This is a picture of William! Try to envision him without the scar. XD
-Olivia Koepp
I woke up in a hospital bed yet again, I looked around. I was all by myself and I was hooked up to a large, beeping machine. I felt something on my nose. I had one of those nose pipe things.
I moved my head, looking around. I felt like someone had put me into a blender, remade me, and then put me into a blender again. Let's just say that it was not a very pleasant feeling. I moaned.
I heard the door click and the swish of it open. I looked down at the foot of my bed and saw a man in a white doctors coat enter in with one of those stethoscopes. "Good afternoon, Celeste." he said, he walked over to a table and grabbed a clipboard. He write a couple thing down. "How are you feeling?"
"Like someone chopped me up into a thousand pieces and then scattered me across the world and then somehow put me back together again and then repeated the process..." I groaned.
The doctor laughed, "I haven't heard that one yet." He said, resting his hand on his stomach and laughing more the more he thought about it.
I squinted, not really seeing what was so funny about it. "How long was I sleeping for?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Let's see... You have been sleeping for..." he checked his clipboard. "twenty-seven hours." He informed me.
"Twenty-seven hours!?" I lifted my head to look at him with more surprise and then flopped my head back down onto the pillow. Everything that happened to me hit me like a train.
"Xavier-" I asked.
The doctor cut me off. "He is okay, he overexerted himself by putting up that dome. But he will survive. He had a seizure from the sudden loss of energy and sleep deprivation." He said, pushing up his round glasses with his forefinger. He looked over at something and pressed something that made a beeping noise. I felt tired all over again.
I closed my eyes, "Good." I said. "Good..." And I drifted off back to sleep.
When I woke back up, I was starving. I also had a headache. I groaned and put my palm to my forehead.
"Celeste?" I heard a voice next to me. I turned my head and saw Pippen.
"Pippen?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes so I could see him clearly. "How is, how is Xavier?"
"He's fine, still a little bit out of sorts since he lost a lot of energy and still needs a ton of sleep. But I think he can fight it." He informed me. "This isn't his first rodeo."
"But he has never had a seizure right?" I asked, taking a hint.
Pippen hung his head in despair. "Is it that obvious?" He asked.
"Not really, but you also look really tired and look like you yourself could take a nap otherwise you might have a seizure." I laughed, which turned into a choking fit.
"I don't think that's how they work." Pippen laughed as he put his head in his hands and then ran his fingers through his brown, swept forward boy band hair.
"Hey." I said, reaching out and resting my hand on his shoulder.
Pippen tensed, but loosened up after a minute. I went to move my other hand onto my stomach, but I felt the IV needle in my arm. I shivered.
"Sorry, I felt the IV needle in my skin." I explained when he looked at me funny.
Pippen smiled weakly, Pippen put up his other hand and rested it on my hand on his shoulder.
I smiled, and repeated. "Everything is going to be okay." I smiled back at him, and Pippen hung his head. When he picked it back up he was smiling. He squeezed my hand.
"Hey, Celeste." I heard from the door.
It was Alysia. She stopped, looked at our hands, and laughed hysterically and backed up out of the room saying. "Oh you are never going to hear the end of this you two!" She taunted.
I rolled my eyes and looked back at Pippen, he slowly unwrapped his hands from mine.
"See ya around." He whispered, he stood up and did a two finger salute.
"You too." I smiled, resting my head back and relaxing. "Tell Xavier I would come if I could."
"Will do." He said as he walked out, quietly shutting the door behind him. He winked at me just before it closed.
I grinned and closed my eyes, slowly falling back asleep.
I heard the door open and close, the person was trying to be quiet but was failing. I heard them move next to me, and sit down. I turned over and saw a person with a male shape.
"Who's there?" I asked groggily/cautiously.
"It's me." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "Me who?"
"Oh, Pippen..." He answered sounding sheepish.
"Wha' you want?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. It was almost pitch black, there was a slight bluish tint, meaning that dawn was approaching.
