier's, Pippin's, Regila's, Captain Bos', and my contact information on here, so all you have to do when you have a question or need something is send us a message on here!" She said. "Also, Captain Bos and Regila's contact information are also on here. It is mainly for them to tell us when training time is."
I opened the tablet and scrolled through everything, trying to get a feel of it. It was some very funky technology. But very cool all at the same time.
"Yeah, so if you wear the black belt there is a magnet in the belt so when you put the tablet against it, the tablet will stick to it."
I hummed my "yeah" as I continued to play with it, trying to sneakily get her to leave quickly so I can pack.
"Anyway, so I will get going. If you have any questions feel free to message me on your new tablet. Soon there will be an order going out for food and supplies and clothing so start thinking about what- or if- you need anything. Sorry to drop by at this weird hour." Rosalva smiled and turned and walked out.
The door closed behind her and I tossed the tablet on the bed, and walked to the dresser to look for a backpack. I threw it across the room onto my bed and quickly changed into warmer clothes.
After I was dressed I threw in my underwear, leggings, the t-shirts, and the faded sheer flannel. I added two pairs of socks last minute into my backpack and I was good to go. I still had around twenty minutes left till Alysia would arrive. I really hope it's getting out of this hell hole and escaping. We could go home and visit our families and friends and try to get them to remember us!
I have gone through so much in the past 72 hours that I feel like spouting cliché crud is okay.
When Alysia finally arrived, she just opened the door and walked right in. With an extra friend.
I looked at Alysia and shifted my gaze to the other dude.
"Who is this?" I asked, my eyes unintentionally checking him out.
"This is William Vivere." Alysia introduced me. "He's been helping me plan this for months." Alysia grinned wickedly at me and I felt the unbearable urge to roll my eyes.
"Good." Said Alysia, "So let's get cracking."
Alysia went into extreme depths about what the master plan was for tonight, so to spare you the details I am just going to give you a crash course.
Alysia is going to disable the video and audio recording devices. After we've escaped and maybe punched a couple guards lights out, we would run through the woods and steal— sorry, borrow — one of Captain Bos' smaller boats he uses to coast around the island and go fishing.
It would be a long time till we hit a civilized island. We would be extremely lucky if we happened across a cruise ship or something that we could stow away on or something.
So Alysia and William had stocked up on food and their backpacks were filled up to the max. I offered to put some in my back because I had just clothes, but instead of putting some of the food in my bag, they stuffed some of their clothes in my bag for extra water bottles since we would be on a boat in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by undrinkable water.
I filled up my extra water bottle, sealed it tight and stuffed it into pack. Hoping that I had tightened it tight enough so that it would not leak all over our clothes and then we would be living with wet clothes that we would have to dry out.
Once Alysia finished giving the pep talk, we threw on our backpacks and were out the door. No noise being made except the almost silent shink of the door behind us.
We didn't encounter any trouble till we reached the garden. We were out in the wide open when William tripped over a loose stone and completely face planted. With his nose bleeding, he ran. Holding the collar of his shirt to his nose to try and stop the bleeding. We almost made it into the clear, just but a couple of guards spotted us. Shouted, and started chasing us.
We barely managed to shake them off in time to get to the gate off the campus, all we had to do now was somehow slip past the drowsy guards guarding the gate to the docks. I could smell the freedom! Or maybe it was just the fishy salt water smell.
The three of us hunched down on our knees as we ducked behind a big green bush.
"There are two guards." Said Alysia scanning our surroundings and voicing what we already knew.
"No duh, Sherlock." I scoffed.
"Why does it always have to be two? That is so weird, it's like its universal that there are always two guards . . ." Said William, mostly talking to himself.
"Yeah, well just be happy that there isn't more, and there are two more on the other side of the gate." Alysia snapped. "But I don't think they'll be here, they should be changing guards on the other side."
"'Should?'" I squeaked.
"Okay, on three. I am going to make small distraction. If they fall for it, good. If they don't, make a run for it and try to knock them out. No killing, because if we don't make it out. We will be experiencing hell." Alysia said stone faced, staring at the two guards at the gate.
