Joel Dommett- Letters (h)
----- Joel's P.O.V -----
This experience definitely hadn't been what I was expecting, well of course there was some aspects that I anticipated but it had been so much harder than I ever thought it would be.
One of the things that surprised me the most was how close our whole camp had become.
I through that it would be hard to live with people I'd never met before, especially in the jungle, but everyone had become like my second family.
The hardest thing about all of it was being away from my family – I rarely went more than a day without talking to my Mum in some way, and I lived with my girlfriend Y/N so not seeing her was rough.
My relationship with Y/N had been going for seven years, but we were approaching eight years together just after I got out of the jungle – which wasn't happening just yet.
We had just been told that it was time for us remaining campmates to receive our letters from home.
They had all been handed out, and Wayne was looking at me with a smile on his face.
I decided to go first, reading out Adam's letter that was from his fiancé Caroline; the letter was so sweet, and it made it obvious just how much Adam was loved and us here in camp loved him a lot as well.
Wayne raised his hand to signal that he wanted to go next, and he looked over at me again "I've got yours mate" he told me.
I nodded in acknowledgement "Let's hear it then" I jokingly spoke.
He smiled at me and opened up the letter "Dear Joel, let me start things off by telling you how proud all of us are of you" he started to read it out loud, to the rest of the camp.
I couldn't help but smile at the letter, as I knew Y/N had written it so it meant so much to hear something from her.
Scarlett reached out to hold my hand in a friendly way "I cannot explain how much I miss you" Wayne continued to read my letter "It's so strange not having you here. I actually miss your snoring in the early hours of the morning, which I thought I would never say" the words that Wayne read out caused everyone to laugh.
Adam looked over at me with a smirk on his face "So you do snore!" he exclaimed, making everyone laugh again but I just rolled my eyes.
"I promise you that I will be there at the bridge waiting for you, whenever that may be" Wayne read out, what seemed to be, the last part of the letter "All my love, Y/N. P.S – turn the paper over, there's a surprise" Wayne turned the paper over once he had finished reading.
He handed me a small envelope, along with the letter, "What is it?" Scarlett questioned, excitement and curiosity in her voice.
"He'll know once he opens it" Adam quipped back, making all of us laugh.
I opened the envelope and pulled out a photo; when I looked at it, I felt my eyes filling with tears – she had sent me her ultrasound photo.
Scarlett gently took it out of my hands, gasping when she realised what it was, "You're gonna be a Dad" she confirmed for the whole of the camp what it was, whilst she smiled at me.
As soon as those words left her mouth, the whole camp erupted into cheers.
Adam ran over and pulled me into a hug "You better marry that girl soon"
Written by Hannah.
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