"Oh..." I rolled over to my side, my back facing him, trying going back to sleep. "What do you want?" I asked, still groggy but not too bad. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, the doctor told me to leave the room so I came in here." He explained, I could not see his face. "He thinks I went to my room, but I can't leave the building because what if something goes wrong?" He asked, I guess he put his head in his hands because I heard smack like he just dropped his head into his hand or smacked himself. I turned over to my other side to try and look at him. "Is that it?" I asked.
He was quiet for a few seconds. "No..." He answered softly, I heard a sniff.
I felt a rush of heat go to my head, I had no idea what on earth to do, but I figured I would just go with it. What do you do when a guy starts tearing up?
"Sorry." He said, trying to not sniff. "Its just- its just, that this has never happened to Xavier. I don't know what to do."
I put out my hand and ignored the weird feeling of the needle moving, and rested it on his shoulder.
"He is going to be fine, I know it is scary to potentially lose a loved one or even possibly being the person who inflicted it upon the person." I said remembering Pippen making Xavier put up the dome.
He laughed. "And that is supposed to help me how?"
I furrowed my brow. "I do not know..." I admitted, "Forget it."
"Okay." He said.
"But anyway-" I began to give another 'nice speech' or something.
"Aha." He said, putting a finger to my lips. "I think I will just sit here." He said making himself comfortable in the chair.
"Whatever you need, I'll be your friend. If you need one." I whispered.
"Thanks, Celeste."
The doctor came in in the morning and I looked around, Pippen must have went back to his brothers room. I laid my head back on the pillow, smiling about last night.
"What is that smile about, little lady?" The Doctor asked, giving me a sly smirk.
"Nothing." I answered, trying to wipe the smile off of my face but sort of failing a little bit. So I changed the subject, "When can I leave?" Even if I got out of this room, it did not mean that I could actually go anywhere, I was stuck on this stupid island.
"Once I give you this shot and unhook you from the machine you can leave. But you will need someone at your side at all times." He pointed at me and shook his finger,scolding me.
"Yes, sir." I said, sitting up.
He took my IV out and injected me with a shot.
"There." He said putting a bandaid on the shot wound and patting my leg. "You are good to go once I find someone to escort you to your room."
"Great." I said swinging my legs over the bed.
The doctor left and I looked down at my hospital gown, my back felt cold. Then I remembered that all hospital gowns had that stupid hole in the back. I decided, stupidly, to not wait for someone to be in the room with me as I stood up for the first time in two days- or so. I grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders as I stood up. I felt a sudden tilt in the ground and swayed. I put my hand to my head. "Woah..."
"Celeste!" I heard a voice. "You are not supposed to stand till I say you can!" I turned and saw the doctor with Pippen behind him.
I rolled my eyes internally, "Oops?" The ground shifted again and I wobbled on my feet, almost falling over.
I felt an arm around my waist a split second later.
"You okay?" I heard Pippen ask. I nodded.
"Come on, let's get you to your room. Where are your shoes?" He asked, looking at my feet.
"By my night stand."
Pippen told me to hold on to the railing at the end of the bed and I did so. I slowly moved to sit in the chair to put my tennis shoes on. Once I was sitting down, I closed my eyes. The world still spinning.
Pippen handed me my shoes, as well as a pair of socks. I bent down to put the socks on, but as I did so all the blood rushed to my head and I almost passed out.
"Woah, there." Pippen said pushing me back into a sitting position. "I'll, um, put your socks and shoes on." He laughed.
Fortunately my feet weren't disgusting, I just had freakishly long toes that I was not too fond of. But hey, you can't have everything.
I will be honest, it felt weird to have someone else put on your socks and shoes. Like I was a little kid again, relying on my parents for everything.
When he was done he stood up quickly and slapped his thighs with the palms of his hands. "Okay." he said loudly. "Let's go." He helped me stand up.
"Thanks doctor, er..." I said, as we turned to him I realised I did not know his name.