William and I nodded.
"Three!" Alysia whispered and two mini explosions came right next to the guards. They yelped and drew their guns.
We made a run for the gate while the guards were temporarily blinded.
Alysia had just made it to the gate and pulled out a screen and her fingers started flying over the screen, but it was taking too long.
"Knock 'em out!" Alysia hissed, "This stupid screen isn't responding to me!"
I nodded and turned around. My mind was completely blank, I had no idea what to do. How am I going to knock these grown men out?!
Then I remembered that Nathaniel and Emily forced me to take a self defense class, I mentally slapped myself.
The guards had regained their bearings and were facing us, they had their guns out. Pointing at us. I am not gonna lie, I am scared as a chimpanzee in a zoo with other chimpanzee's throwing bananas at me.
I shook my head, snapping out of it and my five day training camp of self defense to make its way from the back of my brain.
The two guards advanced and I bounced on the balls of my feet, ready for the pressure points. When one guard got within arms reach I quickly grabbed his wrists pressure point then his elbows pressure point and then hit the back of his ear.
The man immediately collapsed and was out cold.
I looked over at William and he was just punching the other guards lights out.
"We are supposed to knock him unconscious, not potentially kill him!" I whispered loudly. "Check him!"
William rolled his eyes and checked for the man's pulse on his neck.
"Well, he's got a pulse. So we're fine." He said annoyance.
I rolled my eyes and looked down at my guard. He was starting to stir.
By the time he was waking up, dazed. Alysia had hacked into the system and the gates to the dock were sliding open.
"C'mon!" Hissed Alysia rather loudly and William and I trotted after her.
"Perfect, the other guards are not back here. Must be between shifts." Alysia whispered loud enough for us to hear here. "Just let me shut the gate and then the boat should be almost all the way at the end of the dock on the left." She said as she walked to a panel and took out another screen and began typing.
William and I jogged down to the end of the dock as the gates slid shut and Alysia quickly sprinted to catch up with us.
"It's up here, I'll lead the way." She said as she sped up slightly to show us the way.
We both slowed down when Alysia came to a stop in front of a nice center console boat with blue sides.
"Okay, let's get in then!" I said when Alysia didn't make any movement to get in the boat. "Come on! What're you doing? We gotta get outta here!" I hissed and grabbed Alysia's wrist and tugged her onto the boat. William and I jumped on and Alysia followed suit.
"Well, well, well . . . I knew you were up to something, Alysia. I just didn't think you would be in on it, you must be desperate." Said a voice behind us. We turned around and saw none other than Regila sitting at the steering wheel.
All three of us stared at Regila sitting there, perfectly calm.
"How did you know we were escaping?" said Alysia, her voice steady. "I have been planning this for months! I had everything calculated. I knew where all the audio and recording devices were set!"
"Honestly, did you really think you could escape without any of us knowing about it?" Regila asked sweetly.
"Honestly?" Said Alysia. "Yeah, yeah I did."
"I have seen a lot of my wards try to attempt an escape out of here, but I have never seen anything so cliché ever in my life. Course the boat was most definitely a cliché, but what else could you have stolen?" She hinted, giving us advice.
"The helicopter, but none of us know how to fly it." Snapped Alysia.
I bit my bottom lip so hard in frustration that I felt the tang of blood.
"Come with me." Regila said, getting up from behind the wheel.
"Well, it's just you here. Nobody else, we can easily take you and still escape." William snapped at her.
I glanced over at Alysia since she was the only one with the powers. I know how to defend myself but that can only take me so far.
I felt a static pulse fill the air and then Alysia pulled back both her arms to build up a big ball of energy form in her hands. She thrust both her hands out, wrists pressed together.
A big bolt of electricity burst from her hands. I shielded my eyes from the blinding white hot light with my arm and heard Regila yell something and everything became a bright blazing white and then everything went black.
Annddddd there it is! I hope this chapter is as good as I hope it is. *laughs nervously* And remember, if you have any suggestions, theories, or ANYTHING. Let me know below!
- Olivia Koepp
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