"Bones. Doctor Bones." He said, smiling. The wrinkles around his eyes deeping as he smiled and chuckled.
I cracked a tired smile. "Thanks Doctor Bones."
"No problem," He winked. "See ya next time."
I furrowed my brow as Pippen and I walked out of the room and building together, the blanket clutched tightly around my shoulders.
"Why did he say "See ya next time?"" I asked Pippen.
"Oh, he knows that will not be your only time in the hospital." He laughed. "You have already been in there two other times in the past week." He pointed out.
I laughed. "I guess so."
We made it to my room and Pippen got all awkward when it was just him and me in my room- alone... It was quite funny actually. He always struck me as the kind of person to be super smooth, with his leather jacket and whatever V-necked T-shirt on, and with his hair in that purposefully messy hair.
I ended up changing into a pair of grey leggings and a grey sweater, both from the supplied clothes in the dresser. The sweater was not actually too bad, their clothes were the clothes I normally wore anyways. When I came back out of the bathroom, my dizzy spell had come and gone on the walk to my room so I was fine to walk by myself now, even if I did sway every-now-and-then. I just had to be careful not to lock my knees like I normally do when I stand up.
We found a deck of cards and were sitting on my bed playing a game of war. It was beginning to take forever to play this simple game. But we had fun, the more we talked the less awkward it felt and the more we were fine with just silence.
We had been there for hours, when Alysia walked in.
"Come on, Alysia." I complained, putting down my depleting stack of cards. "What have we been talking about?!" I rolled my eyes at her and put down an Ace. I took Pippen's Jack.
"Knocking." She growled, "But I want to talk to you."
"What is so important that you need to not knock?" I retorted.
"Regila wants to see you." She said in flat tone of voice.
"You still could have knocked." I pointed out, starting to get really annoyed about this whole door not locking thing. "Can this door not lock?"
"No-" Alysia began.
"Yes, it can." Pippen interrupted Alysia.
I whipped around. "It can?"
Pippen got up from my bed and played around on the little white box till in the bottom right was a black little button. "Now, all you have to do is press it and it locks. It will turn red if you lock it." He said, pressing the button. It turned red.
"Sweet!" I said, "Thanks, Pippen."
"Just call me Pip." He said, giving me a wink.
Alysia made a gagging sound behind us, I turned around and gave her a death stare. "What is it that Regila needs?"
"She needs you to report to her about what happened during your transformation, so she can understand what happens." She explained. "Because someones report was not filled out all of the way."
"Hey, my twin brother has been out of it since yesterday. He can't really even talk!" Pippen said, his face getting red and his eyes flashing red as well.
"Woah..." I said, putting my hand on his bicep. I blinked back my surprise at how muscular it was. Not that it should surprise me, he works out every day because here they make everyone work out every single day. "Calm down you two. Alysia and I will go and report to Regila."
I cut him off. "I will be back later, and we can finish our game then." I said, trying to get him to not say anything else.
His shoulders dropped. "Okay."
"I will give you a text with my fancy tablet." I said, picking it up from the little stool next to the door. I belted it to my leggings waistband, though it did not really work. But whatever
"Okay. See ya soon then!" We exited my room, he went left and we went right.
"You two seem to be getting to know each other." Alysia said, smirking.
"Yeah, so?" I asked, unintentionally picking up my pace.
"How the heck did you even get him to drop the subject like that? No one, barely even Xavier, can get him to drop a subject." Alysia said.
"And your point is?" I asked, waiting for her to just say it.
"I think he likes you." She said it.
"Pfft... No, I think of him as a friend!" I shot back, speaking the truth.
"Re-eally... You're not remotely attracted towards 'Pip?'"
I groaned, "Maybe a little! I bet you are too!"
"Okay, maybe a little. But that doesn't change anything!"
"What happened to the Alysia I met?" I laughed, when she started goofing off.
"Oh, don't worry. She is still here, I am just getting excited about you two! Who knows how many rumors I can spread." She tapped the side of her nose.
"Ugh! We aren't a thing!"
Why on earth do you need to blackmail me?
Did you forget I can hear your thoughts, loser?
I clenched my fists at my sides. The excitement over being able to hear her thoughts quickly ebbing away.
"Let's just get to Regilas office, quickly." I suggested, starting to get annoyed with Alysia. Almost as much as Rosalva. But at least Alysia is not an optimist.
When we made it to Regila's office for the second time in the week I had been here, the door swished open and there sat Regila.
"Good morning, girls." She said. "You know why I called you here right?" She clarified.
We both said, "Yes, ma'am." In unison.
"Good, then we don't have to waste any time explaining, so we can just jump right into it!" Regila said, her slight spanish accent cresting when she made her voice go higher. "I am going to get you to recount exactly what happened to you starting from entering into the building." She said, waving her hand at me to imply that I was going to start.
I began describing everything that had happened since walking into the workout facility, everything except for the whole thought reading thing. I went on to talk about meeting Xavier and Pippen in the room and then doing the object drawn to test thingy, and then going into a room and trying to make a pebble rise. I then told her about how I called the guard in and the Xavier and Pippen basically dragged me to a larger room and I did my little "transformation" and Xavier throwing up the ice dome and collapsing and having a seizure.
"Can you tell me what you felt exactly what it felt like when you began to undergo your transformation?" Regila asked me when I had finished talking.
I told her how it felt like ants crawling all over my body, inside and outside.
Regila took a pen and clicked it open and started scribbling things down furiously, asking me occasional questions every-now-and-then. When she was done, she closed the notebook with the notebook paper. We both took a seat while she spent about ten minutes writing things down on another notebook.
When she had finally finished, she looked up and clicked the pen closed and put it back in its coffee mug pencil holder.
"Okay, I just need to bring this in to Doctor Bones and so he can take a look at it and tell me when you can begin your live training exercise.
I blinked. "What do you mean 'live training exercise?'"
"You and a couple more people chosen will be traveling to the top of the volcanic mountain to do a high altitude exercise, as well as some rock climbing exercises all using your powers mainly." Regila explained to us, as she looked back down and started scribbling some more stuff on her notebook super crazy fast.
"So when will we be doing this exercise." I asked.
"Once Xavier is well enough to lead a training exercise." She said. "Because I know Pippen will not have the self control to lead one all by himself."
I nodded. "How is Xavier, by the way?" I asked.
"He is doing fine, he lost a lot of energy when he made that dome. And doing it while you were in your transformation as not a very good call." She explained. [use different words. Gosh Olivia!] "His elemental balance has been thrown off slightly so it may be a while till he is ready to lead a group."
"That's good." I said, talking about Xavier doing fine.
"How long will we have to wait till we go?" Alysia asked, never the one for being soft and polite. Just going full out for it.
"Maybe a week or two..." She said, her face taunt. Trying not to show any emotion.
"Okay, cool." She said, with apparently completely no regard for Xaviers well- being. Well, aren't you a splendid, considering person? I thought in my head, and trying to poke a needle in Alysia's skin. She ignored me.
I inwardly smacked her across the face. Her whole "not-caring-about-anyone-or-anything" was beginning to get on my nerves.
Regila's face was taunt as well, also probably thinking the same exact thing I was. "Okay, you two." She said after a minute. "You are free to go back to whatever it was that you were doing." She waved her hand for us to leave.
"Thanks." I said standing up and putting my hand on the white box for it to open. When it beeped red, I felt my face grow hot.
"I got it." Alysia said, putting her hand on it and it lit up.
I walked out in silence, it did have a certain level of importance to be able to put my hand on that white box and for it to open. And now that that door didn't work, I felt weird on the inside. I went back to my room and Pippen was still there, just sitting on my bed waiting for me to get back.
Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think about Pippen and Celeste's relationship. I'm trying to keep it like brother/sister-ish... tell me if I'm failing. Haha! Don't forget to comment below and vote!
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